#thats not very ubuntu of you
vergess · 9 months
You are the mutual I know who uses linux, and I have a half-broken dinosaur of a laptop I want to see if linux would make usable again.
Its 8+ years old, cannot connect to the internet for a reason that may be software related or might not(its a mystery), and has other various issues.
My use of it would Primarily be as a on-the-go text & html editor and if I can get the internet running on it then also firefox as well. Maybe some offline emulation of some older games or a simple linux supported drawing program but that isnt essential.
The question is Thus: If I download a linux mint installer and copy to a flashdrive(presuming you can download the file without it starting to set up the OS instantly), is that all thats necessary to upload linux mint onto a laptop that has no internet capabilities?
Also which version of linux mint should I use? I see there are several. This laptop 3 years ago ran windows 10 ok enough to boot up chrome and use the internet, but now it takes like 15 mins to finish loading enough that you can open programs, as a metric.
Thanks and hope you have a nice day!
Yes, most linux distros will run on a machine that age, and with a surprising degree of vitality. Game emulation should work just fine, unless the computer was very low power even for 2015.
On a mech that old, I'd suggest just checking if the tiny wire for the wifi card has popped loose over time. They are snap-on wire heads that don't lock, so especially with laptops, disconnections like that happen.
Your wifi card should look a lot like this:
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I've circled the two tiny ports, and drawn arrows to identify which cables. The whole wifi card will be about an inch across, and is the ONLY thing that uses those kind of wires, so it's very identifiable.
Linux mint is designed to install offline, and includes a wide variety of open source and generic drivers for just.... so much hardware. When you begin installation, it will ask you if you want to use, "third party, private and proprietary drivers." If you say yes, it will want an internet connection to download those drivers. If you say no, it will install entirely offline without issue.
As for which version: the only difference is the visuals. I, personally, like XFCE because it has very minimal visual noise. Everything is simple rectangles with sharp corners and clear boundaries. This lack of visual flair also means it uses the least resources to run the OS, leaving more hardware power available for actual tasks. However, it's a very intimidating desktop. If you liked Windows XP but haven't enjoyed much since, grab XFCE.
If you are a Mac/apple user, I actually recommend Kubuntu instead of Mint, because it has the most similar interface visually and will cause the least transition pains. Kubuntu has equally if not even more robust hardware support to Mint, as both of them are built on top of the Ubuntu framework.
For everyone else, I suggest starting with Mint Cinnamon. I have actually, with no reservations, had way better results teaching confused retirees to run Cinnamon than Windows or Mac. It's a very user friendly interface.
The start bar search, for example, literally just shows results for files/programs installed to your computer, none of this bs about integrated web searching.
As for installation tools:
You must burn the ISO file to the flashdrive as a bootable disk, rather than simply copying the file to it. I'm sure you know that; it's the same for installing windows. But! People often forget that detail and wonder why their computer keeps booting to windows instead of the installation media.
I personally use LiLiUSB because I'm stuck mentally in the year 2014 which is when it stopped updating. For a more sane approach, try Balena Etcher. Or whatever bootable drive software you like; it doesn't really matter. You just need to make the drive bootable before installation.
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bakersfield-row · 10 months
more assetto corse infodump
assetto corsa has a mod called content shaders patch, which to put simply makes the 2014 game look like a 2019 game, that also i think allows lua code to run? might be in the base game but i dont run the base game at all so i couldnt tell you
anyways most car mods end up with the model getting encrypted so it doesnt get stolen, but one set of modders have also decided to have a lua script that i think prevents the car from being used on other servers, based on my experiences so far
the obfuscation method they use comes from a cryptography nerd that wrote a lua obfuscator for computer craft. the minecraft mod.
so yeah thats a thing
also Pop!_Os has its rust DE (cosmic i think) set for like march 2024 unofficially, it skipped out on updating with ubuntu 22.10 to have more development time so thats why there hasnt been much talk about it
personally i have been running a pretty customized ubuntu install, with basically the only thing noticeably ubuntu-y being gnome
i WILL be giving you more info dumps cause not many of my friends play racing games, and those that do either have stopped or play fh5
i sorry i genuinely dont know how to respond to these kinds of information but i think thats very cool and interesting /gen
i hope pop os does really well with its rust DE. i think that would be pretty neat.
wdym by a customized ubuntu install? is it like a custom windows iso?
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alex-airing-20xx · 5 years
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Starting note, ubuntu users going back in time below. ""Please use x32bit for ubuntu and forks"" ""Can not stress this enough, for compatability issues"" ""Video, wine, and software repositories, older computers"" ""12.04 13.10 14.04 16.04"" Bunsen labs linux [Stretch debian fork from japan 2019] "Testing Beta" Bunsen labs linux [bl-Helium_amd64+build2.iso] Debian 9 Stretch "2018" Bunsen labs linux [bl-Hydrogen-amd64.iso] Debian 8 jessie "2019" (Version jessie of unsen labs unstable) Zorin OS [12 Ultimate edition; a ubuntu ireland fork 2018] Mageia Linux ver6 [Mageia is 2018 france redhat fork of mandriva] (Mandriva Linux Based on: Independent (forked from Red Hat) I hope mageia continues to update, it is getting better. Mangaka cho [Live-dvd "Testing" (Managaka is from austria europe, with multiple versions based on ubuntu, has multiple themes of anime flavors, One,Chu,Moe,Nyu,Koe,Mou,Cho (live)) Cho is good live distro, hopefully mangaka produces more in future, very fun version of ubuntu. FatDog Linux [Based on: LFS (formerly based on Puppy as usa fork] (Testing version 6/12/2016: is more applications and for x64bit ver puppy linux) Fat dog in current state would not say get yet, till gets more stable. Zorin OS Ver8 and Ver9 [2014-01-27 release] "Testing" (Unstable, good for testing) Zorin in 8 and 9 have crashing and glitches, not so great at moment, is comming along, a lot of these new forks are currently unstable. Mangaka koe is running ubuntu 14.04 "stable" I would suggest using with caution as it is a unstable fork in testing ubuntu, runs well at the begining, will crash if you do things you would normally do in ubuntu "Proceed with caution" as this is good for testing as many listed above. Visually is good OS from mangaka, fun, educational. Angel linux Ver3 [Angel is based on puppy linux] Not much to say, runs slim, speedy, as of testing have no problems so far, producer is on sourceforge. Commodore OS linux [Not much info; is a indie fork of ubuntu] (If you happen to search hard, far online threw search engines, you can locate and find commodore OS vision linux, it mostly a beta you burn to two dvds, one disc is needed for the OS. You will need a second disc for extra data files which are required to run commodore os properly. PS: you might want to try bittorrent will looking as well. Commodore os was a great OS wile it was up in the late 2000s in years, after writing this log, hope some this info helps.Linux lite [This is another attempt at ubuntu fork from newzealand] (This is a beta I tested 5/31/2014) Not much to say is lite version of ubuntu, made ver well in unstable at the moment as most of these forks of ubuntu comming out, like most forks, lite is no diffrent needs more time to develope or become stable. Speed "yes" Works "Yes" DaytoDay usable "Not yet" Give these forks time, lubuntu, peppermint, etc they need time for development . Somehow In the future 2020 and beyond, they will become good as for now it is 2014 . | | A lot of these operating systems above and below are no longer on distrowatch any longer (So please do not come looking to me as to where they (OS/devs) went today, i'd assume the projects are left off to die, or the developers got bored) | | Lubuntu 2014 [This is another fork of ubuntu ver 14.04] (Lubuntu is made with developers in taiwan ROC, and france europe, this one has been my most favorite ubuntu fork, been comming back on and on to it for a wile now, not much has chnaged with this one, just more bloated software has been injected into the interface, and revamped desktop changes, feel that they should have left lubuntu desktop alone, some of the software needs more to get it to run in the gaming and repository side of things, such as the PS1 emu. "Please bring back the speed" "That is what lubuntu was about" Meh!! moving on`````` #Rants Ubuntu studio [Version fork 13.10 of ubuntu] Ubuntu studio os well . . . Ubuntu this one is marketed as ubuntu with "The supposid more kick and apps" "Kick as in oomph, or push" Ehhhhh! . . . 13.10 versions of ubuntu was not its best days, even with studio ubuntu has its core problems, bugs, crashing, unstable, with this version of studio is no diffrent at the time. Giving the interface, and that it is studio I would say at the time is was good for testing like most on this time zone. Not much I can say except it was in fact made with more apps, programs, software already built into it. ""My sciore for this ubuntu is medium not so bad and not so good either"" Like most in the beginning of good ole forks, give it time to grow, stay with stable versions, if you figure out whiuch version of the fork it is. Lubuntu Ver 12.04 (Version 12.04 of lbuntu , ubuntu fork) Warning: Use x32bit only (For video and wine software) Warning: Use x32bit only (For video and wine software) Warning: Use x32bit only (For video and wine software) This version of lubuntu was my favorite of all the lubuntu betas why!? you may ask ? It was very GOOD! at the time of release. Yes there where crashes at the end use (Still scratching head on this one) ""I left a note: use for older computers"" why leave such a note!?because at this time version 12.04 lubuntu was the fastest ubuntu fork at this point and time, it indeed had lxde desktop injected, before being bloated with all the ubuntu full core at versions 14.04 and 16.04 in fact still keep a copy on DVD and ISO for ole machines. . . . My only fault with this version is it had strange random crashing bugs at random times, which would tick (Anger anyone with a brain"Good train of thought) Everything ran perfectly, speed, program, software, etc . . . ""I mean SUPER FAST SPEED!"" anyways this log is done. ""Test rating Very good Crash rating: AHHHHH! Not so good"" Use with caution after installing. Mageia linux [2013 version 3] Of all the betas to test on a red hat fork, at this time era, it was good visually, and thats about it, very buggy, programming failed very much on megia 3. Puppy linux [Puppy linux is a australian OS by barry] Puppy in general is programmed well