#thank you for this ask lynnie ily
ashiemochi · 2 years
Ashie would Leon like it if you painted on him 👉👈👉👈👉👈 creating pretty sunsets and galaxies on his skin and ejebwjebeiebej
bc im an artist and think drawing on people is smth v fun to me and lowkey intimate (TO ME. I ENJOY DOODLING ON PEOPLE I LIKE-), this came out a bit more self-indulgent than I wanted it to be </3 i'd draw on you
why does this blurb hold a close place to my heart already, idk, but I'm not gonna look so much into it </3
Leon would be a bit hesitant at first, knowing the chemicals in paint are toxic. Hell, he witnessed you drinking from your paint water cup and go through five stages of 'holy-fuck-my-stomach-is-DYING'. Besides, he didn't think his body was a clean blank canvas. Scars painted them before you got to do it first with colours and brushes.
You had a habit of doodling mindlessly, especially if you were in a bad mood. Leon picked up on it when you were sitting on the couch with a pen in your hand, drawing little shrooms and flowers on your arm.
So when he found you by the coffee table after a long day of work and commissions with a pen in your hand, he knew you needed a canvas. A live one.
"Hey, sweetheart." Leon greeted you gently, kneeling down beside your form, "Whatcha doodling over there?"
"Nothin'" You mumbled and he peered over at your arm. You were drawing clouds.
"I like that one," He praised, tenderly taking your arm into his hand to get a closer look at the swirly clouds and your tired eyes looked up at him.
"Really?" You looked back down at it, tilting your head a little with a frown, "I think it looks like cotton candy."
Leon chuckled, caressing your skin with his thumb, biting back the urge to say 'and you taste like one' but instead nodded at your used up alcohol wipes, "How long have you been at this?"
You glanced at the ink dyed wipes, grumbling, "About 30 minutes? My skin feels like it's gonna burn off."
Leon clicked his tongue, "Can't have you do that to yourself then."
Your eyebrows shot up when he began unbuttoning his shirt then smiled apologetically, cheeks dusted a little red, "Leon, I'm sorry but I'm really not in the mood."
He laughed a little at that, "I'm aware of that, sweetheart. How about you use me as your canvas instead?"
Your eyes perked up at his, visibly lighting up, "Really?"
"Really." He slipped it off completely, setting it onto the couch behind you, "Now hurry up before I change my mind."
In his years of knowing you, he never saw you run so fast to your painting room and return with a handful of paint and a small pink cup of water.
"Alright, Picasso," Leon stretched, making your eyes scan his toned chest and your canvas, "Where do you want me to be?"
On the couch is where you wanted him to sit and you on his lap. Leon could practically see the tiredness in your eyes shift to a more relaxed one, eyes soft with love as they followed your brush leaving behind a trail of orange mixed with space purple.
His hands were on your hips, caressing your skin through his shirt that you always 'borrowed'. You'd sometimes smudge in a line between two colours with the tip of your finger, tracing the faint scar right under his collarbone.
For his comfort, you made sure to go gentler on his scars, muttering 'so beautiful' and 'pretty' under your breath subconsciously because his scars showed how much he was giving to the world; how much he was doing to keep the people safe.
Leon found the moment soothing, contrasting deeply with his line of work. You within his reach and more, painting his skin with a picture so ethereal, he wouldn't wish for something more. His blue eyes gazed at yours lovingly, you not noticing his love-struck orbs.
When you finally did, your cheeks turned redder at the intensity of his stare. Not out of discomfort, but at how much adoration he was emitting without saying a word.
Leon closed the distance between your lips to lace his with yours ever so tenderly, but he made sure to not move his chest much as to not mess up your painting.
"You mean so much to me, alright? Don't feel shy coming to me when you need me." He whispered against your lips when you two parted, "I'll be here whenever and wherever you want me to be."
Your eyes stung slightly with tears, having been feeling overwhelmed with everything, and you nodded, smiling softly which he returned.
"Thank you, Leon."
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rexscanonwife · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! 🏆🌸💘 Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out!! -Lynnie @delinquentpkmnprof
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graciecatfamilyband · 6 years
I saw somewhere that today is fanfic author appreciation day! I am unsure if this is accurate or not, but assuming that it is, I would like to take a moment to say: I appreciate you, my beloved fanfic author friend!!
