#that's legit part of your dna now isn't it
dearly · 6 years
louies: *exist*
some of y’all: “radical louies/true louies/what the fuck evers are truly evil like i’m genuinely disgusted“
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dittolicous · 2 years
I feel like the situation would be reversed. Sinnoh law would have a hard time getting Lady Sneasler and her children for a few reasons. 1.) Ingo and co are already in Unova and enforcing laws in different countries is nigh impossible especially since it might only be illegal in one country. 2.) As of right now we have no reason to believe that there is any laws that say you can't own extinct pokemon, they can own fossil pokemon, also long extinct. It is also legal to own legendaries.
Well I mean if you wanna go by the most basic game logic, but I'm trying to give this a more actualized, lived-in world
Re: Legendarys - these fall under the category of 'no one should really have that kind of power, but what are going to do?' because you can't exactly tell a God what to do. if a legendary Pokemon chooses to go with a person out of their own free will, then that's it. Now, if you're trying to force a legendary to follow your command (like Villain Teams usually do) then law enforcement can jump in. Otherwise, there's only a few protective measures and protocols to ensure such Pokemon won't be abused or misused
Fossil Pokemon - There is a bit of a difference between Pokemon who died out millions or billions of years ago and have little cultural importance vs one that died out in living memories and is LITERALLY a Noble of a Sinnoh Clan/culture, holding deep importance.
Along with that, fossil Pokemon are revived from legit intact fossils (for the most part) and are considered to fall under the umbrella of cloning technology. To do so, they need a certain amount of fossil/DNA to work with and the technology used does not work well with non-fossilized materials.
(Cara Liss is a lawsuit waiting to happen and yes, it will)
Plus, at least in the 'catching trains' world, reviving mammal Pokemon is leagues harder than non-mammalian. I mean, look at the whole New/Mewtwo fiasco. And hence why all fossil Pokemon are reptilian or the like. But in Lady Sneasler's situation, cloning isn't much of an option.
So while you can have a fossil Pokemon, there are still hoops you have to jump through and while Galar is a fucked up land where anything goes, in the other parts of the world, there are legal standards and regulations involved.
Regional difference - This is where things get tricky! Because we are talking about a world where one can vary easily be teleported through time and space at any moment! So, there are laws, regulations, procedures, and agreements in place across all regions for Pokemon related shenanigans.
In Ingo and Dawn's situation, there are a lot of ways to spin it, particularly because... There's no good explanation for what happened and how they got the Pokemon except for the honest truth. And with the right lawyer? Well, anything is possible.
For instance, yes they are now on Unovan land, BUT the Pokemon were acquired on Sinnoh soil! And then, this is the important part, KNOWINGLY taken to forgeign land despite being culturally important extinct Pokemon. That's willfully running from the law by one Miss Champion, who has shown that she knew of their extinction.
And Dawn herself IS a Sinnoh resident, a minor even, so it could be pushed to have her return to Sinnoh, at which point they force her to give up the team
Ingo is a whole boat-load of issues as a 3+year long missing person aaaaand... Someone declared dead. Dead people cannot own Pokemon, extinct or otherwise. If Emmet takes them under his name, that becomes an issue of illegal Pokemon trade, since they were legit Hisuin/Sinnoh Pokemon, who followed someone else home, and then KNOWINGLY placed under his name in spite of species protection.
There's many ways to spin a case when it comes to protecting cultures and endangered species. A good lawyer has much power, and there are many forces that are willing to spend that money or spread nasty reports (not false but spun in negative fashions) to win public approval for pushing Pokemon seizer forward.
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omegas-spaghettios · 3 years
The Batch can 100% rescue Crosshair, y'all just haven't thought about it.
I have seen some posts and comments bemoaning Crosshair fans' frustration with the Batch not rescuing him. "Omega is their priority, they can't do it without putting her at risk, the Empire is too powerful.", all things I have read that supposedly make it so the Batch can't attempt to liberate Crosshair.
All of them are false.
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I am going to go into excruciating detail of all of the ways I can think of that the Batch could reasonably do it.
Also, all of these are not just my ideas! I talked with @bimormondisaster pretty lengthily about this, a lot of the ideas are hers, check her out!
Now, the first "reason" why the Batch can't.
1) They can't put Omega at risk
I agree that taking Omega to try and liberate Crosshair is putting her at risk. But guess what? Cut Lawquane exists.
Cut has already shown he would happily take Omega in and raise her in his family. I seriously doubt Rex or the Batch have lost contact with him when he moved, they could contact him and ask him to watch Omega, he almost certainly would. Best case scenario the Batch succeeds and Omega just got a fun few days at Cut's house, they all have a reunion where Crosshair gets to see Omega and Cut again, they can have a nice reunion and celebration party. Worst case? The Batch fail and die, where Omega is safe and in good hands with Cut's family. Since the Batch's chips are removed and there is no evidence in canon to suggest they can be replaced, there is little risk of the Batch being reprogrammed and hunting after Cut.
