#the freedom of the seas and yea that one's obvious BUT then adding on the experiences of inda and fox. also marlovans with honestly much str
greatshell-rider · 2 years
i forgot about barend being an artist but
Barend snorted, rubbing his nose on his sleeves, then went back to his sketching; it wasn’t just horses anymore. Barend drew ships, in amazing detail. Sponge admired the ability, but secretly wished Barend would return to drawing horses. Horses were alive, beautiful. Ships were boring.
When Sponge pulled away, Barend got shakily to his feet. He was home, all right. And he could sketch all he wanted, pretending his mind was out there on the water, skimming before the wind, but he knew he was here, and winter would be long and full of pain and fear.
was sure the hell of a reminder
#from drawing horses to ships#thinks about how marlovans are obsessed with their horses and their horses are the most vital part of their warrior society#thinks about how the horses represent ties to the land and to marlovan culture and how in drawing ships it represents barend's longing for t#the freedom of the seas and yea that one's obvious BUT then adding on the experiences of inda and fox. also marlovans with honestly much str#stronger personal connections to the land (fox eventually less so#but he was obsessed with getting revenge/becoming king for a wee bit iirc) and how at first ships/the sea/becoming pirates might not seem as#freeing for them as it is so blatantly for barend#yes for fox going to sea allowed him to learn the sword and practice his knife skills and all that but! it goes further than that!#im thinking about how inda's goodbye to tdor was snappy and rude AND CONSTANTLY COMPARED TO TANRID'S OWN BEHAVIOR#tanrid who had been beating on inda all that winter so inda was picking up his bad manners particularly then in the face of excitement/relie#relief offered by his return to the academy. thus why he was a binch to tdor#but the important bit is! inda was becoming like tanrid. even if only for a small/short bit. inda! of all the guys!#inda favored by his mother. inda who never sought violence nor glory. inda only ever wanting the best for his friends. etc etc#given the marlovan culture and their practice of beating boys as often as it can physically be taken it is godsdamn impressive how 'well' an#anyone fuckin turns out. (especially sponge with the added pressures of being a prince ahem that's off topic)#it's little wonder tanrid turned out the way he did. it takes only a little wonder and speculation to see inda becoming a much harsher and#harder person than he turned out to be had he stayed in iasca leror all his life and trained in the academy until he was grown#key word HAD. my boy went to sea! and in the same manner as fox and barend it FREED him. from the brutality of marlovan society. for years#he had to HIDE being a marlovan. he had to learn a whole new way of fighting and tactics. on sea rather than on horseback#it did what the sierandael feared all along: taught him to look and think in different ways than typical marlovan teachings. taught him to#be independent. (relatively. ofc inda still struggled with the chain of command shit when evred ordered him to conquer the strait aha.)#to not be so blindly obedient as is literally beaten into boys as children. going to sea SAVED inda and changed him perhaps dramatically#than what he might've been had he stayed at the academy. and for fox yeah initially he was always so full of anger over the injustice done#to his ancestors that still heavily punishes him and his family today and so he was threatening to be a hashtag problem at home#but being on sea for so long as a pirate and with inda certainly fuckin changed the guy (gay ass bitch (affectionate))#as we see by the end of the series when he settles down in his family's prison for a few years not causing civil unrest before quietly#fucking off to norsunder (holds head in hands)#anyway#ships and horses amiright#inda quartet
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lady-hype · 5 years
Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words, But This One Only Needs Three (Alana Kusuma x F!MC (Lia Park)
<< Set after the Perfect Match Book 2 finale. Everyone has gone back to their respective lives. Lia and most of the gang head back to New York while Alana is away on her new job. And since we don’t know what the hell MC does as their day job, mine will be a bartender. Also, a fair amount of story building so you won’t be getting the sexy Interpol agent right away. (I know it sucks, but I can’t write without giving context ;_;) >>
(I know I should be working on my Shreya x MC fic, but Perfect Match’s finale had me feeling all kinds of something)
“Liaaaaaaa....” Nadia groaned as she sat on the cushy bar stool. At her cousin’s noncommittal hum, she sighed and sagged against the sleek wooden counter, “I need inspiration! My artistic tank has run empty and I need a refill.”
Lia smirked and threw her small towel onto her shoulder, “Let me guess..something boozy, sugary, and brightly colored?” Though, she didn’t even need to bother asking, because her bubbly cousin asked for the same drink every time these “artist blocks” came up. Nadia’s knowing grin only made Lia chuckle, pondering how her taste buds handled the drink every time.
