#the art here is dope asf tho
Probably not a good thing to admit to this account because most of the people who follow me genuinely enjoy the Hamilton musical. I just wanted to say like...The musical genuinely annoys me.
And I understand why people like it, I'm not gonna shame anyone on their interests. I used to absolutely adore the musical. This is just my personal opinion. Some of the songs are kinda fire yeah, but they kind of just annoy me. Lin annoys me a lot, and fans tend to like...Spread misinformation? Not their faults... The musical is pretty inaccurate since it's basically a theater fanfiction? But they mischaracterize these people so much it seems. It actually blows my mind.
Nothing against the actors or anything like that, they devoured their roles. My only real real problem is how some people absolutely PRAISE Thomas Jefferson. I get the actor is hot or whatever, but😭..Please remember what the character did. You should not want to fuck him.
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