#the amount of fawning over that old bastard is disgusting
I'm sure for a lot of people who have been abused in the Catholic Church, seeing and hearing all this fuss over Benedict's death and funeral is probably deeply triggering and a slap in the face. The trauma you have and the pain you feel is valid and real, and no amount of covering up and excusing abuse by the Church, laity and clergy alike will ever completely destroy the truth.
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kurosawa-family · 2 years
[The cloudy skies casted a shadowy and gloomy aura down into the rather vivid city of London. Automobiles—one of the newest and most eye catching inventions of the 19th century; one aristocrats fawned over as of late—jittered down the street, ladies squealed outside of shops and gentlemen bickered through the smoke of their cigars at the corner of the street.
The door to a bar nearby exploded open and a young man of dark hair and fair skin bursted it out into the street. The nearby crowd stopped to watch the commotion. As the aforementioned young man jumped up and shot through the sidewalk, zigzagging around incoming passersby. A group of clearly battered men rushed out of the same bar just moments after, all wildly looking around for someone. The young man was already around the corner by now, but he knew he wouldn’t escape those stubborn bastards so easily.
Just as he spotted the word “bookshop” on a hanging wooden board swinging from a building’s ceiling, a brilliant idea popped into his head. He rushed up the steps and swung the door open, hurrying inside before slamming it close. He stood out of the windows’ view when a few of the men sprinted past the shop. With the coast cleared, he stood up once more and trudged through the rather empty shop, gazing around at the bookshelves, close to bursting from the amount of old and tattered hardcovers forced into every space that could be found.]
“Haah… how come I’ve never been in here? It’s so close to the bar too. ‘Suppose it is a lil’ shop hidden in the alleyway. ‘Bit odd…”
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“Ugh, my head… I’m too drunk for this right now…”
[Admin!Danny: Please excuse the sucky edit of Mys’ outfit edit (it didn’t work out this time😭💀), but here I am with his past-self (mid-1830’s)—🏃‍♀️]
I'm terribly sorry, but we're closed for the day...!
[ Steps coming from the little stairs we're heard, as a tall, tan man was seen with a book in hand. He had a little, black cat on his shoulder, that meowed at the sight of the newcomer, but the owner didn't lift his gaze from the book, he only made a disgusted expression at the smell of alcohol, and walked to one of the sections of the bookshop. ]
We do not allow alcoholic drinks here, sir. Please, I'm going to ask you to leave.
[ He finally turned around, and saw the smaller figure just right in front of the door. ]
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... Oh, lord, not again.
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