#terapsina's legacies rambles
terapsina · 4 months
SEND ME A SHIP (+ number) AND I WILL TELL YOU... Carol/Maria 2, 15 (Captain Marvel/The Marvels) and because I am me! Hizzie 10, 11, 20
Carol and Maria
2. ...why I do or don't ship them.
I ship them. I ship them quite a LOT. And that's because from the MOMENT we started seeing those flashbacks, it felt like I was watching a love story.
And then they had their reunion and Maria looked like the breath had been knocked right out of her chest. And Carol with this hangdog expression? And the piles of photographs that Maria had kept to remember Carol?
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I'm sorry, but this isn't just friendship.
Add in amnesia during which most of the memories that were trying to break through revolved around Maria and her daughter? A kid that Carol was clearly around so much that even after YEARS of being missing she still seemed to think Carol hung the moon? I mean, COME ON, I can be expected to be only so strong here.
And The Marvels did NOT help. If anything Carol was pining after all that she had lost even MORE.
It's like a tragic fairy tale.
15. ...how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
Well first of all I wouldn't have killed Maria. Because it's stupid and I hate it.
Second of all I wouldn't have had Carol ghosting the woman she was clearly in love with and their daughter for 20 years.
Because it's stupid and I hate it.
Or if I did do that, then The Marvels would have involved a very chaotic Time Travel fix it.
Ideally she'd have remained in contact and gotten back together with Maria in the intervening years (FYI here's a fic I found where Carol does go back and it's adorable (or here's an old fic I wrote that contains a smidge of how I would have wanted Carol to have kept in touch)) and though I do think I want to have kept Monica getting dusted by the Snap (because I do enjoy SOME angst), Maria would have been snapped too.
And then Carol would have gotten the both of them BACK.
But that was ideally.
Now, my hopes rest on Carol finding a way to get back the stranded Monica (or to join her). Because if they're making this Alternate Universe Maria be kind of a mirror of Carol... then let's go all the way here and have this Maria be mourning her Carol the same way our Carol is mourning her Maria.
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They can be each other's second chance.
Hope and Lizzie
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10. ...rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
Can we reach levels above 10 out of 10? Because... duuude. When you have Lizzie constantly casting herself to play one half of a romcom couple and yet convinced that she's the matchmaker, or third wheel? And Hope being Lizzie's Totally Personal Hero? And Lizzie constantly pulling a Prince Charming on Hope? And Hope obsessing over Lizzie while lacking humanity all at the same time saying with her whole chest how she cares nothing about Lizzie?
*voice full of saccharine condescension*: 'oh, honey'.
11. ...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
If memory serves me right... I started shipping them pretty early on. Wayyyyy early on, like before 1x12 even.
But where it became serious was the episode with the dress.
Like, the fact that she just went 'this family heirloom dress needs to be worn by the prettiest girl I know'? Goddammit, Lizzie.
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And then of course there's the way you just have to admire the sheer gall of pulling a Klaroline parallel unintentionally?
But most of all... it might have been the way Lizzie spent the episode protectively glaring at the jealous boys. And the way she rushed over to hug Hope when she was about to have her breakdown in the middle of the dance floor.
Also. That face. Specifically.
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20. ...how and when they should get/should have gotten together.
Ideally, at the end of the season 5 that never was.
I consider s4 to be the season where Lizzie realized and accepted that she's in love with Hope. Burt also accepted the idea that it was never going to happen and chose to try to move on.
S5 should have been the season where Lizzie is trying to do that while Hope is coming to accept that there's feelings there from her side too and that the idea that she might have realized that too late hurts.
Culminating in a big fight where they finally drop all the cards on the table and address all the things they'd been skirting over.
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terapsina · 4 months
Hope Mikaelson #2
2. …how I would have chosen to change their story from canon.
Oh god.
It's giving me a migraine just thinking about this. I'd change so much.
First of all. I wouldn't have erased her family from the equation. There would have been scenes where Hope talked with Marcel on the phone. Scenes where she was looking forward to going to New Orleans to see Aunt Rebekah and Aunt Freya on some weekend or another.
