#thank you so much and im so sorry this was a massive info dump dskjfhglsjdk
noirapocalypto · 1 year
5, 20, 43 for Salem?
Thank you so much! 🤗
[CP2077 OC Asks]
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way?
Salem is very spiritual, but he's not very religious. He prefers to keep the concept of God, or any deity for that matter, secular from his own beliefs. It's just not for him. He is heavily into the occult, however, and borrows practices/beliefs from various mystic philosophies that he's drawn to. Salem practices witchcraft, he's believes in fate, past lives and soulmates. He studies astrology, tarot, and believes in spiritual energies in others and the surrounding natural world around him. I can ramble on and on about Salem and his belief system 🤭 All this to say, Salem is my most spiritual out of all my other OC’s.
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. 
I'm so excited for this question, I've been trying to design Salem's apartment for the longest time 😂Sadly, I can't come up with anything visually decent, so descriptions it is! I hope I can do it justice.
Salem lives in an apartment building in Northside. It’s similar to the in-game Maelstrom apartment in terms of aesthetics but it’s a bit bigger and more livable (and slightly better maintained). It’s a 1 bedroom, 1 bath floor plan. Small yet spacious enough for him and his stuff. It has a heavy industrial vibe, with exposed brick walls, metal railings, etc.
It's messy as you'd expect it to be from someone like Salem. Worn clothes thrown on the bedroom floor, his coffee table is covered in empty cans, his rolling tray, a bong, half-read tarot spreads, etc. But it's not over crowded or cluttered to the point where it's an issue.
His decor fits his own style too. If someone were to step into his apartment, there's an immediate "Ah yeah, this is definitely Salem's space" thought. He has art on the walls that he has commissioned himself or has been given to him by fans/friends as well as various posters of various bands and musicians he genuinely is a fan of. There are little oddities and curiosities on his shelves, such as crystals, creepy little statues, things like that.
The lighting is kinda dark and somewhat dim, he tends to keep his windows closed with the curtains drawn shut, especially in his bedroom. But he'll let in a little sunlight from time to time when he needs to.
What always seems to throw guests off is how his apartment smells. It always smells nice, since he usually has incense burning either for meditation, rituals/spells or to just relax. However, there's also a noticeable weed smell lingering, so it's definitely subjective. 🤭
His favorite spot in his home is his work area. He has a corner of his living room reserved for his desk and his recording equipment. His set up might look cluttered, with all his notes scattered about as well as even more empty cans, a full ashtray and various shards here and there, but he knows exactly where everything is.
43. describe their ideal date.
Salem is not one that can easily be 'wined and dined'. He doesn't like big, expensive, excessive dates. It just turns him off and it feels very artificial and false to him. He's far more into 1x1 dates, so group dates probably aren't the best way either.
To Salem, it doesn't really matter what the setting is or what it is they're doing, as long as he gets to be with that person. He wants to get to know them, see what they're like, how they present themselves to him and how they engage in the activity their doing. It could be something as quiet and intimate as going out for a drive together, away from everyone else. Or something loud and rowdy like going to a show together or causing trouble at some bar. 🖤
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