My Dearest Tachiisms,
It was in fact fanfic author appreciation day when you sent this (August 21)! I deeply appreciate this gesture of appreciation from you, my RP friend. :) 
I am going to use this opportunity to say that that day- usually a day of great joy for me, as someone who has loved many works for fanfiction since I began reading it two years ago- was a bit of a hard day for me. My relationship with the fan fiction community (at least within the community I currently write in) has changed considerably in the last year and, on top of that, I have not written nearly as much as I have wanted to (or, to be honest, read as much as I wanted to either). 
The good things that I did get to reflect on for Fanfic Appreciation Day:
Getting to beta the work of @mary-twig. We are going slowly in terms of putting the finishing touches on the remaining chapters, but she has a very sweet and spicy Han/Leia story in progress right now, and I’m very excited for audiences to get to experience some upcoming dialogue and sexual tension. It’s been an honor to get to be there with a young writer as she develops her style and learns how she wants to story-tell, and I’m so impressed how she manages to navigate the differences between English and her native language. (Check out her FF.net page here.)
Betaing the final installment of @organanation‘s Wild West AU. I was so impressed at her continued growth in writing period, her ability to create imagery in a world she created, her ability to effectively write action scenes that did the job more than well but weren’t excessively long (i.e. they kept my attention, and made me laugh and cheer, and I sometimes struggle with paying attention to those!), and her continued mastery of romance and sexual tension. I owe her some reviews, but the final, short chapter of the story is probably my absolute favorite part and a must-read for any Han/Leia fan. The flirty, saucy, playful romance of it, so Han/Leia, and yet such a happy ending. Having the privilege to do all the nitpicking on the story while she does the heavy lifting has been a joy. (FF.net page here.)
Continuing to admire the sheer productivity of @lajulie24, her ability to do so much in such a short space, and to integrate themes that speak to me with excellent characterization and great plot. (And now she does mood boards? Amazing!) Just a very impressive writer on many spectrums. (AO3 page here.)
@jediofgrace​ For her writing, and for nerding out with me about what makes stories work and what speaks to readers, and for writing with a sense of humor and detail. She is an equally great writer and reader. (FF.net page here.)
@jainadurron​ who shared some interesting, honest, in-depth, and thoughtful discussions about writing, story-telling, characterization, etc. with me. I deeply appreciated them. (I especially recommend  her NJO fic The Road to Recovery and her AU An Alderaanian Love Story.)
@swimmergirl71​ who took the plunge from reader into writer this year, with great results. So many “readers” have worlds within them that they carry inside for fear of looking foolish or being incapable if they put them to paper, and it’s so thrilling when they actually share them with us. Thanks for doing so swimmergirl, and I hope you will feel free to share more in the future. (FF.net page here). 
@smugglerofsass’s unique point of view, commitment to exploring the depths of Han’s inner world, and ability to take any given piece music and turn it into Han/Leia scenes. I hope she will keep posting snippets of whatever she wants to work on or is in her head at a given moment, as well as keep working on some of those MCs she taunts us with. (Her FF.net page is here, but really, she puts so much on Tumblr only!) 
@otterandterrier‘s Scoundress Saturday, which provides such a great opportunity for people to try their hand at writing in a low-pressure and accepting space! This is a true treasure of the Han/Leia community. Fanfiction is, to me, about “everyone can do it”, and Scoundress Saturday, to me, makes people really feel like that is so. (Although all types of content and its creators are welcome! But I particularly enjoy how well it attracts fic writers.) It’s also just great to have an organized place where one can see Han/Leia fanfic weekly. Thanks to Dessi for all the work she puts into making it happen for everyone. 
@otterandterrier​ herself (check out her writing blog @otterandterrierwrites​ ), who has remained committed to her foc writing while finishing major RL writing tasks. I wouldn’t know where to start on reccing her last year’s worth of work because it’s so varied and so good, but I’ve particularly enjoyed seeing Han and Leia getting to know each other in the bedroom, Leia attempting to meditate, and that time Han asked Leia to marry him. (AO3 here.)
