#the fact of the matter is that i//ncest and p//edophilia and a//buse are still disgusting and i wanna stay far away from that
pumpkinpie59 · 1 year
my post about p/roshipping and how antishipping isn’t about harassment is attracting p/roshippers, and ya know what they’re talking about?
they’re saying that antishipping is about harassment actually
like i’m sorry but as much as i hate i/ncest and p/edophilia and such, i have never actually gone to a p/roshipper’s blog to tell them how wrong they are.
they’re obviously too integrated in their interests to change their minds, and it’s a waste of my time to try and convince them otherwise. i will not harass people regardless of how wrong they are.
and the funny thing is, these people are coming on my post to tell me i’m wrong
like y’all are the ones harassing me, so i think there’s some hypocrisy going on there :/
and i even said that there are antis who are bullies. i admitted that. bullying is never good i get that.
and for the thousandth time, if you don’t like what i have to say, just freaking block me
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