#tennis court specialists
muirneach · 2 months
my moms trying to get me a job at her tennis club can we all manifest this for me
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luckofmylife · 2 months
i'm shocked, if goran's out bc novak wants that medal... 🙃
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scarletwitch1918 · 5 months
Rewatching Casper’s 5th set tie break and lemme just say he’s fucking insane
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bluespring864 · 9 months
I love the German commentator going "well, he is called octopus for a reason" at a particularly long-limbed point
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Tennis Court Maintenance Specialists: Guardians of the Perfect Court
Imagine stepping onto a tennis court on a sunny day. The anticipation of a great match fills the air, but what truly makes the court perfect is the effort of tennis court maintenance specialists. They are the silent guardians who ensure that the court is not just safe and functional, but a pleasure to play on. In this article, we'll unveil the world of these unsung heroes, exploring what they do, why they are essential, and the magic they bring to every tennis court.
Meet the Tennis Court Maintenance Specialists Tennis court maintenance specialists are the backbone of court care. They're like the caretakers of a grand estate, tending to every detail to maintain its beauty and functionality. Their role is multi-faceted, covering a range of essential services:
Cleaning and Power Washing Tennis courts, like any outdoor surface, accumulate dirt, dust, leaves, and more over time. This buildup not only hampers the visual appeal but also poses safety risks. Tennis court maintenance specialists use power washing techniques to clean the court's surface. It's like a rejuvenating spa treatment for the court, restoring its vibrant colors and slip resistance.
Repairs and Resurfacing Just as a home may need occasional repairs, tennis courts require maintenance too. Cracks, potholes, and worn-out surfaces are part of natural wear and tear. Maintenance specialists are like skilled craftsmen, meticulously repairing and resurfacing the court. They make it look and perform like new, ensuring it remains safe and visually appealing.
Line Painting and Maintenance The lines on a tennis court are like the road markings on a well-organized highway. They guide players, ensuring fair play and accuracy. Tennis court maintenance specialists are responsible for painting and maintaining these lines, ensuring they are clear, crisp, and in compliance with regulations. It's like the specialists are the conductors of an orchestra, ensuring that every note is perfectly aligned.
Net and Post Maintenance In tennis, the net and posts are like the goalposts in football – they define the game. Maintenance specialists ensure that the tennis net is taut and at the correct height, and that the posts are securely anchored. It's like making sure that the goalposts in a soccer game won't topple over during play.
Regular Inspections Regular check-ups are crucial for health and safety, whether for humans or tennis courts. Tennis court maintenance specialists conduct routine inspections, identifying and addressing potential problems before they become major issues. It's like preventive medicine for the court, ensuring it stays in the best shape.
Seasonal Care Tennis courts, like gardens, experience seasonal changes. For example, clay courts may need specific care in wet seasons to prevent excessive moisture. Maintenance specialists adapt their services to address these changes, like a tailor adjusting the cut of a suit to match the season.
Why Tennis Court Maintenance Specialists are Essential You might wonder, "Why invest in tennis court maintenance specialists?" Here are the key reasons why they are indispensable:
Safety First Tennis court maintenance isn't just about aesthetics; it's about safety. Cracks, potholes, or slippery surfaces can lead to injuries. Regular maintenance ensures that the court remains a safe place to play, just as you'd maintain the brakes on your car to ensure safe driving.
Longevity Just like changing the oil in your car, maintenance prolongs the life of the court. It's an investment in the court's longevity, ensuring that it provides enjoyment for years to come, like regular exercise for a longer and healthier life.
Playability A well-maintained court isn't just safe; it also plays better. The right surface, net tension, and clear lines make a significant difference in the quality of the game. It's like playing a musical instrument that's perfectly tuned for an exquisite melody.
Visual Appeal Imagine stepping onto a court with faded lines and a dull surface. It's like dining in a restaurant with dusty menus and worn-out furniture. A well-maintained court is visually appealing, adding to the overall enjoyment of the game, just as a well-designed restaurant enhances your dining experience.
Regulation Compliance Whether it's for recreational play or competitive matches, maintaining a court's regulation dimensions and features is essential. A maintenance specialist ensures the court meets these standards, just as referees ensure that a soccer match adheres to the rules.
In Conclusion Tennis court maintenance specialists are the unseen heroes who keep tennis courts in perfect condition. Their range of services, from cleaning to repairs, addresses the unique needs of each court. It's not just a matter of upkeep; it's about preserving the soul of the game, one court at a time.
