#the mandalorian episode 5
I love the contrast between the two petitons for help for Navarro, Din's earnest plea for aid that may help the covert grow and move forward being accepted vs Teva's equally earnest plea that the New Republic not ignore the rise of the empire being smothered by red tape; Vizla standing up and agreeing with Din vs Kane sliding in to ensure no action is taken; taking up arms in the name of a brighter future vs indifference
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omaano · 1 year
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“You’ve come for your turn early,” the stranger says, turning to look at Boba as if Gregor does not exist. Gregor flashes Boba a grin, all too-sharp teeth, as the stranger steps away, shaking off the attractive glamour as if it’s nothing. Gregor seems as delighted as Boba is troubled to realise that their would-be customer is more cunning than he seems.
Mereel & Family Booksellers by binz, shiplizard
Allow me to recommend one more awesome Bobadin fic - since @sidhebeingbrand and @toughbreaks were kind enough to let me illustrate their fic for my "Jaster lives" square for @bobadinweek's Bobadin AU bingo card... with a bit of cheating - my love for which only grows and grows with time (and trust me, it does get better with every re-read! ). Fantastic and delightful world building with Victorian era and fae magic, and beautifully written characters where every single one of them vibrate with life. (Boba gets to suffer his 99 siblings, Jango is forced through some emotional catharsis kicking and screaming, and Din is trying his best to be a dad of a fae child. It's just the best, okay?) I'll eventually want to make one more drawing for chapter 2, I just realized during my latest re-read that I imagined the whole scene wrong ^^;
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Some theories based on the end of episode 5:
1) The Mandalorians are being framed by someone who has access to beskar. By who and for what reason, I don’t know. Possible candidate: Admiral Thrawn?
2) Sabine Wren freed Moff Gideon for reasons unknown.
3) Someone is trying to set up Bo-Katan. Based on how this season is going, I don’t think Bo’s the villain here, especially since she’s the one who saw the Mythosaur.
4) Darth Maul did it because he wants the Darksaber back.
5) Paz Viszla betrayed the people (this could relate back to point 3).
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merrysithmas · 1 year
the armorer: eh bo you can take your helmet off babe. youve been with us for half a week. youve walked both ways 🙌
bo: 🫡
din, who has devoted his entire life to the clan and is an ardent believer, who sacrificed his own soul for Grogu and removed his helmet to save an innocent life while condemning himself, and then was sent on a 'two years' long suicide mission to redeem himself in the destroyed Living Waters on an allegedly radioactive planet: ...k 🧍🏽‍♂️
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starnerd1 · 1 year
Status: *hyperventilating*
guys, I'm in such a state from the Mando episode. I've go so many feelings. DinBo. Paz. Sus armoror. Vader-esque Gideon.
Heading on a long plane tripe. Going to write so much stuff.
Keep the gifs flowing!
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ravenalla · 1 year
If I remember correctly somewhere it was stated that Pedro was the one who suggested that Din show his face to Grogu at the end of season 2, which I know was a little rushed but still was such an emotional high point that the series naturally seemed like it was always building to. I don’t know if that’s true or not but if it is I think it would kind of show Dave and Jon’s increasing lack of care with Din’s character journey in favor just mainly using him to blow up ships or monsters pew pew with the next clone wars character of the week that’ll be used for another show lol
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hyrules-warrior · 1 year
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Why is his head wet? Did he retake the creed too in a cut scene or something??
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duniabungaseroja · 1 year
I think the mythosaur is the key for the armorer to believe about the "both ways" bcause it's bo who saw the mythosaur (not from the armorer's "devoted" covert) so she tought both ways must be blessed, not only hers as what she tought before..
This is the way..
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cobbssecondbelt · 1 year
I know we are all worried about the pacing of this season's plot, but let's not forget the past two seasons weren't much different.
The "real action" always started only towards the sixth episode (with Greef's holocall in s1 and Grogu's kidnapping in s2). Before that, we had a general idea of what the quest was, but the stakes weren't too high. Heck, the main antagonist of the show was only introduced in the seventh episode of season 1. The first half of a season usually takes its time with side quests and little hints and installements and then it really delivers in the last 3 episodes.
So yeah, season 3 feels like it's dragging a little bit and the plot sure is less clear than in the precedent seasons, but it's not exactly a huge change from what we've seen in the past.
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gremlinbehaviour · 1 year
Call me old fashioned but I think the baby yoda and his dad show should focus on baby yoda and his dad not random new republic officials and bo katan
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Carson Teva is singlehandedly protecting the entire Outer Rim
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I feel like May the 4th is the day to watch all the fun me exciting Star Wars moments you love and revenge of the 5th is the day to watch the angstiest must hurtful Star Wars moments you love
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ragnarssons · 1 year
so. incoherent train of thoughts on this episode, and the whole season in general so far.
