#that I actually had a really scary dogbite experience a while ago
helloamhere · 3 years
Tell us more about your new foster dog 😍😍😍😍 are their PICTURES????
He’s wonderful!!! Very new to being in a house and the concept of being a pet because he was a little street dog. We try to rehab these guys and it’s hard for us to find a dog that can stay in our house because I’m allergic to most dogs, but we are hoping not this one, he looks like he’s got some poodle in him...cross your fingers for me!!! But either way, it is just so heartwarming to take in a scared little guy and see him become so happy. I wish I could share pictures but I think my partner would prefer I not on my random anonymous tumblr, she’s pretty private.  He is sooooo affectionate. We literally can’t be in the same room without him trying to cuddle up. It is very much the way I am too so I appreciate it :D 
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