#thankfully i'm too lazy to delete everything
bizarrelittlemew · 4 months
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readbyred · 2 years
idk if youre taking requests but
can i request toh hunter x human!reader confession fic please? where he or the reader officially confess and they start dating? ive never seen this anywhere and when i read fics idk why something feels missing 😭😭
you can delete/ignore this if ur requests are closed <3
My requests are open, especially for toh, I need to do something productive with my braintot. Or something productive at all. I might have covid, I'm stuck, it feels so lazy to just be in bed, I can't even do anything around the house I am losing my mind bestie
Warning: I think I said ‘shit’ like once or so; I wrote and edited it in parts so not everything is proofread but I tried to check
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Something has been bugging you lately. You were scared of losing your friend. In the past month you and Hunter have grown closer. It just felt like when no one understood you - he did. And he must have felt that too, right?
It all started with you, a lowly scout, just trying to impress your superiors. It was hard.
One day you just popped into this world where the rain could melt your face off and most inhabitants had some sort of a... Sack? Next to their hearts. It allowed them to do magic.
You didn't have that and apparently it made you not worth and overall pathetic and worthless. To some of them at least.
Ironically that's what made you feel welcomed in the scouts. Most of your colleagues lacked staffs and overall used artificial magic.
You didn't have many obstacles to overcome (well, once you actually got in). Hidden away under a bird-like mask, nobody knew that you were ‘the’ human.
While your friend learnt wild magic you studied what you could from the covens, eavesdropping on covenheads’ conversations and training twice as hard as the rest.
That granted you some group missions. When you found out you were close to fainting or kissing Kikimora out of joy. Thankfully you did neither.
During one of a particularly long journeys into the demons’ land you met Hunter. He wasn’t in your troop, of course, but from what you understood it was a Big mission, a few troops were under his command, a few were under Kikimora’s. Goodness, there were a lot of scouts.
But that was a few weeks ago. Since you met Hunter your opinion on him changed rapidly.
First you were scared of him, of how he’d treat someone new, let alone someone powerless. After all you were under his command when you met him first.
Then you were skeptical. To say the least. The only time anyone spoke highly of him was when there could be consequences if they didn’t. Of course, most of the ‘off duty’ comments were poking fun at him, but some of the stories that were spread around... Well it was hard to tell apart fact from fiction sometimes. And you felt like your colleagues from the coven used that to toy with the ‘new kid’ as well.
After you worked and interacted more you started to consider him a friend. Sure you spoke little but it was nice having a friend. Through the bits of conversation you started to admire the qualities you discovered in him. He was clever, passionate about things he took interest in, expressive, witty, brave... You could go on all day and night.
But then you made other friends. And you started to realize that what you felt was not just friendly affection. You didn’t feel the same butterflies when you waved at Steve across the hall, didn't blush under your mask when Rose chuckled at your jokes and certainly didn't wake up with a feeling that you had another dream about someone like Nicholas. And yet all that applied to Hunter.
Those implications scared you. What if you slipped up? Would he stop being your friend if he knew about your feelings?
So during one of your late night visits it had become a little too much for you.
He was ranting about something, oh Lord he was so cute when he did, but your thoughts were too fluid that day, changing too quickly for you to catch his words.
“Sorry” he paused. You could only guess that his smile fell underneath the golden mask, an item that you began to know as his second face.
“No!” you protested, maybe a little bit too vigorously. “I just... I got lost in my thoughts. Something’s been bugging me lately”
You couldn’t believe what you were about to do.
Hunter let out a gentle hum. He was clearly waiting for you to elaborate.
‘This is crazy’ your inner self screamed ‘you just found out the guy’s name, you haven't seen his face yet. What are you doing?!’
“I...” you started.
You were scared to lose your friend.
“I like you” you breathed out. A smile tugged on your lips. Why do you always smile when you're stressed?
There was a pause where Hunter seemed to shake something off. He responded casually.
“I like you too” he was so oblivious.
‘How can a guy be so smart and yet so... Stupid?’ you lamented in your thoughts.
You already drifted apart with Luz, were you going to drift apart with Hunter as well? Because of your stupid feelings?
Inside your chest your heart sped up.
You could still fix it. Act like this wasn't a confession.
Oh, how lucky he was to have those gloves. Your hands were so clammy.
You could stop your thoughts from running.
Was this the end? That part where you lose him?
Over this time you didn’t even notice how much you care. But you always did. And you waned him in your life.
This wasn't just about that though. This was about you not being a coward.
“Not like that” you explained, blood draining from your face. “Like like”
Hunter paused. He literally froze. No movements, no nothing.
His entire mind muse have shut down. Like Eda's stolen TV you and Luz fixed. As if someone had taken the batteries out of Hunter too.
You felt like you were going go get a heart attack, die, shit yourself, cry and scream. All in once. Luckily you didn't, because that would be quite a failed confession.
The fog in your head started to clear out. Maybe you would be rejected nicely? And he would not fire you? Can he do that? You hoped not.
By the both sides of his mask a pair of ears was poking out. His were always a bit more prominent. You didn't know if that reflected his stress and anxiety (you saw your best friend’s girlfriend’s ears lower when she was stressing) or just a witch equivalent of protruding ears. Whatever the answer was, you noticed that right now, his were bright red.
Trying not to congratulate yourself too soon (just because he blushed didn’t have to mean he was going to confess back) you sat on the bad in his room, waiting.
It was too hard to stare into the dark void of the mask’s holes. Instead you opted for eye contact with a plushie frog on the blond’s bed. You remembered that the first time you came over, Hunter (very defensively) told you that it was a CoLlEcTaBlE and not a plush. You teased him about it.
Not wanting to smile I'm this moment (why would you be smiling at his plush frog after confessing your feelings?) you went back to lookng into his eyes. You had the balls to confess - why not go all out.
“Is this a joke?” he finally managed to get out.
He seemed genuinely confused which filled you with courage. Well, at least he didn't tell you to get lost or something.
You straightened up, making the bed creak.
“I wish” you chuckled. “I mean, you are my superior and are totally not into me and here I am, being hopelessly into you for... months maybe?”
As soon as you said the last part he choked on air.
It was as if he didn't expect you to be actually into him, especially for that long. You didn't really understand why. Yes, you knew your frien- crush was insecure at times but he couldn't possibly think it was that weird you liked him.
Maybe it was because you knew so little about him? But either way he didn't seem totally displeased with the idea.
When he composed himself, he cleared his throat awkwardly.
“I think I- you- you know...” he paused and lowered his head. You could feel yourself lean in. “I don't think I can say it yet... But I want to! I feel this way too. I swear”
The last part sounded like a plead. As if he had anything to be sorry about, as if you’d get mad at him for not being ready to confess. If he felt it then you couldn't be happier. It didn't matter when he’d tell you.
“That's alright. You’ll say it when you’re ready” you smiled and paused. Your hand searched for his, finally, you put it atop his gloved one. “But does that mean we’re...?”
“I think so, yes” he responded still clearly not knowing what to do with himself.
Acting on an impulse you jumped his way, wrapping your arms around him.
He allowed you to hug him, basking in the warmth of your embrace, only slightly shaking. And you stayed like that for a while.
In a sense you did loose your friend.
But he was your boyfriend now so it was all good.
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