#the growth they've had as a team and as individuals
ragsy · 8 months
[placid smile of someone who is seconds away from going apeshit with Big Feelings] my monster of the week game has only two episodes left before it's over
I'm fine I'm normal about this
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andavs · 1 year
If eddie just kisses buck on his cheek, he would only realize what he did like 5 mins later and he would go 'oh' just as buck sits there frozen trying to process what just happened
I can see Eddie doing it and not even realizing at all until Buck's acting weird because he's overthinking it. It's natural, it's muscle memory for Eddie.
Mwah for Chris, mwah for Buck, grab his keys, out the door.
Meanwhile, there aren't a lot of people Buck gets cheek kisses from, so he would definitely remember if Eddie was one of them. He isn't. Or he wasn't. Until about ten minutes ago. And Buck has no idea what that means.
Chris either didn't notice or didn't consider it weird enough to comment on, and Buck doesn't want to make it weird if it's actually nothing, so he can't just ask. But he also can't just sit there with a freshly kissed cheek like that didn't just happen in the middle of gluing down big cut out letters for Chris' latest science project.
So because he's in a scientific kind of mood and can't do much more on the actual project layout until Eddie gets back with the tri-fold project board Chris swore he didn't need six hours prior, Buck takes a scientific approach and thinks through the concrete evidence he's gathered over the years.
Obviously Eddie gives Chris cheek kisses (and head kisses, and forehead kisses, and though they've waned as Chris has gotten older, every other kind of dumb, exaggerated kisses in dumb places just to make his son laugh). He gives his abuela cheek kisses, and Pepa. His mom and sisters. They're all family, that makes sense.
Eddie does not give any of the 118 cheek kisses. There's plenty of hugs, but no kisses that Buck has witnessed. Somehow he can't quite picture Eddie planting one on Chim at the end of a shift. Eddie considers the team to be family, and has said as much many times before, but not cheek kiss kind of family.
Buck is part of the 118.
Buck just got a cheek kiss.
Which based on evidence would group him not with the 118, but with the Diaz family.
Which does not bode well for Buck's not-quite-familial feelings towards Eddie.
But. He also clearly remembers a cheek kiss or two for Ana. Who was definitely not grouped in with the Diaz family or the 118 family. She was in her own circle on the Eddie Diaz Venn Diagram of Cheek Kisses, and if Buck was feeling particularly confident, he might say he himself occupied the very center of this diagram where all of these circles overlapped.
Except he's not feeling all that confident, and for all he knows, he actually occupies his own mutant growth off of the 118 circle that only gets cheek kisses because he promised to vacuum up the sand they've already spilled on the floor for this science project. Eddie really hates vacuuming, that's a definite possibility.
He's still staring into space at the dining table when Eddie gets back with the tri-fold project board. He's also sitting there totally alone, because he was so wrapped up in his mental Venn diagrams that he completely missed whenever Chris got bored and went into the kitchen to get a snack.
Eddie doesn't seem to find this weird at all as he bitches about the lady in front of him at the check-out who bought the store's entire stock of bagged fake snow even though it's May, and of course each bag had to be rung up individually. Halfway through, he tosses a pack of Reese's onto the table, even though neither he nor Chris likes them very much. Buck loves Reese's, and Eddie knows this, because he always makes a face when Buck licks the chocolate that gets left behind on the paper cup.
He calls for Chris and pulls his chair a little closer to Buck, and when he sits down their thighs are pressed against each other. Neither of them moves away. They might actually end up even closer together as the three of them work through the evening, and after Chris goes to bed, they finish cleaning up the project debris together. Buck vacuums and Eddie gathers up all the cut up bits of paper.
And when Eddie nods for Buck to follow down the hall to his bedroom instead of setting up the couch like he usually does, Buck starts to think that maybe being the center of the Eddie Diaz Venn Diagram of Cheek Kisses isn't such a long shot after all.
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sebadztian · 10 days
Thanks for answering my ask. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Black Butler? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....
Hello! Thanks again for the ask. No, nobody has ever asked me that, so I had to think about it. But here it is...
My 5 most favourite characters in BB & why:
1. Sebastian. I love how he's grown from the arrogant and sarcastic demon to 'Sebastian'. I love how surpirsed he is at his own growth and I also love that instead of fighting it, he's actually enjoying the ride? He's certainly aware of these changes, to a certain degree, but he just takes it in stride. I think being as old as he is, he must've been so bored, but with Ciel, he's having fun again (when not facing UT, that is). And of course, I love how possessive and protective he is towards Ciel, even beyond the contract sometimes.
2. Ciel. He's so messed up. He's only 13, but he's committed more crimes than all of England combined 😝 All jokes aside, I love how smart and resourceful he is, how determined he is in achieving his goals. One example is the cricket game. Those bruises all over his hand show just how determined he is and how hard he's practised for this game. He might have other end-goals, but it doesn't change the fact that he's led the Sapphire Owl house to victory. Also, we share similar interests. Just like Ciel, I also like chocolate and Sherlock Holmes.
3. Finny. He's just the sweetest! He's genuinely loyal to o!Ciel and he takes care of him that time in Germany. He always tried his best in taking care of the garden, even though he often gets scolded. I love his cheerful despoition and how he always tried his best - regardless of the result.
4. Charles Phipps. A rather unusual choice, I know. Unlike his partner, Phipps is so calm and collected, but beneath all that, he's a very capable butler and he's actually quite sweet in his own rights, such as fixing the hole on Fin's strawhat and raising the chicken.
5. Tanaka. I don't know where he stands and/or whose side he's on, but I just love how badass he is (slicing a bullet with a sword in the dark of the night), his chibi form, and how wise he is. I think he's one of the very few individuals whom Seb respected (as much as a demon could respect a human, that is). Seb even took his advice to heart, such as when he told Wolf (Gelzer) what Tanaka told him abot how a butler shouldn't die before his master. I think he did play some role in shaping Sebastian into the demon he was today.
Top 5 favourite moments (in the order they appear in the manga):
1. When Seb & Ciel revealed their tricks to Arthur Doyle. It's when we can see how they did everything, how they've calculated every move and how well they work together as a team. I think it's very cleverly done!
2. When Undertaker first revealed his Death Scythe. I think this moment is so cool, especially in the BoA movie with the animation and the sound effects and everything!
3. Sebastian's cinematic record. I love to watch them learn together to be the earl and his butler. I most especially love how far they've gotten since those early days, how much they both have changed. Bonus: the song 'I'm the Butler, You're the Earl' from the Tango on Campania musical is one of my favourites!
4. The scene when Seb wanted to eat Ciel in Green Witch arc. I think this is a very important moment in their relationship. I love that instead of succumbing to the gas, Ciel rose above it and run after Seb. I still don't know for sure what's happening and how much influence Seb has in Ciel's 'dream sequence', but Ciel chose Sebastian.
5. To follow up on #4, I love everything about these panels.
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From how relaxed they are around each other, the string that seems to connect them, how they tease each other like old married couple, and repeated each other's words. Everything about this part is so lovely!
There are many other parts/moments that Iove throughout the series, but those are my top five.
Thanks again for the ask!