Lia made idle chit-chat with Nadia as she looked around the bar. A fair amount of her regulars had come in that Friday night, the quiet music being drowned out by excited chatter. She smiled to herself as she poured the bright green beverage into its glass, adding candy garnishes. Lia’s mind started to drift off, relishing in the calm that was in her life again. The fight with Eros had been long and grueling, making everyone weary and tired. At one point, she wasn’t sure if she would ever have normalcy again. But everything had, thankfully, worked out in the end. Lia and her friends were heralded as national heroes, being given eternal gratitude from President Thompson.
“...then Steve made the worst joke about armadillos!” Nadia finished, unaware that her cousin had spaced out. She waved her hand in Lia’s face. “Hellooooo? Earth to Lia!”
“Huh?” Lia’s eyes refocused and she looked back at Nadia.
“You forgot the little umbrella!” The artist grinned and gently tapped the rim of her glass. “Also..you doing alright?” Concern knit her brow as she gently touched Lia’s hand.
Lia smiled sheepishly and stuck a little umbrella in the sweet-smelling drink before squeezing Nadia’s hand, “Yea I’m fine. Just..thinking about the journey we went through. I know it’s been a few months but it seems like just yesterday we were at that gala saving the president.”
Nadia sipped her drink quietly, lost in her own musings before speaking up, “I get what you mean. I sort of miss the whole gang. But Khaan and Sloane are busy revitalizing Eros, D is working again, and Alana is who knows where.” 
“Yea..but those two computer whizzes are making amazing progress! And Damien is finally joining us in this technological age.” Lia’s typical optimism failed to rein in the thoughts that followed after. She stared out into the small sea of people, mumbling to herself, “I--...I mean, WE haven’t heard from Alana in a while.” Her slightly embarrassed smile didn’t go unnoticed by Nadia, who was now sporting a shit-eating grin.
“Speaking of hot Interpol agents..” Nadia began whilst running her fingers around the rim of her glass, “Did you two ever become a thing?” 
The quizzical look she gave Lia silently pried the bartender’s heart open, slowly letting out the feelings she had been trying push to the back of her mind. Her voice was barely above a whisper before she spoke, “I think so?” Lia frowned as she thought of how she should word it. “It was before she left for her next job. I took her to the airport during Hayden’s housewarming party. It was a bit..emotional, to say the least. I could still sense some apprehension.”
“What do you mean?”
Lia bit her lip at Nadia’s question before slouching down and resting her chin on her palm. “She’s one of a kind, Nadia. She doesn’t take shit from anyone. Her freedom is immensely important to her. She was afraid that I wouldn’t want that. She might have thought I wanted to chain her down. But..I told her that part of her was something I never wanted to change. After that, things seemed to be alright. We never really put a label on what we were. But..hell do I miss her.” Despite their conversation seeming to have gone favorably, there was still a hint of sadness in Lia’s eyes.
There was an audible silence despite the laughter of Lia’s patrons. Nadia could almost hear the gears turning in her cousin’s head. She hadn’t gotten to know the Interpol agent well throughout their travels, let alone speak much volume with her. But it was quite obvious that Lia was undeniably smitten with Alana. There was this dreamy look about the bartender that made Nadia chuckle a bit before thinking back to the uncertainty that seemed to cling to her cousin.
“So you don’t know when she’s supposed to be finished with her job?” The artist inquired before frowning at the shake of a head. Nadia sighed and drank more of her insanely sugary booze, deciding that it’d be best to drop the subject for now. “Do you have any plans after work?”
“Sloane and Hayden invited me over for documentary night,” Lia said as she cleaned a glass, “and Sloane insisted on looking at the stars after. She’s trying to pack in as much as she can on her day off.” Her mood was starting to lighten up as she thought of her two best friends when it instantly soured, hearing loud angry voices. She knew that the argument would break out into a fist fight if she didn’t step in soon, so she strode over to the source of the commotion. “Hey, knock it off or I’m going to have to throw you bo--” 
Lia stopped in her tracks when her eyes met familiar brown ones. Her breath hitched as she realized that Alana Kusuma was in front of her. The Interpol agent that took her breath away was here at her bar, sporting that damn smirk that did things to her. 
“Hey babe.” Alana said with such familiarity that one wouldn’t think the two hadn’t seen each other in months. “I was just telling this chump I’m not interested in whatever they have to offer. For the third time.” 
The aforementioned patron pointed a wobbly finger at Alana, slurring their words, “And for the third time, I told you I can offer you more than this place can back at my apartment!” The perverted grin that accompanied their statement only made Alana roll her eyes in disgust.
