#thanks for letting me ramble i havent thought abt this franchise in a while
pinnipedia-art · 2 years
omg now that we found out about your ice age enjoyment may i ask your opinion of all of them (or the ones you have seen whatever works) love your art so so so much ^_^
i have a mammoth oc i thought it was obvious🤭 BUT TY OFC i will gladly take this opportunity to go fullmetal autism mode
ice age: i ADORE this one it's a classic and it's lovely, good character designs. manny's whole character is so good and it's so sad because of the humans. i love the saber group❤ i love the ending a lot. i wish roshan(the baby) had more involvement or i saw them as an adult with manny i think it would have been cute. they made the humans so love shaped
ice age meltdown: i originally hated this one bc they just decided to give manny a love interest after showing his whole backstory and i used to HATE ELLIE when i was a kid i don't know why but now i love her. i love the possums and i love how she was raised like one i think it's cute. i used to watch this one a lot because of the "food glorious food" scene and i would sing it at dinner all the time as a kid. i haven't seen this one in a while but i want to. also funny dinosaur monsters are cool
dawn of the dinosaurs: MY FAVOURITE as i said in the post i still have the dvd i bought of it from france which means it's like 13 years old. i love it the animation is good and i love peaches and buck. the dinosaurs are sooo cute and i love how the mom dino accepted sid in the end :D one thing i dislike is that peaches is just a carbon copy of ellie this makes me so mad when films do this. but i can tell it only happened cus they knew they weren't gonna make more movies(and then they did)
continental drift: i have a love hate relationship with this one. on one hand, the pirates are SO FUCKING AWESOME AND I ADORE THEM. like the character designs are so fun and i love pirates and ICE AGE mixed together. the monkey is awesome he's a cool villain too. shira is...cool if she wasn't obviously there to give diego a girlfriend(he doesnt need one) but then theres..peaches🙄 i love peaches but i do wish she wasn't Like That. don't get me started on the "apparently mammoths arent extinct and there are teenagers who hang out with ellie" like i know this wasn't true IRL but if they have a plot they should stick to it. the teenagers are also mad annoying but i forgive them since their designs are funny. they look like instagram influencers. i KNOW steffie has 1k insta followers and promotes a keto diet. at this point the series is being milked HARD. also LOUIS❤❤❤louis my love
collision course: WHERE IS LOUIS? WHY DID YOU THROW OUT HIS INVOLVEMENT WITH PEACHES? WHERE DID HER STUPID ANNOYING FIANCE COME FROM? THEY'RE TRYING TO BUTTER ME UP WITH COOL MAMMOTH DESIGNS BUT IT'S NOT WORKING!!!! I WONT SAY I LIKE JULIAN!!!! I REFUSE!!!! HE IS NOT CUTE AND FAT!!!!! why do the mammoths play hockey. why is scrat in space. the plot is incredibly stupid. yes i do like the llama. shira becomes That kind of female character, you know the one where they just forget about all previous plot and just give them baby fever even though she would literally never. sid got a girlfriend which i mean good for him but shes british. the dinosaurs annoy me. the plot annoys me. good job you got money from milking a perfectly good franchise that should have ended when you mixed dinosaurs and the ice age. i do like it though
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