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generisydtoo · 5 months
Splitting up Team 7....Let's get into it
Disclaimer❗️: I'm not trying to dog on anyone who makes alternate team headcanons for fun. I have my own thoughts ofc, but as long as you're truly not hurting anyone, it's not that deep. I'm sharing my thoughts on this since I've seen this take a few times over the years, but do with it what you will!
As always, you're free to share your thoughts! Just be sure to keep it respectful :)
Tbh, it baffles me when ppl say that Sakura (bc that's usually who's removed from the team in these takes) or anyone else on Team 7 would've had better development if they were assigned to a different team. I think people fail to consider that Team 7’s close, consistent proximity and becoming teammates was one of the key reasons why they were able to get past their initial impressions of each other and form a deep bond.
This is only one example, but as far as we know, no other team went on any dangerous missions like Team 7 did to the Land of Waves. Granted, that was an outlier since that mission was supposed to be a C rank; however, it was vital to their individual growth. It shaped their perceptions of each other as teammates and of the shinobi world as a whole. If Sakura, Sasuke, and/or Naruto were placed on a different team (assuming little-to-nothing else was changed in the series), I'd deem it unlikely that they would've grown to be the shinobi they became, although not as quickly.
If you want, you can view this through the lense of recent media, particularly the YA genre. There are many reasons why they tend to be set in middle/high school (though I think that's starting to change and expand, thank goodness), one of them being the outcomes of forced, consistent proximity.
The characters are placed in an environment where they're (more often than not) forced to interact; it's not like college or other settings where you can simply leave if you don't want to be there, especially without it being fair to others in your group. While it’s ultimately up to them to choose whether or not they want to become more than acquaintances with their classmate(s), their relationship has a higher chance of forming due to being consistently around each other.
The same applies to Team 7 and honestly, the other Rookie 9 teams. They were all placed on their teams- a learning and training environment with forced, consistent proximity- for a reason. Ino-Shika-Cho being placed together since they're THEE Ino-Shika-Cho trio (if any sensei had messed that iconic trio up....bless their hearts fr), and Team 8 all being trackers.
For Team 7, it was also so they could all learn and benefit from each other in some way. Naruto could benefit from Sasuke’s proficiency in ninjutsu, Sakura's intelligence, and both of their calmer personalities(give or take with Sakura) seeing as he got the lowest marks at the academy and misbehaved a lot. Sasuke could benefit from Naruto and Sakura's social and outgoing personalities seeing as he got low scores in cooperation and teamwork.
While Sakura performed well in her academics, she slacked greatly in anything pertaining to using physical strength. She could benefit from Sasuke and Naruto's taijutsu and battle skills seeing as she got low marks in taijutsu.
I think it's also worth noting that Sakura is a balance of their personalities while having her own. While she's not always on 10 like Naruto was, she was able to be social and upbeat and like him. She wasn't emotionally cold or nonchalant like Sasuke, but she was able to match his calmer "think first, act later" demeanor. Ofc, they've all had their moments and didn't act the same way all the time. I love that Team 7 can share one brain cell at times, lol.
As I said in the preface, I'm not trying to down anyone making alternate team headcanons for fun. That being said, it's just odd to me that people claim that placing them on different teams would suddenly "fix" their characters. Becoming a team was an integral part of their characterization, with each of them serving a unique purpose in one another’s growth. (This includes Sai too, though that may be a convo for another day.)
Like the title says, this was a starting "Let's get into it" post. I have more specific thoughts on this take, but these are my initial thoughts for now :).
Sources: The academy report cards are only in the physical fanbook. You can find an online transcription of it here and photo scans here!
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theerurishipper · 8 months
Love reading your analysis post. Thought I'd bring one into the table and let you read my thoughts on a certain character.
.................................. Frankly, I never truly regarded Chloe's character, particularly in her capacity as Marinette's "bully" during Season 1, with the seriousness it seemed to attract. While many viewers hold strong negative sentiments toward her character, my exposure to various novels and manga has shown me instances where characters akin/similar to Chloe were portrayed with greater depth and nuance. In these narratives, authors skillfully delved into the character's animosity towards the protagonist, often weaving a compelling backstory that shed light on how resentment stemming from a childhood marked by neglect or abuse could transform an individual into a more morally compromised figure.
Sometimes, these characters underwent substantial development and personal growth, whereas in other cases, they remained stagnant, allowing the main character to recognize and acknowledge this stasis. This literary divergence underscores the difference in storytelling approaches between Thomas Astruc and many of the creators in the manga and novel realms I've encountered. While Chloe's character in "Miraculous Ladybug" might have played a minor antagonistic role the Astruc creator intent appeared to extend no valuable lessons. In doing so, he presented characters like Chloe as just plain evil while the ones I've encountered with authors would rather use their antagonistic and bully characters as cautionary examples, demonstrating the potential consequences of their actions, whether they ultimately experienced redemption or not.
I find it challenging to take the strong animosity towards Chloe seriously, particularly because of Astruc himself and his own hatred for her, as the creator of a children's magical girl cartoon, it's crucial in my opinion to maintain a clear boundary between one's professional role and personal life. The fusion of personal grievances with one's job can only exacerbate anger and resentment, which is counterproductive. I believe that past personal matters, whatever they may be, should not influence the production of a children's show, as these shows have a profound impact on their viewers.
Miraculous Ladybug, being a widely popular series among both children and adults, should have been carefully considered for its messaging. It's perplexing that the show wasn't discontinued earlier, considering the negative messages that the writing team appears to be conveying. The fandom may also share some of the responsibility; perhaps they've had encounters with individuals akin to Chloe in their own lives, which contributes to their strong reactions. Regardless, the show has already garnered a substantial amount of criticism for Chloe's character. Why the fandom continues to perpetuate and even endorse such negativity remains unclear. Furthermore, the fanbase's inclination to label her as psychopathic and devoid of any redemption, in similar way to Marinette's belief that she can never change, is bewildering and raises valid concerns.
When I mentioned that I never perceived Chloe as Marinette's "bully," I understand that this perspective may not be universally shared. To me, Chloe never posed a genuine threat, unlike Lila, whose manipulative nature was far more concerning. Chloe struck me as someone who was all talk and little action, often emphasizing her privileged background by calling out for her father's help.
In an ironic twist, I actually view Chloe as Marinette's rival more than her tormentor. It's intriguing how Marinette and the rest of their class didn't cower in fear of Chloe. Despite her wealth, Chloe seemed to attract little genuine affection from her peers, as most interactions with her revolved around attempts to control or exploit her, or simply to gain something from her. The way even the show's creators seemed to discard her character makes me sympathize with her on a different level.
Perhaps it's a sign of growing older, but I now perceive Chloe as a rather pitiable character. I can't muster any anger towards her, and witnessing the fandom labeling her as "evil" only makes me inclined to challenge such judgments. If this is how they perceive a child, then they might benefit from reconnecting with reality, as this is a rather misguided and stupid perspective on their part.
I suspect what really irks the anti-Chloe faction is that we choose to empathize with her, even though it may not align with their perspective. It's important to clarify that we're not in the business of justifying or excusing her actions or behavior, nor are we hiding behind her parents' shortcomings as a shield for her conduct. Instead, we're highlighting a nuanced aspect that's often overlooked in the fandom.
