#the only free handed part was the baphomet’s horns LOL
thrashz · 3 months
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Some kitbash mobile suit drawings! These two are called the Baphomet and the Galgallin!
List of the used mobile suits in the cut!
Head: Grimgerde (ibo)
Neck + feet : Michaelis (gwitch)
Shoulders: Schwarzette (g witch)
Arms + lower horns: Schwalbe Graze (ibo)
Hands: Barbatos Lupex Rex (ibo)
Chest sides: Aerial Rebuild (gwitch)
Chest middle + abdomen: Infinite Justice Gundam (SEED Destiny)
Waist + legs: Calibarn (gwitch)
Tail: Ghiraga Custom (AGE)
Head: Thielva (AGE)
Halo: Schwarzette (gwitch)
Neck + chest: Calibarn (gwitch)
Shoulders: Lfrith Pre-Production Model (gwitch)
Arms + hands: Gundam F90 (Gundam F90 manga)
Lower abdomen + upper legs: Gundam 00 Shia Quan[T] (Gundam Build Fighters Try: Island Wars)
Waist: Jesta (Unicorn)
Lower legs + feet: Ninpulse Gundam (Gundam Build Fighters: GM’s Counterattack)
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