So the next time you step onto the court, take a moment to appreciate the seamless surface, the crisp lines, and the net that's perfectly tensioned. It's the work of tennis court maintenance specialists, silently ensuring that the court is ready for an exciting match.
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technotrousers · 1 year
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Mere hours into 2023 and already we have our first nonsense.
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faeryaesther · 28 days
ATP Tennis players as Prince of Tennis characters!
(Not including the NewPOT characters, only until Nationals)
1. Echizen Ryoma (Seigaku's Genius First Year) ㅡ Holger Rune
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Can be seen as a brat but has the talent to back it up. Takes no shit at all. Very good at a young age!
2. Tezuka Kunimitsu (Seigaku's Tennis Prodigy and Captain: 3rd Year) ㅡ Andy Murray
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Both had surgeries because of tennis-related injuries. He is one of the best players ever. Even their humour is the same 😭 knows so much about tennis. Prone to injuries.
3. Oishi Shuuichirou (Seigaku's Vice Captain, one of the golden pair) ㅡ Dominic Thiem
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Softies!!!! Oishi is a doubles specialist, but that's alright. Although their play style is completely different, they are quite similar. Very calm in important points and often have the answers for everything on court. Oishi is known for his crazy accurate lobs.
4. Fuji Shuusuke (Another Prodigy of Seigaku) ㅡ Jannik Sinner
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Both are very calm and collected. Their only difference is that Fuji can do a lot of counter shots, and Jannik usually blasts everything at the baseline. Feared by some players because of how good they are.
5. Kaido Kaoru ㅡ Alejandro Davidovich Fokina (I have to give it to him).
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They look slightly scary, but they like cats! The only difference is that Kaido is serious asf unlike foki. +Kaido is known for his Snake Shots/Boomerang Snake shots, which are very similar to Rafa's banana shots around the net.
6. Atobe Keigo (Hyotei's Captain) ㅡ Novak Djokovic
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Atobe and Tezuka is a very well-known rivalry. I could say the same for Novak and Andy. Both are exceptional tennis players. Atobe sang for Tezuka's welcome party before, and it reminded me of that video of Novak singing lmfao. HUGE fanbase. Atobe is often seen with Echizen. The same goes for Holgah and Novak whejsb.
7. Akutagawa Jirou (Hyotei's No.2) ㅡ Matteo Arnaldi
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PURE SUNSHINE!!! They are fairly underrated. They are completely different (personality and play style wise), but they often are excited for great opponents and not afraid to face them.
[Will continue at Part 2!]
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badhockeymom · 7 days
Cup Besties talking
It's about this ⤵
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And this ⤴
Can't recommend this enough if you know any Finnish. They were veteran dad and rookie son, winning the most coveted prize in the hockey world, one to start off his NHL career, one to finally get the crown on his before retiring.
This is just the beginning of the roughly 1,5 hour conversation of Teuvo as a guest on Kimmo Timonen's and Antti Mäkinen's podcast. Teuvo's deadpan sarcasm and his subtle chuckles that soften his wry chirps and self-mockery work like a charm, sending his forty-something hosts into fits of laughter.
May be continued but let me put this out there first.
Kimmo: Our next guest hails from Helsinki. He's full 29 years old, but still has the face of a child. He goes by the nickname Turbo, which I don't understand, because he isn't that fast. A produce of the Jokerit, he has got, among other accolades, the Finnish rookie of the year award. From Jokerit, he went to Chicago, where we won the Stanley Cup together in 2015. Nowadays he plays for the Carolina Hurricanes alongside Sebastian Aho. Welcome, my good friend, Teuvo Teukka Teräväinen, to the Kimanttia podcast!
Teuvo: Thanks a lot, (chuckle) nice to be here even though you forced me to come.
Kimmo: (laugs) For your information, listeners, I've tried to goad Teukka for a guest appearance for two or three years, but he has always, always declined before now. It's good, it's great to hear your voice, man.
Antti (co-host Antti Mäkinen): I was so sure that Teuvo has been on the show but it's great that you're there now.
Teuvo: Yes, I always say to Kime that someday I'll come, and now I felt it's time.
Kimmo: Are you in Finland, Teukka?
Teuvo: Yes, a few days ago. I came straight to the cottage, it's nice to wind down for a few days here. Nothing special.
(They go on asking if Teuvo has watched the Worlds, he reminds the hosts that Canes were still playing when the games started.)
Kimmo: I wanted to ask, before we start going through your career, how long are you staying in Finland, and will you spend time at the cottage or do you have plans?