Family photos of the entire Mikaelson clan and her mom in her room. CONVERSATIONS where she talked about Hayley.
Second of all. I definitely wouldn't have given Alaric a role as Hope's parental figure (I just viscerally dislike the way they had someone who despised her actual dad as this father figure. And I mean I get why he hated Klaus, but he should have had the decency to shut up about it and not try to use Hope as like a... bodyguard for his daughters... and the entire school).
Third of all.
I definitely wouldn't have made Hope and Landon this huge be-all-end-all romance that outlived its charm. She's Hope Andrea Mikaelson, she doesn't exist for just one boy.
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Honestly, I think I probably would have had her and Landon break up after he chose to discard her wishes and wrote that musical where she had to play Klaus.
Because honestly. That was just... brutal.
And if I've begun on her romance. Obviously I'd have gone with Lizzie as Hope's endgame.
Though I also don't think I would have bee-lined for that immediately. Because that would honestly be a disservice to their amazing slow-burn.
I might have maybe given Hope and Rafael a brief thing? Just because it felt like a bit of a waste to drop those hints and then go nowhere (plus it would have been fun showing Lizzie getting visibly jealous only to eventually give her a dropped-penny-moment of having her realize that... oh, she's jealous because she has feelings for Hope, not Rafael).
Also. Cooler villains. She deserved way more cooler villains.
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terapsina · 4 months
Hizzie #13
13. …if I can watch them in relationships with other characters without feeling gutted.
That depends entirely on where in their personal timeline I'm watching them.
Early seasons? Hope and Landon as sweet and innocent puppy love? I'm completely fine. I mean I didn't ship it (I went hard on Hizzie pretty quickly) but it was cute enough.
Lizzie's crush on Rafael? Sweet and sad. MG's crush on Lizzie? Not that annoying in the beginning.
But by season 4 and after all the development where Hope and Lizzie are unarguably best friends Where Lizzie has had her '10 Things I Hate About You' moment and Hope even with her humanity turned off is weirdly obsessed with Lizzie?
Yes. Completely guts me to see them with other people. It HURTS.
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C'mon now. Look at them, they're clearly perfect for each other.
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terapsina · 8 months
Send a Fandom: Legacies - 5, 18 / Ship: Hope/Lizzie - 20
For this ask game.
5. ...the scene from it that lives in my head rent free.
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So, my mind is admittedly very one track and so yeah, the scene that's taken up place in the back of my head and built a very cozy, very permanent nest is a shippy one.
I can't believe they gave Lizzie an actual '10 Things I Hate About You' MONOLOGUE that honest to goodness culminates on an actual "And [I hate you] for making me love you, Hope Mikaelson."
There's everyday blatant shipping bait... and then there's putting Lizzie inside a 90's romcom modern adaptation of a Shakespeare play.
Another, less ship focused scene that has taken up permanent space in my head though might be the one with the extremely misfortunate vampire that tried vampsplaining their nature to the Mikaelson tribrid.
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Hope feeling like it was a new low for her? Hilarious.
18. ...the perfect number of books/seasons/movies needed to tell this story properly.
Definitely more than 4.
They were JUST getting their sea-legs underneath them 😭.
More specifically... I think 7 or 8 seasons would have been just around perfect. It would have been just in that BtVS or Charmed sweet spot of a series that's long enough to explore the characters and their relationships properly, without losing steam and getting boring.
20. ...how and when they should get/should have gotten together.
I adore slow burns, I wouldn't change a thing about any of the stuff that happened between them before Hope snapped Lizzie's neck.
And I also wouldn't change most of the stuff that happened while Lizzie was sired to Hope (it was too freaking perfect). My one change here - and how I'd begin the process for them as the endgame - would probably be doing an actual acknowledgement of how Lizzie's "I love you." was absolutely meant as an "I'm in love with you.".
