#the endgame LI in need is named astley
Do you have any faerie book recs?
Yeahh my own huehueheuheueheuh
Serious answer? Not currently. I guess it depends on what you define as "faerie books," but I've only recently gotten back to reading any sort of fantasy stuff at all, because I've been very particular about avoiding books that might be even slightly similar to mine in genre and concepts so that I don't accidentally rip them off and to help cement my own vision.
The only one I can think of that I genuinely enjoyed for what it was is the Need series by Carrie Jones, and that one I can't really recommend as a "good" series, because it isn't. It's a cheap, old and forgotten Twilight cash-in, and it's pixies instead of faeries. I do think it was a lot of stupid fun and didn't take itself too seriously, plus some of the worldbuilding was genuinely pretty interesting but never really expanded upon. I go back to that series every now and then, and every time it just gets dumber but I still enjoy it just as much.
I also recall weirdly enjoying the love triangle, or rather the lack of one? The second dude that shows up ends up being endgame (spoilers) but the first guy sticks around and keeps being a part of the cast. It was honestly buckwild to see in that era of YA.
Tbh more people should read that shit just so I have people I can talk about it with.
I wish I could give you actually good recs! I hope that I'll be able to soon, since I'm getting back into reading a bit more recently. So ask me again in a while? Who knows!
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Can you tell me about your Neville oc?
heck yeah!!! thank you so much for asking!! 
asterope aurelia malfoy or aurelia black because she disowned herself is my third oldest oc and is the only oc that i’m constantly working on! i created her in 2016 on March 22 ( the only reason i remember the date is because im emo and i love mcr ) and i was originally planning to write a cliché but with twists harry potter fanfiction cause I love clichés but it spiraled out of control. 
asterope’s character and story has been a journey for me, i’ve rewritten the story so many times but the last rewrite which i started in fall of 2020 ( which is technically just a better written and more planned version of the 2018 rewrite ) and is the one i’m most confident on!!  I’m like 90% this is going to be the final version and I have the ending planned and everything, it’s just i take a very long time to write so it’ll probably take me another year to finish it!! she’s honestly my favourite oc!!
she’s a hufflepuff and in the end of her third year at hogwarts when the story starts. it’s heavily implied that she’s not really a malfoy but asterope isn’t really sure who she is. the story kicks off when she’s chosen for the triwizard tournament along side harry potter. she was chosen for different reasons than harry, meaning voldemort didn’t want her to be part of the whole plan he had but she ended up being there. she doesn’t do all that well in the tournament magic wise but she ends up getting decent points because dumbledore’s favoritism. 
my favourite part of her story has and has always been, the ootp section because 1.) it’s a turning point for her and her character and 2.) so much angst. i’m halfway done prewriting that part and i’m super excited to finally move onto the half-blood prince which is the part that i’ve never made it to in terms of her story. the farthest i’ve made it to is the department of mysteries. and this is getting really long and i’m super sorry about that sjsjksjs 
asterope prefers going by her middle name aurelia, she has a lot of nicknames but her favourite is either ari or sunflower girl which are both nicknames given to her by neville. 
she’s a hopeless romantic and she believes that her and neville are soulmates, she’s not sure if they’re romantic or platonic soulmates just yet but she’ll figure out the real answer soon! 
her first friends that she makes are technically all the weasleys but she refers to neville as her first friend because she sat with him on the train, or rather he sat with her  👀👀 she reads him a book on the train and they fall asleep on each other’s shoulders. neville drools on her shoulder and asterope makes a comment about it which is a nod to percabeth ( the first book couple i ever shipped ). 
she’s never really understood the whole blood supremacy her parents taught her but she listens to it well enough and believes it to a point especially in the beginning but she doesn’t believe it enough to stop her from earning other people’s approval. so basically she lies about not believing in it to keep friendships and eventually she learns better and she lets go of that ideology, 
she loves ABBA, musicals especially phantom of the opera and the carrie musical ( which was released in the 1980s but it flopped so you can’t find the original soundtrack for it, the earliest is like 2012 BUT it was out during the golden trio era so it counts and it’s actually probably her favourite out of the two, to be fair she loves carrie the movie, and any movie with Winona Ryder. 
she’s bisexual!! and although she never says it during her book ( and by this i mean she never uses the term because she doesn’t know it ) asterope is genderfluid and it’s heavily implied through out the book, she likes being female and male and doesn’t really care for the whole gender thing. but she doesn’t know that there’s a term for how she feels so she never takes one. eventually she does hear about genderfluid and she does come out probably around the early 2000s. 
asterope has a crush on ginny, it never really went away she just started questioning her feelings for neville and got consumed by that. i’ve mentioned that fred has a crush on asterope ( she’s never returned it ) i did that because i am a fred girl too and at one point during a rough draft i think i was going to have asterope get with fred for a bit but now i cannot see them together. Neville is obviously endgame but I really actually like her and ginny as couple. and i like neville, asterope, and ginny as a couple even more. 
( but i also really like hinny ) 
as a toddler she idolised her aunt bellatrix and she remembers this phase vividly and she cringes thinking about it because in her mind bellatrix = bad. but she has a lot of memories of bella being nice to her and that causes a lot of turmoil between her need to be loved and her relationship with neville. the angst of it all is just chef’s kiss. 
she loves puns, she her cat named freddie purrcury and the tree she had as a child named vincent van grow. she and sirius are the pun-makers of the black family, no one can top them. 
at one point in a chapter asterope shows neville ABBA and sings waterloo to him using his hairbrush as a microphone. and lowkey that’s the first time he thinks about marrying her. it’s not even a detailed scene in the story but it’s mentioned as a thing they do to pass the weekend before things take off for the ootp content. but it’s one of my favourite moments. ALSO asterope unironically loves rick astley’s never gonna give you up and she rick rolls umbridge twice. 
i have so much about asterope malfoy but i’m pretty sure i’ve already said to much, pretty sure i just wrote a really bad essay about her!! i’ll end it here but there is more if you ever want to know more in the future!! thank you so much for asking about my oc, i really appreciate it!! 
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