#the beebl pirates tag
babygirlinc · 1 year
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Woah, first post is Ringo Starr, the one and only man himself.
Well, Ringo doesn't actually have pronouns, Ringo just goes by Ringo.
Ringo is also an "alien", technically the lore is that Ringo was a science fair project of a middle schooler, put together from different body parts of different people.
Now Ringo is happy, with Ringo's boyfriend Jhon Lennon, as a part of the alien band and space pirate group The Beebl.
We love these fucked up guys, The Beebl that is. We played this fucker (Ringo Starr) in a one-shot DMed by the wonderful and lovely @araksi413 . <3333
Ringo Starr has two legs that are from... Some sort of hoofed animal? A tail with fluff at the end, some fish-person ears, one residual arm, and an awfully long arm to match it on the other shoulder.
Ringo also has a luscious mustache.
Besides that, Ringo can't breathe oxygen like we humans do, and has to "breathe" like a fish, using the gills on Ringo's sides (seen in images above). This means Ringo normally has a little tube around his torso with water in it.
I also forgot to mention that Ringo has many, many eyes on Ringo's face lol.
The crop top is supposed to say "BABY BOY" but we forgot. :/
Anyway, if you've read all the way here, have a bonus headmate in dress. <3
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