#the flash 9x04
Don’t even get me started on how they tried to make Red Death another Zoom— DON’T EVEN BRING IT UP
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pixzzles · 1 year
I’m happy they didn’t stretch the reveal out like I thought. Maybe shorting the season made them realize they can’t drag it on for too long like usual.
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onetreehilldaily · 5 months
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ONE TREE HILL 9.04, “Don’t You Want To Share The Guilt?”
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killervibe · 1 year
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In the Flash the Star Labs Reality TV Show s9 ep 4 (”Jenna Speaks”)
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sashmarie1111 · 1 year
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The Flash 9x03/9x04
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phoenix · 1 year
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Promotional images for Flash 9x04, The Masque of the Red Death part 1, have dropped, finally giving us our first official promo pic of our Newly Fallen Snow.
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A choice face from Khione in this week’s episode.
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hournites · 1 year
am i supposed to feel sad? i do not. 
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snowluthor · 1 year
I swear Barry called Khione ‘Caitlin’ once in this episode. Even my tv captions said Caitlin. And no one seemed to notice.
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batwomandaily · 1 year
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Ryan Wilder -> The Flash 9x04
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backtothestart02 · 1 year
A Wife's Request - 1/1 | [RC - 9x04]
A/N: Just a little moment I wanted to see in the ep at the end of their opening scene. Enjoy!
“Ryan’s lucky to have you in her corner.”
“Thanks. Be safe out there.”
“I will. Promise.”
Iris tapped her fingers on the table, on the papers, the pictures, the file…
She tried to concentrate on the situation at hand, but in the end it was abandoned, at least for the moment.
Barry’s kiss had been no more than a simple peck, a goodbye gesture before they temporarily parted ways. But it left her wanting more. Not much. She knew this was neither time nor the place to have sex with so much riding on their next move.
But maybe a little?
Reaching for her phone, she sent him a quick text, something simple, not too demanding, nothing to scare him.
Can you come home real quick?
That was okay…right?
A flash of light, and a gust of wind behind her, and…a very frantic Flash.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
She pursed her lips, wishing she hadn’t sent the text.
“It’s uh…” She laughed under her breath. “It’s nothing, Bear. I’m sorry for bringing you back. You can go. We’ll talk later.”
Barry frowned and relaxed slightly. He walked over to where she sat and waited for her to meet his eyes, but she never did, just kept staring at the table waiting for him to leave again.
“What is it?”
She sighed and looked up at him.
“Oh, what the hell.”
Standing up, she grabbed the lapels of his shirt and sat back down, pulling him with her and planting her lips on his.
Startled, Barry squeaked into the kiss but soon relaxed and kissed her back, kneeling before her and resting his hands on the arms of the chair as she continued to kiss him.
“What was that for?” he asked, when she pulled back enough to look at him, still close enough to touch and taste.
Iris smirked, sliding her hands inside the collar of his shirt, pulling one button free.
“I just wanted to kiss you a little more.”
He grinned and closed the distance between them, deepening their third kiss on contact and letting his hands wander until the two of them were more than a little aroused.
Iris pulled back the moment she felt her panties dampen.
“Okay, you should go now.”
“Do you want me to go?”
She snorted.
“No, but you have work to do.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“And so do I.”
She curled her fingers in his hair and tilted his head so she could press their cheeks together and whisper in his ear.
He pulled back into her eyes, and she saw nothing but mischief there.
She smiled at that and patted his chest before turning back to her research.
“Off you go, Flash. Thanks for the makeout sesh.”
He snorted but got to his feet.
“Love you too, Mrs. West-Allen.”
Her smile spread, not minding one bit this time when his flashing away caused her hair to float around her. She was filled with warm fuzzies and the promise of what was to come.
“Love you more.”
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Remember. Remember the time The Flash season 9 somehow fucked up WHUMP?
But not just that no no— they fucked up BARRY WHUMP
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pixzzles · 1 year
Oh man Mark’s (probably knowing this show NOT!) Dead.
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asm5129 · 1 year
Flash Thoughts 9x04
Okay now THAT one was top tier. Javicia Leslie was by far the MVP, she was KILLING it this episode. Her acting at the ending was a bit much, but still pretty solid. Still, it is clear she is not getting the quality of material or directing she got on Batwoman--and yet she’s STILL KILLING IT 99% of the time.
 tbh I hope they give her a lot more scenes out of the Red Death suit because it's an absolute crime to have her face and voice hidden or to give her classic Batman lines instead of her own. Actually on that note, lets talk about her origins
So, she’s not Armageddon Ryan, and tbh I think that’s a HUGE missed opportunity. But you know what? She’s still great. The idea that she was adopted by the Waynes is definitely an intriguing angle to play. This is a Ryan who grew up in privilege, who never had to deal with the things that made OUR Ryan a hero. this is also a Ryan who never had a Batfam, it seems--so no one to bring her back from the edge like they did when Earth Prime Ryan nearly killed Hush. I think it’s absolutely a mistake to make her not Armageddon Ryan, but I can accept that’s not the direction they wanted to go, and this could be still be plenty amazing--at least, we know Javicia will be.
That suit up scene in the West-Allen apartment was amazing tbh, and i’m intrigued by the twist that Red Death is NOT the new Negative Speed Force Avatar. I do like how she’s twisted what happened in her world in her head--that The Flash betrayed her, that he went crazy and became evil--to give herself the role of hero. I think that’s super interesting. Actually the entire Ryan/Iris standoff was great, from the acting to Iris’ journalistic instincts to the peek into Ryan Wayne's psychology, to the overall incredibly tense atmosphere--it was all really good. Definitely the highlight of the episode.
I have always had mixed feelings on Mark, so i can’t say i was particularly impacted by his sacrifice--but i do appreciate that he did change just enough with Frost that he couldn't completely commit to the betrayal. 
Also, red death’s line about “seeing the best in your enemies, but the worst in your allies” is really interesting, I like it a lot. That and her absolute contempt for criminals are great peeks into her psyche. 
Speaking of peeks into a characters psyche, i love how deeply that contrasts with Barry mourning the loss of Thawne’s life. Barry values all lives, even that of his greatest enemy, and he’s always going to wish a life wasn’t lost. Also it makes me feel better about what I felt was a pretty significant inconsistency with the saving of Thawne at the end of Armageddon. There’s still some inconsistencies and hypocrisies there, but I'm not too hung up on them.
Allegra and Chester FINALLY getting on the same page is nice. That’s about all I have to say about that. Still great chemistry between the actors.
And i really like Joe’s conflict. He has a chance to be a father again, and try to do things a little better this time--and whether central city is a place for that is a legitimate question. Even though he agreed to stay, the look on his face makes me think this conflict is not over. He still wants to leave, even if he doesn’t want to take away Cecile’s chance at being a superhero, or imply to Jenna she wasn’t capable of it.
And that’s about it. I’m excited for next week!
And i can’t wait for Ryan Wilder to make her grand return in the near future and face off against Ryan Wayne. That’s gonna be a hell of a thing.
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killervibe · 1 year
ok I hear what you’re saying but it’s not like central city is the ONLY city that has crime. you live in the DC universe Joe. 
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sashmarie1111 · 1 year
The Flash 9x04 Episode Clip 
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