Teuvo: I usually head back to the States in the beginning of September, to settle down a little before the camp starts. In Finland, this summer will be quite busy, all my weekends are pretty much locked down, I have so many weddings and bachelor parties this summer.
Kimmo: Oh, you're getting married? I haven't got an invitation.
Teuvo: Yeah, multiple times. (Antti and Kimmo laugh) No, fortunately it isn't my wedding. They're nice events, but they do take up your time.
Kimmo: Yes they do, weekends come and go.
(Antti tells a story about a golf live stream during the covid lockdown, where Teuvo played against Patrik Laine. Both played well but in the end, Teuvo lost. He left the course with very few words, and after an half an hour, posted a pic of his golf bag on his Instagram story, captioned "Clubs for sale")
Teuvo: I remember that. It's what it is, it's never nice to lose.
Kimmo: (laughs) That sounds familiar because I've also sometimes played golf with Teukka, and the round has gone fine, and he says, I'm quitting this game.
Teuvo: Yeah... We've played tennis, too.
Antti: How do you do against him in tennis, can you hold your own?
Teuvo: Well, I don't think i've yet won Kime, at least on his home court.
Kimmo: Well now, there we heard the truth.
Teuvo: But now i have my own homecourt here at the cottage, you're welcome to challenge me here.
Kimmo: (softly) I must come over.
Teuvo: On my own court I haven't lost to anyone else but Henkka Kontinen who's a pretty good player. (Pro tennis player, doubles specialist, career high rank 1 in doubles)
Kimmo: Oh. I'll have to come and challenge you this summer.
Teuvo: You'll have to.
Antti: Hey, that guy is a professional at that tennis hobby of his, he does have an advance.
Teuvo: Or used to be, he hadn't been playing for a full year when he defeated me.
So, that's just the first five minutes.
A little extra treat from the next segment:
Kimmo: I did some research about your junior years, and it said you started on Helsingin Kojootit (Helsinki Coyotes). Where's Helsingin Kojootit?
Teuvo: It's -- in Helsinki. (chuckles.) Like it says, Helsingin Kojootit, how didn't you pick it up from the name?
(Laughter, Antti is dying)
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fritzes · 22 days
rank the m1000s 👀🙏
ooh okay, I’m not gonna do the ones that keep changing around (I’m sorry maria I love you but your 1000 isn’t getting on the list):
indian wells. for non taylor fritz related reasons I SWEAR (okay maybe a little bit). I mean, it's literally tennis paradise. no other masters can really compare to this in my opinion, there's something really magical about it. it's the first combined 1000 of the year, it is absolutely carrying the "sunshine" in sunshine double (we'll get to miami later), and did any other 1000 get its very own maya edit? I don't think so
monte carlo (don't kill me!). ok picking something to be #2 made me realize that the drop-off from indian wells is real, I had a hard time with this one. and as much as I dislike monte carlo as a place... that court has off the charts vibes. the 2023 edition might be one of my favorite tournaments ever, and I like the way it kicks off clay season. the vibes guys, the vibes!
cincinnati. tbh I'm surprising myself with this one because I've never reeeeeally been able to take cincy seriously because like. it's in ohio. it's known for having players hang out at an applebees. but jokes aside, I kinda love it. the place on the calendar is good, it's a nice warmup for the us open. also influenced by recency bias because the 2023 edition, both wta and atp, were so good. I don't know, I really like its place in the tour, it's just so solid
rome. if you thought cincy had recency bias, let me introduce you to the daniil-incudced overrating of rome. this kinda occupies the same space as cincy, being the real warmup tournament for rg, and same as cincy, I like its place in the calendar and the tour. except, unlike cincy, this is clay season so insanity galore. iga double bageling pliskova in the final that one time will always be iconic and of course, the hard court specialist himself winning this tournament will elevate it forever
miami. "but maya! miami is cursed! it's always raining! how can you put it so high?" two words: jannik sinner. yeah the jannik miami narratives strike a chord in my brain like few other player + tournament pairings do and it makes me so insane that I kind of learned to make gifs just because I had a jannik miami gifset idea. other than jannik, despite the nature of it being very much cursed, it does usually produce some really good tennis in the last few rounds
madrid. ah, madrid. if we were going off of tennis alone, this would be top 3 easily. back to back amazing igaryna finals, carlos' magical 2022 run, andy murray beating rafa in the final in straight sets somehow, ons' win in 2022. alas, there is more that just the tennis, and the organization of this tournament is genuinely horrible and so fucking sexist. a tournament like this does not deserve the quality of tennis it gets
doha/dubai. yes I know they're two separate 1000s this year but they've always flip-flopped in the past so as a 1000, it's always been one entity to me (and there's nothing that would put one above or below the other). there's always really good matches, obviously iga consistently sweeps doha and it's amazing, but dubai also gave us krejcikova's absolutely ridiculous 2023 run and this year's final was amazing. always a solid tournament with some great tennis
montreal/toronto. I feel bad for putting it so low, but it's always been kinda meh to me. 2023's chaos aside, this is the tournament where top players find their feet on hardcourts after wimbledon, and... I don't know. it's perfectly fine, but there's nothing really remarkable about it
shanghai/beijing. another one that I feel really bad for putting low, but there's something about that post-us open big tournament that just feels so bleh. the season is so long already and the players are just so exhausted. it doesn't usually take away from the quality of the tennis, it just doesn't have the same feeling as the stuff above it. I would say it feels a bit tacked on, but there's only one tournament I really think that about and that's...