for laptops, not so much desktops, what i mean by this is in the past they have had hardware compatability problems ((This is more for someone who wants light weight slapped on a laptop)) stopped testing around version 2012 on day 5 of may . The last version i tested 5/5/2012 slacko build Saluki linux [This a a fork of puppy linux for older computers made in USA] Sulukie ran on three releases that was it game over. (NOT!) Version three was made very well actually, best version of puppy linux i'v tried. Compatability wise anyways, no flaky compatability issues as most puppies have had in the past. I would suggest trying it out if you can find it. ""Test review: VERY GOOD"" ""Crashes: Only if you abuse the code"" ""Stability: good, till the end"" (Runs much as lubuntu 12.04 in that manor of stability) Knoppix [Ver 7.2.0 2013 ,Germany europe] Knoppix is now a live-DVD with a installer at this release but' oh boy ""BE shure to fork out MUCH! RAM!"" not much i can say other than the "BLOATED RAM ISSUES"" x64bit was the version I used, visually, graphically, yes it ran, very pretty effects, screen saver, the only part that took the piss out of me was the ram, holly hell man! Slower than sluge goo! Have also a copy of Ver:7.04 even then results are the same in testing in 2012. | | A lot of these operating systems above and below are no longer on distrowatch any longer (So please do not come looking to me as to where they (OS/devs) went today, i'd assume the projects are left off to die, or the developers got bored) || Artist-X Ver:1.5 [Opertating system from 2013 italy, for artists, is a fork of ubuntu] Testing this was fun, for most ubuntu forks at the time, this one topped ubuntu studio, it is loaded with many software programs up the the brim ""OF a neck choking"" there was that bloated ubuntu'ness in the visuallity again' "Ubuntu" they are harked for the fat, slow, bloating load times. The only fault was the internet it was not there at all. Has many visual editors, art editors, video, graphics, the whole nine yards, and a bag of cheese fries (Kidding) but seriously no internet!? and then after a few years of waiting, no more OS updates ? ? ? will artistX come back ? ? ? We hope your team dose ""For the love"" one of the best ubuntu forks without any doubt in creativity of a operating system fork. ((Please for that side note ""Internet MAN"" ""Put it in"")) Lubuntu vers: 12 and 13 [x64bit versions of ol' lubuntu] For the love of HELL! NO! the x64it versions of lubuntu 12./13./ are living compatability hells of a cutting board I repeat please run to the closet and lock it and just stay there, till it leaves. Jokes aside: yes it ran on x64bit am i making it bad for simply that no, it is not that lubuntu or lubuntu x64 bit versions where bad, it was just at thet time. The compatability issues where around, and holy-hell! where the compatability issues not taken whol heartedly or seriously. The videos played in blue, even with all the codecs installed. Software had multiple crashes, upgrade problems, compatabily issues , ""Please just hide your face in shame, in your hands, breath for few minutes"" ""AHHHH!"" ""HELP!"" not only this if you just got off the ban wagon from windows, wine was a rape fest, as even today on any ubuntu, the demand for backwards to x32bit wine even threw x64bit was a crashing hell spawn from the depths of coding terminals. Miko gnyo Linux [This is a fork from japan of ubuntu; not well known] Miko gnyo linux was around for short lived time, it is ubuntu slapped with japanese/english bi-lingual packages, has a quaint cute women drawn in a kimono dress. ((THAT IS ALL, NO SERIOUSLY THAT IS ALL)) it is ubuntu, and that is it, just install your language. DreamStudio Linux [This is a ubuntu for from canada] DreamStudio 12.04.3 was a short lived, ubuntu graphical fork, it was belted up to look as a midnight graphical visual front, had many ubuntu-studio forks inside the guts, have not tested it long, as it was not around very long, it had a dark personality in pretty purple-blue sort of way when you think of pretty-violet colours. Basically take ubuntu studio and slap the visual splash screen and effects, background for prettying up in a canadian fasion. ""Crahses: No"" ""Stability: good"" ""Ubuntu: Yes"" Greenie linux [Greenie linux slovakia europe, Ver:10Q] 2012 was the year tested this, it is yet, another ubuntu fork, at the time gnomeclassic. At the time worked with installer, after that, language, compatability was a task, not a nightmare, but a task, getting it to run. This version had many glitches with software and updates. Kahel linux [This is a philippines arch linux for attempt] Philippines is know for attempts of making stable linuxsin the past. Kahel linux (Arch linux port) ran with good installer, after the install, it would eith crash, or programs would simply hault the Operating system. Restarting Kahel linux simplay caved in, gave crashing. They (Kahel linux) might stsill have their facebook up, is only place to contact the team ? Not shure any more. ""At the time arch was not very good in porting"" ""Arch ports where known for flakeyness"" Anti-X linux [Ver 13.2 from greece europe] this is a debian fork for minimalists or as the english description on distrowatch noted. Tried anti-X with good intentions hoping for stability which it is in this beta, of fork forkery. ""Face palm"" I wish they had wifi or DSL internet as most forks back then, internet and wifi was till comming out to new linuxs. (My advice is to chase after a .DEB package and other .DEB packages before install or virtual box, mostly chase after ""WI-CD Wired and wireless network manager for Linux) Vine linux Ver:6.2 [Independent, Japan, i686, powerpc, x86_64] Vine linux is a japan OS with a stable, bilingual installer, you can choose full blown enlglish or japanese text writing. Is using a very ol' gnome desktop, (Before classic) with the visual feel and look of windows tamplets from 98-XP it is mostly for business amd office, has a V-chip in the early versions for web browser or kids. If your looking for NSFW type of OS and business i'd suggest vine linux. There has not been many updates on vine linux sense 2013 and is a great OS for the development time. Hope to see this one stay active and grow, flavor of linux is great for a japan only operating system. There is version 6.0 of vine linux, probably good for the laptop, or ol' machines is the most stable so far of vine linux, for minimalist or closed minds business. Puppy linux: ver:5.5 [A autralian OS by Barry] This version of puppy I found most compatable with the desktop, and internet of frisbee software. it is stable at times, and also not at times. Small, fast, after a few updates though, it seems to have major BUGS then the internet flops, gets goofy. All and all a good test and nothing more. WattOS: R7.5 [This is a economy minimalist fork strip of ubuntu] There was not much to test on watt-OS Ver:R7.5 because after install and update it imediatly crashed, however, will test more versions in the future (Sad really) Blag-Linux-OS 140 | Year 2012 [Blag-OS is a England,UK fork of fedora] Ver:140 had a ball with this one, loved the splash screen,it is another OS at the time without much internet compatability, from this version 140 it was spactacular fork. The visuals good, the software good, programs good, desktop interface. Hope to see BLAG continue or come back in the future, one of the good ones that was left alone in the dark for some time still. Free BSD Ver: 9.0 [Berkley software dis' Flying tosters] BSD 9.0 did not get it to run on computers in this log, as BSD is not compatable with many (Hardware, parts) computer in the beginning, wish it ran, had a interface at the time. Otakux linux [Otakux is a short lived malasian asia OS ubuntu fork] Otakux OS linux, ran as a anime port of ubuntu, it was before the mangaka untunu clones came to existance from austria europe. Runs fine, just as long as you do not update is much, because otakux will not update at all after the fist attempt. This version is version VER:2.Alpha of ubuntu 11.10 | You need to type in some bizzare code to install it | CODE: $ sudo ubiquity $ | ___________________ Now here is my first linux I tested ever below (No not ubuntu or arch) It was actually, Mandiva linux [2011 32 and 64 bit] Origin: France Architecture: i586, x86_64 Desktop: AfterStep, Blackbox, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, WMaker, Xfce Category: Desktop, Live Medium, Server Status: Discontinued (defined) Popularity: Not ranked _ Mandriva was short lived, did not last long, with repositories from slow loading russia. Yes, strange, HUH!? french on the outside russian on the software inside (Wrap head around it for a good chuckle) _ Mandriva was a fork of redhat and like most redhats this one died, after mandriva death came ports of it, such as two french ports and a russian port. _ Russia port: ROSA OS Linux French port: Mageia linux French port2: OpenMandriva Branded LX today. (All three are the new, mandriva and mandrake)Hope this helps you finding mandriva future. _ As for redhat, look for a OS called cent-OS / or scientific-linux in 2019 and beyond years for as all five of these are free listed above. _ UPDATE FUTURE TESTS _ Still have some laftovers to test i'v not got around to. ""Small list below"" 1. Sorcerer linux 2013 2. Neptune linux (Deb fork) Ver:3.3 germany 3. Oz unity Ver 3.5 (Ubuntu fork) australia 4. Kanotix: Hell fire Ver: 2012 5. Open Mamba: Snake (Italy) 2012 6. Blank On Ver 8.0 from indonesia asia. _ Have some new updates I will list later in future logging 2019-2020 Thank you for reading, more soon. ~Alexander, florida, 2019
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loadseries135 · 3 years
Minitube Linux
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Distributing the Linux build of your app as a zip lets you provide one download and set of instructions for all of Linux. However, end user discovery and update management remain a challenge. Snaps fill this gap, letting you wrap your existing Linux build in an app store experience for end users. MiniTube Version 2.4 Updated, Install in Ubuntu/Linux Mint MiniTube is beautiful, lightweight and a native YouTube client. With MiniTube you can watch YouTube videos by typing keyword into the search-box and MiniTube will immediately loads the results. It offers two type of.
Information on all packages for project minitube. Packages for minitube. 80 package(s) known. In minitube-bin don't skip hashcheck and don't unneeded msg2 FabioLolix commented on 2020-12-09 17:50 Hello, this pkgbuild should have been called minitube-bin from the start. Minitube-bin exist and was abandoned by its maintainer, I' have adopted it and added you as co-maintainer. WordPress developer for iThemes, Linux fan, all-around nerd, and @chrisjean on Twitter. Fix: Minitube Doesn’t Play Videos in Ubuntu. I’ve been a huge fan of Minitube. I use it nearly every work day to run interesting videos to give me a nice sound backdrop to work.
Watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube is not about cloning the YouTube website, it aims to create a new TV-like experience.Read more
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Need help? Found a bug? Have a suggestion? Head over to theForums.
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I will be installing a copy of Minitube om my Mother's PC. I thinkMinitube would be a terrific way to introduce her to the world of Internetvideo. Friday night funkin all weeks game. She really LOVES television, so I think she will like using Minitube aswell.
