#thank you for always being so sweet anni ilu <3
Any particular foods or drinks that would help you feel better in this Big Stresso time? (Or anything you've been craving?)
I know I can't actually make you anything, but in my heart we're like, IDK, baking espresso brownies together or something <3
*sends hugs like always*
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I've been getting through the days by getting little treats, iced caramel lattes and slices of cake and such. Trying to listen for those little "I want this!" cues and let myself have whatever it is, yaknow. So there's no real big built up craving for anything (at least that I know of)
Espresso brownies sound fucking delicioussss, I'm down for eating anything espresso-infused. I saw a recipe for tiramisu cupcakes the other day that made my mouth water ;<; It would be so fun to bake stuff together <33
Honestly what I really want is to just go lay in the sun for 400 hours, but sadly the weather's just been grey and slightly rainy this week. But I genuinely think touching grass in the sun would fix me, or at least Help.
Thank you for the hugs dearest, sending them right back to you <3
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