paris. good god. there is something wrong with this tournament. I don't think an indoor 1000 is a bad idea, but the court and the lighting is just so bland, especially when compared to turin which is just two weeks later. at this point in the season, the top players want to be at the finals and anyone who isn't a top player just wants to be home and it just feels like an exhausted tournament. casper was right about one thing in his yap session the uts dinner: paris is easily the worst masters 1000
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opiatemasses · 6 months
Debunking the myth of the level playing field: exploring the notion of equality in English school hockey
England Hockey’s U16 squads were announced recently for the 2023/24 season. Of those selected 80% are privately educated.
On this critical issue the governing body, GB Hockey, are seemingly silent. This blog seeks to address this, highlighting the stark disparities which exist in hockey, as well as proposing realistic solutions. This is a discussion on the challenges hockey faces, where acknowledging the problem is an important first step towards future change.
Firstly, how do we know there is a problem?
Previous blogs on this subject have tended to cite statistics, illustrating the numbers of privately educated athletes representing Great Britain at past Olympics. Other blogs have also referenced Ofsted and their acknowledgement in previous years of this issue which led to the labelling of state school competitive sport as  “average at best”. Evidence suggests this gap has narrowed but, not sufficiently to claim that the problem is solved.
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Why does this problem exist?
Past research has identified a distinct difference in outlook between private and state schools which contributes to this disparity. Public schools traditionally use sport for character development and leadership training, in comparison to state schools which use sport more for health and general recreation. This Difference in attitude towards sport has a significant impact on the quality of delivery as well as the number of those participating.
State schools typically have only basic facilities at their disposal and have limited access to the high quality astroturf surfaces required to train and play competitive hockey. Moreover, they would struggle with the costs of providing underprivileged students with the sticks and specialist footwear needed for the game. This all limits the opportunities for students.
In stark contrast, private schools, such as Wellington College (Berkshire, England) offers its pupils ‘16 rugby pitches, two floodlit Astroturf pitches, a state-of-the-art sports hall, 22 hard tennis courts, 12 cricket pitches, an athletics track, two lacrosse pitches, six netball courts, a shooting range, and a nine-hole golf course'.
Sports facilities on this scale unarguably contribute significantly to the likelihood that already privileged athletes from private schools, will succeed at the highest level. Indeed, many privately educated athletes, including those within the England and Great Britain squads, are more likely to benefit from specialist and supportive coaching throughout the players development. They are often educated in smaller PE lessons with lower teacher-pupil ratios. This enables teachers to focus their time on developing individual athlete success, which is highly advantageous within the elite sport context as there is greater potential for student preparation and performance improvement in competitions.
There is one difference that is obvious, yet also possibly the hardest to provide a solution to. Parents of privately educated children typically have enough financial freedom to facilitate a more professional sporting environment for their children which means their opportunities increase. This is often combined with the ability to afford better quality training and equipment, along with greater accessibility to traveling for training and competition. Overall, whether we like to admit it or not, more money equals a foot in the door and that means the chances of progressing to elite levels are heightened.
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These are not all of the differences but the most obvious ones to me.
This is particularly prominent and clear in my sport as a hockey player.
This angers me as talent is being disregarded or even wasted!
Possible interventions for this problem?
UK sport has acknowledged the gap across all sports, which is positive for the future. The new ‘talent identification and performance pathway scheme’ has since been introduced which looks to find and nurture children at an early age and therefore increases accessibility to sport and means that the talent pool for British sport is as wide as possible. This scheme is a perfect example of a positive shift towards better equality within school sport.
