#the appealing to Jesus to intervene with Santa is some A+ child logic
yeoldenews · 4 months
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Robert Moss was diagnosed with polio at the age of six, the year before he wrote this letter. He would spend the next nine years of his childhood in and out of hospitals.
He made a full recovery and was a decorated athlete in High School and College, as well as an Eagle Scout. After college, he became a junior high science teacher, while also coaching football, basketball and track.
During summer break from teaching in 1965, his childhood struggle with polio inspired him to spend the summer working at the Louisiana Lions Camp for Crippled Children. He went back the next summer and was hired as camp director.
Robert was the Executive Director of the Lions Camp for 41 years. Over his tenure he expanded the camp to include programs for children with pulmonary disorders, muscular dystrophy, diabetes and autism.
He assisted in programs to set up similar camps in Puerto Rico and Australia, as well as a camp for children with terminal illnesses in Texas.
The Lions Camp still operates and is 100% free of charge for all attendees.
(source: The Minden Herald, December 19, 1941.)
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