#the only good thing about this site is the aestheitc posts and wholesome posts. and the rare actually informative post
snekdood ยท 1 year
Given how toxic this website is and the people on it... And how proud they seem to be about being toxic... Its like. Why should i stay on here? Whats the benefit? Yall constantly have this vibe about you that if you're not part of the Special Good Person Tumblr Circle then you're missing out in spite of it being nearly impossible to get in or stay in such a clique. I dont know why i put so much value on this website outside of it sometimes being usefully educational, but mostly its just drama and discourse ppl are arguing over that doesnt meaningfully do anything in the real world since its discourse about a distant world and reality we dont even live in rn. And the people on here are just absolutely rancid sometimes. Its so obvious plenty of yall demonize therapy, given the way you act. And you act like thats a good thing too, like you're supposedly rebelling bc you make people feel uncomfortable or think you're a dickhead, which i guess is worth it?? Idk. But this websites bad and i think im finally becoming disillusioned with it, bc in spite of people pretending theres some sort of special knowledge you can only find on here, i cant seem to find anything special or unique about it, you're not all somehow more woke than other ppl because you use tumblr, other people are not somehow less progressive bc they dont spend time on tumblr reading niche shit abt shit that hardly effects anyone. Im so tired of ppls superiority complexes and narcissistic attitudes on heres. Its exhausting and none of the ppl described seems to want to be self aware enough to recongize when theyre doing it and stop. I dont know how you're supposed to deal with someone whos so toxic and embraces it and finds some way to rationalize why its okay for them to be toxic, idk, bc of their trauma or whatever. And thats not a fucking excuse. I dont fucking care what you went through its not an excuse. This is just a genuinely miserable ass website with miserable ass people on it.
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