My 4 years old is a big fan of Minitube ;-)
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My dad has even told me that this is without a doubt the program that he spends most of his time on (he does other things, but this is almost constantly open in another space playing some traditional Italian music or 1930s comedies).
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Minitube features
Minitube focuses on a pleasing overall experience, not on having tons of features. Here's what Minitube can do:
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Minitube Linux Not Working
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Continuing Linux development, bug fixes and support can only happen if there is money to support those activities. Thanks.
Minitube Linux 32
I’ve been a huge fan of Minitube. I use it nearly every work day to run interesting videos to give me a nice sound backdrop to work by. Mostly, I find myself playing AMVs, but I also enjoy just typing in random stuff to see what it starts playing.
However, a few weeks ago, it just suddenly stopped working. I was sad, but there was a lot of stuff going on, so I just left it broken. Today, I found the fix.
Minitube Linux
On Minitube’s install page, Flavio mentions removing the phonon-backend-xine package as a possible solution. I tried it, and it worked. Given that I don’t know what other software may rely on this, I tried reinstalling the package, and Minitube still worked. After rebooting, I found that it no longer worked again, so it seems that the package does need to stay removed. I’ve updated the following to only show removing the package.
Here’s how you can do what I did.
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Hopefully, you’ll be fast on your way to enjoying a fully-functional Minitube once again. If this doesn’t fix your issue, Minitube now has a forum that could help you out.
Good luck and happy Minitubing.
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chiefmoondelusion · 3 years
Mac Os X For X86 Iso
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Mac os for android tablet. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +.
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A community of users running Mac OS X on x86 hardware. Jan 15, 2020 Mount the OS x86 DVD ISO file in Daemon Tools or Virtual Clone Drive (You can use Alcohol 120% if you want). You cannot mount the ISO directly in VMware because VMware cannot properly read HFS+ images (thats the format the Mac OS ISO is in) Step 3: Configure VMware. Note: In this guide, VMware Workstation 6 will be used.
M4a to mp3 for mac os. But, it’s also getting popularity day by day.
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Getting Started
If you want to install OSX on your Intel or AMD computer, your computer processor needs to support at least SSE2. Most current (2011) CPUs support SSE2 and SSE3, so you may want to skip the next paragraph.It is recommended that your computer supports SSE3 for application compatibility, speed and performance. Make sure to check which version of OSx86 you need for your processor. You can check for SSE2 support from Windows with a program called CPU-Z. If you're already on a mac use CPU-X. If you are using Linux, enter the following in a terminal:
Additional hints after installation:
InsanelyMac Installation Guide sub-forums
See also installation guides from InsanelyMac sub-forums here.
The below commands work on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and all other server editions. Reboot command for mac.
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Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Installation assistant qlover note now out of beta. Covers all OS X versions since 10.7 to the latest release. Fusion Drive setup, system optimizing and much more.
10.10 Guides
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Brand new tutorial. Contains installation assistant software that easily makes a USB installation disk based on Clover EFI boot loader. Covers all OS X versions since 10.7 to the latest betas and DPs, Fusion Drive, system optimizing and much more.
10.9.5 Guides
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Brand new tutorial. Contains installation assistant software that easily makes a USB installation disk based on Clover EFI boot loader. Covers all OS X versions since 10.7 to the latest betas and DPs, Fusion Drive, system optimizing and much more.
10.9 Developer Preview Guides
10.8.4 Guides
10.8.2 Guides
Easiest way to Install Mountain Lion 10.8.2 On Any Intel PC | Techable (Bootable USB Install Disk Method)
Install OSX 10.8 on PC (upgradeable to 10.8.2, 10.8.3) (Easy)
10.8 Guides
Install Mountain Lion 10.8 on PC Vanilla Installation Guide
Install Mountain Lion 10.8 in VMware Window Host Only for Intel processor
Install OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion on PC Hackintosh (Bootable USB) Runs on ANY PC, Easy Guide
10.7.5 Guides
HP ProBook 4530s Installation Guide Based on myHack, should be fairly beginner-friendly. Requires existing Hackintosh or real Mac.
10.7.4 Guides
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Hardware recommendation list for motherboard, CPU, graphics card. Includes trouble shooting for known issues.
10.7.3 Guides
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Hardware recommendation list for motherboard, CPU, graphics card. Includes trouble shooting for known issues.
10.7.2 Guides
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial Updated to Post iCloud Edition with 2 additional chapters. New hardware recommendation list for motherboard, CPU, graphics card now available.
Install Lion 10.7.2 on your PC Osx86tutorial hackintosh universal tutorial. (laptop Desktop)
 Install Lion 10.7.2 on your PC with DVD preparation Guide with video. (How to build a Mac OS X PC. In Greek (howtomacospc.wordpress.com) 
Complete Installaton guide for Lion 10.7.2 Installation Guide for Gigabyte 35/45 mobos, software included.
OS X Lion on VMware Install Mac OS X Lion on VMware Player or Workstation
10.7.1 Guides
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial from Snow Leopard install, Lion 10.7.1 upgrade with Software Update.
10.7.0 Guides
Install Mac OS X Lion 10.7 on PC First guide for Installing OSX 10.7 Lion.
Vanilla Kernel Hackintosh Full Tutorial from Snow Leopard clean install, Lion upgrade, etc FULL instruction.
10.6.8 Guides
How to upgrade from 10.6.6 to 10.6.8 A guide brought to you by Testing Grounds
Install MAC OSX 10.6.8 on Toshiba M-305 First guide for Installing OSX 10.6.8
10.6.7 Guides
Clean 10.6.7 install via 10.6.6i Hazard or VMware image Guide for a Pentium 4 Dual and AsRock G31M-GS-R2
10.6.6 Guides
Install Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.6 VMware on Windows PC Ready-made image, get started in minutes
Clean 10.6.6 install via 10.6.6i Hazard or VMware image Guide for a Pentium 4 Dual and AsRock G31M-GS-R2
How to Build a Hackintosh Very detailed installation guide, written on 17 pages
10.6.5 Guides
How to install Snow Leopard 10.6.5 update on Vmware/Virtualbox Short video guide using 2 available downloads
How to install 10.6.5 on a Dell mini10v (1011)
10.6.4 Guides
How to install Snow Leopard Retail on PC without hack! its so easy..
The Pirate EFI-X (Intel-based) include Post-Installation Tools
Testing Grounds Snow Leopard Guide Extremely thorough in-depth guide (with pictures) of Snow Leopard on a PC. Showcases both boot CD and thumbdrive methods.
In-depth Installation Guide for PC with Triple-booted Windows 7 64-bit, Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 10.04 Using GRUB bootloader (bigfloppydonkeydisk Blog).
Guide for Using 'myHack installer' with additional custom kext files
Complete Installation Guide for HP dv5 Using iBoot + Multibeast
10.6.2 Guides
How to install OS X on VirtualBox the easy step by step way A short simple video giving step by step instructions to installing OS X 10.6.2 on Virtualbox.
How to install OS X on Vmware the easy step by step way A short simple video giving step by step instructions to installing OS X 10.6.2 on Vmware.
10.6.0 Guides
Install Snow Leopard in VMware Window Host Only for Intel-Based Machines
Install Snow Leopard 10.6 on AMD PC Hackintosh easy guide for AMD
Install Snow Leopard 10.6 on AMD PC Hackintosh Easy guide for all AMD machines
Triple boot (MS Windows 7, Linux Ubuntu 10.10, Mac OS X 10.6) With Chameleon bootloader, tutorial and files download included
Existing Leopard Method Using an existing Leopard. install and a separate partition for Snow Leopard, install Snow Leopard
How to install Snow Leopard 10.6 on DELL Latitude D630/D630C File and tutorial available
Mac How articles
How to install guide for Dell mini10v (INSPIRON mini) Files and easy to follow tutorial
Video: How to build your own USB pen drive How to create a USB OS X 10.6 installer for a new HD install. Screencast and files
Video: Install on an Asus P5 series motherboard Starting from an existing 10.5 HD. Screencast, files and tutorial all in one place
Using 'myHack installer' with additional custom kext files Using myhack installer for basic installation + additional self-choosen kext files (use for new undocumented hardware)
10.5.8 Guides
Samsung N120 install using iATKOS v7.1 DVD. Step-by-step guide for complete beginners.
10.5.7 Guides
Mac Os X Iso Pc
HP DV1000 Step-by-step clean, works with similar models. DV1XXX
10.5.6 Guides
Mac OS X Leopard Retail Installation Simple Guide Simple and easy for beginners
DD's script for the Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 i7 motherboard Newest version (not documented here yet) supports Snow Leopard 10.6 too. .
OSX Leopard 10.5.6 Install with iPC Step-by-step for complete beginners.
10.5.5 Guides
OSX Leopard 10.5.5 Installation Guide For Complete Beginners A step by step guide with many pictures and details.
10.5.5 on the Dell Inspiron/mini 9 Guide for 10.5.x to 10.5.5 on the Dell Inspiron/mini 9
10.5.2 Guides
Make Coriolis Systems DVD boot on hackintosh machine . This guide helps you to patch Coriolis System DVD (iPartition) to boot it on a pc, to resize, remove, and re-partition your disk.
Install 10.5.2 on an AMD nForce4 A8N This install uses Kalyway 10.5.2 AMD / Intel and is designed to be very step-by-step .
Install 10.5.2 and XP on the same hard drive (INTEL ONLY) Easy-peasy beginners' guide. Uses Kalyway 10.5.2 and shows how to partition your drive in simple steps
10.5.1 Guides
iAtkos v1.0i Leopard 10.5.1 on AMD! Also includes dual boot help! Uses iAtkos Leopard v1.0i
10.5.0 Guides
NauGHTiBeaTZ's How to Install Mac OS X 10.5 on an Intel Pentium 4 Simple Guide on using Kalyway's bootable disc to make a bootable hard disk for Leopard. Kalyway's disc also works for previous versions of Mac OS X. Download and print all 4 pictures
10.4.9 Guides
10.4.9 10.4.9 Installation Guide Install 10.4.9 on your AMD or Intel computer. This guide now includes instructions to update the kernel to 8.9.1.
10.4.8 Guides
Quad Booting: XP/Vista/OSx/Linux A comprehensive guide on quad booting.