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I'd still maintain those thirsty, frustrated Lizzie moments from whenever Hope's being all aggressively attractive and kinda mean. But maybe making them just a little bit more textual.
Or maybe by having the No Humanity!Hope taunt her about the feelings?
Wait... ooh, I know. I'd have moved around Lizzie and Jen bonding from after the Grand Road Trip Breakup, to before. And Hope would get a bird's-eye view that would have culminated in something along the lines of petty and jealousy-flavored (not-that-she'd-admit-it) "Well, don't you move on fast?"
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Then I'd move everything back to how it went down in canon (including the bits where Hope and Lizzie both were decidedly not acknowledging the sire bond and its implication after Hope's humanity came back to the forefront).
Except that when MG dropped his confession I'd have had Lizzie telling him that she's in love with Hope.
The actual getting together thing in my perfect version of events would happen in season 6 (with season 5 being Hope healing from Landon's death, and coming to terms with her developing feelings for Lizzie just as Lizzie's trying to move on).
Said Actual-Getting-Together portion would include: one badly timed almost confession on Hope's part which would fly over Lizzie's head because they'd be in the middle of dealing with the latest disaster and Hope wouldn't actually be all that clear about it; and one brief span of time where Hope thinks Lizzie's dead and goes on a very Mikaelson rampage about it.
And then bada-boom-bada-bam there's a Big Damn Kiss that sweeps Lizzie off her goddamn feet.
The last season or two would be them just being the badass power-couple of the show (exactly as they've been the entire time, actually, except that they'd literally be a couple).
And THAT is how I'd get them together if it were up to me.
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terapsina · 1 month
Writer’s Truth or Dare: 🌿 🍄
(for this ask game)
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
This won't work if you're stuck on WIP that you haven't updated in a while. But. A thing that's worth trying if you're stuck in a general writers block is to do one shots. Don't try dealing with massive plots. Just think of a scene - ONE SCENE - that you want to write.
It can be a conversation you want the characters to have. Or a character's inner monologue about something they've seen/realized, and how they feel about it. Doesn't matter.
The important part is that after you write that single scene (and unless you're immediately compelled to extend it to a few more scenes), you actually post it.
Another option is to go through your half-done drafts and seeing if there's anything that you can take and also just post as a one shot or drabble.
Sometimes what we might need to remember that we love writing, is for someone to remind us that they love what we write.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Let's do Hope and Lizzie.
The reasons they never discussed Lizzie's love confessions are manyfold.
Lizzie's reasons are that she didn't actually expect an answer, thinks that she knows how Hope feels and doesn't see any point to embarrass herself. Plus it would hurt more to be rejected by Hope now that she's actually theoretically capable of returning the feelings but doesn't.
Hope's reasons are that she doesn't think she has a right to bring it up after snapping Lizzie's neck. Plus bringing it up now that Lizzie has started dating MG feels... not good.
I fully believe that that confession is like an invisible, unspoken thing that they keep thinking about any time they're around each other. And that neither one of them can quite move on from it exactly because they haven't talked about it.
And I think that might be a very good thing. Because the timing they were currently at when we left them at the end of the series was pretty bad. Hope's grief is too fresh.
Hope probably would have rejected Lizzie at that point. And Lizzie would have taken the sting, spent some time hurting, and then truly started moving on. And by the time Hope had begun really healing, and started unpacking her own feelings for Lizzie? It might have been too late.
But because they're both avoiding the conversation, it's staying firmly lodged in the back of their minds, and that's a bit harder to move on from.
Which gives Hope more time to catch up.
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terapsina · 4 months
SEND ME A CHARACTER (+ number) AND I WILL TELL YOU... Lizzie 7 + 20 (Legacies)
7. …the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
I think Lizzie has incredible depths to her character so narrowing that down to one scene is very hard. She gets so many scenes that look under the surface of who she at first appears to be.
But one of the EARLY significant moments that added depth for her and also cemented Lizzie as my favorite Legacies character took place in her final scene with the djinn.
. "And I wont give you the satisfaction of breaking me."