It's also worth acknowledging that in this fan community, there's a tendency to grant leniency, especially when it comes to Marinette, often attributing her actions to her age of 14. It's somewhat peculiar how this grace isn't uniformly extended to all characters, with Adrien, for instance, being a prime example. That sort of being a hypocrite.
When it comes to Chloe, I can't help but feel a sense of pity—a very human emotion. I believe there might be individuals out there who have experienced something akin to Chloe's situation, or perhaps they've been a little like her in their own past. If the show's creator chose not to redeem her character and allowed her to spiral further, it wouldn't necessarily be a problem, as long as they conveyed her role as a cautionary tale.
Beneath all the layers of her character, Chloe emerges as a profoundly desolate 14-year-old. I may not particularly like her, but recognizing the underlying sadness in her character is something I believe many people can relate to.
What the point of this show exactly? I thought Magical girls shows were to inspire hope. If the protagonist herself deems her to far gone then what the point. I thought a magical girl is one who doesn't lose hope and to inspire characters like Chloe not to damn her.
I'm glad you like my posts!
And as for your analysis, I don't have anything else to add! It's a great analysis of Chloe. I do agree that Chloe's relationship with Marinette is rather vague. If Chloe did bully Marinette, which I'm not denying, then it's played for laughs more than anything, which makes it confusing as to just what their dynamic was like. Chloe is a bully, but her actions are never taken seriously by the narrative, which sends a muddled message when you start to pretend Marinette was deeply mentally scarred by this when you've spent 5 seasons making a joke out of it.
In the series, Marinette has more of a rivalry with Chloe until Seasons 4 and 5 decided to pretend Chloe was some kind of serious threat whose only go to move wasn't yelling for her daddy all the time. In Origins, Marinette seems more disgruntled than actually troubled that Chloe is in her class again, and even snaps back at her when Chloe does that thing with the bubblegum. Chloe is just the mean-girl archetype, someone with whom the main character has a rivalry. And I personally do interpret Marinette and Chloe's dynamic as one where Chloe bullied Marinette and I am really not going to downplay that, but I also see where it can come off differently, considering the show never really portrays Chloe as a significant threat. Clearly there are scenes in certain episodes where Chloe is being a bully which are taken seriously, but a lot of the time they are not. It's just the archetype, it's up to one's own interpretation.
Thank you for your ask!
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Peruvian fossil challenges blue whales for size
3 August 2023
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By Jonathan Amos, Science correspondent
Scientists have identified a new candidate for the heaviest ever animal on Planet Earth.
It's an ancient, long-extinct whale that would have tipped the scales at close to 200 tonnes.
Only some of the very biggest blue whale specimens might have rivalled its heft, researchers say.
The creature's fossilised bones were dug up in the desert in southern Peru, so it has been given the name Perucetus colossus.
Dating of the sediments around the remains suggests it lived about 39 million years ago.
"The fossils were actually discovered 13 years ago, but their size and shape meant it took three years just to get them to Lima (the capital of Peru), where they've been studied ever since," said Dr Eli Amson, a co-worker on the discovery team led by palaeontologist Dr Mario Urbina.
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Eighteen bones were recovered from the marine mammal - an early type of whale known as a basilosaurid.
These included 13 vertebrae, four ribs and part of a hip bone.
But even given these fragmentary elements and their age, scientists were still able to decipher a huge amount about the creature.
In particular, it's evident the bones were extremely dense, caused by a process known as osteosclerosis in which inner cavities are filled.
The bones were also oversized, in the sense they had extra growth on their exterior surfaces - something called pachyostosis.
These weren't features of disease, the team said, but rather adaptations that would have given this large whale the necessary buoyancy control when foraging in shallow waters.
Similar bone features are seen for example in modern-day manatees, or sea cows, which also inhabit coastal zones in certain parts of the world.
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"Each vertebra weighs over 100kg, which is just completely mind-blowing," said co-worker Dr Rebecca Bennion from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels.
"It took several men to shift them out into the middle of the floor in the museum for me to do some 3D scanning.
The team that drilled into the centre of some of these vertebrae to work out the bone density - the bone was so dense, it broke the drill on the first attempt."
When confronted with a skeleton of a long-extinct species, scientists use models to try to reconstruct the body shape and mass of the animal.
They do this based on what they know about the biology of comparable living creatures.
It is predicted Perucetus would have been about 17-20m in length, which is not exceptional.
But its bone mass alone would have been somewhere between 5.3 and 7.6 tonnes.
And by the time you add in organs, muscle and blubber, it could have weighed - depending on the assumptions - anywhere between 85 tonnes and 320 tonnes.
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Dr Amson, a curator at Germany's State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, uses a median number of 180.
The largest blue whales recorded during the era of commercial exploitation were at this scale.
"What we like to say is that Perucetus is in the same ball park as the blue whale," he told BBC News.
"But there's no reason to think that our individual was particularly big or small; it was likely just part of the general population.
So it's worth keeping in mind that when we use the median estimate, it's already at the very upper ranges of what blue whales can measure."
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One of the comparators used by the research team in its investigations is a blue whale that will be very familiar to anyone who has visited the Natural History Museum in London.
Nicknamed Hope, this animal's skeleton took pride of place at the institution when it was hung from the ceiling in the main hall in 2017.
But before being installed, the skeleton was scanned and described in great detail and is now an important data resource for scientists across the world.
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In life, Perucetus' skeletal mass would have been two to three times that of Hope, even though the London mammal was a good five metres longer.
Richard Sabin, the curator of marine mammals at the NHM, is thrilled by the new find and would love to bring some aspect of it to London for display.
"We took the time to digitise Hope - to measure not just the weight of the bones but their shape as well, and our whale has now become something of a touchstone for people," he said.
"We don't get hung up on labels - like 'which was the largest specimen?' - because we know science at some point will always come along with new data.
What's amazing about Perucetus is that it demonstrated so much mass some 30 million-plus years ago when we thought gigantism occurred in whales only 4.5 million years ago."
Perucetus colossus is reported in the journal Nature.
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aromancy · 6 months
You know, a lot of companies have made HUGE changes lately; foolish changes, leading to long-term damage to their brands for short-term financial gains. Just this year, Warner Bros canceled multiple upcoming films already mostly finished just for tax breaks; Unity tried to take a cut of the profits from every person who downloaded their games; the Escapist fired the head of their video team; Wizards of the Coast had the Pinkertons scandal, the 5e OGL scandal, the controversies around One D&D...
This is unusual, right? For one company to shoot themselves in the foot is an accident; for several to do so in rapid succession seems to me like a strange new pattern.
But why? Why prioritize a short-term paycheck over long-term profits? The people in charge of these companies may be stupid, but they're not that stupid; they've been in charge of these companies for years (well, most of them; the Escapist was bought out by Gamurz last year, but Gamurz hasn't stepped it's foot in it this bad before, so my point still stands) and not done stupid shit on this level before.
I've seen others who recognize this pattern postulate that it's for investment purposes. Investors dom't care about what's best for the long-term survivability of a company; they care only for the signs of quarter-to quarter growth, and will pull their investments if they don't see a quarterly return. This does make some measure of sense, but I don't understand how it's only recently gotten this bad if this was always standard operating procedure? Have these businesses always been doing this, and only recently has it been noticed?
