#thanks for the tag dearest sorry for the delay XD
mikimeiko ยท 1 year
8 shows to get to know me better
I was tagged by @bookshelfdreams and almost forgot about this but then I didn't and so here are my shows :D
Buffy the Vampire Slayer It was the show that introduced me to the idea of fandom, the first show where I bought dvds, the first show I screencapped and made wallpapers for. My first and only two fanfics were Buffy fanfic. Back then there was nothing like it on tv, and I will always and forever have a soft spot for my slayer <3 I like seasons 4-7 more than 1-3, and season 6 is my favorite of them all (with season 4 as a close second if we ignore 99% of the Initiative plot lines XD).
Our Flags Means Death Jumping straight from the first fandom obsession to the latest. My first engagement in a wider fandom, the first time I was in it from the start. The real reason I started making gifs! Also I've never watched a show so many times in such a short amount of time XD
Community Specialest comfort show. Seasons 2 and 3 are the best seasons of tv I have ever watched in my life. The actors are all amazing. The characters are so real in a slightly absurd way. I'm glad it ended up on Netflix and was discovered by more people because it very much deserved it.
The Expanse Best scifi show, BEST. The science is good, the politics are messy in a very realistic way, the core characters are so precious and especially Chrisjen Avasarala deserves a hall of fame just to herself. The later seasons are a little uneven but still very much worth watching. (there's a small part of me that still hopes it will picked up by another new network to adapt the later books but they did give it a satisfying enough ending as is)
Ted Lasso While season 3 was... a mixed bag, it will always be very dear to me. I love every single character on the show. I love their journeys. I love their connections. Beautiful, beautiful show.
The Good Wife / The Good Fight I'm cheating a little here, but I love both the original and the spinoff and I couldn't choose one or the other. Alicia Florrick! Diane Lockhart! The acting and directing was phenomenal from start to finish, and carried both shows even when the writing got a little weaker.
You're The Worst I don't even know how to talk about it. Every single character is a piece of shit, every single character will steal your heart. I don't know how they made it work, but they really did. Gretchen will always be the little gremlin of my heart.
Legion Ok, so, there are a lot of shows that I like more than Legion as a whole (also I haven't finished watching it yet XD). But there's no other show that has such an interesting, deliberate approach to visuals and soundscaping. It's amazing! I spend the episodes with my jaw on the floor, just constantly astonished by the level of creativity on display. I just wish the same level of care went into the writing? XD But I also wish more studios experimented like this with the medium.
I'm tagging @malvolios-yellow-stockings, @acenita, @invisiblegreendot, @little-orcs-hurrarrumm, @nefarious-sloth, @bisexualtedlasso, @khargaotte, @dailydoseofsquee and whoever else wants to do this :D
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