#the nichest poll ever
flecks-of-stardust · 4 months
an excuse to talk about my lot. short descriptions of the main 8 below the cut:
(nick)names listed in order of where they show up in the poll
innocence: main character, can't let go of the past but can't face the future either. wracked by grief and guilt, has zero idea of what they're doing at any given moment. generally quiet and scared, but very caring and surprisingly vicious when threatened
des: bright and bubbly and generally the emotional one of the lot. bold, confident, extremely affectionate, maybe a little too dependent on his friends. did not take silver's death well and it haunts everything she's done since then
night: cool, calm, level headed, sometimes overly rational. caring but serious, generally the last to speak but the quickest to bring good, concrete ideas to the table. it prefers not to think about the past unless strictly necessary
silver: a ghost of the past. cheerful and gentle, very curious about everything, sometimes to his own detriment. not very outspoken, but a good listener. a paragon of joy and light, now extinguished
prayer: cheeky and excitable, constantly laughing about one thing or another. playful and adoring, but sometimes struggles to shift back to being more serious when needed. took silver's death poorly
grace: stubborn and a little grouchy, but means well and would give everything for those he cares about. a bit sharp and rough around the edges, and a bit too blunt, but never in ways that are intended to be cruel. took silver's death poorly
moth: the most sidelined of the crew, and the oldest. calm, but not as serious as night. soft spoken but firm when needed. cares deeply for sair senior, and spends most of sair time worrying about them. took silver's death and the subsequent fallout poorly
day: would have been innocence's senior, is more like innocence's precursor. wise and respected, softly adored many things about the world she was delivered into. graciously accepted her own end, but fought as fiercely as she could for innocence's personhood. has never stopped loving innocence
also for 'non-OC iterator' i'm generally referring to the rest of innocence's local group and suns and shit. canon iterators i guess? also good luck picking a side character lmao i so rarely talk about those
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