#the keto diet can work for her because it's for her epilepsy but i don't have epilepsy
ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
My mom, out of nowhere at least five times a week: "You need to be on this very specific diet and eat no sugar or salt whatsoever."
My doctor: "So what is your appetite like"
Me: "Oh, I usually eat small meals throughout the day because if I eat a regular sized meal then I get sick. I also know when I need to eat salt and sugar and protein because of very specific cravings I get."
My doctor: "Oh, so you're intuitively eating. That's what I would recommend to someone with unexplained digestive problems and chronic nausea. I think you listening to your body and your cravings has probably been a big help in preventing serious medical problems. I don't see any excessive amounts of LDL cholesterol or salt or sugar in your blood so it's not like there's any proof your diet is poor that can't be explained by digestive problems so let's figure out what's going on."
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