#the believing people are reblogging but not fully agreeing doesn't really hold up under sexist
hyperbolicgrinch · 2 years
That metal wheel post said male audience only. Why? Are women or female people or whoever not supposed to reblog/appreciate it? Is it a “haha ironic sexism” joke? Serious statement of sexism? Or?
Hey, Anon.
I'm really not sure of the original intent so can't speak for them, but I took it as a joke, like hyperbolic or maybe ironic or that type of tumblr humor where you say something that doesn't really relate, like calling grown men babygirls, ect, but if I'm being honest, I didn't really notice it besides rolling my eyes. I just liked the video and found it amusing and interesting so reblogged it.
It's totally free to reblog and enjoy whatever your gender and/or identity. I think it was just a stupid, silly caption.
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