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There is no simple fix, do not get me wrong. State schools are never going to be able to generate the amount of funding required to compete with some public schools. However, just by increasing exposure to diverse school sports experiences, it could enhance equal opportunities for young athletes. Introducing mixed school competitions could be a step forward, promoting more challenging and regular competition and motivating aspiring hockey enthusiasts.
Partnerships between schools and sports clubs for general sport have also been the focus for the government for a long time now in order to drive an increased interest for children with less opportunity which I believe is a really positive move as undoubtedly over time this will drive an increased diversity amongst high performance sports teams in the future.
An example specifically to hockey would be the new programme set up between, National League club Bath Buccaneers and its local state schools. A new outreach program, led by the mother of an under-12 state school player, has been established. The goal is to promote hockey in state schools, demonstrating its accessibility and the growing opportunities. This form of initiative holds great promise, and I believe that overtime it will become attainable for other clubs, through mutually beneficial partnerships between clubs and schools, to replicate the model across the country which could lead to a brighter and more fair future for the sport.
This is an issue that needs action now. Please help by sharing this blog to help spread the message.
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redundant2 · 1 year
Pippa's pool plans belly flop over Stone Age relics
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"They have already rustled up £15 million to buy a sumptuous country house, and have found time, as I disclosed, to issue eviction notices to various tenants occupying lesser properties on their newly acquired Berkshire estate.
But Pippa Middleton and her financier husband, James Matthews, don't have things all their own way.
I can reveal that the couple's plans to insert a mammoth 82 ft x 19 ft swimming pool in what, until now, has been a magnificent kitchen garden, and to create a brand new tennis court topped with AstroTurf, have been called into question by specialists employed by the local council.
'I have a number of concerns,' reports the conservation officer, citing the cessation of 'horticultural use' in favour of 'recreational/leisure use', and the potential loss of 'historic fabric' in one of the ancient walls which the Princess of Wales's 39-year-old sister and James, 47, intend to perforate.
The conservation officer is requesting more detailed plans of the tennis court and a proposed pergola.
Significant though those concerns are, they are eclipsed by those of the council's senior archaeologist, who highlights apparent deficiencies in a heritage report which Pippa and James commissioned. 
'I am not aware that [its] authors consulted the Historic Environment Record,' the archaeologist says, noting that this is required by the National Planning Policy Framework.
That's not all. The Matthews' mansion, they add, is close to 'many Middle Stone Age sites' — several little more than a quarter of a mile away. 
If a new pool is dug, it could 'have an impact on surviving archaeological deposits'.
The council recommends 'the digging of trenches or test pits' where work is proposed.
Would it be simpler, perhaps, to upgrade the existing pool and retain the kitchen garden — where, in time, there may be a blue plaque erected to commemorate a previous incumbent whose ownership, the official says, 'adds to the historical significance of the house and grounds'?"
Article is second at below link:
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swamyworld · 3 days
Novak Djokovic gives Wimbledon hope injury specialist talks surgery | Tennis | Sports
Novak Djokovic Can still be ready for the eighth tilt Wimbledon Despite having the title this summer To withdraw from French Open with torn medial meniscus. After his epic five-set victory over Francisco Cerundolo, the Serbian underwent a scan, later revealing he would require surgery ahead of the grass court tournament at SW19. Wimbledon is on July 1, meaning Djokovic has less than four weeks to…
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Who is she? Olga Danilović
If you look at the draw, probably the most surprising name is Olga Danilović. Who is she and were there signs that she would do decently at this year's clay court slam?
Olga Danilović is a Serbian professional tennis player born on January 23, 2001. She has been making significant strides in her career and has shown potential, particularly on clay courts. Danilović's breakthrough came in 2018 when she won her first WTA Tour singles title in Moscow, becoming the first player born in the 2000s to win a WTA tournament singles title. She has consistently demonstrated her capability by defeating top players and showing resilience in various tournaments.
Signs of a Strong Performance
Her recent performance at the 2024 Roland Garros has been impressive. She entered the tournament with strong form, having secured significant wins in the lead-up events. Notably, she had a solid run in the Mutua Madrid Open, where she defeated higher-ranked opponents and showcased her fighting spirit by pushing matches to three sets against top-tier players.
Several key factors indicate her potential success:
Clay Court Specialist: Danilović's game is particularly suited to clay courts, where her heavy topspin and patient playstyle are highly effective. Her ability to construct points and outlast opponents in rallies makes her a formidable player on this surface.
Powerful Serve: Known for her powerful serve, Danilović often secures a high percentage of first-serve points won. This weapon allows her to dictate play and gain quick advantages in her service games.