I have another potential explanation. In 2017, Douglas Rushkoff was invited to deliver a keynote speech to a huge group of exhorbitantly wealthy individuals. The purpose? To explore the future of technology. While he thought it would be a lighthearted exploration of exciting new technologies and what they could mean for society going forward, it quickly became clear that most of the attendees were more concerned with the threats technology posed.
Several of them referenced "The Event," a nonspecific apocalypse that might occur as a result of societal unrest, environmental destruction, nuclear war, et cetera. This seemed to be quite a pressing issue; the attendees grilled Rushkoff for over an hour on how one might thrive in a post-apocalyptic setting.
I think the wealthy elite of this world expect The Event to come soon. And I think that several wealthy people are trying to make a whole lot of money right now so that they'll be ready when The Event arrives.
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toweringclam · 10 months
Paramount City: The Metropolitan Defenders
(click here for part 1)
"Truth, peace, and prosperity."
Summary: The big superhero team missing their Superman.
It's no exaggeration to say that when Paragon appeared, the world changed. She was a beacon of hope for a city suffering under crime, corruption, and the aftermath of the first Rift War. People called her the first superhero, and though scholars think supers had existed for a long time, they were never so public. So inspiring. Shortly after, many others followed her example, but Paragon stood alone.
However, the second Rift War saw the rise of supervillains. People of evil intent, who used their powers not for the greater good, but to prey on the weak and enslave people to their will. Paragon realized she could not fight them alone, and for the first time, teamed up with other like-minded individuals to fight the rising tide of darkness.
Thus, the Metropolitan Defenders were born.
The original and most storied team, to this day they remain the example for others to follow. The Defenders are what you think of when someone says "hero." Yet they've suffered many losses over the years. All the original founders have either passed or retired, honored with great golden statues in the Hall of Heroes.
Most recent and most devastating was the loss of Paragon herself. During the Phyrexian Invasion, she used the last of her strength to wrest control of the Rift from Lord Riven and cleanse the world of Elesh Norn's corruption at the cost of her own life. Now, for the first time since their founding, the Defenders are under new leadership. While an impressively heroic figure in his own right, Paragon II struggles to live up to his namesake's legacy.
The Metropolitan Defenders are centered on White as their ideals are focused on peace and justice. However, Blue mana pulls in the direction of institutional justice, while Green pulls towards social justice. In the civic unrest following the Phyrexian Invasion and Paragon I's death, these divides are deeper than ever.
The Peacekeepers are centered in Blue. They believe that law and order are paramount. A society need stable and trustworthy institutions, not just feel-good platitudes about community and togetherness. While they intervene in riots (often by subduing both sides), they also work to get better laws passed and restore infrastructure lost in the war.
The Gardeners are centered in Green. They believe that protecting people is more important than protecting institutions. While they're troubled by all the riots and protests, they believe the solution is found at the community level. People who are fed, housed, and secure don't commit crimes, they say, though the existence of Lord Riven and his ilk seems like a contradiction.
Most Defenders don't fall neatly into one of these camps, either trying to balance these opposing philosophies or ignoring them altogether in favor of their own moral compass.
Notable characters:
Queen Kevnor (WU, merfolk) hails from the undersea kingdom of Cantergellod. She is able to walk on land and breathe air unaided, a rare mutation that would have had her ostracized if the throne had had another heir. A thought leader among the Peacekeepers, she is sometimes criticized as a foreign interventionist, but she was actually born in Paramount City and sometimes feels more at home there than with her own kind.
Cyronia (WG) is heir to a long tradition of druids and healers, passed mother to daughter since ancient times, though she was cast out of the circle for "illegitimately" inheriting her power. She grew up on the streets, using her powers of healing and growth to build a following among the poor and destitute. As leader of the Gardeners, she helps establish clinics, community gardens, shelters, and other resources for people left behind by the rest of the city.
Intellectus (UG, Vedalken) is a strange visitor from another world who appeared in Paramount City just in time to warn of the impending Phyrexian invasion. Initially held in Omega custody, he was rescued by the Defenders and decided to lend his psychic powers to their cause. When moving about in public, he projects the illusion of private investigator Ken Badel to hide his alien features.
Paragon II (GWU), previously known as Gatewatch, is the Defenders' new leader. Tall and muscular, with a chiseled jaw and long, flowing hair, he certainly cuts the profile of a hero. However, he only appeared a few years ago, with no memory of who he was or how he got to Paramount City. Although he projects confidence, he's plagued by self-doubt, and regrets that he can't even remember. Yet Paragon appointed him as her successor, so he will do his best to fill a role that seems oddly familiar.
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consoledacup · 1 year
what are some dynamic differences between jordayla and other ships on the show you’ve noticed?
Interesting question, Anon!
I personally think Jordayla's communication is unmatched. And part of that comes from this shorthand they already had that only comes from growing up with someone.
Because they did grow up together. They knew each other since they were little kids, and they were always in each other's orbit. When we meet them in the pilot, they've grown apart, but they're still keeping tabs on each other. And then they come back together their senior year and beyond. And see each other into adulthood. So all of that on its own lends to a pretty strong bond. And it's why Jordan was able to help Layla out of her tunnel-visioned invulnerability and why Layla was able to be exactly what Jordan needed as he grieved his father.
Spelivia definitely shares the shorthand aspect. They also started off as best friends. But they have other big obstacles to get through before they can thrive together. I think there's much more emphasis placed on "wanting what you can't have" with them. So their actions and scenes together are going to be more volatile because they're so passionate about the idea of losing each other that they end up pushing each other away.
Jordayla also encourage each other to be better individuals. You can see that this season. Jordan is so much more mature and patient, and Layla is much more relaxed and vulnerable. And they put in that legwork before they were even a couple. They each grew in a way that led them straight towards each other.
Asher goes on a similar growth trajectory, and a majority of that is Jaymee's influence, which is cool. But a lot of that is offscreen, and I can't say that I see that in Jaymee, since we're still learning about her. Honestly, this latest episode showed me that she's very guarded when it comes her to her personal health, and that's super understandable. So she's just now learning how to let someone in and support her as she continues to make very personal choices involving her illness.
Jordayla values each other's career goals and dreams while not forsaking their own. Layla is obviously super career-focussed to an unhealthy extent at times. But she's learning how to prioritize what's most important to her, and she will eventually find that balance naturally. And with Layla's encouragement, Jordan's finally stepping into this leader role that he's always felt was just out of his reach.
Coop and Patience did share the solid ride or die team aspect in the earlier seasons, but that has since fizzled out. With Coop and whoever she's with, things are always going to revolve around Coop and her dreams. Until Patience feels like Coop sees her as a true partner and not her hype woman, they're going to continue to be exes. And until Patience places real, true importance in her dreams and learns to value her own wants and needs, she's not going to be ready for Coop anyway.
And it goes without saying that Jordan and Layla are currently in the healthiest partnership they've ever had. Spencer and Layla could not communicate with each other, did not understand each other at a fundamental level, and then were each shouldering so much in other aspects of their personal lives. Jordan and Simone barely knew each other. And while they both desperately wanted things to work out, they ignored their underlying issues and clung to the idea of being a team without actually being one.
