#the merlin au is another one that'd probably benefit from me rethinking it as a series instead of a single story w/chapters
kitkatt0430 · 2 years
For the tag game, I'd love to hear about Pi-Day and the Merlin AU! (~blueelvewithwings)
Pi-Day is a season 3 AU focusing primarily on Hartley and HR. Not really sure if it's a friend fic or a ship fic for the two, but the main plot is that Hartley intervenes when HR and Harry are both kind of jerks to each other (admittedly Harry more than HR, but HR had a few sly digs of his own in there too) during the Gorrilla Invasion 2 parter. Deciding to cheer HR up, Hartley introduces HR to the holiday of Pi-Day. They decorate STAR Labs together, to the rest of Team Flash's amused exasperation, and bake a ridiculous amount of pies (which Barry and Wally certainly appreciate). It's just meant to be a really cute little story.
Merlin AU is a story where Arthur is kidnapped by bandits and sold into a gladiator ring that uses magic bracelets to keep the combatants in check. Lucky for him, however, another one of the captives is just about ready to break free and start a little revolution. But Arthur isn't exactly thrilled about having to trust someone with magic.
Arthur Pendragon was the Crown Prince of Camelot, Heir to King Uther, Champion to the King, Knight of the Realm… and several other fancy sounding titles that he couldn’t really think of because he was concussed. Again.
Arthur's introduction is right as he's being sold to the people running the gladiator ring and he's not having a good time. For one thing, the bandits who captured him definitely aren't getting their money's worth out of him, which is just insulting. :D
Merlin's already down in the dungeons and he's got a plan. Sort of. The plan might involve shouting at Gwaine a lot.
“Well,” the man shrugged, “they’re supposed to inhibit magic too, so that his captive sorcerers can only use their powers in the arena. But…” the man’s eyes glowed gold and the cuff on his right hand turned red for a moment. Then his eyes were normal again and he cursed under his breath in frustration. “Let’s just say Breman isn’t actually prepared to hold a Sorcerer of my power and, much like with a locked door, I should be able to brute force these stupid things off, eventually, and get the hell out of here.” His eyes glowed again and, this time, when the cuff glowed red it popped open, rolling onto the floor.
“Three hours,” the Sorcerer muttered. “One cuff. Gwaine had better damn well be grateful for this when I find him.”
Arthur isn't anti-magic here for reasons having to do mostly with Morgana. They get to have a mostly healthy sibling relationship here though she probably won't show up until the end, if at all. But he's understandably concerned that any random sorcerers he runs into are going to want to kill Uther's son in retaliation for how he's been treating magic users. So there's going to be some aliases involved, Arthur gaining some allies outside of Camelot that he was not expecting, and eventually he does go back home to reassure his father he's not dead so that Uther doesn't do anything like... start a war or alienate the neighboring kingdoms or whatever.
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