“I highly doubt that because the bartender is here and she has a better chance at making me feel good than you ever will.” Alana’s snarky attitude was lost on the tipsy customer, but the unabashedly suggestive statement was not lost on Lia, who was blushing more than she should have been.
Shaking her head and sighing, Lia walked around the bar and stepped in front of the offending customer, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave. The lady said she’s not interested.” She straightened up and squared her shoulders, seeing how the glazed-over eyes staring at her slowly began brewing with hostility.
“I can do whatever the hell I want! You ain’t the boss of me, girlie.” They rolled their eyes and scoffed, leaning heavily against the counter. They reeked of alcohol and it only added to the disrespect they were showing everyone who now had their eyes on the disruption.
Alana was about to take a step forward and clock the rude customer when Lia stepped into their space and gave the meanest glare. The Interpol agent recognized that look and she could only smile. The bartender wasn’t the woman Alana remembered. The whole battle with Eros certainly gave the raven-haired woman a “zero tolerance for shit” attitude. And quite frankly, Alana found that incredibly attractive. She smiled to herself and leaned against the bar as she saw the drunken patron visibly cower in the new intimidating presence.
Lia put her hands on her hips and spoke in a surprisingly calm tone, “Don’t disrespect my friend. I asked you nicely but you didn’t listen.” She let her hands fall to the side as the offender awkwardly stood up to protest. “Get. The. Hell. Out.” Her bravado seemed to do its job as the bumbling mess of a customer stumbled out the door, cursing under their breath.
The Interpol agent looked Lia up and down, giving an appreciative grin. She made her way over to where Nadia was, who watching them with curiosity. After settling on her bar stool, Alana slid some money across the counter and met Lia’s welcoming gaze, “Give me the best whiskey you got, neat.”
Lia nodded and poured the drink, placing it on the counter space in front of Alana. Nadia had a million questions swirling in her head, but with how her cousin looked, she chose to nurse her drink instead. Lia kept opening and closing her mouth, words failing to surface every time. Nadia had been around her cousin long enough to know exactly what was going on in her dear friend’s mind. The slightly creased brow and the hidden turmoil in her eyes always meant the same thing: “I missed you.” But the bartender knew there was a time and place for that, but it wasn’t here. The artist heard a sigh of resignation before seeing her cousin resume making drinks.
After the silence stretched into awkward territory, Nadia spoke up, “So Alana! Welcome back! It’s good to see you again. It’s been like..five months?”
Alana took a sip of her whiskey and set her glass down, resting her elbows on the counter. “It would seem so. I just finished up my job so I’ve got some time to kill before the next one’s lined up.” She said with indifference as she watched Lia shaking up some cocktails, fulling grasping how much the bartender seemed to have changed both mentally and physically.
The woman in question had a new air of unspoken confidence, not quite cockiness. When patrons asked what drinks she recommended, she spoke her mind on what was good and bad, but she always remained down-to-earth. Lia had earned herself a reputation of being an insanely talented and charming bartender. Alana could definitely see that the raven-haired beauty was in her element, fully invested in creating the best drinks for the best experience she could offer for her patrons. Lia’s updated appearance struck Alana in an indescribable but good way. Her hair had grown out long enough to a nice layered shoulder length and there was the smallest bit of a new tattoo peeking out from under her rolled sleeves. Her frame was also a bit more filled out, giving suggestions that the bartender had been working out.
Alana was pulled from her thoughts when a melodic voice reached her ears.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Lia asked while sporting a smirk that Alana returned in kind when she looked up.
“A penny wouldn’t be enough for what I got on my mind.” The Interpol agent said with a slight tone of indifference.
Lia raised her eyebrow and leaned against the counter, “Care to enlighten me?” Her teasing tone was evidence to the fact that she had picked up on the ever-so-slightly flirtatious tone in Alana’s previous statement.
“Well, you aren’t worth that little so...” was all Alana said before trailing off with a wink.
Once the bartender had caught on, her eyes became unreadable. Deciding to take a leap of faith once more, she quipped back, “I understand. You’re worth so much more to me, so..yeah, I get you.” 
Nadia instantly recognized this atmosphere, so she opted for moving away from the pair and beaming, seeing Lia look happier than she had been just moments ago. She decided to take her leave and chat up some friendly patrons at a community table.
The rowdiness of the bar seemed to fade away as Alana and Lia’s eyes met again. No more playful grins or witty retorts; just the two of them relishing in each other’s presence after being apart for months. 