I'm sure we'll see Jordayla's relationship tested more. They might even break up at some point. But it's pretty clear to me that they belong together and will find their way back to each other if that happens. And from what we've been given in story so far, they are a very, very solid couple.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Years after the death of George Floyd shined a spotlight on societal inequities, diversity professionals say some companies are turning their backs on the progress that's been made to address them.
Madison Butler is one of the many diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals that companies previously brought on their payroll to ensure their business is equitable and accessible for people of all backgrounds.
But in recent months, Butler said she has found it increasingly hard to find work -- and she's not alone.
DEI positions have been disproportionately hit by layoffs across industries, but particularly at tech companies, which have faced financial challenges as sales slowed from the blistering pace attained during the pandemic.
When Butler reached out to DEI professionals who planned to hire her for consulting, she said companies have told her: "'Oh, this person is no longer with the company.' 'Oh, this person has been laid off.' 'Oh, this person no longer works here effective last month.'
Melody, who is using only her first name for privacy reasons, is also a DEI professional and said she was laid off along with others on her DEI team within just a few months of their hiring.MORE: DEI: What does it mean and what is its purpose?
"It's difficult to be somewhere for a brief period of time and feel like you didn't even have the time to make the impact you wanted to make," Melody told ABC News.
"The workplace is so full of human beings and we're not robots," she added. "We definitely need people at work who can help us feel like we belong there."
Nationwide call to action
George Floyd, a Black man, was killed by a Minneapolis police officer in May 2020 during an arrest. His death prompted a nationwide movement in which protesters demanded individuals and organizations alike take action in addressing societal injustices that impact historically marginalized groups.
To do this, some companies sought out the expertise of DEI professionals like Butler and Melody.
"We suddenly saw everyone coming out of the woodwork wanting to hire a lot of them, hiring inaugural DEI folks," Melody said. "And you had to wonder, like, are people actually ready for this? Or is this a trend that we're seeing?"
DEI initiatives are often intended to address workplace culture and conditions, such as inaccessibility in the workplace for disabled people, poor retention rates for workers of color and other inequalities faced by marginalized groups.MORE: Rise in anti-LGBTQ hate and extremism captured in new reports
From September 2019 to September 2020, job postings for diversity, inclusion and belonging positions on the hiring website Indeed rose by 56.3%, the company said.
A LinkedIn study found that chief diversity and inclusion officer positions grew by 168.9% from 2019 to 2022.
The rapid organizational movement toward addressing inequalities was initially exciting for DEI professionals. But in just a couple of years, that excitement wavered as growth rapidly fell apart.
"The honeymoon is over," Cecil Howard, a DEI consultant and former chief diversity officer at the University of South Florida, told ABC News.
"Right after George Floyd's killing, everybody who didn't have a diversity office quickly created a diversity office," he added. "A few years later, they started realizing, 'We checked the box and things are a little quieter now.'"
DEI begins to disappear
Starting in late 2020 -- months after the killing of Floyd set off a racial reckoning -- a host of companies escalated cuts of DEI professionals, a survey of more than 600 companies from data firm Revelio Labs found.
Last year, the layoffs accelerated significantly, the study found.MORE: Where guaranteed income programs are growing in the US
One in three DEI professionals lost their roles over a one-year period ending in December, the survey said. Over that period, the study added, non-DEI workers experienced a relatively lower attrition rate of 21%.
The job losses owe to several trends: a sluggish economy that prompted cost cuts, a softening of the scrutiny that held corporations to account over racial justice and a rise of conservative backlash against DEI, some DEI professionals told ABC News.
"In 2020 a lot of organizations reacted to the market, reacted to social events taking place without really having a clear understanding of what DEI is and how it should be enabled in business," Christie Lindor, a diversity strategist and CEO of Tessi Consulting, told ABC News.
"When things get rough, these are the areas that go," Lindor added.
Speaking to laid-off DEI professionals, Howard noticed job losses concentrated among individuals who criticized an employer's diversity-related policies or offered ambitious ideas for reform, he said.
"The separations weren't coming from organizations that were really serious about enhancing their culture," he said, describing a chilling effect for DEI professionals: "We don't need you to be a voice; we need you to be a face."
At the same time, conservative elected officials such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began to target DEI initiatives.
DeSantis last month signed into law a bill that prohibits state or federal spending on DEI programs at public universities in Florida.
The acronym, DeSantis said, should be reinterpreted as "discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination."
In February, Abbott's office ordered state agencies to stop using diversity, equity and inclusion programs in hiring, calling them "illegal."
Abbott's chief of staff, Gardner Pate claimed these programs "proactively encourage discrimination in the workplace," and do the opposite of what they claim to do.
And in June, Abbott signed a ban on diversity offices in state-funded higher education institutions.
In a statement, a spokesperson from Abbott's office told ABC News that "the issue is not diversity – the issue is that equity is not equality, and DEI practices conflate the two."
The statement continued, "Some universities and woke professors have been using DEI to advance political agendas and exclude conservative viewpoints on college campuses. These efforts adversely affect our students, limit exposure to diverse thought, and destroy our education system."
DeSantis' office did not respond to ABC News' requests for comment.
Lindor accused elected officials like Abbott and DeSantis of "weaponizing" DEI for political purposes, calling conservative political attacks one of the "driving forces" behind cuts in the field.
Butler and Melody believe that anti-DEI policies intend to turn back progress made by marginalized groups toward equality.
"People fear losing power," said Butler. "So much of this work has to be centered around deconstructing things like white supremacy, deconstructing status quos. And those status quos and white supremacy protect people in positions of power."
Without these DEI policies, professionals fear that organizations may fall back into patterns that create unhealthy or exclusive work cultures that drive away diverse candidates, employees and customers alike.
"If we don't have employees that understand people of different cultures, different backgrounds – companies are going to find themselves losing good employees to discriminatory practices," said Brit Levy, a former DEI employee who was laid off from Meta.MORE: How Colorado Springs, with a history of hate, built LGBTQ safe spaces after the Club Q shooting
She continued, "It's going to be an uphill battle for retention. Employee morale is going to go down because now you have these employees that feel like targets they have targets on their back."
Companies choosing to slash DEI programs could face difficulty hiring candidates from underrepresented groups and understanding the needs of a diverse customer base, Lindor said.
"It's not just about being progressive as an organization," Howard said. "Start looking at the bottom line."
Some states that have banned workplace affirmative action -- a diversity initiative that allows employers to consider race as one factor in hiring -- saw that such bans negatively impacted diversity in the workplace, according to a Harvard study. The study analyzed the workforces of four state government following the ban and found that these states saw significant declines in the number of Black women, Latino men and Asian women working there.
Meanwhile, the number of white men in the workplaces increased, the study says.
Diversity has also proven to be good for business, according to several studies that indicate that companies that are more diverse are more innovative and in turn, more profitable.
Companies that fail to diversify could fall behind, especially in the tech industry, where a surge in the development of AI has heightened the importance of innovation, Lindor said.
"We're seeing more candidates who want to join companies that align with their values," Lindor said. "It's difficult for companies to authentically say DEI is a priority when they're cutting."
"We're going to start to see the results of that in the marketplace in the years to come," she added.