. "You're already broken, that's why I chose you in the first place."
. "That just means you can't break me anymore."
It's the moment that showed exactly how strong Lizzie really is.
I do regret that she forgot it after the final wish was granted but considering how she's the only person to ever remember someone that was erased from reality without magical intervention? I don't think that the ripples of this moment were erased at all.
And of course Jinni was wrong. It didn't drive Lizzie insane.
20. …my queer headcanon for them. Unless they’re canonically queer, in which case whether or not I think they’re good representation or kinda badly explored.
My headcanon for Lizzie isn't really written in stone. I've got a soft spot for both her being bisexual and her being a lesbian who has been dealing with comphet, and I don't think either version is more cemented in my mind than the other.
I think both work very well.
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terapsina · 2 years
The thing about Hizzie is just... I have a weakness for a few specific things that Hizzie delivers on.
First of all, a proper slow burn.
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I mean I enjoy all the queer shows I can get my hands on but they tend to rush the canon lesbian ships SO MUCH. And that just ends with me finding those ships... cute. But they don't really make me want to read or write fic?
But Hizzie took 4 seasons to develop (and then they dropped the ball which SUCKS but doesn't really affect my shipping taste).
Second of all, Enemies to Friends to Lovers (they were NEARLY there and as far as I care that counts).
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Hope annoyed by Lizzie's presence? Amazing. LIZZIE LITERALLY TRYING TO WISH HOPE OUT OF EXISTENCE? Beautiful. Old misunderstanding sorted out? Perfect. Bonding and hugging and protecting each other and spending time together and getting to know each other arguably better than either one of them knows almost anyone else? *SOBBING*. Arguing and making up and descending back into hatred and still loving each other? Just leave me here on the floor.
Third of all, Battle Couple.
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They were THE most badass team that consistently had really cool scenes together okay? I'm only human. What do you want from me?
Forth of all, the sheer COMPLEXITY of their "friendship".
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Lizzie envies Hope. But admires her and trusts her to always come through. Hope thinks Lizzie shallow to begin with but visibly enjoys the banter. Once they stop "hating" each other they become friends with weird ease. And then keep saving each other on numerous occasions. And don't even get me started on them once the sire bond and lost humanity and murder and love confessions enter the mix.
And finally, -> All. Those. Significant. Looking. At. Each. Other. Scenes. And the just as important 'focus on their hands touching' scenes.
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There was simply... no other couple in this show that COULD have stolen my heart the way Hizzie did, alright?
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terapsina · 2 years
My Hizzie shipping heart needed scenes between No Humanity!Hope and post Broken Sire Bond! Lizzie. For reasons.
Mostly so that Hope could be a petty obsessed bitch about Lizzie leaving. Cuz she took that personally.
And if Lizzie was paying attention to Jen while anywhere in Hope's orbit? Ohhhhhhh the seething jealousy she would refuse to own up to.
Best part would be if they were already back in town and this whole thing played out in front of the entire school.
With Hope acting like a scorned ex and Lizzie swinging wildly from loudly not letting the "you killed me" go, to looking like a moth being drawn in by flame every time Hope started undressing Lizzie with her eyes? Delicious.
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terapsina · 11 months
For the ship ask game, you know who I'll ask about! Hope/Lizzie
And you know my answer 😁
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Ship It
What made you ship it? - I've got a huge weakness for a slow and gradual buildup of feelings and tension. I've also got a weakness for rivalry to friendship to love. And Lizzie and Hope have both in SPADES. Also, I just enjoy two already badass girls becoming an unstoppable battle-couple together. Also the delicious angst of their time while Hope didn't have her humanity and yet was kinda obsessed with Lizzie? Amazing. Essentially, I started liking them early on because they're exactly my wheelhouse and then with every new development of: wishing the other out of existence, comfort hug, romantic gift of a dress and a title, spontaneous remembering, new hurt, trapped in an AU, snapping of neck and pinky promise... the hole I'd dug myself got deeper. But if the question is about which single scene made me START shipping them? Then I think it was that moment in the car where they looked at each other like they'd never seen each other after the reveal of the Big Lie.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - I guess I already touched on that just now, but FURTHERMORE I absolutely love the way the further the story got the clearer the absolute faith in each that they have was revealed. More from Lizzie's side admittedly but I kinda attribute it to the fact that Lizzie is much braver with her heart than Hope, so Lizzie has the majority of the big clearly romantic gestures. But yeah Lizzie absolutely means just as much to Hope and I just... I love that about them.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - No idea, I haven't really seen all that much disagreement within the community of people who ship Hizzie about why we think they'd work so well together. Maybe just the fact that I hate HATE when they get compared with D3lena just because of the sire bond, but I've seen just as many people agree that the comparison doesn't work at all.
