#that may perhps be his temporary title uwu
clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
And now...the brothers from other fathers X3
Also, I know it seems like it, but Basil is not talking at all
Anyways, I was originally going to go with something sillier but instead went this this haha...I will write something else with them however that is a lot more funner uwu
Back in the past, what was considered the future to some, things were tense and only getting worse by the passing days.
Basil knew this as did his younger sister, and numerous times had they attempted to fix the wrongdoings done by this nauseating figure with glowing, pink eyes.
He hated that he knew just who this was messing around with everybody and everything as much as possible, but he nor anybody was allowed to say it. Unfortunately, certain happenings were bound and supposed to happen, this he despised. Especially if it had anything to do with his dear mother.
Basil sat in front of his desk, fingers rapidly typing words as his eyes read each new one that appeared on the screen before him. He read everything he typed before stopping said actions, then reaching to the side to grab his mouse, dragging it across the screen to then play a voice that sounded through his speakers.
“Hello Daryl. I want to play a game. What you see before-”
“You’re still on with that shizz?” 
Basil pressed the pause button before remaining still, eyes then peering to the area behind him: an empty corner that long ago had been the spot where his tool shelf was. Now, at least as he looked at it in the very moment, it served as the spot for a hole in the ground that did not lead to what was beneath his bedroom.
“I still find it so weird and suspicious how I was the only one born...normal.”
The boy spun his chair around before his eyes caught sight of two green ones, a casual expression they were on as a mouth bit into a chocolate bar.
“Hey Basil.”
“Hello Rowan.” a voice sounded from Basil’s computer after he had played another file.
“Ew, do you have to use the Jigsaw voice?”
“Hm, okay.” the other boy gave a shrug before taking another bite of his chocolate bar. As Basil’s eyes stayed on him, Rowan softly bopped his head as he remained in his same position, very casual about the whole situation. So, Basil was quick to type a phrase that was then spoken through the speakers again.
“Are you coming in or staying in that rabbit hole?”
“Guess I could get out.” Rowan laughed to himself before climbing out of the hole, using his free hand to close the ground before plopping down onto Basil’s bed . “So, how you’ve been my bro?”
Basil gave a shrug in response before his back arms appeared, grabbing onto the bed to pull and make his chair roll over so that he was now closer towards the other boy.
“Bro, you have got to stop showing those off.” Rowan waved his chocolate bar at Basil’s extra limbs. “I so wish I had those. All I got were these antlers.”
“You don’t even have them out.” Basil signed at Rowan who nodded.
“See my point? Besides, they’ve just been dropping leaves everywhere and it’s getting annoying.” Rowan gave a deep sigh as he now lay on Basil’s bed, looking at the picture on the nightstand which was of the Ula of that timeline. “Why’s she gotta be so pretty?”
Basil blinked at the picture of his mother, a lovely grin on her features that were somehow more visible now that her hair...was so much shorter...nonetheless, she remained as beautiful as ever. 
“Anyways, bro.” Rowan made Basil snap out of his thoughts, the two boys now looking at each other. “When did you last visit mom and dads?”
“Yesterday.” Basil simply signed as Rowan set down the picture and sat up, crumpling his chocolate wrapper and throwing it behind him without bothering to look as it landed inside the trash can. “Decided to give her some time alone.”
“How is she?”
“Coping. Smiling. Hiding behind that smile.”
“Oh no. What about dads?”
“Schrader, conflicted. Atlas, with his parents.”
“He’s still hiding away!?” Rowan exclaimed before Basil nodded. “That wuss puss! If he doesn’t hurry it up and be there for mom, I swear, I swear I’ll go and-”
Basil then raised his hands as if to calm down Rowan, his back hands following his example.
“Darn it...just...bitch the pot Basil. I have to hear more of this.” Rowan gave a groan before he watched Basil’s hands push his chair away from the bed and back towards his desk where he was about to type  into his computer. “But please don’t use the Jigsaw voice.”
“Wuss puss.” the computer spoke in said voice after Basil had typed into it, then typing once again to make a new voice play. “Mom had a talk with grandpa Lennie and she seemed to have been coping better. I could tell that she’s still feeling bad about the situation with our dads however.”