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rizychaudhari · 24 days
The Client Conundrum:  Don’t let small clients go : Delegate to Your Team
A Seasoned CPA's Perspective on Client Management Strategies
As a seasoned CPA with years of experience in the field, I've observed a recurring trend among accounting firms: the advice to let go of low-paying clients. While this may seem like a logical step in the pursuit of growth and profitability, I believe there's more to the story than meets the eye.
In recent years, many accounting coaches have advocated for shedding low-paying clients in favor of focusing on higher-value accounts. The rationale behind this approach is clear: by reallocating resources towards more lucrative clients, firms can increase their profitability and streamline their operations.
However, I beg to differ.
From my vantage point, dismissing low-paying clients is akin to disregarding the very foundation upon which our practices were built. These clients, often categorized as "C category clients," may not generate substantial revenue individually, but collectively, they play a crucial role in sustaining our businesses, especially in their formative years.
Think back to the early days of your practice. Were it not for these clients entrusting us with their financial matters, would we have had the opportunity to grow and thrive? It's essential to recognize the invaluable role they've played in our journey and honor that relationship accordingly.
Moreover, the decision to part ways with low-paying clients reflects a narrow understanding of business dynamics. While profitability is undoubtedly important, it shouldn't come at the expense of integrity and loyalty. Turning our backs on clients who've supported us through thick and thin sends a message of opportunism rather than gratitude.
Instead of adopting a "cut and run" mentality, I advocate for a more nuanced approach to client management—one rooted in empathy, communication, and strategic delegation.
Transparent Dialogue
As our practices evolve and expand, it's imperative to engage in transparent dialogue with our clients. Rather than abruptly severing ties, we owe it to them to explain the changes taking place within our firms and reassure them of our continued commitment to their success. Here is how can message this
As we continue to grow and evolve as a firm, I wanted to take a moment to share some updates regarding our client service approach.
“First and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your ongoing trust and partnership. Your support has been instrumental in our journey, and we remain committed to delivering the highest standard of service to meet your needs.
In our efforts to continually improve and optimise our operations, we have made some adjustments to our client management structure. As part of this initiative, I am pleased to introduce Paula Chapman as your dedicated central point of contact and service manager here at [Your Firm Name].
While I will always be available to address any questions or concerns you may have, I recognize the importance of managing my time effectively, particularly as our client portfolio continues to expand to more than 1000 clients. Rest assured, I will still be actively involved in overseeing your accounts and reviewing your financial numbers.
With Paula's expertise and support, we are confident that we can enhance the level of service we provide to you. Paula will be working closely with me to ensure that your needs are met promptly and efficiently. His role is to provide dedicated attention and support, complementing the service you have come to expect from our firm.
By leveraging the collective expertise of our team, we aim to offer you a more comprehensive and personalised experience. Our commitment to your success remains unwavering, and we believe that this collaborative approach will enable us to better serve your evolving needs.
Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Paula directly. We are here to support you every step of the way and look forward to continuing our partnership for years to come.
Thank you once again for entrusting us with your financial affairs. We value your relationship immensely and are grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
Delegating Responsibilities
In practical terms, this may involve delegating client management responsibilities to capable team members while maintaining a supervisory role. By empowering our staff to take on more significant responsibilities, we not only lighten our own workload but also enhance the level of service we provide to our clients.
In essence, it's about working smarter, not harder.
In my practice, I've implemented a structured approach to client communication and delegation, ensuring that each client receives the attention and support they deserve. By appointing dedicated service managers and fostering a culture of collaboration, we've been able to maintain strong relationships with our clients while optimizing our operational efficiency.
Ultimately, the art of client management lies in striking a delicate balance between profitability and principle. While the temptation to prioritize the bottom line may be strong, it's essential to remain true to the values that define us as professionals.
So, the next time you're tempted to let go of a low-paying client, pause and reflect on the journey that brought you to where you are today. Remember the trust they placed in you when you were just starting out, and consider how you can repay that loyalty with integrity and grace.
After all, in the ever-changing landscape of accounting, it's not just about the numbers—it's about the relationships we build along the way.
By approaching a problem with a strategic mindset, you may discover solutions rather than resorting to mere elimination.
In my upcoming blog post, I'll discuss an alternative approach to extending retirement by working fewer than 1000 hours, diverging from conventional coaching methods.
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techvivek07 · 3 months
Bluefire Wilderness Therapy Reviews
Bluefire Wilderness Therapy stands as a beacon of hope for families struggling with troubled teens. Through their innovative wilderness therapy programs, they aim to provide a transformative experience that fosters personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. In this review, we delve into the experiences of individuals who have been touched by the impactful work of Bluefire Wilderness Therapy.
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Bluefire Wilderness Therapy:
A Trusted Name in Wilderness Therapy Bluefire Wilderness Therapy has earned a reputation as a trusted provider of wilderness therapy programs for adolescents facing behavioral, emotional, and mental health challenges. With a team of highly trained and compassionate professionals, Bluefire offers comprehensive therapeutic interventions in the serene wilderness settings of Idaho and Oregon. Their holistic approach integrates adventure therapy, individual and group counseling, experiential learning, and family involvement to address the underlying issues and promote lasting change.
Transformative Experiences Shared by Participants
Participants of Bluefire Wilderness Therapy programs consistently highlight the profound impact it has had on their lives. From struggling with issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, to behavioral disorders and trauma, many have found solace and healing in the wilderness. Through activities like hiking, camping, and survival skills training, participants learn invaluable lessons about resilience, teamwork, and self-reliance. Moreover, the therapeutic interventions provided by skilled counselors offer a safe space for reflection, emotional expression, and personal growth.
One participant, Sarah, reflects on her experience at Bluefire Wilderness Therapy: "Before coming to Bluefire, I felt lost and hopeless. However spending time in nature and working through challenges alongside supportive peers and mentors helped me rediscover my strength and purpose. I'm grateful for the transformative journey I've undergone here."
Empowering Families and Strengthening Relationships
Bluefire Wilderness Therapy recognizes the crucial role of families in the healing process. Through family therapy sessions, workshops, and ongoing support, they empower parents and guardians with the tools and insights needed to facilitate positive change within the family dynamic. Many families attest to the positive transformation they've witnessed in their teenagers and the strengthened bonds that have emerged through the shared experience of wilderness therapy.
John, a parent whose son attended Bluefire, shares his thoughts: "Bluefire not only helped my son navigate through his challenges but also provided our family with the support and guidance we needed to heal and grow together. Our relationship has never been stronger, and I credit Bluefire for helping us find our way back to each other."
A Commitment to Excellence and Safety
Safety and professionalism are paramount at Bluefire Wilderness Therapy. With a team of experienced field instructors, licensed therapists, and medical staff, they ensure the well-being of participants at all times. Rigorous safety protocols, comprehensive assessments, and individualized treatment plans are implemented to address the unique needs of each participant. This commitment to excellence and safety instills confidence in families seeking help for their loved ones.
Continuous Support and Aftercare
The support offered by Bluefire Wilderness Therapy extends beyond the wilderness experience. Upon completion of the program, participants and their families receive comprehensive aftercare support to help them transition back to their communities successfully. This may include continued therapy, academic support, vocational guidance, and access to alumni networks. The ongoing support helps reinforce the lessons learned in the wilderness and promotes sustained progress in the long term.