Omega is also just part of the Batch now, guys. They've said this. The Batch has agreed to let her take any risk they take, and she could be incredibly helpful on a Raid on Kamino if it came to it, she could be a big help in saving Crosshair and I'm sure she would LOVE to help.
2) Kamino/The Empire is Too Powerful
First of all, no they aren't. The Clone Wars has shown us on multiple occasions that Kamino is able to be infiltrated. During the Rookies arc, we see that Ventress made it on planet with Aqua droids. They relied on Debris to build attack ships, but Ventress and the droids got there BEFORE Grievous did. This shows it is possible to get on planet undetected. Then the Conspiracy arc shows that if you are smart, you can navigate Kamino's defenses. Fives and AZ ALONE managed to infiltrate the medical bay, the DNA chambers, and the place where the earliest clones were being grown. They did that on there own! Not to discredit Fives, he is incredibly capable. But so is the Batch. Tech probably already knows that place inside and out, but if he doesn't he can learn very quickly. Omega also likely knows the facility incredibly well. If they don't, they could just convince a Droid like AZ to help or flat out reprogram them. Also, once in the facility, Hunter would certainly be able to track Crosshair. Bonus points, Fives got from the water up into the facility undetected, so between those two TCW arcs there is a clear demonstrated path to get into and around the facility.
Also, the Batch's entire Clone Wars career was designed around impossible missions. They were the ones called in when literally no other clones could cut it, I seriously doubt Kamino is the worst thing they have waded in to.
But even if it was too hard to do that for them (it isn't), they could try other avenues. The Batch could create a staging ground and dare Crosshair to come after them, which is almost certainly would. The Galaxy is so freaking big the writers could come up with countless planets and staging grounds for the Batch to create a good defensible position, but a good idea is a CIS war outpost.
We saw in Rebels that many old outposts and forts from The Clone Wars were abandoned. While I severely doubt that the Republic ones have been abandoned by this point in the timeline, they could have pretty good luck finding a CIS one. Most of the droids were deactivated, so finding a Fort or outpost or armory and seizing it should be easier than storming Kamino. They may have to deal with scrappers or pirates, but they are decidedly less intimidating than Kamino. Take a CIS post, take a few days to learn it, get it running, and modify it for a battle, and they're golden! Those facilities were DESIGNED for war, the hard part is just getting it functioning. They could fix it up, dig in their heels and dare Crosshair to attempt it, which they could capture him during the battle.
3) "They don't have the manpower"
Sure they do, I have already established that Kamino is not impossible to get around, one clone and Droid did it, for Christ's sake. But fine, they don't want to do it with just Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo. Good news! They have allies!
They could ask Rex. Rex at least has Trace and Rafa, undoubtedly more. If they went to Rex and asked for his help in exchange for their help in the future, that can boost their numbers.
Then they have Cid. Now she will charge. But if they spend time doing jobs and saving up, they could pay for Cid's help in acquiring supplies or allies who would be willing to help for hire. Cid also might just be willing to point them in the direction of someone who could help.
Then there is Saw Gerrera. They would have to find him, but I'm SURE he would help. If they went to him and said "hey, we need your help rescuing a brother, in exchange for your help we will give you guided access to Kamino and help you sabotage or damage it while we are there." Saw would almost certainly jump at the chance.
Then, absolute worst case scenario, they could find battle droids. We have already seen in the series where they could find some, they are probably not incredibly hard to get. They might even be on Bracca, too. They could take some time and find droids to reprogram and build themselves a force that way.
Even just ONE of those 4 options could help. If they went for all 4, they legit have the allies to form a small army, that's enough.
4) How to remove Crosshair's Chip
This isn't criticism I have seen but it's more evidence, you can remove his chip easily. Do it on Kamino during the raid, for one. The procedure itself takes only a few minutes. Granted, that is a lot of time in a high stress situation. But even if Crosshair took as long as Wrecker to recover, taking an unconscious Crosshair out of Kamino would be just as easy if not easier to take than an unconscious or tied up Crosshair with an active chip.
I also doubt the empire figured out why the Batch were on Bracca, most likely thought they were just scavenging. They could return to Bracca on another ship and use their facility. But if they don't want to do that, the ship Rex went down on in Season 7 has one. If not that, Tech has worked personally with the equipment on the ship, he could certainly find somewhere in the Galaxy with comparable equipment to do the procedure.
In Conclusion
Please stop saying shit to Crosshair fans about this. The Batch is well within their power to do this, they have the resources available. They can do it now, but they haven't yet. I am aware a lot of these resources were found during the first half of the season. But now they have them and no explicit goal, they can 100% look at all of these ways or even ways I haven't thought of, pick one, and do it.
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