#the livestream hasn't even started but i feel all teary already
Thinking about Unus Annus...
Even though I’m sad to see the channel die, it’s been a wild ride. And although I’ll miss seeing daily vids and people’s speculations or art and memes and stuff, I think it’s comforting to know that even as the channel passes on, we’ll still have each other and the memories. 
And like, even as the inner me who values preservation and history is screaming inside, I think it’s been a great year spent rearranging some values. Nothing is permanent, which still scares me tbh, but just being part of the experience to emphasize the importance of just taking in things, cherishing it, and then letting go is something I want to try and carry on past Unus Anus.
So although I guess I’m feeling deep melancholy right now (I guess is the best way to describe my feelings???), I look forward to the day where it’s replaced with fond memories of chanting ‘Unus Anus’ with my sister for fun during this journey and feeling intense nostalgia over that specific clock ticking sound effect.
So to all those involved with making Unus Annus: thanks for all the fun and chaotic times. And thanks for doing this and inspiring me to go further beyond. There’s so much that I use to hold myself back from exploring and creating or doing things, thinking that I’ll have more time later, but time is always moving forward and I can’t let it pass me by anymore. I hope you guys feel liberated from the strain of churning out daily videos (lol) but also a deep satisfaction coming out of this project knowing that it really did mean something to all of us.
Today is the final day.
I will most definitely cry and just want to let everyone in the community know I love you guys and your insane passion too.
Memento Mori. Unus Annus.
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