#the art in the whole fandom is gorgeous of course there’s just insanely talented people in every corner
Not really a bloodweave girlie(gnc), but those artists? You guys make some of the most gorgeous art in this fandom. STUH-NIN’. Y’all really popped off.
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infantbluee · 4 years
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title: count to eight
summary: in another timeline, maka is killed on the moon and the world descends into madness. five years later, a reclusive soul stumbles across a girl who claims to be his dead best friend. 
pairing: soul/maka
rating: explicit
warnings: angst, smut, canon-typical violence, sort of love triangle (though not really because it’s just between maka and two souls) 
links: ao3 // ffn
oh my gosh, this is my second resbang fic ever and i still can’t believe i got so lucky! this year i was paired with the amazing, brilliant, hilarious, and adorable @ochako999 and @maevenneverland who had a full-time job making me laugh-cry over their shenanigans while also making GORGEOUS art for my fic. (links can be found here and here respectively.) please excuse me while i sob over their talent for the next 84 years because they are perfect.  
even more hugs to my ridiculous discord family for keeping me insane, as well as all the other wonderful people i’ve met on tumblr, twitter, and even just by exchanging reviews on fanfics! there’s a reason i’ve been so glad i joined this fandom and it’s because of every single one of you that make it so warm <3
please enjoy the short excerpt below! 
It’s surprisingly cold this year.
Soul blows into his hands, rubbing his palms together to retain warmth. Normally he can escape Kid’s annual Christmas party and hide out in the gardens without any sort of penalty, but apparently Mother Nature decided she was bored this holiday season and wanted to take a turn punishing the antisocial hermit.
That, or she’s calling him a coward.
It’s probably that last one.
“Hiding already?” a familiar voice calls. “This must be a record.”
Holding back a grimace, Soul maintains a blank expression as he turns his head to see his girlfriend approach him along the cobblestone path.
She’s too pretty to be real in this setting, surrounded by glazed tree branches and the twinkling lights strung all over to make up for the blackened moon. Wearing a dress like that with her hair so long and loose, she might as well have “serenade me, you coward” plastered all over her forehead.
“Idiot, you’re going to get frostbite,” he scolds instead, already scowling as he shrugs off his suit jacket to drape over her shoulders. “What are you thinking, coming out here without a coat on?”
Maka smiles sweetly. “I was thinking my weapon always takes care of me.”
Stupid. He thinks the word twice, both times so pathetically filled with affection. “Did Kid send you to hunt me down?” he asks. “I swear I was gonna go back inside. Continue wooing those foreign emissaries or whatever the hell he expects me to do. I just needed a break.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s Christmas; he doesn’t expect you to spend the whole time working.” Her eyes twinkle. “Besides, I already handled it. The dignitaries love me.”
He snorts. “Of course they do.”
“Hey, one of us has to be doing our jobs right,” she teases.
“I prefer the term eager to please.”
Soul is incredulous. “How the hell did you manage to find the one phrase that’s dirtier than suck-up?”
Her smile is angelic. “It’s a talent.”
He responds with a growl as he nuzzles his face against her skin, his hands sliding under the jacket he covered her with to trace the artfully exposed curves underneath.
“Soul, stop!” she giggles. “We can’t do it out here. It’s cold.”
“So keep me warm then,” he grumbles. “And anyway, is that really the first thing you worry about when I’m trying to cop a feel? Not ‘oh, someone might catch us’ or ‘what if your dick shrunk too much in this weather for me to feel it?’”
This time when she laughs, he hides his own smile against her skin. She doesn’t stop him, letting her head fall back with a sigh as he presses kisses along the base of her neck. Even when it’s this cold, she’s so soft. It’s really unfair. He’s seen her moisturizing routine. She hasn’t done anything to deserve this level of silky perfection.
“Soul,” she gasps when he nips particularly hard at her throat. Her hands grip at his shirt, desperate, and he decides that maybe getting a little dirty on a garden bench wouldn’t be the worst thing after all.
But then the lights flicker.
That in itself wouldn’t have been enough to tear his mouth away from her skin, except that it’s accompanied by a deep tremble beneath the earth which causes Soul to stumble into his meister. She catches him, always so impressively steady on her size-five-hidden-by-giant-boots feet, and the speed at which she goes from horny girlfriend to calculating meister is seriously impressive.
And hot. Really hot.
Soul’s never been as adept at switching off his hunger as she is.
“A pre-kishin attack?” she asks with a frown as they rush back towards the party. It’s been a long time since they’ve encountered a pre-k without actively hunting one, and even longer since one has existed within the walls of their city.
“Maybe a demon,” Soul guesses. They’re also rare these days, but they still exist. Though the Witch Treaty has significantly put a damper on their confidence.