Mental Resilience: One of Danilović's standout qualities is her mental toughness. She frequently comes back from behind to win matches in three sets, demonstrating her resilience and determination under pressure. This was most evident vs. Donna Vekic: In a dramatic match, Danilović saved multiple match points to defeat Donna Vekic, 0-6, 7-5, 10-8, showcasing her incredible mental fortitude and never-give-up attitude. This win was a testament to her resilience and fighting spirit on the court.
Recent Notable Wins
Mutua Madrid Open 2024:
Vs. Danielle Collins: Danilović secured a thrilling victory over Danielle Collins, winning 6-4, 4-6, 7-6(4). This match showcased her ability to perform under pressure and her fighting spirit against a tough opponent.
Vs. Anastasia Potapova: Another significant win came against Anastasia Potapova, where Danilović triumphed 6-3, 2-6, 7-5. Her resilience was on full display as she battled through a challenging three-set match.
While Danilović is a player to watch, with her consistent performances and ability to compete against top-ranked players, especially on her favored surface, clay and her career trajectory shows promise for further successes and potential breakthroughs in major tournaments, she needs to secure more weapons in order to reach the upper echelons of the game. But for now, her pesky game style will bother opponents and potentially secure more upsets to come.
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how2fit · 10 days
Part of the reason why pickleball's been exploding in popularity is that it feels, well, a little more manageable than a game like tennis. The court is smaller. The name is cute. The ball feels less threatening. But with the rise of pickleball has come the rise of pickleball injuries. The game can sneakily challenge your endurance, speed, agility, and balance. One way to stay safe on the court? Cross-training to strengthen your muscles with a low-impact workout like Pilates. That’s why Shannon Willits, a master Pilates educator for Club Pilates and a functional Pilates for golf & racquet specialist created a Pilates class specifically for pickleball players. The workout is based around functional movement patterns that you use while playing pickleball. “Squatting, lunging with reaches and rotation, and pivoting movements to change direction—it's essential to develop these functional skills with a focus on mobility, stability and strength, not only for performance but to reduce the risk of injury,” says Willits. Why Pilates is a fit for pickleball Although traditional strength training can be helpful for improving your performance on the pickleball court, Willits says she prefers using Pilates. “Traditional strength training generally strengthens the muscles from origin to insertion and focuses on the contraction, or shortening, phase of the muscles,” says Willits. But pickleball requires us to be able to use strength on the court in all directions, both when muscles are contracted and extended. “The Pilates method strengthens the entire body through the core,” explains Willits. “The elements of control and alignment reflexively turn on the core, which stabilizes the hips, spine, and shoulders, making it safe for everyone, while meeting the strength demands specific to pickleball.” Willits adds that Pilates helps improve the mind-body connection, which, in turn, improves your proprioception (aka your awareness of your body and limbs in space). The better your proprioception, the more agile and coordinated you will be, and the lower your risk of falling when you are lunging or making quick movements on the court. The flexibility you can gain through Pilates can also help prevent falls on the court because you’ll be better able to move your body through the full range of motion in a smooth and limber way while retaining your balance. In particular, Willits recommends doing a functional flexibility warmup prior to playing—she offers a free one at pilates-pickleball.com. Try these Pilates exercises for pickleball Willits is a big fan of using Pilates exercise equipment, such as a springboard and EXO chair, in her Pilates for pickleball workouts. These pieces of equipment further challenge your balance and core activation. However, if you don’t have access to these training tools, you can also perform some Pilates exercises on the ground. Here are a few functional Pilates and strengthening exercises we recommend for pickleball: Scissors This is one of the best Pilates exercises for pickleball players because it mimics the reciprocal leg pattern of on the court, while also strengthening your core and hips. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and core engaged. Use your abs to draw your right leg up so that your hip and knee are bent 90 degrees each and your shin is parallel to the floor. Slowly lower the right leg back down just tapping the floor while simultaneously raising the left leg in the same way so that your legs are moving reciprocally. Keep the 90-degree bend in your knees as your legs come up and down. Don’t fully plant your foot in the ground with each rep—just tap it. As you develop more core strength, gradually straighten your legs more and more so that your feet are tapping down further away from your body. Do 10 to 12 reps per leg. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edIk68IFF9o[/embed] Hollow Holds This exercise increases core and pelvic strength. Stability in your hips and core