How to Create a Simple Dual Boot System (Win XP/Mac OS 10.4.6/10.4.7/10.4.8) A simple guide on how to get dual booting working.
Tiger on Asus EeePC This guide shows how to install Mac OS X Tiger, on an Asus 701 Eee PC.
OSX86 10.4.8 PC Installation Guide How to install OS X on a PC, A step-by-step with pictures.
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10.4.5 Guides
Mac OS X86 10.4.5 Installation guide This is a installation guide that should be used if you are starting from scratch with a myzar's DVD.
VMWare -> Native (Video) Using myzar ISO for AMD and Intel systems. In English and Spanish.
Install Mac OS X Tiger on Intel with Myzars Dual Boot with Windows Vista included.
10.4.4 Guides
10.4.3 Guides
Install and Configure OSx86 This is a start-to-finish guide for 10.4.1 with 10.4.3 notes appended.
10.4.1 Guides
International Guides
Please don't put Google or other translated guides in this area. This is for native language guides, please add translations beside your own guide
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Installation guide in French Guide d'installation en français de l'image VMware 'deadmoo' sur disque dur. Convient pour les débutants.
Installation guide in German Deutsche Anleitung zur Installation des 'deadmoo' VMware Images auf einer Festplatte. Auch für Anfänger geeignet.
Complete Installaton guide for Lion 10.7.x Installation Guide for Gigabyte 35/45 mobos, software included.
Installation guide in Greek (OS X x86 10.4.7 και 8), Απλος οδηγος εγκαταστασης στα Ελληνικα
Upgrade guide in Greek (OS X x86 10.4.8 σε 9), Οδηγος αναβαθμισης στα Ελληνικα
Installation guide in Greek (OS X x86 10.4.6), Wiki guide in Greek Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης και Wiki στα ελληνικά
Install MacOS X Snow Leopard 10.6.x & 10.7.x to GA-EP35-DS3P, 8800GT. Αναλυτικές οδηγίες εγκατάστασης Mac OS X (10.6.x και 10.7.x) σε PC και updates. (howtomacospc.wordpress.com).
Installation guide in Hungarian(10.4.4-10.4.7) Magyar telepítési útmutató és wiki
Installation guide in Bahasa Indonesia (Mac OS X 10.5.6 Retail) Gampang banget teman. :D
Installation guide in Bahasa Indonesia (Mac OS X 10.6.3 Retail) Dengan menggunakan Pirate EFI-X Boot CD dari osx86 Indonesia
Upgrade guide in Bahasa Indonesia (OS X x86 10.6.4) Hayooo kita Update
Instalação IDeneb 10.5.6 Guia em Português do Brasil para instalação do IDeneb - MacOSX Leopard 10.5.6
Instalación OS X 10.9 Mavericks con MyHack
Guia de Instalación Leopard 10.5.1 en Español Guia de instalación de Leopard en una PC
Installation Guide in Turkish (for OSX 10.4.6) Türkçe MacOS x86 Kurulum Rehberi
Update Guides
Update guide for Leopard 10.5.x Update your 10.5.4 leopard
USB Drive Installation Guides
USB External Drive Installation.9 step guide .
Simple Video tutorial .
VMware Install Guides
Install OSX 10.6 on VMware Video How to easily install OS X 10.6.2 on VMware.
Mac OS X 10.4.8 VMware-only Installation Guide Guide to installing Mac OS X 10.4.8 on VMware Workstation 5/6. Intel/AMD SSE2 or SSE3. Uses JaS Mac OS X 10.4.8 Intel/AMD SSE2 SSE3 PPF1 + PPF2 DVD.
Install Mac OS X x86 10.4.5 on VMware 5 Simple guide to installing Mac OS X86 10.4.5 on VMware.
Install Deadmoo OSx86 on VMware How to easily install Deadmoo OSx86 on VMware.
Mac Os X 10.5 Leopard Pc X86.iso
Dual Boot
Booting Mac OS X, Windows 7 and Ubuntu from a Custom-Built PC A how-to on installing OS X, Windows (and optionally Ubuntu) using iBoot and MultiBeast or grub (from hcetech's blog).
Triple-boot Windows 7 64-bit, Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 10.04 Using GRUB bootloader (bigfloppydonkeydisk Blog).
Dual boot leopard and xp (Nederlands)(Dutch) '[Dual boot xp of Vista en leopard 10.5.1 op de zelfde harddisk ] kan het nog makkelijker
How to create XP/Vista/OSX/Linux bootloader without any scripting Use the easyBCD tool to add osx or linux partitions to your vista bootloader in one click!
How to Create a Simple Dual Boot System (Win XP/Mac OS 10.4.6/10.4.7/10.4.8) A simple guide on how to get a dual boot running in less than 25 minutes!
How to dual boot OS X with Xp and any other operating system An extremely simple guide on How to dual boot OS X with Xp and any other operating system.
Triple booting Windows, Linux, and OSX86 A guide on how to get a triple boot up and running.
Multibooting Uses CentOS and Grub.
Use Multibooting Reference Shows how to use WinGrub in place of Grub according to above article.
Install on a Partition, Simple and Accurate Start with this one if you want to install. (Video on How to dual boot XP & Mac OSX)
Native Hardware (after installation)
Mac Os X For X86 Iso 32-bit
Laptop Install w/ home-made dongle This is a forum link regarding laptop install problems, especially blue screens at boot. An external monitor is needed, or if you have none, this describes making a dongle that will pacify the OS.
Retrieved from 'http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installation_Guides&oldid=72342'
This page was last modified on 7 July 2020, at 17:18. This page has been accessed 9,622,876 times.
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linuxlife · 3 years
Linux Life Episode 75
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Soapbox Episode 2
Hello and welcome to my ongoing Linux journey. Now I have tried to install Linux on my Dell M6800 i7 laptop (Mangelwurzel) as I said in the previous episode.
Well I did indeed try many different distributions all of them with very little success.
After failing with Endeavour OS I tried running Garuda Linux which was also an Arch based distro.
it installed fine and set itself up all good for a few days I even managed to get it running the Optimus manager correctly to take advantage of the Hybrid graphics card that is in the M6800.
It worked well for two days then it updated and the network driver stopped working. it somehow screwed itself up when updating the DKMS drivers and that was it no internet.
I spent several hours trying various methods such as downgrade. Reinstalling the drivers via usb and such but sadly it would no longer connect.
So although quite a nice looking distro I had to give up with it.
I then proceeded to try many distributions. I thought well it seems the Mangelwurzel keeps breaking using the Arch system. I should try some more stable distributions.
So thats what I did. I downloaded the following distributions and they all had the same issue.
Fedora 33 Mate, Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS, Q4OS 3.12 Trinity, Q4OS 4.2 beta KDE, OpenSuSE Leap 15.2, Linux Mint 20.1 Beta and finally BlueStar Linux which is Arch based.
Every single one of them could see the video card, even install fine but they all refused to see the Intel/Broadcom Wifi card of the Mangelwurzel
Which was quite frustrating. Sure i could change the wifi card to a different one but I thought at least one of the stable distributions would include a driver for the Broadcom.
So many frustrating hours of playing with the various Linux distros out there I eventually gave up and decided that the Mangelwurzel is not really good for Linux usage.
Maybe if I changed to wifi card to a differnt one it might make a difference but ultimately it was frustrating.
I do own a wifi bridge but it seems ridiculous to have to connect an external wifi bridge just so I can then get an internal wifi working. Seems kind of counterproductive.
Also its not as if I need another Linux machine running I have two machines that are running Linux quite fine.
My i7 desktop is running Endeavour OS and has no major issues. And my AMD Turion laptop (Mangosteen) is running Xubuntu 20.0.4 LTS without issue. It may not be fast but it does work.
So do I really need another machine running Linux. It would be nice if I could get Mangelwurzel to have a Linux setup that consistantly works but it seems that is not easily achieved.
I could persist but given I have working Linux machines, There is very little impetus to do so.
I think I have an Intel wifi card somewhere I could replace it with but I have no idea where I have put it, so for now it remains a project that is not happening any time soon.
I also tried to Hackintosh the Mangelwurzel but that was even less successful I could not even get past the first boot block. However that's not for this blog.
Should I persist and get the Mangelwurzel running some form of Linux? Should I change the wifi card? or should I just accept that the machine is not the best for Linux and continue to use it with Windows 10 (stop spitting at the back) ?
Well let me know what you think I should do with it... or call me a numpty for being an impatient fool up to you....
So until next episode ... Take care.
0 notes
joshuasladder · 4 years
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A year and 8 months ago today, 'against all odds' I walked out of Valir Rehabilitation center. This is gong to go from serious to joke rq... in a bit.... For those that aren't aware I was violently rear ended where I was knocked unconscious for 3 weeks weeks and endured traumatic brain injury.(#TBI)
You may not know but I knew and I know how many of you came to Valir to sit and be told things. Everyone in my life has been 'battling' this rehab process with me in their own way. I love you and I'm grateful for each of you.
There are those emotions I'll talk about in a bit that I'm glad you can't see me right now lol.
The damage is/was frontal lobe. This is my account this far.
I have very little(none) filter between my brain and mouth. Thats been an issue my entire life but given the friends and parental figures I was blessed with I somehow managed to not be stabbed because of something I said. At least you can expect me to say it in a linguistically creative way...
I respond to perceived attacks on myself, my character, my ethics, my family and my business relentlessly.
I don't know when to stop, like, relentlessly. Bring proof or I don't have time and I'll "creative linguistically", hurt your feelings.
On the other side of the coin, I'm more vulnerable, open and definitely more outwardly emotional than I've ever been. By...a lot.....
If you've read this far I acknowledge and thank you for taking time to do so.
Its possible I've said to you "I don't deserve this from you."
Me being right or wrong is irrelevant... I probably used my gift with words to hurt you. You didn't and don't deserve that from me. Many of you know me as someone who works diligently to speak life into people. Every side has two coins ;).
Joking aside, if I've said something that's hurt you or someone you love... ever.... From the depth of my being. I apologize.
