#thcrnedroses: Maeve
entitytcken-a · 4 years
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@thcrnedroses​ said: “I can’t help you if you don’t let me!” from Maeve
Injuries || No Longer Accepting
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💀 “I don’t need help. I’ll be ugh... fine. It’s just a bit of blood.”
Gritting his teeth, he was holding his nose despite it gushing blood. The person who did it, was definitely looking worse than him considering he had to be pulled off them before taken to get his nose looked at. He didn’t know who this girl thought she was, but he could deal with this on his own.
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twistedstxrs · 3 years
probably stings like hell  ,  but it’s not going to kill you. - Billy & Maeve (@thcrnedroses)
✪↬✘ @thcrnedroses​✘↫✪
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A snicker escaping his throat as blue eyes flickered with annoyance, who was she to presume anything. Yeah okay, the rejection stung but he wasn’t about to let it bother him or let it show that it bothered him. Besides it only made it more of a challenge, he’d get what he wanted in to end. After all he was determined to and was stubborn enough to not give up til he had absolutely no choice. What irked him was the fact he had an audience when he struck out, so of course he popped off with sarcastic retorts and stormed off. What he wasn’t expecting was someone to follow him, let alone end up this sort of conversation with her because why did she care? The male had no idea but fine, he’ll be civilized and socialize with her. ❝Yeah, no shit. It’ll take a lot more than Ni - some chick being a pain in the ass to kill me.❞ Billy retorted before he furrowed his eyebrows at the female, trying recall who she even was. ❝Also I don’t call it being any of your business, so why do you care?❞
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jasonbrennerold · 4 years
“     when’s     the     last     time     you     slept?     ”     (     maeve     )
3am     sentence     starters     :     accepting     :     @thcrnedroses
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it’s a question he’d rather not answer, well aware that the truth wasn’t the answer she’d want to hear. sleep wasn’t a simple thing. it took him hours to fall asleep, and even then he was rarely actually RESTING. nightmares plagued him every night, even the dreams that weren’t nightmares usually weren’t GOOD. night time, as a whole, wasn’t something jason enjoyed. sleep was just a side effect of night, and by proxy he’d decided he hated it too. so instead of a real answer a small shrug is given. a day, two, maybe three. he really didn’t know. it was easier not to keep count. he’d pass out eventually, if he really got exhausted. his body would make him sleep if he needed it that badly.
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thcrnedroses · 3 years
A snicker escaping his throat as blue eyes flickered with annoyance, who was she to presume anything. Yeah okay, the rejection stung but he wasn’t about to let it bother him or let it show that it bothered him. Besides it only made it more of a challenge, he’d get what he wanted in to end. After all he was determined to and was stubborn enough to not give up til he had absolutely no choice. What irked him was the fact he had an audience when he struck out, so of course he popped off with sarcastic retorts and stormed off. What he wasn’t expecting was someone to follow him, let alone end up this sort of conversation with her because why did she care? The male had no idea but fine, he’ll be civilized and socialize with her. ❝Yeah, no shit. It’ll take a lot more than Ni - some chick being a pain in the ass to kill me.❞ Billy retorted before he furrowed his eyebrows at the female, trying recall who she even was. ❝Also I don’t call it being any of your business, so why do you care?❞
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@thcrnedroses​ ❧ maeve hawthorne
    A lot of people could say Maeve Hawthorne was a bit of a sadist, but seeing Billy Hargrove turned down by a girl at Hawkins’ High had both made her regain some respect for her own gender. Despite not being the kind of girl that denied when a guy was objectively handsome, since the two new boys had enrolled in school Maeve’s levels of intolerance had raised higher and higher. Not towards any of them — cause sure as hell she wasn’t the right person to judge anyone who liked one-night-stands —, but rather towards the whole school pheromonal atmosphere. Swooning and crying over boys was nothing she had ever done nor nothing she CONDONED, especially when Billy’s allergy for commitment was so clear only girls with a severe case of fairy-tale complex could imagine to change it. Crushing on a bad boy and dreaming of turning him into a puppy seemed to be a good old teenage way to heartbreak. « I don’t. But it made my day to see that there’s still a girl that’s not an Hargrove fangirl in this school. » She smirked with an hint of sarcasm, as she followed him for no reason in particular apart from the fact that he was walking towards her favorite smoking spot. « Don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against you, but I’m tired of brutally telling my friends and girls in the toilets that you’re not calling them back. » As she picked out her pure silver cigarette box from her skirt’s pocket, curiosity made her lift a perfectly arched brow. « Question is why you care so much about her, though. People like us don’t get normal crushes, so... do you guys have an history or something? »
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