(For this ask game)
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terapsina · 2 years
I'm going to need someone to write a fic where Humanity!Hope is hanging around Lizzie and Jen and is being perfectly nice and gritting her teeth while No Humanity!Hope, invisible to everyone except Hope herself is planning aloud Jen's violent and bloody murder.
For reasons.
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terapsina · 2 years
I just know that the Mikaelson‘s would be on Team Lizzie lol
The Mikaelsons will always be on Team Hope.
But I do think they would really like Lizzie, yes. Plus I think that out of everyone Lizzie is the one who could survive loving a Mikaelson. And I think they'd pretty quickly see that in her.
I definitely think that Rebekah and Marcel would very quickly get a soft spot for Lizzie, especially once they learn how much Lizzie has done for Hope over the past few years.
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terapsina · 2 years
Okay. So I haven't caught up with Legacies and I only have partial background on The Originals but I just gotta say this.
Marcel isn't wearing Elijah’s suits out of respect for his memory. That makes no sense. Didn't Marcel kinda hate Elijah a lil'bit? No. He's wearing Elijah’s suits because he knows Elijah would have hated it and he's being a p e t t y son of Klaus.
And we love that for him.
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terapsina · 3 years
As of right now, it's possible that partially what is influencing my Hope/Lizzie shipping is the fact that Lizzie's reaction to realizing that she'd developed feelings for Hope would be HILARIOUS.
(grumpy snarling because one half of a pairing has caught feelings THAT ARE VERY INCONVENIENT AND ANNOYING is just my jam)
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(also enemies to frenemies to friends to lovers is EVEN MORE my jam)
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(also battle couples)
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Do you guys see why I have zero doubts about who is going to become my OTP for this show?
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terapsina · 3 years
Oh, BTW, do you know when else Lizzie is gonna use a dramatic:
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Ten years from now when she asks Hope to marry her.
*smug mike drop 😎*
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terapsina · 3 years
Oh wow.
There is... so much here.
First of all, I like that I finally got to see what was at the root of Lizzie’s dislike of Hope (or at least half of it, the other half is definitely still the part where she feels like she’s being replaced in her dad’s heart). And the fact that we immediately find out that that root is a lie? Ohhh boy.
I’m guessing this moment right here is where Hope and Lizzie start to become friends?
I LOVED this for them (also that scene was so soft, I absolutely loved it (also my Hizzie shipper goggles are getting sharper focus and I’m definitely in trouble)).
But then of course we get to this.
And... honestly this does interesting things for the individual relationships of all three of them, which does of course mean I liked this scene a lot.
Lets begin with the simplest one. So Josie had a crush on Hope and didn’t react to it that great at the time (which, well she was like thirteen at the time? I’m not going to hate on her for something she did as kid because of what I’m guessing was her first real crush?).
And the old crush part of it is actually kinda cute (I see why people ship this... if only I could make my life simple and ship the thing I’m supposed to).
Now don’t get me wrong, what Josie did was crappy as hell. Setting fire to Hope’s room being the least of it (though it really does suck that Hope lost stuff that reminded her of her father, in that fire). But I like the layers it gives Josie’s character, she’s not actually always the ‘sweet one’, she can be selfish too. And thoughtless, and recklessly impulsive (and a bit of a pyromaniac because how many times has she gone for fire by now?).
