#thankfully I'm one of god's perfect children in that my body handles perfectly those cheap declathon brand gel packets
frociaggine · 3 months
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YES THIS IS TRUE. And that's why you don't fuck around and find out on race day.
Some background for people who aren't into endurance activities: running burns a fuck of a lot of calories, primarily carbs. There's only a certain amount of carbs your body can store and efficiently use as an energy source; failing that, your body will start burning fats. Unlike what #fitspo influencers want you to think, "running to burn fats" is neither recommended nor pleasant — a common slang for it is "hitting the wall" because that's very true to how it feels. It's not efficient, and some people purposefully train on a completely empty stomach to be able to handle it better. There are many schools of thought, studies etc., and I'm simplying a lot here, but the point is:
If you're going to run for longer than 90 minutes, you WILL have a MUCH easier time if you consume carbs at some point mid-workout. There's also the fact that many people aren't comfortable running on a full stomach, or don't want to chew mid-run, and for all these reasons energy gels are veeeery popular among runners. They're calorie-dense and made to consume on the go, and contain a combination of simple and complex carbs designed to be absorbed as quickly as possible, might also have electrolytes. and have different flavour profiles... and some give you the shits. Or stomach cramps. Or nausea. Alas. Such is life.
Some people are more unlucky than others and there's like only one or two brands of gels they can stomach, some people are god's favourite children and they can eat everything, but just to be safe! If you have a big intense workout or a race coming up, always go with a tried and true nutrition for every run that you know for sure works for you.
(Fun fact! Last time I checked, we don't actually know WHY there's so much ???? weird overlap between running and bowels / stomach issues. It's just... very normalised in the running community that sometimes running makes you need to poop and that's just how it is. We all know it, we just never talk about it. Bodies are weird. So... combine that with an energy gel that you're sensitive to? It's hell.)
Anyway. Never fuck around and find out on the day of a race.
Anyway #2: that long introduction above is also why it's important to refuel if you're going to do cardio for extended periods! Like, if you're taking a 2-hour dance class, you might want to snack on dried fruit and you'll feel more energetic by the end of it. Or why football players eat energy bars at halftime, or why it's a good thing to take food along on a hike. Even if you perform better on a mostly empty stomach (I do!) some light nutrition will make you 1) accomplish more and 2) FEEL BETTER.
SORRY I TOOK THIS FUNNY POST AND INFODUMPED I just think sports science is soooo fascinating
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