#the camgirl line isn't a gender reveal btw others could refer to themselves as that as a joke
lostsneeze · 7 months
Vod Transcript From Your Fav
Hey everybody what’s up today we’re playing this game, it’s apparently just a worse version of Overwatch or something, I don’t really know. But I’m a worse version of an Overwatch player so maybe it’ll be a good time.
Now chat I did play it a little bit already, um, yesterday, on an unscheduled stream, because you have-there’s like, you don’t get to play against humans until rank 5 or account level 5 or experience level 5 or something, I don’t know what it’s called, but we did it. So now we can get into the real game *sniffs*
Is this going to be another sneeze stream? Man I hope not, that was weird. I don’t-I don’t know if it’s allergies or if I’m getting sick or if that was just random like, I don’t know. I mean I feel fine, or well, I don’t feel sick or anything. I mean I feel kind of just generally not great but I’m pretty sure that’s just because my sleep schedule is dogwater.
Alright match found, let’s go!
Okay let’s see what our team is picking…I say like I recognize any of these characters. *laughs* I’m just going to just pick one of the like 2 dudes I figured out already regardless.
Alright I’m picking this pirate guy. He’s great, he’s like the demoman in TF2. Any of you guys play TF2? Nobody better call me a boomer for that. That game’s a classic, alright?
Okay, enemy picks…Oh dangit they’re picking this…this fucking, this trenchcoat ass, beetleborg ass motherfucker. I hate this dude, he’s like…he’s like McCre-er, Cowboy, but he can fly. And he has like a reflect…shield…thing.
*sneeze* One sec, sorry. *sneeze* Oh no, it’s happening again! Ha. *sniffs*
Hmm, this is going to be tough. Actually wait that guy’s shield thing I think says it reflects shots? Like the ability description, I think it doesn’t say like attacks-one second *sneeze* augh. Excuse me. It doesn’t say attacks in general. So maybe, cuz my guy th-throws…bomb…*sneeze* Oh my god trying to explain this while I have to sneeze is so hard! *sniffs* My guy throws bombs and this game differentiates between like, shot damage and blast damage. So if he only reflects shots maybe I can throw bombs at him, or like his feet, so the explosion gets him? And then it doesn’t get reflected? *sniffs* Like does that work? What do you think chat?
Yes…No…No…Idk but try it. Alright helpful as ever you guys thanks. I mean we’re gonna try it.
Alright we’re getting into the match. I don’t know this map but it’s fine we just sit in the back and throw grenades. See…look they actually can’t handle it, they’re, they’re going to have to send that guy up here, the flying bastard…Okay here he is okay shoot, his shield’s up, we fire at the feet, and…AAGH!
*deep breath* We’ve learned a lot here today. Ugghh that’s so disappointing.. Okay, it’s fine, we get back, we focus up, the team will not get wiped in the time it takes for me to respawn, surely.
Yeahh, see, this isn’t, we just go up here now I think…Yeah that’s right, get outta here you freakin’ nerds…Oh this is so much easier, when that guy’s not around. We just k-keep...firing, I’m…*sneeze* *sneeze* oh crap the-the *sneeze* The…Crap I don’t know the names! *sneeze* *sneeze* I can’t…*sneeze* Augh BALLS I died while I was sneezing, god…dangit! Sorry chat I hope wasn’t not too loud. *sniffs*
That freakin’ green guy, man! *sniffs* He, he’s a Jedi, he force-choked me! I couldn’t move! *sniffs* Fuck, that guy’s supposed to be a healer too I think, why does he do so much fucking damage??? *sniffs* What the heck.
Why not mute mic? Because we are engaged in serious gamer business right now, there ain’t no time for that! …Literally one button just hotkey it, chat I’m actually a boomer? I can’t handle the thought process of trying to stay alive AND sneeze AND remember a hotkey outside the normal buttons, it’s too much.
Is it actually annoying though chat like is it bad? Be honest.
No, nah, no, no not really…kinda cute tbh LOL alright excellent, my camgirl era can finally begin.
Ahhh nuts, okay. Yeah so now we have to defend *sniffs*, but it’s fine cuz our…whoever she is, our goth mommy. *sniffs* She’s our healer and she has her ult so we’re going to be able to get aggressive here *sniffs* and take a good position I think. Cuz like, this…I remember hearing the maps in this game don’t have like hella chokepoints *sniffs* the way Overwatch does. So it’s important, I think we want to keep them as far as we can as soon as we can. *sniffs* We don’t want them moving up like at all.
*sniffs* Ugh should’ve grabbed tissues while I was dead.
What are you guys…chat she is! She is a goth mommy, look at her. *sniffs* It’s not weird to say if it’s true. Oh that’s her ult…yesss, yessssssss. *laughs* look, I can just stand in the…okay actually I’m still taking some damage here let’s back up. *sniffs* Back it up back it up. *sniffs* Crap I have to sneeze a-again…god dangit *sneeze* *sneeze* *sneeze* O-oh my *sneeze* god *sneeze* what is this *sneeze* Oh jesus th-this hehh bullcrap’s gonna kill me a-again *sneeze* *sneeze* *sneeze* Bro what the HECK. Aaaugh this is so annoying. I’m annoyed chat! *sniffs*
Sorry guys *sniffs* I’m getting, these sneezes are tilting me. Like I think I’m actually doing pretty well on the whole it’s just I, like every time I die it’s to this crap. *sniffs* Our team’s kind of slaying tho *sniffs* hold on. Yo our team’s kind of SLAYING tho hold on! Even like *sniffs*…see even after I die they pop off cuz my dude just does so much damage with the grenades, like look at these assists.
*sniffs* Oh my god I HAVE to blow my nose. AND I DIDN’T GRAB TISSUES WHILE I WAS DEAD AGAIN CUZ I WAS TILTED! *sniffs* I don’t have…Ugh I…alright chat look away. Look away chat. Turn the stream off. I don’t want you to see this. *blows* Sorry. I’m sorry everyone! *blows* Sorry but it was necessary. A necessary evil.
Okay now I think we can get back in this. Like I’m going to get up to this spot now and we’re just gonna like, we can just force them to come at us soooo slowly. They have to regroup and they have to, like they can’t risk being in the open for long…So we just keep, okay actually, that trenchcoat guy is coming I’mma port out…it’s fine we back up here and he has no idea, we just wait a little bit…Yeah and now we can go like over here maybe.
We just gotta attrition them. Cuz even if they make it through us here they still have to hehh oh my god *sneeze* Damnit *sneeze* I-I’m freaking *sneeze* UGhh okay hide hide *sneeze* sneeze* *sneeze*…*sneeze*
Okay *sniffs* don’t mind me I just had to hide over here and sneeze for a little bit. It’s all good, allies are killing it. Our tank’s doing like, tank things. Goth mommy is doing mom-no I’m not finishing that actually. *sniffs* Ugh. Yeah see, they have to get all the way to the base still. So all the time we buy is going to like, yeah like look how do they get through this? They don’t have, even with overtime I don’t think they have long enough, yknow? *sniffs*
Yes yes yes, hold on, we’re…EYY let’s go! Alright that was round one. I’m gonna find some tissues and then we’re gonna do this, next round’s ours. BRB.
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