In conclusion, Bluefire Wilderness Therapy stands out as a beacon of hope for families seeking help for troubled teens. Through their transformative wilderness therapy programs, they offer a path to healing, personal growth, and lasting change. The testimonials shared by participants and families alike attest to the positive impact of Bluefire's holistic approach and unwavering commitment to excellence. For those facing adversity, Bluefire Wilderness Therapy serves as a guiding light, inspiring hope and empowering individuals to overcome challenges and embrace a brighter future.
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boldbeginnings · 3 months
Tara Bosch: Redefining Guilt-Free Indulgence with SmartSweets
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In a world where sugary treats often come with a side of guilt, Tara Bosch had a vision to revolutionize the confectionery industry. With her company, SmartSweets, she's not just offering candy; she's offering guilt-free indulgence.
Bosch's journey began with her own struggle with sugar. Like many, she found herself craving sweets but didn't want to compromise her health and wellness goals. Frustrated by the lack of options that were both delicious and nutritious, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
The result? SmartSweets, a line of low-sugar, high-fiber candies that satisfy cravings without the guilt. But Bosch's mission goes beyond just creating tasty treats. It's about empowering consumers to make healthier choices without feeling deprived.
At the heart of SmartSweets is a commitment to quality ingredients. Bosch and her team carefully select each component, prioritizing plant-based, non-GMO, and naturally sourced ingredients whenever possible. By using alternatives to traditional sugars and artificial additives, they've crafted a lineup of candies that deliver on taste without the drawbacks of excess sugar and empty calories.
But creating a healthier candy wasn't enough for Bosch. She wanted to disrupt the narrative around indulgence itself. Instead of framing treats as "cheat" foods to be enjoyed sparingly, she encourages a mindset shift toward balance and moderation. SmartSweets isn't about restriction; it's about enjoying life's little pleasures without compromise.
This philosophy has resonated with consumers far and wide. Since its inception, SmartSweets has experienced explosive growth, becoming a beloved brand not only for health-conscious individuals but for anyone looking to snack smarter.
Part of SmartSweets' success can be attributed to Bosch's innovative approach to marketing and branding. Through vibrant packaging, engaging social media content, and strategic partnerships, she's built a community around the brand—a community united by a shared commitment to better snacking.
But perhaps the most impactful aspect of Bosch's work with SmartSweets is the ripple effect it's had on the industry as a whole. By demonstrating that healthier alternatives can be both delicious and profitable, she's inspired other companies to follow suit. Today, more and more brands are prioritizing health and transparency, driven in part by the trailblazing example set by Bosch and SmartSweets.
As Tara Bosch continues to lead the charge for guilt-free indulgence, one thing is clear: the future of snacking looks sweeter—and smarter—than ever before. With her unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and empowerment, she's not just redefining what it means to enjoy a treat; she's reshaping the entire landscape of the candy aisle.
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tonydegouveia · 8 months
Tony De Gouveia A Paradigm of Servant Leadership in Disruptive Entrepreneurship
Tony De Gouveia
Tony De Gouveia: A Paradigm of Servant Leadership in Disruptive Entrepreneurship
Tony De Gouveia is a seasoned businessman with a passion for disruptive entrepreneurship and servant leadership. His business, TUB (The Ultimate Business), was recently launched with the aim of revolutionizing the traditional corporate model by putting people first.
With years of experience in various industries, Tony has honed his skills as a leader and entrepreneur. He possesses a unique ability to identify and capitalize on emerging trends, while also inspiring and motivating his team to reach new heights of success.
But what sets Tony apart is not just his business acumen, but his unwavering commitment to servant leadership. This philosophy puts the needs of others before one's own and emphasizes the importance of serving and empowering those around you. For Tony, this means creating a workplace culture where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to achieve their full potential.
His approach to wealth generation for his employees is as innovative as it is impactful. He fervently believes in the potential of his team and thus implements strategies designed to help them achieve significant monthly incomes. Understanding that monetary wealth is a tangible marker of success and security, Tony is relentless in his quest to turn the financial tides for his employees. He puts his words into action by creating opportunities for upskilling and personal growth, which directly contribute to improved income potential. His commitment to this cause is unwavering, and he has already influenced many lives, turning them around 180-degrees. The wealth-generation strategy Tony employs is a testament to his belief in servant leadership, highlighting his dedication to his team's prosperity.
Born into a family of modest means in South Africa, Tony De Gouveia's journey to success was not without challenges. His humble beginnings were a stark contrast to the world of business and entrepreneurship he would later navigate. Tony attributes much of his drive and tenacity to these early experiences. They instilled in him a powerful resilience and a determination to create a better life not only for himself but also for those around him. Despite his now considerable success, Tony has never lost sight of his roots, and his background continues to motivate his commitment to empowering his employees and transforming their financial futures.
Tony De Gouveia's dedication to disruptive entrepreneurship and servant leadership is not just theoretical; it's grounded in his own life experiences. His journey from humble beginnings to business success fuels his commitment to wealth generation and personal empowerment for his team. As we delve deeper into Tony's approach to business and leadership, we'll uncover the core principles that guide his actions and the profound impact they've had on those fortunate enough to work under his exceptional and visionary leadership.
Through his unwavering dedication to fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, Tony has consistently inspired and empowered his team, resulting in remarkable achievements and transformative growth. His relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with his ability to envision and execute bold strategies, has propelled him to become a true catalyst for success in the business world. Join us as we explore the fascinating journey of Tony and gain valuable insights into his remarkable achievements and the enduring legacy he continues to build.
Servant leadership, a philosophy that Tony De Gouveia embodies fully, is a leadership approach that prioritizes the needs and growth of others over self-interest. The concept places emphasis on the leader's role as a steward of their resources (including human resources) and seeks to enhance the lives of individuals by building a community that is just and caring. It is a leadership style that is characterized by empathy, active listening, and the drive to help others perform at their highest potential. In Tony's context, this means not just leading his team to success, but actively creating pathways for their financial upliftment, personal growth, and overall betterment. His actions illustrate how servant leadership forms the core of his business philosophy and functionality.
Tony De Gouveia's inherent belief in servant leadership is indelibly linked to his modest background. His humble beginnings were not a hindrance, but rather a pivotal force that shaped his approach to leadership, instilling in him a deep sense of empathy and a desire to uplift others. This perspective is the cornerstone of Tony's business model. He understands that to drive sustainable success, a leader must prioritize the well-being and growth of their team. This philosophy is derived from his own experience, understanding first-hand the challenges faced by those starting from less fortunate circumstances. Such a background has fostered in Tony an authentic commitment to servant leadership, creating a work environment where individuals are valued, their potential acknowledged and nurtured, and their aspirations supported. This, in Tony's view, is the true essence of leadership - to serve, to support and to elevate others to their full potential.
In Tony's perspective, servant leadership goes beyond being a mere buzzword or passing trend in the business world. It is a deeply ingrained principle that forms the very foundation of his business model. By placing utmost importance on the well-being and personal growth of his team members, Tony firmly believes that this approach will foster an environment conducive to success. Through open communication, mentorship, and a shared sense of purpose, he cultivates a culture where every individual feels valued, empowered, and motivated to contribute their best. In this way, Tony's commitment to servant leadership not only drives his business but also creates a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of his organization.