As they approach the mansion, they can already hear a commotion brewing. Plenty of shouts, glass shattering. A horrifying, almost unearthly slithering sound as fluid shadows spill out of the windows like overflowing bath water. They pick up their pace.
When they finally burst into the room, they’re horrified by the sight in front of them.
“Kid!” Maka cries.
The chandelier is history, now scattered around the dancefloor in a million tiny little pieces. The decorations are torn; the tables cracked and thrown about. The civilian guests have all been ushered to the sides of the room as several witches hold up a barrier to keep them safe, but the real terror is the enormous entity in the middle of the room that seems to have no problem fending off the advances of half a dozen meisters.
It’s like nothing Soul’s ever seen before, even during the worst of the war. A giant, oozing ball of shadowy flesh with these sharp, jerking limbs that regenerate and extend from its body whenever someone tries to attack it.
Accompanying it is this smell, putrid and awful—but even worse are the low, chittering moans coming from its repulsive form, over and over and over again, filling the room like a sickening hum.
“Maakaa. Maaaaaaaakaaaa.”
Soul feels his blood run cold.
Kid, who is currently trying to hold back several of its limbs from further attacking the civilian barrier, jerks his head up at her call for him, his face flashing with horror. It’s obvious how long the creature must’ve been moaning her name by the intensity of the reaper’s panic.
“Maka, get back!” he screams.
In the same moment, she gasps as Soul tackles her to the side just in time to avoid getting pierced by a flurry of sword-like limbs. He then rolls and grabs her hand, jerking her to her feet as he starts off in a sprint, squeezing to get her attention. “Maka!”
He shifts into weapon form just in time for her to swing him in defense. She manages to block two of them, slicing off three more, before being forced to jump back as another wave rushes at her. The monster seems to have forgotten about the others completely now that it has her in its sight, its several dozen eyes turning to train directly on her.
“I don’t understand,” she says as she blocks more of its attacks. “Why does it keep coming for me?”
“Doesn’t matter,” growls Soul. “I’ll die before I let it take you. The only priority now is to kill it.”
“But how?”
“To your left!”
She twists to the side, barely dodging the next stream of violent hands as they scrape off Soul’s blade. But instead of relief, he can feel her horror, because those same regenerative limbs that had just tried to rip into her heart somehow jerk to the side with enough force to shatter one of the barriers protecting the guests.
He hears Angela among the screams.
“Maka, no!” he cries out.
Too late. She flips over one of the creature’s arms to run against it, slicing at the others with a ferocity that would impress him in any other circumstance. At the end of her sprint, Maka dives, pushing Angela out of the way from an attack and twisting in a way that cushions the young girl’s fall.
Through their bond, Soul can feel the pain shoot up Maka’s spine and he cries out for her, demanding to know if she’s hurt.
She forces a smile as she sits up. “I’m fine,” she lies terribly. She glances down at the young witch and looks relieved that she’s unharmed.
Before she can say anything else, she’s yanked away so quickly that Soul is literally whipped from her grip and clatters to the floor. He shifts back to human form in an instant, scrambling for her with a cry, but it’s too late.
The monster has Maka dangling by her ankle over its main form, the rest of its extensions retreating as well. Black Star and Kid both try to charge at it only to be swatted away like flies and held back with the pressure of mutated shadow limbs.
Then it does the worst thing possible.
It drops her.
“NO!” Soul screams.
It’s like a detonator is pressed. The moment Maka’s body is absorbed into its inky flesh, the creature begins to twitch a jerk violently, pulsing and moving so rapidly that even the meisters have no choice but to back up.
With a horrifying screech, it’s sucked into the earth through an invisible exit, like some sort of oversized blob of goo being sucked through a vacuum or forced down a drain. The whole fleshy monstrosity continues to be pulled through that tiny unseen gateway until it has completely disappeared from the ballroom. Gone.
And Maka along with it.
[ read more on ao3 or ffn! ]
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staylovehearts · 4 years
yes it's crazy right?? my ult is chan but minsung are a close second so i really feel u, i'm so bad at picking a bias :( you didn't tell me what was your favourite thing about each of them though!! i really hold chan close to my heart and i don't really consider my bias in a way? he's so special to me, if that makes sense. i hope you're having a great day/night and taking care of yourself!! are you currently a student or are you already working?? tell meeee -secret santa🤶
I’ll try to not make the whole school work thing confusing because I often find that with every country’s school system being so different and the terms also being different I often got mixed up when I try to explain what’s going on (like I’m European, I have no idea what the difference between college and university is, if there even is a difference at all, English is not my first language).