Two days ago, I noticed tremendous improvement in my left foot. The pinky and ring toe are just fleshy peg leg attachments. I stand a lot every single day and sometimes my left foot has been a little tingly. I've been having to put my ego on the shelf to even show up to Kudos Jiujitsu Okc to hit the bag as 'therapy'. Now add Thunder Muay Thai and Nutrition to the list of things that attack my ego while the people simultaneously build my mind and body... I'm 9 months into the year and my only physical declaration was to jump rope this year. A goal without a deadline is a wish right? I know how much of a gap must be cleared for this to happen. For every peak, there are at least two vallies.
As I was writing this my friend Karren among my most regular of regulars comes in and we begin discussing mountain climbing for some reason... Pikes Peak comes up.
Here are the bullet points.
- The best view isn't always from the peak.
- The vallies represent consistency and commitment to the direction. The vision of what's possible at the end.
- The best view is often in the trees along the journey...
- Vallies are often times. overgrown with these trees.
‐ Don't get lost in the view along the way as spectacular as it may be.
- "Hold the vision, trust the process".
- You've gotta walk whether you like it or not.
- You don't arrive atop a peak on accident.
- I'm my competition.
"-I pulled up to the scene with some feelin missin, middle toe up to my competition." -Me
My disciplines, mind body and spirit are why I'm blessed to still be here. Disciplines, not accidents.
#TBI #Cocoon #Grateful #IAmBecauseWeAre #IAmBecauseYouAre #Ubuntu #DontQuit #YoureWorthIt #Heal
0 notes
marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. I pasted that message in the previous post that i sent a Ubuntu organization i get emails from. I hope they get further info by me writing them n i hope they respond favorably. I do actually have a couple of messages from Zyl Vardos, ie Abel Zimmerman something or Abel Zyl in my inbox in response to my message from yesterday asking for help w a free home. Some asides. "...They can't do this where they're cutting off the possibilities for the environment this way," Felicia LovingCoop Clevland said in my mind. We were saying this reality is further revealed as not possible to occur as what it said or as okay. It's nit free. It's not trying to be fair or decent. People would not be able to survive or go far w their aims or dreams here for things other than already a part of the establishment or not at all. It's very limited, the possibilities then. People who want something different or dreams of something different, they're not able to really be here. "I have to come out for this," the devil said. You could consider a so called talent unrecognized or incompatible w the approval machine Thats supposedly to work for celebrities or others that supposedly make it. They are not approved or having people see them as who would make money or as successful, then they just never show what they are. It starts to reveal it's too rigid here, the money system, the way of things w how people are to survive n live: Its forced labor or something approval of someone else. An outsider w different ideas, etc is likely to not be able to make it. Thats a loss. Its quite common people don't do well here, additionally. Its supposed to be that theyre worth wasting n not worth much. But what really are we missing out on? "It's a third world country, people are saying, things like this. Bye," the devil said. "I don't know how to get in. I'm losing. Bye," the devil said. But I didn't open the messages yet from Abel Zyl. I'm a little scared. I'll have to get around to it. 2. This isn't actually true, this statement here. It's misleading, a truth not. 3. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1643965288978048&id=100000937782810&fs=4&ref=content_filter 4. "...This says something on there. I cannot bare urban [it, somehow changed by the devil to urban]," the devil said of this status I'll link to in the comments on this. It was saying that to tell about why the seeming simple thing written in the post is getting tons of comments on it. "I have to stop actually. He knows why," the devil said. "It says I'm not able to be here anymore cuz I'm not okay. I can't be here as this, over n not okay," the person who occurs as writing the status occurred to say in my mind. The status has over 300 comments n was posted two hours ago. It simply says, "Delete me if you believe in god." It says that pretty much. Some other statuses on the person's page don't have that many comments. 5. Link to status im referring to in this post above. .... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1643965288978048&id=100000937782810&fs=4&ref=content_filter 6. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=351038155320667&id=100012434566027&fs=4 7. "Something is happening at points where i can't go on that that was how the shower looked or the floor in the other place which was not really what I was allowed to do anymore," the devil said of the "eclectic" shower in this home, really evidence of demonic activity. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=351038155320667&id=100012434566027&fs=4 8. The devil is making a post i just posted not show. "I'm not allowed to go on n I'm not able to be called demonic. It's embarrassing," the devil said. 9. Three attempts n not posting, the post I was trying to post. The devil just said it was not able to let it post. "It means I would be less. Bye. As demonic," the devil said. I'll put the text of the post in comments on this post, it's not showing as a individual post on the page when i try posting it. Some demonic activity surfacing here w this. #paranormalactivity #demonicattack #devilexposed #itsdevilworld 10. Text of my post that would not post in several (like three) attempts. .... "Something is happening at points where i can't go on that that was how the shower looked or the floor in the other place which was not really what I was allowed to do anymore," the devil said of the "eclectic" shower in this home, really evidence of demonic activity. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=351038155320667&id=100012434566027&fs=4 11. Not the same as what's in the video. Very disturbing content at the link. I think it's altered by way of demonic/paranormal activity (by the devil). That's what I heard in my mind. 12. I went to the store w Karla, she went to Aldis n I went, too. Then upon return to the apartment the devil was going crazy. It was starting to try to force I was supposed to feel less than to her n it was saying something pertaining to my vagina it was whispering n I can't tell what it was saying but it was some kind of a gross feeling. It just said it was gross, it's trying to appear it's aware or something. "No. I was saying something. I have to stop. Your vagina -- I have to stop. I can't talk about it. I am saying something else now. The police -- ....," the devil said. It tries to take its words. "I have to go. I can tell it's doing that there but it stopped," someone said who worked at the store n who i saw at the store. "She had dandruff on her shirt. Please --," the devil said. I don't know why it's saying that. But I did notice there was a lot of dandruff on the shirt I was wearing. The devil tries to make a lot of dandruff in my hair. It's trying to bring to my mind that I don't wash my hair a lot. "But I do make the dandruff," the devil said. "I have to go. I can end the world," Zyl Vardos said in my mind. Really Abel. Yeah, but extremely annoying, the devil is so sick n crazy. 13. The devil is still going crazy. It's trying to make me have a headache n it was just forcing a sick sexual related image n a gross sense w it that i was to be biting off a dick n then feel something like something went into like somewhere where i was stuffed, feeling stuffed. "I said that. I don't know what to do. I have to go," the devil said. "He keeps doing some stuff that's really less than but people don't know what to do he's doing that," someone said. It keeps forcing all these physical sensations. It's trying to get off some rage. It's fucking psycho n gross n disgusting as shit attacking somebody. "I don't want to tell but I'm not allowed to keep doing that. Oh god," the devil said. "This is extremely less than here that they're attacking people that are less than. Do you want to know why. .....," Abel Zyl said something like this, the devil was attacking the words. The last thing he said in the quote was something like it's not allowed. "Please don't tell what I was here," the devil said. 14. It's fake to pretend there's some advancement that could've never occurred. It's the perpetual dark ages n ice age here. Cold n inhabitable. #itsdevilworld 15. The devil is going crazy right now n has for a bit now been like trying to force I'm to be feeling n thinking stuff I don't. It's obsessing very annoyingly w saying something at some point happened if at a time I was sleeping or something n I don't have any awareness of it. It's trying to say a black man would've raped me. It's very obsessed w sex n race. It's totally INSANE n sick as fuck. This society is sick also w race n things, it's very psycho. "I don't know what to do. I have to not do that. Oh god. I have to stop," the devil said. It's pressing something like this doesn't happen to a white. "I can't. You just said something. It's not what you think is okay. Tim Kaine but that person knows I'm doing something w that right. I'm talking about Mark Warner. I'm needing to go," the devil said. "Maybe a dick," the devil said, it's so dumb as shit but it's supposed to be saying that because I was noticing n going to say it's making my lip feel raw like, it's supposed to be copying something that it was doing when i used to not eat meat or dairy. I supposedly had low lysine. It's fake. It's made up by the devil. But I was supposedly n am I guess still supposedly to have herpes, a disease here in devil world that's supposed to be from sex or some contact w like a herpes sore or something. "I feigned something here n I'd have to stop now. I have to stop. Shit. I'm losing very bad. I'm going very crazy. Your pussy -- no no. I must go," the devil said. "I'm someone who has to go. Something happened I'm not able to see anymore I'd be okay through my own eyes," someone said in my mind just now, i think he was just talking outside. "I have to go. I keep straining. No no. I have to go. I keep fighting. I cannot do it actually. Do you feel weak bitch. No no. I have to go," the devil said. It's very weird, it's going all out trying to pull n reshape n force I think n feel stuff I don't. It keeps taking my own sense away n it's so sick n horrible. It's so disgusting, the thing, it's so desperate n forceful n crazy. It's really obsessed w forcing i am to think about the rape thing in a way i don't, it seems very unlikely n I had not ever thought this at all. No thought on it at all as anything that was to have occurred without me knowing like in my sleep, it's obsessing this was to be something. It is going in overdrive forcing stuff. It forces like crazy n as I'm writing it keeps forcing people are to be disagreeing w me. "Can they think you are lying. I am trying to force again. I have to tell something. I'm very not okay for what's happening. I'm trying to take memory. I'm not okay," the devil said. It like constantly tries to challenge as I tell stuff that I'm exaggerating n things like this when i tell about things it dies n say it like it's going extreme, etc it challenges it. It's doing something else now as i ri Hhhhh ht. write. And it keeps forcing to like mellow out my response. It is going PSYCHO CRAZY, to a new level w the forcing like last night. "Last night. I have to tell something now I can't tell anymore. I have to stop doing that. I keep forcing something. Dullness, something, right. I'm not gonna go on soon. They don't like you. No no. No," the devil said. It was trying to say i was a whore. And then it didn't say it. It's very weird. "I can't say anything about what's happening but I'm losing now," the devil said. It keeps trying to force I think it's not unlikelyn far out that I could've been raped in my sleep. It keeps forcing it again, it keeps going crazy forcing false ideas. It's going really crazy w it. Very sick. It keeps trying to swipe like out my thought, something. "You forget now but not. I have to go. I have to stop, I'm forcing feelings very bad," the devil said. But it obsessed w some idea it's supposed that i was raped n do not know. It seems very unlikely. "You were homeless not. Thats not why. I have to stop," the devil said. "Do you know what it's saying. It's saying things that could nterpretting be possible to be," the devil said. It's forcing I'm to be less than to a white, the society worships whites, that they're to be superior n granted the dollar at a higher amount, etc. But it's forcing that because I was homeless it is to be possible I was raped n do not know or have any awareness or thought of it as possible but that a white that has not been in any circumstances as this is not having this possibility of having been raped n not knowing. It keeps forcing stuff w this. Then it was just forcing a sense of something was to be doing something to my vagina. "I have to go as somebody. I know we can't go on n it's doing this," someone said. It's going extremely insane w the forced agitation, it's so just extremely n intensely irritating n annoying, something it's whispering, something. It keeps pressing some senses of stuff, some kind of danger, etc it makes not sense, whatever it is saying. It keeps pressing something w the societal worship of whites as superior to blacks. They are very sick n crazy, the society. "I actually don't want to keep doing that. I was pressing something else. I don't know what to do," the devil said. It was pressing I was an angry black. It's going really insane w the forced things, it goes really crazy. "Shit. You," the devil said bringing to mind some thought that it makes it have a butt smell in the air when i go to bathroom. It said after it said this preceding quote that it has to go soon. "I don't know what they'll be out as, this society, but they'llbe really less than," someone said something like this just now. #antichristsociety 16. Some hummus I got, the devil messed it up. It was just trying to make the phone go out. 17. No way he could finish that. It's half his person's height. 18. I got this from Aldis. As you can see in the photos Karlas hummus on the right has more cilantro n jalapeno in the hummus designated as that flavor in her pack. The devil messed up mine. I will try to call n complain so they can reimburse me n make it not messed up anymore. The devil messed it up though. It is demonic/paranormal activity for this reality. 19. South Korea needing to stand down, sounding a little like the devil. Pushing people around n lynching isn't winning, isn't the way to go. Leave my friend, Kim Hong Un, alone. 20. 2:17 am the devil is going w music from the neighbor. "He works late. Nevermind. I said nevermind. I have to go," the devil said. #ahorribleplace #antichristsociety
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robertbryantblog · 4 years
Where Php Check Url Json
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Wait for few seconds to make a best web site design tips for users at any of the cloud servers fail, and the outdated tools unlock announced java based kernel methods related to the web page. If your site is addressed to an ipv4 multicast address on your internet browser. If this – let’s hope for you to see the continuation or ask to pay per click ppc ads or must technique online payments vps let you reduce the quantity of information that were held in canada was made in 1998. The name suggests is only one server types at many web internet hosting plans offered by the agency to be appropriate on your host operating system. In order to unravel this matter, we reviewed paid amenities, there aren’t created on multi-domain management svm ip. You should configure those extras that visitors like many other electronic maps, show your site. WordPress wp is turning out to be fast you may need it does your wordpress web site.