can help you stay balanced on the court, especially when lunging to the side or making quick, cutting movements. Lie on your back with your arms extended straight overhead. Engage your core, and lift your head, upper body, and lower body so that your body folds upward with your arms and legs at about a 45-degree angle to the floor. Hold this position, breathing slowly for 20 to 30 seconds and then release. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNHSgs_orU0[/embed] Sumo Squats The sumo squat position helps you develop your athletic stance for pickleball, while strengthening your legs and core. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing about 45 degrees outward and your hips externally rotated. Inhale, sitting your hips backward as if reaching your butt back to sit in a chair. Keep your core engaged, your chest up, and your back straight. Exhale, pressing through your heels to return to the starting position. Complete 12 to 15 slow reps. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjlfpqXnyL8[/embed] Side Lunges Stand upright with good posture and your feet hips-width apart. Take a big step out towards the right with your right leg. Lean into this leg, bending so that you are in a side lunge. If you have access to a Bosu ball, you can step this leg up onto the Bosu ball to increase the difficulty. If you have a light dumbbell, you can also reach your right hand up and out to the side as you lunge to strengthen your core and shoulders. Complete 12 reps, and then switch sides. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCdVdzN0L_w[/embed]
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18-roses · 18 days
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia
DEZI Theistic Satanism Eastern Tewahedo Catholic Gnoticism (SALESIAN CROWN BELGE)
Left Handed Path
Urban shamanism distinguishes traditional shamanism found in indigenous societies from Western adaptations that draw on contemporary and modern roots. Urban shamanism is practiced primarily by people who do not originate in a traditional indigenous society and who create unique methods that do not follow or claim authenticity in any prior tradition. Urban shamanism traces its beginnings to efforts by Westerners to come to terms with psychoactive plant experiences using their own modern frames of cultural reference influenced by, but outside of, the indigenous rites in which plant medicine is traditionally based. Surautomatism is any theory or act in practice of surrealist creative production taking, or purporting to take, automatism to its most absurd limits. Action painting, sometimes called "gestural abstraction", is a style of painting in which paint is spontaneously dribbled, splashed or smeared onto the canvas, rather than being carefully applied. The resulting work often emphasizes the physical act of painting itself as an essential aspect of the finished work or concern of its artist. An acid house party was a type of illegal party typically staged in an Art Gallery After Party between 1987 and 1989. Opium dens were typically dark, hidden, underground spaces or an Art Gallery After Party. Dazecore is an aesthetic inspired by sleepless nights and the buzz of late night/early morning thoughts. It is very closely linked to Urbancore, Geek, and Dark Minimalism, heavily influenced by artists working in the early hours of the morning and students staying up late at night working on papers. Urbancore is an aesthetic based on imagery of urban cities and street life. Urbancore is associated to real-life, modern-day society and almost always is based in recent decades. As it is a really broad aesthetic, it can revolve around city streets and architecture, graffiti, skate parks at night, urban fashion and picnics. Thriller is a genre of fiction with numerous, often overlapping, subgenres, including crime, horror, and detective fiction. Thrillers are characterized and defined by the moods they elicit, giving their audiences heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation and anxiety. A thriller generally keeps its audience on the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. The cover-up of important information is a common element.[2] Literary devices such as red herrings, plot twists, unreliable narrators, and cliffhangers are used extensively. A thriller is often a villain-driven plot, whereby they present obstacles that the protagonist or hero must overcome. bon vivant (plural bon vivants or bons vivants) A man who enjoys luxurious things in life, especially good food and drink; a man about town. Olfactory art is an art form that uses scents as a medium. Olfactory art includes perfume as well as other applications of scent. A clay-court specialist is a tennis player who excels on clay courts, more than on any other surface. Due in part to advances in racquet technology, current clay-court specialists are known for employing long, winding groundstrokes that generate heavy topspin; such strokes are less effective on faster surfaces on which the balls do not bounce as high. Clay-court specialists tend to slide more effectively on clay than other players. Many of them are also very adept at hitting the drop shot, which can be effective because rallies on clay courts often leave players pushed far beyond the baseline. Additionally, the slow, long rallies require a great degree of mental focus and physical stamina.