@yoyomarules an incredibly talented writer whose mastery of dialogue and sense of humor make her a must read! I am so woefully behind on her work, but I am so grateful I discovered her this year. Again, too hard to recommend a specific work, because it’s all so good! (AO3 page here.) 
@inelegantprose whose dedication to exploring the themes which most interest her in varied, never-ending, and never ever boring ways, and with such skill, is a breath of fresh air (or, because of the heaviness of some of the writing, a gust of storm wind! but either way- bracing, making an impact, different from one’s usual experience, etc.). The Lynnie ‘verse and what comes next particularly  stand out to me, but I have such admiration for her as a writer. I also appreciate her willingness to talk openly about the themes she thinks about and how they become part of her writing, her enthusiasm about connecting with other writers, and her extreme dedication to her readers even with many personal real life challenges. (FF.net page here.) 
@madame-alexandra, one of the first fanfic writers whose kept me returning again and again to an MC and finally forced me to share my thoughts in the form of a review because I was too obsessed. (And who therefore made me into the kind of reader who reviews!) I also admire the way she takes care of herself and her ability to write by setting her own boundaries and limits with what she’s able to do and engage with. I loved the fic she gifted me with this year, and am just overwhelmed (in a good way) by the varied content she produces so consistently. (FF.net page here.)
@onwardintolight whose dedication to working quietly on The Opening behind-the-scenes until enough is finished and it is consistent enough that she’s ready to start posting it again is something I appreciate regularly without her knowing it. :) It is hard to be a fanfic writer who does not post very much, especially when writing a whole multichpater that people can’t see recent progress on. I admire @onwardintolight, adore The Opening, can’t wait for more, and appreciate her lyricism and attention to psychological detail. And admittedly, she is an amazing cosplayer! (FF.net page here.)
@ashlynncoy‘s Misfire ‘Verse is a stand-out for sure, especially for . those of us who love Bail and Breha Organa and imagining them interacting with Han. However, I also hold a special place in my heart for writers and stories who can allow or give Han or Leia previous romances, especially in a way that deepens or strengthens their relationship with each other, and she stands out to me as someone consistently able to do this (and who does it repeatedly despite attracting a lot of ugliness for it). (FF.net page here.) 
@followfire who does not think of themselves as a writer (although they are a great reader!) but who nevertheless gave us this. I know you have fic ideas, and I hope you will write more, if it will bring you joy to do so!
@not-a-committee I’ve never stopped thinking about this. 
@corellianangel’s consistent creativity is also full of delights. Still thinking about General Distraction tbh. (AO3 here, but she’s another one with many Tumblr-specific gems!) 
 @winterbythesea this continues to haunt me, in a good way.
@amilynh Her forays into writing, enjoyment of engaging in the psychological depths of Leia, and constant support as a beta and thinker of character and plots and things, as well as her Rebel fanfics, are impressive and I am grateful for them.  (AO3 page here.)
@chancecraz​ You’ve heard of her, and rightfully. There’s nothing I could add. Her writing is really something- the character work, the prose, the detail, the imagery- I recommend it!!!! (AO3 here.)
@alderaanallday You silent gremlin, I see you. :) You may write only under extreme duress, but my writing would not be the same without your beta work. I can’t emphasize enough how many times commenters have said “oh, I loved this detail!” and I have had to tell them, “Oh, @alderaanallday came up with that one!” I hope they believe me. ILY. 
@aloemilk, who is not part of the Han/Leia or Star Wars fandom (Luke Skywalker who?), but who is a great Romione writer and, and generally all around great person. Great companion as we walk this fanfic road. (AO3 here)
@fanfictionwriter101​ I’ve been really enjoying this (also non SW/non HL) individual and their commitment to that fanfic life. Enjoyed that they’ve started to offer some writing challenges too!
You all inspire in me in one way or another and help me tap into my own creativity. I admire each of your efforts and successes. I am privileged to be part of some of your creative processes. Thank you for being fanfic writers and for sharing your fantastical inner worlds with us! 
If you read any of these writers (and you should!) please, absolutely, positively thank them for writing by leaving them a comment or sending them a message to let them know you enjoyed their work! It’s the best way to feed a writer. :) 
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