#thanks for the tag! these are alwaya fun to do~
brxnd-new-dxy · 11 months
Dash Game : Get to Know the Mun
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What's your phone wallpaper: If imma be honest, my lock screen is normal! Just a close up face pic of my precious fur bby I had to leave in California when I initially moved across state to Iowa back in, what, the end of 2020 I think? I still miss her often. ;v; Now my home screen on the other hand? Uhm, here's the thing. So, uh. My home screen may or may not be a pic I took of some very distressed looking eggs i ended up with in a frying pan that had me laughing. Listen-- I am often like. REALLY easy to amuse/entertain okay. Shh, you leave me alone lol.
Last song you listened to: I'm actually currently listening to music while typing this out. Currently atm it's Hear Me Now by Hollywood Undead lol.
Currently reading: Uhm, do fanfics count? 'Cause there's plenty of those-- ehehe... I don't actually know when the last time I touched an actual book to read was ngl. >.>;
Last movie: Would You Rather, which was a thriller/horror movie
What are you wearing: dark blue t-shirt, dark gray shorts and light blue crocs lol.
Piercings/tattoos: Atm, no tattoos or piercings. I had pierced ears as a small child, but I'm p sure they're healed shut at this point, haven't worn any earrings in many maaany years lol.
Glasses/contacts or both?: I've got glasses!
Last thing you ate: Boxed mac n cheese, which ngl is probs my food obsession atm-- how often I eat it is probs not healthy, but like. It's like wanting to listen to the same song on repeat until you hate it, just with a food. 'Tis v basic and cheap, I know lol.
Favorite color(s): Blue!
Current obsession: Does my confession about mac n cheese count--? There's also Zelda Tears of the Kingdom? Last I saw, (which was maybe a week-ish ago) my switch was telling me I have over 70hrs or so sunk into the game lol. *glances around* cough COD fanfics cough--
Do you have a crush?: If you count fictional characters, sure lol.
Favorite fictional characters: Kagami Taiga and Aomine Daiki from Kuroko no Basuke. Jotaro Kujo from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Zoro Roronoa, Donquixote Rosinante and Chopper from One Piece. Aizawa Shouta and Hitoshi Shinso from My Hero Academia. And Hiruma Yoichi and Sena Kobayakawa from Eyeshield 21 to name just a few-- lol.
Tagged by: @legendreign
Tagging: @ghostprince-rule, @watchfxrthefangs, @theshsllibrarian and whoever else might wanna do this! :3
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sar-kasstic · 7 years
Tag! You’re It!
Lovely @lafa-yeah tagged me to do this!! Thanks so much, it was a lot of fun!!!
_**Rules: **_tag 9 users you want to know better!! 
Name: Kass! (full name is Kassie but eh) 
How old are you?   I'm ancient you guys...I turned 24 this May 
Current job? Finishing up my degree, but I do embroidery! 
Dream job? Oh gosh...Teacher? Child Psychologist? Broadway star? Just to name a few...nbsp;
What are you talented at? Hmmm...singing, dancing, writing maybe  
What is a big goal you are working towards, or have already achieved? Working on finishing my bachelors, then moving to the big city!
What is your aesthetic? Book stores, hot coffee in cold weather, car rides with windows down and clear night skies.
Do you collect anything? Postcards, stones and tickets. 
 What’s a topic you’re always up to talk about? Musicals, poetry, books, music, harry potter, sherlock, tattoos, piercings
  What’s a pet peeve of yours? People trying to talk while other people are talking, dog earing books, talking condesendingly  
  Good advice to give? Be true to yourself and who you are, and never let someone say you can't do something. Let yourself be happy. Let yourself be sad. You can't have one without the other. The sun alwayas rises on a new day.
Reccomend three songs?
Times are Hard for Dreamers - Phillipa Soo
Skitzo - Rafael Casal
Unsteady - X Ambassadors
So yeah that's a piece of me you didn't have before... as for tagging, well you guys are mostly popular blogs so I"m sure you have tons of these already! But in case not... @herfirstrefrain, @musicalmoriarty, @americanrevelation, @sapphic-schuyler, @foreverfindingnewsies, @hamiltons-in-the-heights, @hamimagines and who ever else wants to!! Have fun!! <3
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