#the fact that so many ppl are so conditioned and unbothered by this shit..
dsgustng · 2 years
I think advertising alone is so dystopic without all the other horrors of capitalism. like we're at a point humans are literally begging corporations to stop shoving ads in every single place imaginable. Not even the night sky is safe. Corporations just clogging every single human experience we have with the expectation of spending money. Loud repetitive music and visuals that make me want to rip my hair out all day every day. If it was legal I'm sure some company would have fucking engraved an ad on the moon by now. And I constantly get ads almost exclusively for things that are already wildly successful and by all means don't fucking need it. YouTube and Google were both extremely profitable and successful before they stuffed every single corner of the internet with their advertisements and it just gets fucking worse and worse. I feel like we're all being fucking tortured and finally are getting to the breaking point. Like you can only boil the frog so long before it finally succumbs right?
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