Then there’s what Josie said about Lizzie always going for the people Josie likes and winning and... that? well first of all I don’t think it’s that Lizzie went after anyone Josie liked as soon as she realized Josie liked them. First of all... they were thirteen. Second of all... if it happened then it’s likely to have been more obliviousness than maliciousness. Or possibly school yard sisterly competition that hurt Josie more than she let on (I mean... thirteen).
So I really like how it adds to the Lizzie and Josie’s relationship. I mean she let Lizzie hate Hope for three years for something that Hope had never done or said (again, just to be clear, Josie was a kid, and after a while the lie must have felt too big for her to be able to easily admit her wrongdoing, this no more makes Josie unforgivable than it makes Lizzie the worst sister ever that she wasn’t able to literally read Josie’s mind about things Josie was actively hiding).
And then of course, there’s what this scene does for Lizzie and Hope.
Mannnnn, they really are trying to go for my kryptonite aren’t they? They hated each other under false pretenses. And now they know the truth, but everything they’ve said to each other doesn’t just VANISH.
I’m guessing the friendship that’s going to develop from here is going to be slow and gradual and... eventually stronger exactly because of that.
(and just... let me put my shippery fic writing/reading glasses on for a minute here and say that the fact that Lizzie’s sister has now retroactively called dibs on Hope (sort of, anyway) and reinforced it by showing how much Lizzie has (I think) accidentally hurt Josie in the past, by either ignoring it or at least not being aware of Josie’s other crushes and so ‘going after’ them; that in the event that Lizzie actually does develop feelings for Hope, Lizzie will definitely feel like she can’t do anything about it (even if at that point Josie doesn’t carry a torch for Hope).)
My. Kryptonite.
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terapsina · 3 years
Okay, as of episode 10 of s1 of Legacies, my favorite character is Lizzie.
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I mean I like most of the other characters. Especially Hope (who is extremely cool and badass and also possessing both a good heart and a darkness that's rather familiar, she's a Mikaelson alright) and Josie (who's just as much of a mess as her sister except in different ways and I enjoy her slight pyromania).
Also Kaleb (there's a lot of ego, and some iffy morality but there's layers there, I want to see more of his 'doesn't want to be the bad guy but is afraid that being a vampire makes him evil' thing and his genuine 'vamps stick together' loyalty)
But to me, Lizzie is the most INTERESTING so far. I think it's all those issues she has.
And damn did she shine in the wishverse episode (I knew she was clearly influenced by Cordelia Chase, but I really didn't expect her to go full Cordy and try to wish the main hero out of her own town only to end up creating a dystopian hellscape).
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Also I kinda have this growing urge to shake some sense into Alaric. Like, I get the pull to take Hope under his wing, and I know he does love his daughters, but he really does need to pay some attention to how he keeps turning to Hope to the EXCLUSION of his daughters.
(but I wouldn't go so far as to say he's a BAD father, at least not yet, he just needs someone to give him a slap to the noggin)
But back to Lizzie and her wish palooza (side note: learn from the Scoobies, kids, NO USING THE 'W' WORD).
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I enjoyed her trope awareness. Lizzie very quickly recognized a genie (not that it was exactly hard what with her looking like she was pulled straight out of Aladdin), and figured out that she maybe had to give the realities a chance before abandoning them.
And her figuring out that loophole? Was BRILLIANT. I was honestly just as proud of her as she was of herself when she came up with it.
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And honestly I'm relieved that at least one of the innocent "monsters" got out of it without getting killed. It really was bad luck for the genie, like getting snagged one year before she could earn her freedom? That's messed up.
And the acting, as Lizzie was unraveling because Josie was dead and apparently she had killed her? And later, just before it was all put to right and she realized that she would lose her forewarning? Hit me straight in the chest.
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Or that moment where the genie said that she chose Lizzie because she was broken and Lizzie responded with 'That just means you can't break me any more.'? That was so good.
Anyway. I really love Lizzie.
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