- i guess i can now say that, given there’s only two episodes left, we can say how much of the season went. i know the two final episodes will supposedly tie to knot on the significance of this season buuuuut~
- first of all, i don’t want din djarin to become leader of mandalore. yknow, reflecting on satine’s role, on bo katan sitting on her throne all day and all, politicking (seems like a general thing, like look at padme on sw1 uuuugh b o r i n g), blah blah blah separatists and bowing down to people like ~~these people on this episode, i’m like NO THANKS. i don’t want that as the s4 mandalorian plot, no no no. din djarin deserves way better. so i’m okay with him embracing NONE of the symbolics of becoming the leader of mandalore, and truly walking through this season showing no sign whatsoever of wanting to seize or keep any power for himself. good on you din, you just know you want a good life for your son, so i’m actually okay with that.
- but then the other option is bo katan and??? NO???! i’m sorry, the mandalorian is co-written by DAVE FILONI yknow, the dude who wrote the clone war and rebels... ARE WE SUPPOSED TO IGNORE EVERYTHING HE WROTE ABOUT BO KATAN KRYZE ON THESE SHOWS? because if anything, these shows are like! “/!\ /!\ HELL NAH HELL NAH HELL NAH, don’t support bo katan kryze becoming the leader of mandalore!!! NOPE!!! /!\” so why is the mandalorian out there, expecting me to root for her? because she spent some off-screen time sulking about her fleet being gone? because she saved din djarin from a robot?? is that all it takes to “redeem” a character like bo katan kryze?? HUH? also, no mention of satine? of maul? of death watch literally WITH BO KATAN KRYZE leading some kind of coup against bo katan’s own sister, thus leading A SITH to seize power on mandalore???? HELLO? maul, whom OBI WAN defeated, and not even bo katan herself?? a dark saber that sabine wren won for bo katan and not bo katan herself??  and now you have din djarin winning the darksaber for her and being like “wELL TECHNICALLY-” because a robot attacked him by surprise and bo katan came to his rescue?? like i’m sorry, so then the darksaber should belong to grogu because without grogu, bo katan wouldn’t even have come like, mental gymnastic can lead you all kinds of places.
i’m sorry, i guess i could be like “okay bo katan might be able to do better” because it’s been years, she’s aged, she’s fought against the empire and all... but MAKE IT A BETTER STORY YKNOW?
because i’m sorry, but all the “awesome bo leading moments” were actually din leading or even more, the mandalorians acting TOGETHER, and somehow bo katan getting the credit for it. like, ALL the children of the watch decided to go chasing that dragon-vulture thing that snatched paz’s kid. ALL the children of the watch decided to go and help nevarro, and not because of bo katan but because of din djarin and paz vizsla. her seeing the mythosaur only happened because of din djarin. sooooooooooooo??? *shrugs* still not convinced in bo katan, especially since she didn’t even fight for the darksaber?? AGAIN???
so if the writing expects me to forget everything that came before and cheer and clap for bo katan, even tho she still does the bare minimum and yet again, never truly won ANY of her “leadership gold points” well... NO?! so i guess i’ll never be fullfilled on that one.
- but if the writing plans to go and see it as actually not bo katan really winning leadership points because there are glaring similarities between this supposed “new page” of her story, and her own past, then, maybe speed the process up?? because there are only two episodes left and so far it’s just “oh wow look at bo katan, how good of a leader she is!!!”... WE ALREADY KNOW SHE IS NOT. we’ve known since the two animated shows DAVE FILONI WROTE!! DAVE?? DO YOU REMEMBER?? DAVE??? WHERE ARE YOU???
(me capslocking is me being frustrated tbh)
- anyway. as for the rest of the show, each episode cements to me that this season will probably end on a cliffhanger, and since jon favreau even said that he was writing s4 while shooting s3, my guess is that somehow the two seasons are gonna work together to create this whole arc... which would be endearing if WE DIDN’T HAVE TO WAIT 3 YEARS BETWEEN EACH SEASON. like i’m sorry, i know production, and at least the show looks pretty and all, buuuut, THREE YEARS, yknow. THREE YEARS for 9 EPISODES! it’ll make this season feel like a waste of time if they truly built a structure like that for s3 and s4, because then nothing will be solved on s3, while you know, we have unnecessary episodes, like 3 (maybe more) monsters of the week this season. it’s really weird this sensation that, yes, the episodes do serve the main storyline and all, but somehow, they also feel like a waste of time?? at least this one did for me. i’d say it’s misplaced in the season, should have been sooner, but then there is the mandalore thing that can’t be sooner but... TWO EPISODES LEFT YKNOW. idk. *shrugs* i’m at this place where i don’t know what to feel anymore.
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bleakbluejay · 1 year
i understand the like... being upset at the fact most of the episode wasnt about din and grogu. he's my comfort character, too. i get it.
but. like. the episode wasn't bad. it was weird. really weird. completely different tone. but it wasn't bad.
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spicysucculentz · 1 year
I hate hate HATE the trend of these fucking streaming shows being like 8 episodes long… where’s the time for character development?? where’s the time for worldbuilding??? Everything is rushed and shallow! Give me more fucking episodes you cowards
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leheckajiri · 1 year
i just know paz vizsla was giggling to himself when he changed up in the middle of his speech to the other mandalorians...he thought he was so quirky pulling a bait and switch huh
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