So basically I went to university for the last three years to get my Bachelor’s degree in English and American studies, I’ve submitted my thesis a couple of months ago but haven’t received my degree yet cause grading is taking forever. So atm I’m kinda doing this voluntary internship thing? Not sure if like this specific thing even exists outside of my country? But here it’s called FSJ (short for freiwilliges soziales Jahr aka voluntary social year) and basically, I’m working in this art school/arts centre/event location kinda place for a year and it’s really nice. But I plan to try and apply for a master’s degree next year once the whole situation with my bachelor is resolved^^
And omg I can’t believe I forgot about the most important part last time, I’ll put it under a cut again because I’m gonna ramble for a bit :D
Okay so I’ll try to just go through them one by one, starting with the youngest and then slowly working my way up to Chan
Jeongin is just incredibly cute. Not that that is the main thing about him, but it’s like one of the first things that come to mind when I think about him. I remember the first time I noticed his braces and I had this really strong protective feeling like omg he’s a child, a precious little baby, my literal son. Of course, he also has a really nice voice and I personally feel like out of all of them he made the biggest progress in term of skills? 
Seungmin is actually someone I didn’t notice much at first but I really started to love him once I got to know their personalities a little more. Even though the fandom used to (?) joke about him being a savage I think he’s actually such a kind person. He’s incredibly sweet, maybe just likes teasing his friends but let’s be real, who doesn’t? (also, again, great voice, feel like I could just say that for all of them tho)
Felix is actually the first one I really noticed out of the bunch (I think a lot of Stays initially bias him from what I’ve seen so far?). Like he’s just this really adorable freckled kid and then that voice comes out of him and it’s like ??? Also I feel like I can just relate to him a lot? Watching his language struggles during the survival show was something I could understand really well. (And I feel like both of us are kinda meme influenced nerdy kids that spend too much time online xD)
Jisung, I don’t even know where to start with this one. Little fun fact, when my sister and I started watching the survival show we both agreed that somehow he had a similar face as Mark from Got7? No idea how we got there but we did? Either way, I think at first he really stood out to me because of how talented he is? Especially considering how young he is. Like he’s a rapper, but he did that amazing high note in Hellevator? And he writes lyrics and helps with composing and he’s still so young?? It’s insane how incredible he is. (also cute cheeks, uwu)
First thing I noticed about Hyunjin is that he is incredibly gorgeous. But I think what’s really amazing is that he is just so much more than just a pretty face and he works so hard to show that. I mean, please don’t get me wrong, but he could so easily lean back and have his looks work for him, he could easily be successful as a model or maybe drama actor but he works so hard to show people that there’s more to him and I just admire that so much. He’s an amazing dancer, watching him is so mesmerizing.
Changbin’s voice really stood out the first time I heard them all do that showcase performance. Like he just started rapping in this deep, straight from hell, rumbly voice and his whole appearance made him seem like this really edgy, mysterious dark bad boy archetype but he’s just not that at all??? Like he’s actually so funny and adorable in ways that I think are often even unintentional and he just seems so bubbly and full of joy sometimes. And it just feels like he refuses to limit himself to a fixed persona and just run with playing that grungy rapper archetype and that makes his such an interesting personality in my opinion.
So, I reached Minho and this is where it’s getting harder to word because omg, I have so many feelings about this guy. Okay, so I feel like, kinda the same as with Changbin, Minho kinda looks like he should be one thing, but isn’t afraid to act like the complete opposite. He could be a pretty boy but he’s actually so weird? Like in an incredibly funny way. He’s so witty, almost only posts selfies with silly filters and says the weirdest shit sometimes. Also, he seems really intelligent, like in a ‘thinking out of the box’ kinda way (remember when they did that escape room and he was just solving everything?). I also admire his passion, I think he always strives to improve himself and be a little better than last time, I think he’s really passionate about what he does which makes him just so genuine??
I think we both feel the same way about Chan, like I also see Chan as someone who is just very dear to me? It’s weird, but I think I relate to him the most. Like, we are around the same age, have a similar music taste and so on and so forth. I feel like in some alternate universe we could have probably been very good friends. He just seems like someone I could talk to, someone who’d understand. He’s also a very inspiring person, not only because of his incredible talent and how much he has accomplished at such a young age but he’s also said some things (especially during his live streams) that I thought were really touching and hit close to home for me :’)
Finally, I’m going to include Woojin as well. Even though he isn’t part of the team anymore and that’s something we’ll have to get used to I still feel it would be wrong to exclude him here. Okay, so obviously his voice is incredible. The first time I heard him sing I was like ah yes, a very nice voice for ballads. But actually, he has a very nice voice for everything??? He’s so versatile. And something about him just feels warm. His voice, his personality, just this whole aura he gives is somehow caring. I obviously have no way of knowing what happened and I don’t want to make assumptions, but I wish him the best :3
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