Deciding that the silence had drawn on long enough, Alana reached across the counter and gently grasped Lia’s hand, “When does your shift end?”
Lia looked down to their joined hands before looking back up at Alana, turning her hand up to give the brunette’s hand a gentle squeeze, “In an hour, but I actually have plans..” The raven-haired woman spoke, but stopped shortly after when she saw hope flicker and fade into disappointment in Alana’s eyes. “Hold that thought.”
Lia took her phone out of her pocket and texted Hayden and Sloane.
(Booze Ticket): Hey you two..sorry, change of plans. I won’t be able to make it to documentary night tonight.
(Indescribably Cool Girl): Aww :( What happened?
(Orion): ???
(Booze Ticket): Alana’s back in town.
(Indescribably Cool Girl): That’s great! Tell her we say hi!
(Orion): Be safe! Use the appropriate protective measures.
(Indescribably Cool Girl): Sloane..I know we said we’d both be supportive, but..not what I had in mind.
(Orion): Woops. 
Lia chuckled before slipping her phone back into her pocket, being greeted with a curious look. “Well Alana, I changed some things around. So tonight..” She leaned in slightly, inviting the brunette to do the same. Whispering ever so quietly into a waiting ear, she murmurs, “I’m all yours.”
As she withdrew from Alana’s space, she saw a quick flash of something in the Interpol agent’s eyes. Hope. Wonder. Hunger. Lia couldn’t help but smirk, noting how she was able to catch this new side of Alana. Not entirely vulnerable, but much more open and accepting of being able to fall into her feelings. 
Finishing her whiskey, Alana stands and turns to leave, throwing a grin over her shoulder, “I’ll see you then, Lia. Don’t be late heading home.”
Lia could only beam as she had a lot more to look forward to after her shift was over.
Riddled with exhaustion, Lia stepped out of the elevator to her apartment floor. Though, it instantly vanished upon seeing one Alana Kusuma leaning right outside her door, who turned to smile at her. Seeing the one woman she missed the most was like a breath of everything refreshing. She had spent so long pining for Alana, missing the headstrong and sexy agent. And in a matter of moments, Lia would have the brunette in her arms with no intention of letting her go.
Having enough of this distance (no matter how small it was), Lia walked up to Alana and looked into warm expectant eyes. “I missed you...” She spoke softly as she held her arms out, reaching out to Alana slow enough just to see if it was something she wanted.
But before her hands were even halfway across the small gap, Alana pulled Lia close and wrapped her arms loosely around the bartender’s neck. Slender fingers slowly combed up the back of Lia’s head, sending shivers up her spine. There was no hesitation in her eyes, no stiff nerves in her embrace; only relief and adoration. Alana gently pressed her soft full lips to Lia’s, kissing her sweetly before pulling back, “I missed you too.” Alana gave a quick smile before stepping out of the embrace, tilting her head towards Lia’s apartment door, “So, you gonna let me in or are we doing it out here in the hallway?” 
“Alana!” Lia playfully smacked the agent’s arm before unlocking her door, letting both of them in. “I’d rather not broadcast my sex life to my neighbors.” She leaned against the locked door and shot Alana a glare before dropping her bag on the counter. “Besides..I didn’t know where we were regarding that.”
“I know we didn’t really discuss it. I just thought it would have been a funny way to get your door opened faster.” A throaty chuckle came up from Alana’s chest as she looked around Lia’s apartment. “Nice place, by the way.”
Lia smiled and leaned her back against the counter, deep in thought as she looked at the object of her affections. “But is that something you want..or that you’re ready for?” 
Alana pursed her lips for a moment before breaking into a smile, “Are you kidding? You’re hot, Lia. Who wouldn’t want you?” She tried to power through the charged atmosphere with flirtatious bravado before biting her lip slightly. Leveling her gaze with Lia’s, she spoke up once again, “But for real, yea. Since we’re in a.. relationship,”Alana drew in a shaky breath, “I want to have sex with you. It’s natural since I like you as much as I do.”
The nervous smile that graced Alana’s lips made her seem too beautiful for words. Showing that kind of vulnerability was terrifying for the agent, but she knew the woman in front of her would still welcome her with open arms. Lia could only beam at Alana, moving forward to wrap her arms around Alana’s neck. Affectionately tugging the brunette’s hair, Lia spoke softly, “Hey, don’t be scared. I feel the same way. I’ve thought about that: you here and taking me.. “ She tilted her head slightly to kiss the agent, “Every. Single. Day.” Every word was punctuated with a kiss, each one lasting longer.
