#thanks a lot scop-for-brains
nightcity-scrapbook · 2 months
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Entry 9: When there's drama at Denny's house, all ya gotta do isss 🎶walk awayyy-ayyy-ayyy 🎶
(Johnny refuses to elaborate but told me this'll be a hit from something called 'Vine'... He's laughing as I type this and won't let me delete it)
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
hi i rewatched petscop in its entirety very rcently :-) i just woke up from big nap so my brain is still booting up but would it be cool if i ever sent u asks abt my petscop thoughts as they come up? u r my local ceo of petscop (as much as u can be for a work very based on personal intepretation and not a lot of concrete answers).
also ur thoughts abt the car stuff was very interestinf i never thought of it like that! never thought mike was involved with car but eith lina i thought so, because of the “they didnt see her” line combined with the “That's why he always looks both ways.” in pet desc (idk y this pet would be associated with lina tho) and finally rhe part where pauls little game guy gets hit by a car and he goes “What the fuck” (lol).
it definitelt can be seen more symbolically like u said, which i think a lot of petscop is meant to be seen i just didnt think of it for this specific instance :o could also be used symbolizing smth different, of going somewhere new and maybe better what with the line abt being in the backseat with belle and she cant wait to be friends :-) *ends petscop related transmission*
Of course please do! ^o^ I truly love to talk about it and i love to hear other people's thoughts! it's so interesting to me to get a glimpse at other people's internal petscop world : ) THANKS MUCH im glad the ramble made at least a bit of sense..honestly i hadn't tried to conceptualize it that way until very recently either! the mike/lina car accident thing was just such a universally accepted version of the truth that it was easy to lose sight of rainer's relationship with cars and what it could mean symbolically. interpreting art like scop where literal and nonliteral mix together is all about balancing what is a symbol and what really happened, and i tend to flub that up a lot, so when i have a realization like taht it feels like a big thing to me... irregardless of how much of it s a literal representation of real world events, cars are really obviously a super important thing in the story...that's why i love the way they show up at the end, recontextualized in a situation that is positivve, like you said!! for me i read it like, a car is always linked to incontrovertible change, right. it's linked to the dog, whatever killed mike, whatever made lina go missing, linked to cares kidnapping, linked to pauls retraumatization, and so on and so forth. thats all incontrovertible change right....its that "state change" and rainer thinks thats something negative all the time he thinks its so negative that he would literally rather things die than become unrecognizable. but when all is said and done and the veil is lifted in the OST ending, we get the first representation of the car, or "change", being linked to safety.... as in like, change isnt ALWAYS something that murders you, change isnt always something that ruins you, it's just change. sometimes its ok that you're unrecognizable, sometimes its ok that you cant go back. sometimes you really need it. yknow. Its really powerful when you look at it that way!!
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