“Does she plan on talking to them?”
“Atlas, affirmative. Schrader, negative.”
“For star’s sake.” Rowan shook his head while pinching the bridge of his nose. “I swear, all three of them are stupid.”
Basil ceased his typing for a moment before turning to Rowan, his eyebrows deepened a bit more as the other boy continued speaking of the parents.
“Seriously, why doesn’t mom just accept both guys? Nothing wrong with a little poly, like auntie Cordie said. Love triangles are out.” Rowan crossed his arms with a disappointed look on his expression. “And like, why don’t our dads just like…”
Rowan then lowered his long sleeves to show his hands, fingers awkwardly intertwining as he attempted to send a message through.
“Ya know? Bro?”
“Why don’t they just...you know...they both love mom, got a few similarities...good looking guys like them...ahem.” Rowan gave a bit of a cough as Basil could only give him his signature, and only, stare. “They should just stop fighting over her.”
“They’re not fighting over her.” Basil’s computer stated as he now displayed a triangle on the screen, each angle having a picture of each parent. “Atlas and mom have not broken up and as it looks, they probably won’t once they talk it out.”
“Okay, so…?”
“Schrader is 100% convinced mom no longer has any feelings towards him, his hope is running out so he sees no point in fighting for mom when there isn’t even a fight to begin with.” the computer claimed before Schrader’s picture disappeared, as did two lines so that now there was a single one connecting Atlas and Ula’s pictures. “Technically, there isn’t a love triangle since Schrader doesn’t include himself in the equation. That would only happen if Atlas and mom officially broke up.”
“Wait, so right now…” Rowan squinted his eyes. “Right now, how are-”
“I have been able to travel with Flora because of the tension between Atlas and mom. Once that it over however…”
“Dont. Don’t even mention it.” Rowan grew serious, very well knowing what Basil was referring to. “I don’t want to think about that, especially not now.”
“It’s going to happen sooner or later.”
“Not if we can stop it.” Rowan claimed before Basil shook his head. “Come on bro, don’t-”
“We can’t prevent it. Mom is going to choose to stay with Atlas, especially because his insecurities and lack of confidence lead him to assume that she still has feelings for Schrader. Mom denies these feelings and wants to prove this to Atlas.”
“That’s so stupid!” Rowan shouted before standing up, fists inside his sleeves angrily clenched. “Dad’s stupid! Mom’s stupid!”
Basil’s gave Rowan a glare before he crossed his arms.
“You know it very well as I do! I know you’re a mama’s boy, but even you have to admit how stupid mom is being!”
Basil stared at Rowan for a moment, then giving a sigh and shrug, agreeing with Rowan.
“Mom clearly loves Schrader, then she’ll talk it over with Atlas, then he’ll be accepting and they’ll all be together and then we’ll both be born as twins or brothers and we’ll have more siblings and even Flora will love me and we’ll all be one, big, happy family! Because, mom loves both guys! Right?” Rowan looked at Basil with hope, then grabbing his shoulders to slightly shake him. “Right? Bro?”
Once again, Basil plainly stared at Rowan, then turning away with a deep sigh.
“Right, Basil?”
The brown haired boy felt as his friend carefully removed his hands from his shoulders, then standing up and walking away to the corner where two large bean bags were. Basil plopped down on one before grabbing a remote control, turning on the television on the wall before patting the other bean bag.
Rowan saw as a horror movie was now playing, so he went over and plopped down as well. He saw how Basil snapped his fingers and a large bowl of popcorn and sodas appeared in between them, so Rowan snapped his fingers as well before boxes of pizza and cupcakes appeared as well.
“Basil?” The orange haired boy turned to look at Rowan who gave a small smile. “You know you’re my bro right?”
Basil responded with a simple nod.
“You’re the best bro, Flora and Frankie are lucky to have you.” Rowan grabbed a handful of popcorn, seeing as Basil shook his head and dropped the remote to sigh.
“Don’t be stupid.”
“Haha, sure, bro...” Rowan lightly chuckled before turning to the television screen with a smile. “What are we watching today?”
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