#that is 100% on purpose and something kanda brings up lol
04tenno · 9 months
Listen to me.
Funny little yuppie
Considered very handsome and "moderate"; capacity for violence is underestimated, as such
Psychological issues, erratic behavior, at least semi-unprompted extreme emotional reactions
Has a secretary who is implied to have feelings for him
Has no interest in his female partners
Hates nearly all of his colleagues
Kills one of said colleagues
Specific murder method of beheading
Shares many of the same interests (baseball, American whiskey, working out, dining at expensive restaurants, acts of torture, etc.)
Sound familiar?
Either way, I'll let you in on a little secret: making comparisons between Patrick Bateman and Yoshitaka Mine shouldn't be about making either of them out to be Cool or Scary or Intriguing. It should be about the bit.
It should be about being able to say Mine WOULD have a routine that can only be explained by him having an excess of executive function. It should be about being able to say Mine WOULD seethe over minor (some would say imperceptible) differences in color and font choices between everyone's business cards. And it should be about being able to say Mine WOULD pop a boner at a U2 concert.
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