#the format semi-works but i also just wanna put everything onto the one tumblr blog
talizorahs · 8 months
what reminder you need to hear depending on which bad batcher you stan. an introspective 📬
[cross-posted from my twitter][s0ftbatch]
i put together these words for a particularly negative moment within the fandom, and want to share them here, as my bad batch brainrot continues to deepen. introspection is highly subjective to my interpretation of the characters - i know some better than others. such words were constructed from typing each batcher to a maldaptive schema.
remember to be excellent to each other 🥰
"you don't need to be strong all the time"
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"you are worth more than what you can give"
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"you are allowed to be here" "you are wanted"
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"it's okay to ask for help"
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"you can't fix everyone's problems"
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"don't let anyone put out your sunshine"
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