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legend1stdubai · 1 year
Mobile App Development Company in Dubai
Mobile applications have become a vital tool for businesses to connect with their customers, increase brand awareness and drive revenue growth. If you're based in Dubai and looking to create a mobile app for your business, finding the right mobile app development company is crucial to ensuring your app is well-designed, user-friendly, and meets your business needs. Here are some tips for finding the best mobile app development company in Dubai.
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Look for a company with a strong portfolio
When looking for a mobile app development company, one of the first things to consider is their portfolio. A company with a strong portfolio demonstrates their expertise and experience in mobile app development. Look for examples of their previous work to see if their design style matches your vision and if the apps they've developed have the features and functionality that you're looking for.
Check for experience and expertise
Experience and expertise are crucial when it comes to mobile app development. Look for a company with a team of experienced developers who have a track record of developing successful apps for different industries. They should have expertise in the latest app development technologies and be able to provide insights and recommendations that align with your business goals.
Read customer reviews
Reading customer reviews is an excellent way to learn about the experience that other businesses have had with a mobile app development company. Look for reviews on the company's website, social media, and other platforms. Pay attention to the feedback regarding their communication, delivery time, and quality of work.
Consider the development process
The development process is an essential aspect of mobile app development, as it ensures that the app is built according to your business needs and expectations. Look for a company that offers a comprehensive development process that includes wireframing, designing, developing, and testing. This process should be transparent, and you should be kept up to date with the development progress regularly.
Check for ongoing support
Launching a mobile app is only the beginning of its journey. After the launch, you will need ongoing support for updates, bug fixes, and enhancements. Look for a company that offers ongoing support and maintenance for the app after the launch.
What to Look For in a Mobile App Development Company
When selecting a mobile app development company in Dubai, it is important to understand their expertise and size. A good mobile app development company should have a team of experienced developers that specialize in developing apps for the specific needs of your industry. This way, you can rest assured that your project will be completed with the utmost quality and accuracy you expect. Additionally, the larger the team of developers means greater access to resources which can increase overall efficiency and productivity levels when building an app.
It is also essential to communicate efficiently with the developer team regarding project details and expectations. Establishing clear direction from day one helps ensure everyone knows their individual tasks, limitations and ultimate goals. Make sure the selected mobile app development company has strong communication capabilities to keep all parties on the same page throughout each phase of the development process.
Take some time to review the portfolio of past projects for each potential hire before making a final decision. Scrutinizing client reviews and ratings can provide some valuable insight into how well they’ve performed in similar ventures with other companies based in Dubai or surrounding areas. Seeing tangible results from real clients gives you more confidence that this provider can deliver on its promises for your business needs.
Finally, choose a mobile app development company that provides exceptional customer service at every point during what may be an extensive process. This includes ongoing support once your product is developed, launched and ready for users who may need additional technical or onboarding assistance. Having personnel available who are knowledgeable and attentive not only boosts user satisfaction but makes their experience more pleasant as well.
Developing a Shortlist of Companies
When choosing the best mobile app development company in Dubai, it is important to create a shortlist of companies that you can confidently evaluate further. This list should include salient information about each company such as the type of apps they specialize in developing, their experience and portfolio, reviews from previous clients, and any particular services or benefits they promise.
Additionally, seeking input from family and friends, online reviewers and other professionals can help you identify potential companies. After creating this list, you should do some research into each one; just reading the website or watching promotional videos isn’t enough. Look for actual customer reviews and firsthand accounts to ensure that your chosen company has an established history of delivering quality applications on time and on budget. Finally, compare prices with roughly similar packages between companies to get an informed idea of what sort of financial investment you'll have to make in achieving the desired results.
Legend1st Digital Marketing & Mobile Apps, Dubai, is a top mobile app development company that meets all the criteria mentioned above. With years of experience in developing mobile apps for different industries, they provide their clients with customized mobile app solutions that are tailored to their business needs. Their team of experienced developers uses the latest technologies to create user-friendly, feature-rich mobile apps that drive business growth. Moreover, they offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that their clients' apps are always up-to-date and running smoothly. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced mobile app development company in Dubai, Legend1st Digital Marketing & Mobile Apps is the perfect choice.
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starvels · 1 year
I've been losing it trying to figure out America's age. We know she was orphaned when she was ~7 years old from the Young Avengers run, and her latest solo run puts that happening 13 years ago, which would make her 20/21. We know she joined the Teen Brigade when she was 16. We also know that Kieron Gillen originally said she was 2-3 years older than the majority of the Young Avengers, making her 23-24 during the run. (1/3)
He later said she was 17/18 along with David, making her 3 years younger than Kate and 4 years younger than Noh-Varr. Or maybe not, because her running off to join the Teen Brigade is also stated in her solo run to have happened three years ago, making her 19 (despite the fact that the similarly-aged David is canonically at least 21) and also meaning that only 1-2 years have passed in-universe since the events of Young Avengers. (2/3)
Or maybe not, because the same fucking comic also flashes back to the night her moms died in a later issue and says it was 15 years ago (not 13 as previously mentioned), making her 22. I hate you comic book character ages I hate you. (3/3)
yeah bud, this is a right headache. they've always fucked w her age a lot tbh. and i don't overly care in the sense that she's a multiversal traveler w some starry galactic powers - it makes sense that her relationship to time would be a bit different, but i do care abt them constantly trying to retcon and reconfigure her past for kinda no purpose (i'm a utopian parallel apologist sorry not sorry i think its a more fun compelling backstory, but whatev).
i personally feel like with marvel sliding time scale taken into account, yeah maybe only a year or two has passed since young avengers and i'm fine w that, but she's now had over three tenures on super teams plus her own vigilante time, plus her own apparently numerous multiversal/timeline adventures? so imho that makes it reasonable to me that she's early twenties.
the way she's written in young avengers also does give that impression. she seems like that's where she is in her story and how she relates to the other characters (particularly kid loki and kate, who IS canonically older than most of the rest of the YA too, SO!) that also seems reasonable. i don't loooove her characterization in all of her solo run bc i do feel like she sometimes flips between typical young 20s finding shit out and discovering herself and a younger on the cusp of adulthood, very bouncy idealistic sort of teen and that feels incongruous with her in a lot of different runs and her continued growth.
so! i choose to see her as like, 22ish physically, probably more multiverse weary and having a complicated relationship with aging and her own perception of individual self. and here she will probably stay for a long while, as she occupies that 'young avengers' category and they keep the main avengers teams at 30-something ish and don't let them age either.
and just like those other characters, we are never gonna get a solid age. tis the Comic of It All
i agree w ya tho!! yeahhhh writers should stop trying because it never ages well and also they have so much trouble keeping track of their own timing in their own goddamn runs or later as a retcon/comment (INFURIATING. what do you mean, i beta my stuff but they don't have to fucking fact check AGAINST THEIR OWN SCRIPT at all??? NO TAKEBACKS. DO IT RIGHT and never use a number when you don't have to dodos!!!)
anyways its terrible!! no good! everything is made up and the points don't matter, at least america will always kick ass and be the stargirl we all need!!
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