#the headcanons post also included the Nef and Lovecraft being friends one but I've already posted that on a seprate post
facelessxchurch · 5 years
Do you have any new thoughts/head cannons for those nasty bois?
I have a ‘nsfw: Nef/Mev/Sef’ post that’s been rotting in my drafts forever.
I’ve got a headcanon post about Nef’s past/parents written, one about ‘Nef as deal maker’ I still have to write and notes about Nocturnals magical discipline which I still have to string into coherrent sentences.
I also found something in my drafts called “Dorky Fun Times Headcanons”, so, uh, here you go:
Nef nicknamed Mev ‘moose’ after a business trip to Canada. Mev is not amused.
Baron can’t let his beard grow any longer bc it will earn him the nickname ‘Santa Claus’.
Nef nicknamed Baron ‘bear’. Baron thought it was short for ‘teddy bear’ it was not. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it was not and everybody but Baron (and Billy Ray) knew.
Talking of Billy Ray Sanguine, it took him him like a year of Baron and Nef dating before it clicked that they are dating and not just very, very close friends. The texan may or may not be in denial about all the gayness around him.
Nef is a huge Star Wars nerd (extented univers).
Baron is rather found of ‘Lord of the Rings’ (he read the books long before the movies were made).
(Monster!)Vile likes both. He loves the armor in LotR, especially the Witchking. And after watching the orginal Star Wars triology he spend a month look like Darth Vader (which earned him a lot of flirting from Nef).
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