#that was like making a v with ur pointer and middle finger and pressing them together to make a wee little box
in-tua-deep · 4 months
had a dream where the main character was named dylan, and dylan was a wizard. magic in this world was a very stable give-and-take system
so there was this investigator, right, who was OBSESSED with figuring out how the fuck dylan was doing half the shit he was getting away with. because it was impossible!!
anyway the funniest possible thing was this detective and his frustration, right? because he was trying to figure out what was going on. and he was like "magic can't just DO this because it's stable"
anyway dylan's entire build was called "the unstable magician"
so, dylan's signature thing was time magic which reversed time by like, fifteen seconds. actually he also had a teenage apprentice/adopted daughter who he taught the same thing, so their signature thing was "if one of us gets exploded and killed just reverse time don't worry about it"
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akurathereaper · 3 years
*slams table, scatters ask game emoji everywhere* Tell me everything about Eiladhur :V
Alright you wanted it here we go:
Eye colour: Eiladhur has piercing green eyes, the type you can see from across a room. And you do know if he's looking at you, because it feels like someone's stabbing you with a pin again and again until you give him the attention. He has a bad habit of staring without blinking, drying his eyes out, so very often you'll see him just standing with closed eyes, or quickly blinking to hydrate them again.
Hands: He works mainly with his hands, so over the years they became a bit rough, and his fingertips are scarred from handling a bowstring for years. He has average fingers if that makes sense? Not too long, or too thick, or too thin. He makes sure to keep his nails well manicured, not only because it's easier to clean the dirt from under them then, but also because it just looks pretty.
Limbs: Eila's a thick boy but most of the thicc is muscles. He can't lift a dolyak like Akura, but he can punch your jaw from your hinge if you get him into the mood. He tries to finish things from a distance though. Eila has a bit of a habit of curling his fingers as if he's grabbing an arrow/bowstring, with his thumb between his pointer and middle finger. If he's really angry you can see him tense all over, as if he's trying to physically stop himself from taking any action.
Smile: Eiladhur doesn't smile very often, not in public anyway. Everyone thinks he's a grumpy bastard, but he does smile. It's a bit of a reserved smile, mostly without any teeth, but sometimes, in very rare situations (like when Akura was saying "Wait I got this." and then hilariously failed), Eiladhur bursts out laughing, teeth and mouth open and everything. It's a sight to behold when he does that. On the opposite though, when he's angry, he presses his lips together so hard they just become a thin line on his face, as he bites back words before inevitably spitting them out anyway.
Skin: It depends on where. His face is a bit rough, especially on the cheeks as there is a lot of bark. His neck chest and thighs are quite smooth, while arms and back is very barky and leafy. He makes sure to care for it, to not get any mold or fungi on it, or other plant-related illnesses. He likes the colour and skin he was born with, so he wants others to see, even if subconsciously.
Hairstyle: Eiladhur believe it or not cuz I'm lazy to draw it, has an undercut. He usually hides it with his braid, the leaves long and stiff, but thanks to that they hold their shape so he doesn't have to worry too much about hairdressing every morning. The lillies that grow from him are not real lillies (and as such not toxic to animals), they smell more like lavender and chrysanthemums. His leaves also always try to curl and he hates it.
Teeth: Yeah he brushes his teeth. Has good teeth. Hates when something's stuck between them. Grinds them a lot too, it's a bad habit.
Clothes: He likes simple clothing, one he can get out and into in as least steps as possible. He prefers muted colours, but if he has to go out, he tries stuff that go well with his skin colour, with blues and dark purples.
First physical feature: Eyes, definitely. As I said you just feel when he's watching you.
Perception: He doesn't really care. He was born in a certain way, with a hooked nose and a wide jaw and flat eyebrows. He likes it, it makes annoying people stay away. He doesn't think he's pretty, but he knows he's not ugly. Although Eiladhur really doesn't care for the way his lips look, he'd prefer if they were more... normal, and not all... petal-y. And he won't admit it but he's a bit self-conscious about his build. He's not fat, but I wouldn't call him a twink even if you took away my glasses. I love him anyway though.
here you go tia ur dose of angry plantman
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