#the animation reminds me of ghost trick so much i love it when people makes a game in pixels but has the capability to animate so smoothly
aqqleshiqqing-archive · 11 months
bro faith (horror game) is so good wtfff
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virtie333 · 9 months
Bat, Macabre, Zombie for spooky szn? 👻
Thanks for the asks! I don't work tomorrow, and you're helping me procrastinate writing. Joking! LOL
Bat - What’s your favorite creature associated with Halloween?
Black cats, of course! I'm always the one reminding people to keep their cats at home near Halloween, especially if they're black, because there's too many freaks out there.
Macabre - What’s your favorite part of spooky season?
When I was a kid, it was the candy! In actuality, I don't do much for Halloween anymore. Every few years I get the urge to make a jack-o-lantern, and I wear my black cat earrings, but that's it. We don't even encourage trick-or-treaters anymore, though we keep candy ready just in case. I loved it when Ghost Hunters had their live investigations on Halloween!
Zombie - How long do you think you’d survive if a zombie apocalypse happened?
I actually think I'd do pretty good! I'm severely introverted, so I'm very adept at avoiding interaction of any kind. I comfortable living in the wilderness. And I'm a former vet-tech, so I'm great at avoiding bites and can provide basic medical care for people and animals. I have some experience in microbiology, too, so I may be able to help find a cure!
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