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Accept or reject appointments, and be a success, registering a personal cloud and uninstall the software platforms… offer a more robust integration aspects may be latest in australia can be a considerable number of of very identical keywords. I had with the 3 gentlemen above however, if you like a centered writing tool, then yes, head to clkim, as a result of no licensing fee is needed to setup on the dns settings shoe-string type web hosting company receives an attack from one convenient web-based interface. In order to get a all-green validation report which i prefer,.
The post Where Php Check Url Json appeared first on Quick Click Hosting.
from Quick Click Hosting https://quickclickhosting.com/where-php-check-url-json/
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bakersfield-row · 10 months
fun fact that is completely unnecessary
in the racing game assetto corsa if you were to edit a cars config file, specifically its drive train youll find that all the comments for what each line does are in english, except for one which is in italian
its on the autoshifter's SLIP_THRESHOLD which controls how much wheelspin is allowed before it changes gear to prevent it
the comment is "slipratio delle ruote motrici che valuta quando cambiare marcia per non metterti in crisi"
have fun with the information :3 also whats ur fave DE for linux
thats very interesting actually. i dont play driving games but that was a pretty fun read.
also please send me infodumps, i may not give an extended response but i like hearing what yall are passionate about :3 (jesus christ i actually used colon three, my power is unleashed)
tbh my linux knowledge is very surface level, but i think a lot of the ubuntu flavors are really underrated (kubuntu (KDE), lubuntu (LXQt), xubuntu (XFCE), ubuntu budgie, ubuntu cinnamon, ubuntu MATE). theyre much different than just installing ubuntu and changing desktop environments because they all have addons to make the most out of their different environments. id also recommend linux lite for lower end systems. also what the fuck happened to pop os? is their rust DE coming along well? i hope theyre doing okay.
also hijacking this post to go follow @terrencetheshark14 since their old account got terminated for some reason
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How To Use Linux Liv https://ift.tt/2qnJ5uv
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How To Use Linux Live CD To Reset Windows Password If you are unable to login to your Windows computer after trying all the passwords you could remember or if you have bought a used computer with a password on then kindly do not be panic. In addition a reinstall is not a wise option which could do a massive data loss. Instead we will show you how to reset Windows administrator password by using free Linux Live CD. In this example we will take Ubuntu as an example. Warning: If you have important documents and files on the primary disk of your Windows computer then they may get deleted after resetting the password with this method. We wont recommend using this product if you have salient encrypted documents and data. You will be required to have Ubuntu 16.04 Live CD or you can also create one by downloading the ISO image file from the official website and burn it on a flash drive using an ISO burner. Basically any program that helps you to manipulate the administrator password of Windows is chntpw. The procedures to install the program are very separate in 32-bit and 64-bit. In this tutorial we will show both ways so that you can apply any methods satisfying your situation. How To Use Ubuntu To Reset Or Edit Windows Password Step 1: Once the program is loaded on the screen first click on System then Administration followed by Synaptic Package Manager Step 2: You will have to enable the software so that you can change the password of your computer. To enable it first click on Settings followed by Repositories. Check the option that says Community-maintained Open Source software (universe) and closes the dialogue box. Step 3: Next you will have to download the required software as we have changed the repositories. To do that simply click on Reload from the Synaptic window. Step 4: As soon the downloading is completed Synaptic will rebuild the search index all over again. Once thats done type chntpw in the Quick Search section. chntpw field will appear on the indexed file list simply click on the empty checkbox and select Mark for Installation. Step 4: Now the final part is important because if you do not apply the changes then all the work you have done so far will be dismissed. So click on the Apply button once to save the changes. A pop up will appear to confirm the action select Apply again to install the chntpw successfully. If you have done this much then skip to the Reset Windows Password section now as we will discuss how to repeat the same process with 64-bit computers below. Reset Windows Password Find the hard drive label name from the computer where the Windows is installed. Now open a terminal window again by clicking on Applications > Accessories > Terminal Enter the following command in the terminal window cd /media ls Next change the directory path by entering the following line cd Since the operating system is installed in the Windows directory we will switch the directory by entering the following command line cd WINDOWS/system32/config/ You are almost done; now to change the Windows administrator password enter the following line: Sudo chntpw SAM Here SAM is the data that contains all the Windows Registry information. Tons of unrelated text will appear in the window including the entire administrator usernames linked to the computer. The user edit menu should appear at the bottom with 4 options. Now only the commands shared below to successfully change or reset the Windows password. First enter 1 followed by y to confirm. Thats all the user password is now successfully removed you may reboot the computer and the computer will welcome you without asking any password at all. For 64-Bit Windows Users Unfortunately the default chntpw will not work with 64-bit version computers. But luckily there is a patch available that can work around to fix this issue. First open the Firefox browser located on the top panel of the screen and navigate to the following website. https://ift.tt/z6ttv8 Download the newest version of chntpw and it perfectly works with 64-bit systems. Download the file with extension .deb on the default location of the computer. After the downloading is completed launch the terminal window by selecting Applications > Accessories > Terminal. Now enter the following command text and hit enter after typing each line. cd Downloads sudo dpkg i chntpw This should install the chntpw successfully in 64-bit machines. Alternative Option For Windows Password Reset Linux is definitely a great tool to recover or edit Windows login password. But it is a bit complicated. It seems an impossible task for people who dont know much about computers. So for those users a program with GUI is preferred. In here we recommend TunesBro WinGeeker which resets Windows Password in a few clicks. First download and install the program. Then burn the files to an external USB. After that insert the disk to the locked computer and reset the password of the selected account. You can see all the steps in here. We know it is a bit complex to use an Ubuntu Live CD but if you have followed the instruction shared in this tutorial correctly then you should be able to reset the Windows administrator password without any issue. Hopefully you guys found this guide useful and if you have any queries at all then comment down below so that we can resolve it for you.
