#thankfully beastmaster probably isn’t going to be like that considering pagaga and Lyon but fun to think about
impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
depending on how beastmaster is handled there is a strong case for it to part of eyrie’s lore, but also please get it far away from them
#fun lore time: cricket is eyrie’s familiar and was created out of a small portion of their soul#he is an arcane entity but different in how he doesn’t have the absence of a soul#but a soul didn’t arise within him. he is part of eyrie and they are part of him#it’s a talent that came about in eyrie’s family—undecided on mother or father’s side#but I’m leaning on father’s side of the family considering where his father is from#and there’s already a powerful tradition of white magic on their mother’s side#depending on how beast master goes….well eyrie could start making more familiare#*familairs#which like. giving parts of their soul off to arcane entities is. not advisable considering the already messy state of their soul#there’s already enough going on with the dynamis smacking the floating leftovers of Zenos’s soul to be the glue#that brings eyrie back to life#it’s not like sticking zenos in a rat and having a murderous creature about#but more their soul is in a fragile state and pushing that around isn’t a great idea#the threads that bind the aether of their body and soul are weird enough without sticking it in others#thankfully beastmaster probably isn’t going to be like that considering pagaga and Lyon but fun to think about#the thought of it being on eyrie’s father’s side of the family is considering their small connections to bozja and dalmasca#and the viera of that area meeting these people many generations ago#and the blending of beastmaster abilities into arcane traditions to create these familairs#is interesting to me
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