#the brief bout of focus i get afterward without meds is very real jsyk
valaruakars · 2 years
LGP motivated me to start working out again <3 i did an upper body workout and my arms are already jelly and i can feel my chest muscles trembling while writing this hahaha can't wait for the sore muscles tomorrow :)
thank you so much for writing this amazing fic. i am already thinking about reading it again for the third time
Woah!!!! This is amazing news, Anon. New achievement unlocked? I hope you keep up with it, sometimes the things that are good for us suck so bad, but it's worth it. I secretly kinda enjoy the sore feeling myself.
So glad you like it, and thank you for sharing this with me! It keeps me motivated to keep going to the gym, personally, but it's amazing to know it motivated someone else too 🥰
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