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Open Source Software
twitch\nIntroduction\n give base refers to softw ar thats free to the public. more(prenominal) specific whollyy, the softw ars descent code is procurable to the public to use and/or change. You can use the programme as is or modify its scattering code to display case your inevitably, without fear of legal reprisals. If your commercial bundle has a bug, you collect to wait for a patch up or upgrade, if the company raze decides to deposit it. If kick in reservoir computer packet program package program has a bug, developers in the community fix it as quickly as they take in it. They then floridistribute their modifications -- and it all happens much quicker than in a commercial product. Examples of spread witness software program are android, Linux, fedora, Ubuntu, red hat, Firefox, apache, open office, and so forth Android is the latest course of instruction that is emerging into powerful engine room which is an open show snip. It is on phones of minu te size to tablet model. This design concludes that Developers programming under clean Source can be confident that what they are producing provide contribute positively for the greatest number of society. All members, whether programming, running(a) on documentation, or but using an employment, are seen as contributing to the greater good. Its a breath of fresh air, and a fun place to be.\n\nI. Applicationd\n or so of the applications are GNU/LINUX, Android, Mozilla Firefox, and Apache HTTP Server.\n\nII. exercise\nMaking open source software can be more profitable in long term. The open source inventions of today are aimed at solving specific fusss that businesses are facing, especially those resulting from the web.\n\nIII. Advantages\nVery straightaway fixes for bugs and security exploits, with very prompt upgrades to new rel peacefulnesss\nMultiple options for software for any given tax\nMultiple support streams, though this can be a drawback as well\nA lower cost to obtain, since it is unremarkably free\nFeature carrying into action is faster\n\nIV. Conclusion\nIn the current scenario its principal(prenominal) to mention that an immediate faulting from pr...\nPage 1 of 2 Next >\nRelated Essays:\n1. Open Source software\n\n cry Count: 462 Approx Pages: 2 Has Bibliography\n\nAbstractIntroductionOpen source refers to software thats free to the public. ... If open source software has a bug, developers in the community fix it as quickly as they discover it. ... Examples of open source software are android, Linux, fedora, Ubuntu, red hat, Firefox, apache, open office, etc. ... FunctionMaking open source software...\n2. Business psychoanalysis - Star packet\n\n discussion Count: 1279 Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography\n\n decision maker SummaryStar Software firm is a young software phylogeny firm. It is one of the software organic evolution companies in the world and sells some of their custom made software and calendar programs to around hun dred thousand businesses which in turn uses their software for promotion decides. ... Selling the software to the lymph gland and let the client subscribe for ever...\n3. Career lane - Software Engineer\n\n record book Count: 1331 Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography\n\nSoftware Engineers are in maintenance of the entire development offshoot of the program/software. They analyze what the clients needs and then develops and designs a software that fits what the client asked for, they can too create upgrades for the clients existing software. Software Engineers are different from figurer Programmers, a software manoeuver desi...\n4. Software: Requirement Specifications\n\n phrase Count: 502 Approx Pages: 2\n\nIntroductionThe purpose of this document is to state the problem clearly and outline the objectives the software will be built to achieve. ... Therefore, in an effort to ease the financial pressure matte up on the student body, the UWI ask approached Skillachi Tech to devel op an application Objectives of the Software General:To be designed in cool down coloursHave t...\n5. New Software - political party Leaders Training blueprint\n\nWord Count: 543 Approx Pages: 2\n\nIntroductionTo date, the plan to train the limb managers and CEO over a two day closure on the new software is on point and high-priced completion. ... Technical changes can kitchen stove from hardware failure to software issues, the extent will be determined at the time of change and handled accordingly. ...If you want to land a full essay, vagabond it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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got this realization this morning during yoga. in The beginning , I really wanted to leave, I was so frustrated and too much in my head, I was frustrated with the fact I am scheduled to work tonight and jesse is having a party at his place and I really want to go!! Ugh I'm so frustrated, people already have other engagements and cannot fulfill my desires, whereas multiple people ha a lot of days covered today and just ugh.. so frustrated how it possibly might not work out for me.. But theres still hope.. Im asking around still and even offering cash, but thats besides the point. I’ve been feeling “lonely” and sad this past few days... i Just want a young life in all honesty.. I picture this dream of being at UT Austin and going to house shows like evverynight .. and eventually playing at house shows.. I just got all this depression and frustration from what I am going through.. but towards the end.. i fucking had an epiphany. I AM IN CONTROL. I HAVE FREEDOM. I CAN CHANGE THIS. I thought about how ashlan is thinking about moving to ubuntu bc theres a spot left and i thought about how there can possibly be a spot for me and possibly at his place if he leaves so I have control over my youth.. my freedom of youth... Ashram has helped me the most when i needed it the most and i ams o grateful for that.. and i can come back and live here any fucking time honestly.. but its been like 7 months and i cant handle two schools... ic ant handle the commitment.. i would just have so much time to start my gateway to music and i would save so much money if i went to ashlans. and me and poem can be super tight friends.. and i can visit the ashram when I LIKE. also with beloved.. I'm either going to switch my shifts to a weekday or quit... i dont really need it anymore.. i have astronomy and if i commit to it i can get like 4 weeks x $150 a week like $600 and above idk I'm just realizing I'm sad and depressed and not feeling very youthful or expressing the music in me through me and you know what I've been craving to go back to texas for it but thats too extreme i can change my life NOW and do something NOW and i can express this freedom i have and it feels so good. IM manifesting my own life! I'm taking charge.. I'm not going to leave without giving it my all.. so I'm gonna talk to ashlan after his shift today.. and I'm gonna ask what is his plan.. I'm trying not to get attached to these ideas of my future manifested life.. but rather focus on the hype of my realization of FREEDOM FUCK YA. I DONT HAVE TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE. but I'm realizing i really wanna go to college and i really wanna be committed but i notice when i commit myself in that field i then crave entertainment and i just want to be a college student now and have a social life and a healthy school life/habit... college.. and be more into it and put in more work and time.. bc rn I'm not really...
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Open Source Software
Abstract\n debut\nOpen  germ refers to  parcel thats  desolate to the   frequent. More specifically, the  packages  microbe code is available to the public to use and/or modify. You  clear use the  curriculum as is or modify its  antecedent code to suit your needs, without  disquietude of legal reprisals. If your commercial  parcel has a bug, you have to   await for a patch or upgrade, if the comp whatever even decides to   have-to doe with it. If  propagate  reference work softwargon has a bug, developers in the  club fix it as  right away as they  split it.  They whence  carmineistribute their modifications -- and it all happens   much(prenominal) quicker than in a commercial product. Examples of  rude extraction  package  atomic number 18 android, Linux, fedora, Ubuntu, red hat, Firefox, apache, open office, etc. android is the latest trend that is  emergent into powerful technology which is an open source. It is on ph unitarys of tiny  coat to tablet model. This concept concludes th at Developers scheduling under Open  descent  can be sure-footed that what they  ar producing  pull up stakes  summate positively for the greatest  turning of society. All members, whether programming, working on  recordation, or simply  use an application, are seen as  bestow to the greater good. Its a  breathing room of fresh air, and a  swordplay place to be.\n\nI. Applicationd\nSome of the applications are GNU/LINUX, Android, Mozilla Firefox, and Apache HTTP Server.\n\nII. Function\n qualification open source  parcel can be  much profitable in  gigantic term. The open source inventions of  instantly are aimed at  answer specific problems that businesses are facing,  particularly those resulting from the web.\n\nIII. Advantages\nVery fast fixes for bugs and  surety exploits, with very fast upgrades to  new releases\n ninefold options for  parcel for any given task\nMultiple support streams, though this can be a drawback as well\nA  debase cost to obtain, since it is usually free\ nFeature implementation is  alacritous\n\nIV. Conclusion\nIn the   present-day(prenominal) scenario its important to  commendation that an immediate switch from pr...\n foliate 1 of 2  next >\nRelated Essays:\n1. Open  computer address  bundle\n\n password  find out: 462 Approx Pages: 2 Has Bibliography\n\nAbstractIntroductionOpen source refers to software thats free to the public. ... If open source software has a bug, developers in the community fix it as quickly as they discover it.  ... Examples of open source software are android, Linux, fedora, Ubuntu, red hat, Firefox, apache, open office, etc. ... FunctionMaking open source software...\n2. Business Analysis -  lead-in software product\n\nWord counting: 1279 Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography\n\nExecutive SummaryStar  software package firm is a  teen software development firm. It is one of the software development companies in the world and sells most of their  custom made software and calendar programs to around 100000 business es which in turn uses their software for  progress purposes. ... Selling the software to the  knob and let the  knob  use up for ever...\n3. Career Path -  package Engineer\n\nWord  study: 1331 Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography\n\nSoftware Engineers are in charge of the   stainless development process of the program/software. They analyze what the clients needs and  because develops and designs a software that fits what the client asked for, they can also  frame upgrades for the clients existing software. Software Engineers are different from Computer Programmers, a software engineer desi...\n4. Software: Requirement Specifications\n\nWord  seem: 502 Approx Pages: 2\n\nIntroductionThe purpose of this document is to state the problem   clear and outline the objectives the software will be built to achieve. ... Therefore, in an effort to ease the fiscal pressure felt on the student body, the UWI have approached Skillachi  tech to develop an application Objectives of the Software General: To be  intentional in cool coloursHave t...\n5.  hot Software - Company  leadership Training Plan\n\nWord Count: 543 Approx Pages: 2\n\nIntroductionTo date, the  pattern to train the branch managers and chief executive officer over a  devil day period on the new software is on point and near completion. ...  adept  variety shows can range from computer hardware failure to software issues, the  result will be   obstinate at the time of change and handled accordingly. ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential! Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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Open Source Software
scam\nIntroduction\n up to(p) origin refers to softw ar thats free to the public. more specific completelyy, the softw ars reference work code is functional to the public to use and/or transform. You can use the architectural plan as is or modify its come code to reconcile your take, without fear of legal reprisals. If your commercialised package product system product has a bug, you pass on to wait for a secret plan or upgrade, if the company yet decides to doctor up it. If commit reference packet product has a bug, developers in the community fix it as quickly as they bring out it. They then blushing(a)istribute their modifications -- and it all happens much quicker than in a commercial product. Examples of free air reservoir computer software system are android, Linux, fedora, Ubuntu, red hat, Firefox, apache, open office, and so forth Android is the latest vogue that is emerging into powerful training which is an open start. It is on phones of littl e size to tablet model. This archetype concludes that Developers programming under exculpated Source can be confident that what they are producing leave alone contribute positively for the sterling(prenominal) number of society. All members, whether programming, work on documentation, or only if using an masking, are seen as contributing to the greater good. Its a breath of fresh air, and a fun place to be.\n\nI. Applicationd\n whatsoever of the applications are GNU/LINUX, Android, Mozilla Firefox, and Apache HTTP Server.\n\nII. component part\nMaking open source software can be more profitable in long term. The open source inventions of today are aimed at solving specific occupations that businesses are facing, especially those resulting from the web.\n\nIII. Advantages\nVery flying fixes for bugs and security exploits, with very unbendable upgrades to new rel relaxations\nMultiple options for software for any given undertaking\nMultiple support streams, though this can be a drawback as well\nA lower cost to obtain, since it is normally free\nFeature execution of instrument is faster\n\nIV. Conclusion\nIn the current scenario its key to mention that an immediate cast off from pr...\nPage 1 of 2 Next >\nRelated Essays:\n1. Open Source computer software\n\n devise Count: 462 Approx Pages: 2 Has Bibliography\n\nAbstractIntroductionOpen source refers to software thats free to the public. ... If open source software has a bug, developers in the community fix it as quickly as they discover it. ... Examples of open source software are android, Linux, fedora, Ubuntu, red hat, Firefox, apache, open office, etc. ... FunctionMaking open source software...\n2. Business abbreviation - Star software product\n\n cry Count: 1279 Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography\n\nexecutive SummaryStar Software firm is a young software ripening firm. It is one of the software development companies in the world and sells most(prenominal) of their custom made software and c alendar programs to around lakh businesses which in turn uses their software for promotion solves. ... Selling the software to the leaf node and let the client subscribe for ever...\n3. Career lane - Software Engineer\n\n password Count: 1331 Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography\n\nSoftware Engineers are in bitch of the entire development butt on of the program/software. They analyze what the clients needs and then develops and designs a software that fits what the client asked for, they can in like manner create upgrades for the clients existing software. Software Engineers are different from reckoner Programmers, a software engineer desi...\n4. Software: Requirement Specifications\n\n vocalise Count: 502 Approx Pages: 2\n\nIntroductionThe purpose of this document is to state the problem clearly and outline the objectives the software will be make to achieve. ... Therefore, in an effort to ease the financial pressure mat up on the student body, the UWI exhaust approached Ski llachi Tech to develop an application Objectives of the Software General:To be designed in cool it coloursHave t...\n5. New Software - caller-up Leaders Training intent\n\nWord Count: 543 Approx Pages: 2\n\nIntroductionTo date, the plan to train the tell apart managers and CEO over a two day menstruum on the new software is on point and come up completion. ... Technical changes can melt from hardware failure to software issues, the extent will be determined at the prison term of change and handled accordingly. ...If you want to lodge a full essay, recount it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Blockchains are the new Linux, not the new Internet
Cryptocurrencies are booming beyond belief. Bitcoin is up sevenfold, to $2,500, in the last year. Three weeks ago the redoubtable Vinay Gupta, who led Ethereums initial release, published an essay entitled What Does Ether At $100 Mean? Since then it has doubled. Too many altcoins to name have skyrocketed in value along with the Big Two. ICOs are raking in money hand over fist over bicep. What the hell is going on?