A quiet moan rumbled from Alana’s chest, making her breath hitch when Lia made her desire known. The brunette wrapped her arms around her future lover’s waist and kissed the bartender deeply. Alana’s hands slowly slid down to the small of Lia’s back, tracing her fingers around in circles before a smirk set on her face. She moved her hands around to the front of Lia’s pants and looped her fingers under the raven-haired woman’s belt, tugging. She gently guided the two of them towards Lia’s open bedroom door.
“Come on hot stuff, I think it’s time we catch up. Thoroughly.” Alana murmured, her voice thick with want. She glanced over her shoulder and caught Lia staring at her with lustful eyes, her teeth gently biting her lower lip. Once in the bedroom, the brunette spun them around and slowly backed Lia to the edge of the bed, matching the burning gaze that was being leveled at her. “Come on babe..you’re in for the ride of your life.” With those words, Alana pushed Lia back onto the bed and began to ravish her waiting partner. 
Moonlight filtered in through the cracks of the curtains and onto the bed where two naked bodies slept. Alana was the first of the two to wake up, brown eyes bleary. She reached left and groped the nightstand, picking up her phone to check the time. It was only 4 A.M. in the morning but Alana felt herself waking up more when she took in her surroundings. She sat up and soft blankets pooled around her hips as she took everything that was now sinking into her head. She couldn’t help the shudder that coursed through her nude form. There was a part of Alana that was still a bit fearful that Lia might change her mind and want her to settle down like Damien wanted her to. But she hadn’t felt such a strong genuine connection with someone like Lia for as long as she could remember. And it was evident that the dark-haired beauty was more than okay with Alana’s life. So, for her to feel so strongly about the slumbering woman beside her again, Alana couldn’t help but feel both scared and elated. She looked to her right and smiled, seeing Lia’s peaceful face as she slept. Blankets draped down the bartender’s waist, giving full view to her bare chest which caused Alana to grin at the memory of their tryst only hours ago.
The agent’s eyes then scanned the room and eventually fell to a set of pictures framed on the dressed across from her. Various photos adorned the piece of furniture, each one with Lia’s smiling face among familiar faces. A couple featured a younger Lia in graduation gowns, while the remaining depicted fun times with Hayden and the others. Alana recognized a few of those places, one being Berlin and the other being Paris. But what caught her eye was a lone photo taken on the familiar beach in Indonesia, where her relative’s beach house stood. There Lia was, sitting on the beach and looking to the sunset wistfully. Something tugged at Alana’s heart as she stared at the picture, something that that crept up her throat and caused a lump to form. She didn’t want to think too much into it, but it was too late. All the previous photos showcased happy times with friends, but this one picture made it obvious that Lia was longing for something..or someone. Like the night on the rooftop in L.A., Alana was hit with another realization that took her breath away.
Her eyes seemed to prickle, then a familiar sting chased the sensation. Tears started forming in her eyes and blurred her vision. She sniffled quietly and wiped her eyes, hoping to rid herself of these tears and heading back to sleep. But despite her best efforts to retain her strong facade, more tears ran down her cheeks. This realization hit her like a truck and it was almost too much. But was this too much for her? She was Alana Kusuma for crying out loud. She was a certified badass. An amazing Interpol agent and all around amazing fighter. She’s stared death in the face and came out the other side. She helped saved the POTUS’ life. But here she was, silently crying her heart out.
 What Alana failed to realize was that her lover had woken up from the first sniffle. Lia gently touched the brunette’s bicep and sat up, speaking with such love and care that it almost instantly wrapped Alana in a verbal embrace, “Hey...what’s wrong?”
Alana inhaled quietly and her trembling shoulders came to a halt when she felt her lover’s soft touch. She looked over to Lia with wet eyes and cheeks, biting her lip before gazing into warm chocolate eyes. The moonlight seemed to almost reflect off the tiny golden flecks in Lia’s eyes. The bartender’s hair was tousled and there were tired bags under her eyes, but Alana thought she never looked more beautiful. She couldn’t help but feel waves of happiness wash through her as she cracked a lopsided smile. Her voice cracked slightly but she was never more sure of anything as her next words, “Nothing’s wrong Lia..I promise. I just realized..” Alana trailed off in thought, breathing in deep before speaking with unwavering conviction, “I’m home.”
Lia’s eyes widened slightly before she broke out into a huge grin. She took Alana’s face in her hands and gently pressed her forehead against the brunette’s, pressing a gentle but meaningful kiss to Alana’s tear-stricken lips before murmuring the three words Alana had wanted to hear for so long..
“Welcome home, Alana...”
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