#the kotfe/et struggle is real
avame · 1 year
just get through one more chapter just get through one more chapter just get through one
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crqstalite · 5 years
outlander headcanons!
primarily for my outlanders (yes, i cracked and boosted khaak to 60), but here we go.
nightmares? like, force sensitive or not, they struggle a lot to figure what’s real and what isn’t. dreams are VERY vivid as an outlander, and more often than not, are omens to future events. if they even have time to sleep, they definitely struggle with going to sleep because of it, or staying asleep because of it.
stressed af. once they become commander, the outlander (especially if they aren’t a jk -a battlemaster-, a jc -an ambassador-, a trooper -a colonel at this point- or a warrior -a whole faction’s wrath) is absolutely screwed trying to finish everything themselves. the specialists help out a lot and theron and lana are godsends, but we seem to forget that this is all on the outlander. this is still all their job, and they aren’t just a figurehead. caf can’t fix this. 
being unfit for the job? really mostly for the force blind classes (quizzy and trooper being included here). it’s been mentioned by multiple people knights was meant for the knight, and if not also extended to the consular and warrior. but a bounty hunter? a smuggler? a trooper? an agent? someone who only knows their daily need for more money just to make a living? someone who hasn’t ever had to lead more that a specforce platoon? someone who works in the shadows instead of broad daylight? being the outlander isn’t meant for these classes, but getting stuck here can be absolutely hell for them without understanding half the things that are being said around them. revan? the emperor? force possession?
ziost? yavin iv? two planets where you basically need a grasp on the force to even really survive the hellish scape for a city planet turned warzone, or the jungles of ghosts and other force creatures?
morality? as mentioned above, most classes know they’re clear cut. they know right or wrong (and do by it as they please), but no longer held in place by the code five years later (if they choose so) or by their faction, what do they do? they don’t get praised anymore for being so pure, no military badges. do they sacrifice a patrol squad for a friend or lover now? is it worth killing someone who tresspassed or betrayed them? now that there is no light or dark, there is no more the empire’s right or the republic’s wrong, what do they do with all that pent up discrimination?
paranoia? after five years of being in carbonite no less, the outlander probably struggles a lot wondering who’s here to kill them, and who’s here to save them. especially after umbara, they tighten their defenses and their hearts, possibly bunkering down for days at a time or taking out their anger on others because of it.
phantom pains? being trapped in carbonite, even after lana’s cure, still pained them so bad they eventually would have phantom pains of lurking injuries from that time. more along the time they’re on zakuul running from vaylin, but it could progress from arcann’s stab wound, or their fight with other zakuulan enemies.
new faces? as much as they see lana in the first few months i predict chapters 1-9 took, their second familiar face is vaylin, and she’s trying to murder them. koth becomes friendly enough (if you decide not to be an ass and kill zakuulans left and right), but the third is theron, but they don’t see him until months, maybe years later. as mentioned above, there’s a small freakout that definitely happened here, especially if their love interest was part of the vanilla crew or theron. every single face is new to them, and who knows if they’re trying to kill you or they’re sympathetic to you?
cross-faction allying? if a warrior chose to ally with the republic because they’ve been cast out of the empire, or the knight chooses the empire because they feel more in tune with themselves there, there’s a lot of underlying trust issues in-between both parties. not everyone is pleased, the republic deserters are happy to go back home, but the imperials are disgusted (but begrudgingly work with them). the republic deserters are disappointed with working for those who sacked coruscant, and the imperials are happy to return home. the outlander struggles with making everyone happy, which can leave longtime effects on them. do they ally with the republic to keep lover!theron happy at the risk of angering lana? do they ally with the empire to keep lover!lana agreeable at the risk of theron leaking their secrets to the sis?
self-care? unless they’re really self-indulgent, the outlander just doesn’t have time for self-care. they, lana and theron probably have all-nighters together just to keep everything up and running. they haven’t eaten in days, caf is in their bloodstream now, and they can barely hold their head up, much less keep their bloodshot eyes open. for all the right reasons, the outlander is probably the unhealthiest person in the alliance. and keep in mind what starvation, malnutrition and sleep-deprivation can do to someone, especially if you exercise a lot (as we see our sprinting outlander do everywhere; hint, brain function drops dramatically)
depression? seperation anxiety? social withdrawal? the outlander probably experiences that all and more. after being told that five years have passed, and their crew hasn’t been found yet, and a whole empire is out to get them? there’s no way that isn’t traumatic enough to have a profound psychological effect on the outlander, causing them at least some form of seperation anxiety from lana or theron (or someone they’re close to) or social withdrawal from just being unable to deal with all anymore. if not that, a whole laundry list of issues that they don’t show on screen.
the psychological effects of valkorian? valkorian bouncing around in the outlander’s head for years on end, you can’t tell me that even after that’s all over (especially the outlander extensively used his powers for their gain), that they aren’t floundering without him. he may have been evil, but he also was nearly their rock through the entire mess of both expansions. he had answers for the outlander when no one else did, he had immense power at his disposal for the outlander if they so chose. now without him, what do they do? they still hope time will stop sometime, so they can ask for more power or get answers to things they don’t understand. there are some pretty close calls following valkorian’s death. they have to be explained somehow.
arcann? if the outlander keeps him around, there is going to be some serious trauma they need to deal with seeing the person that stabbed them once and tried to kill them so many other times. they aren’t going to be all buddy buddy and there sure as hell is way more emotional thought behind shooting down senya’s ship then there is present in-game. and forget about romancing him (unless there’s some odd version of stockholm syndrome going on there) without crying first.
i’ll probably add more as i think about them, but feel free to add your own or use ideas from here! i know these are some of the basis of my own stories :D
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