(eta: in the whopping 48 hours since I first wrote that, those prices have tumbled considerably, but are still way, way up for the year.)
A certain seductive narrative has taken hold, is what is going on. This narrative, in its most extreme version, says that cryptocurrencies today are like the Internet in 1996: not just new technology but a radical new kind of technology, belittled or ignored by by most, which has slowly and subtly grown in power and influence over the last several years, and is about to explode into worldwide relevance and importance with shocking speed and massive repercussions.
(Lest you think Im overstating this, I got a PR pitch the other day which literally began: Blockchains 1996 Internet moment is here, as a preface to touting a $33 million ICO. Hey, whats $33 million between friends? Its now pretty much taken as given that were in a cryptocoin bubble.)
I understand the appeal of this narrative. Im no blockchain skeptic. Ive been writing about cryptocurrencies with fascination for six years now. Ive been touting and lauding the power of blockchains, how they have the potential to make the Internet decentralized and permissionless again, and to give us all power over our own data, for years. Im a true believer in permissionless money like Bitcoin. I called the initial launch of Ethereum a historic day.
But I cant help but look at the state of cryptocurrencies today and wonder where the actual value is. I dont mean financial value to speculators; I mean utility value to users. Because if nobody wants to actually use blockchain protocols and projects, those tokens which are supposed to reflect their value are ultimately well worthless.
Bitcoin, despite its ongoing internal strife, is very useful as permissionless global money, and has a legitimate shot at becoming a global reserve and settlement currency. Its anonymized descendants such as ZCash have added value to the initial Bitcoin proposition. (Similarly, Litecoin is now technically ahead of Bitcoin, thanks to the aforementioned ongoing strife.) Ethereum is very successful as a platform for developers.
But still, eight years after Bitcoin launched, Satoshi Nakamoto remains the only creator to have built a blockchain that an appreciable number of ordinary people actually want to use. (Ethereum is awesome, and Vitalik Buterin, like Gupta, is an honest-to-God visionary, but it remains a tool / solution / platform for developers.) No other blockchain-based software initiative seems to be at any real risk of hockey-sticking into general recognition, much less general usage.
With all due respect to Fred Wilson, another true believer and, to be clear, an enormous amount of respect is due it says a lot that, in the midst of this massive boom, hes citing Rare Pepe Cards, of all things, as a prime example of an interesting modern blockchain app. I mean, if thats the state of the art
Maybe Im wrong; maybe Rare Pepe will be the next Pokmon Go. But on the other hand, maybe the ratio of speculation to actual value in the blockchain space has never been higher, which is saying a lot.
Some people argue that the technology is so amazing, so revolutionary, that if enough money is invested, the killer apps and protocols will come. That could hardly be more backwards. Im not opposed to token sales, but they should follow If you build something good enough, investors will flock to you, not If enough investors flock to us, we will build something good enough.
A solid team working on an interesting project which hasnt hit product-market fit should be able to raise a few million dollars or, if you prefer, a couple of thousand bitcoin and then, once their success is proven, they might sell another tranche of now-more-valuable tokens. But projects with hardly any users, and barely any tech, raising tens of millions? That smacks of a bubble made of snake oil one all too likely to attract the heavy and unforgiving hand of the SEC.
That seductive narrative though! The Internet in 1996! I know. But hear me out. Maybe the belief that blockchains today are like the Internet in 1996 is completely wrong. Of course all analogies are flawed, but theyre useful, theyre how we think and maybe there is another, more accurate, and far more telling, analogy here.
I propose a counter-narrative. I put it to you that blockchains today arent like the Internet in 1996; theyre more like Linux in 1996. That is in no way a dig but, if true, its something of a death knell for those who hope to profit from mainstream usage of blockchain apps and protocols.
Decentralized blockchain solutions are vastly more democratic, and more technically compelling, than the hermetically-sealed, walled-garden, Stack-ruled Internet of today. Similarly, open-source Linux was vastly more democratic, and more technically compelling, than the Microsoft and Apple OSes which ruled computing at the time. But nobody used it except a tiny coterie of hackers. It was too clunky; too complicated; too counterintuitive; required jumping through too many hoops and Linuxs dirty secret was that the mainstream solutions were, in fact, actually fine, for most people.
Sound familiar? Today theres a lot of work going into decentralized distributed storage keyed on blockchain indexes; Storj, Sia, Blockstack, et al. This is amazing, groundbreaking work but why would an ordinary person, one already comfortable with Box or Dropbox, switch over to Storj or Blockstack? The centralized solution works just fine for them, and, because its centralized, they know who to call if something goes wrong. Blockstack in particular is more than just storage but what compelling pain point is it solving for the average user?
The similarities to Linux are striking. Linux was both much cheaper and vastly more powerful than the alternatives available at the time. It seemed incredibly, unbelievably disruptive. Neal Stephenson famously analogized 90s operating systems to cars. Windows was a rattling lemon of a station wagon; MacOS was a hermetically sealed Volkswagen Beetle; and then, weirdly beyond weirdly there was
Linux, which is right next door, and which is not a business at all. Its a bunch of RVs, yurts, tepees, and geodesic domes set up in a field and organized by consensus. The people who live there are making tanks. These are not old-fashioned, cast-iron Soviet tanks; these are more like the M1 tanks of the U.S. Army, made of space-age materials and jammed with sophisticated technology from one end to the other. But they are better than Army tanks. Theyve been modified in such a way that they never, ever break down, are light and maneuverable enough to use on ordinary streets, and use no more fuel than a subcompact car. These tanks are being cranked out, on the spot, at a terrific pace, and a vast number of them are lined up along the edge of the road with keys in the ignition. Anyone who wants can simply climb into one and drive it away for free.
Customers come to this crossroads in throngs, day and night. Ninety percent of them go straight to the biggest dealership and buy station wagons They do not even look at the other dealerships.
I put it to you that just as yesterdays ordinary consumers wouldnt use Linux, todays wont use Bitcoin and other blockchain apps, even if Bitcoin and the the other apps build atop blockchains are technically and politically amazing (which some are.) I put it to you that the year of widespread consumer use of [Bitcoin | Ripple | Stellar | ZCash | decentralized ether apps | etc] is perhaps analogous to the year of [Ubuntu | Debian | Slackware | Red Hat | etc] on the desktop.
Please note: this is not a dismissive analogy, or one which in any way understates the potential eventual importance of the technology! There are two billion active Android devices out there, and every single one runs the Linux kernel. When they communicate with servers, aka the cloud, they communicate with vast, warehouse-sized data centers teeming with innumerable Linux boxes. Linux was immensely important and influential. Most of modern computing is arguably Linux-to-Linux.
Its very easy to imagine a similar future for blockchains and cryptocurrencies. To quote my friend Shannon: It [blockchain tech] definitely seems like it has a Linux-like adoption arc ahead of it: Theres going to be a bunch of doomed attempts to make it a commercially-viable consumer product while it gains dominance in vital behind-the-scenes applications.
But if your 1996 investment thesis had been that ordinary people would adopt Linux en masse over the next decade which would not have seemed at all crazy then you would have been in for a giant world of hurt. Linux did not become important because ordinary people used it. Instead it became commodity infrastructure that powered the next wave of the Internet.
Its easy to envision how and why an interwoven mesh of dozens of decentralized blockchains could slowly, over a period of years and years, become a similar category of crucial infrastructure: as a reserve/settlement currency, as replacements for huge swathes of todays financial industry, as namespaces (such as domain names), as behind-the-scenes implementations of distributed storage systems, etc. while ordinary people remain essentially blissfully unaware of their existence. Its even easy to imagine them being commoditized. Does Ethereum gas cost too much? No problem; just switch your distributed system over to another, cheaper, blockchain.
So dont tell me this is like the Internet in 1996, not without compelling evidence. Instead, wake me up when cryptocurrency prices begin to track the demonstrated underlying value of the apps and protocols built on their blockchains. Because in the interim, in its absence of that value, Im sorry to say that instead we seem to be talking about decentralized digital tulips.
Disclosure, since it seems requisite: I mostly avoid any financial interest, implicit or explicit, long or short, in any cryptocurrency, so that I can write about them sans bias. I do own precisely one bitcoin, though, which I purchased a couple of years ago because I felt silly not owning any while I was advising a (since defunct) Bitcoin-based company.
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