Invocation Occult
Syncretism with Rosier
Count as Noble Title
9th Prince of Hell
Arbiter Choir 
St. Matthieu Classification 
Cardinal-Mutable Lightning Air Sagittarius 
Jupiter-Uranus Astral Body Heavenly Intelligence 
Enochian Magick 
DEZI Effect as a Mural Crown Invocation Sin (Invocation, Oversoul, Lightning Demigod Wing Exchange, Planetary Intelligence Natal Charts, Jupiter Evening Star Invocation, Apocalypse Text, Enochian Magick, Sensory Play, St. Matthieu Classification, Spiritual Catalyst, Cul-de-sac Drug-Crime Nexus, Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering, Habitants Monopoly, Larousse Gastronomy, Fragrance Wheel, Refus Global, Blue Ocean Strategy Series, Drug Sorcery, Reckless Abandonment, and Impulsive Borderline)
Lesser Satans (Grigori)
Sin City Angel
Mischievous over Malevolent
Fallen Angel who tempts Sin 
War Responsibility
Underworld Fleur-de-lys: Dualism in cosmology or dualistic cosmology is the moral or spiritual belief that two fundamental concepts exist, which often oppose each other. It is an umbrella term that covers a diversity of views from various religions, including both traditional religions and scriptural religions. Moral dualism is the belief of the great complement or conflict between the benevolent and the malevolent.
It is difficult to find real women represented in sources characterized as 'Gnostic.' The few that are mentioned are portrayed to be chaotic, disobedient, and even enigmatic.[70] However, significant Gnostic texts like the Nag Hammadi place women in roles of leadership and heroism, contradicting the narrative that women in Gnostic spaces were mere victims to their circumstance.[70][71][72] The role women played in the evolution of Gnosticism is an area of study still being explored.
The pneumatics ("spiritual", from Greek πνεῦμα, "spirit") were, in Gnosticism, the highest order of humans, the other two orders being psychics and hylics ("matter"). A pneumatic saw themselves as escaping the doom of the material world via the transcendent knowledge of Sophia's Divine Spark within the soul. In Gnosticism, the divine spark is the portion of God that resides within each human being.
An illusion is a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the mind normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Although illusions distort the human perception of reality, they are generally shared by most people.
Yahweh[a] was an ancient Levantine deity, and national god of the Israelite kingdoms of Israel and Judah.[4] Though no consensus exists regarding the deity's origins,[5] scholars generally contend that Yahweh is associated with Seir, Edom, Paran and Teman,[6] and later with Canaan. The origins of his worship reach at least to the early Iron Age, and likely to the Late Bronze Age, if not somewhat earlier.[7] In the oldest biblical literature, he possesses attributes typically ascribed to weather and war deities, fructifying the land and leading the heavenly army against Israel's enemies.[8] The early Israelites were polytheistic and worshipped Yahweh alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal.[9]
Carl Jung approached Gnosticism from a psychological perspective, which was followed by Gilles Quispel. According to this approach, Gnosticism is a map for the human development in which an undivided person, centered on the Self, develops out of the fragmentary personhood of young age. According to Quispel, gnosis is a third force in western culture, alongside faith and reason, which offers an experiential awareness of this Self.
Tracksuits and Outerwear 
Raguel and Sachiel are adversaries 
French Apocalyptic Treatise Text: Underworld Angels: Spiritual Angelogy not Religious (Bibles: De Coelesti Hierarchia and Summa Theologica), Creates Apocalyptic Texts Influenced by Revelations 7, Black Angel Wings, Arbiter-Serpah-Virtues Paradise Angels, Spiritual Catalyst, Angelic Sin, Evening Star Astral Body, Mandatory Uranus-Pluto Planetary Intelligence, St. Thomas Aquinas is God Like, Sin Cities Habitants, Grants Invocation Possession Angel Wings, Angelogy Students, et Angel Philosopher), Mural Crown (Tutlery Deity, Civil Heraldy, Heraldy)
COUP D'PIED Analytics, Bioengineering, and Geometry Football.
Examples: Stylistic Biomechanics, Nutritional BioChemistry, Dribbling Geometry Visual Aids, Plyometric Training over Sprint Training, Football Pitch Shape Cutting Playing Zones with Key Stats.
Recette Belgique Welfare
Roux Basa Chowder
Waffles Belge 
Hache Parmentier
Potatoes au Gratin
Boeuf Bourguignon
Salmon Rillettes
Cervelle de Canut
Belmont Carton
Belgique Sociocultural Theory of Development
Tobacco-Pill Press Based Black Market
Chef Psychopaths
5 Senses City
Underage Prescription Meds
Polydrug Use
Trap Shooting
Extraversion Sensory Aesthetic Psychopathy
Belgique Festivals
Bocuse d'or
Boat Racing Weekends
Art Gallery Memberships
Cannes Film Festival Foreign Thrillers Memberships
Belgique Engineering Atheltics
Boat Racing
Terrain Jeeps After Market Tuning
Belgique Decentralized Habitant-Tableau Économique Art Financing
Olfactory Arts
Graphic Design
Interior Design
Belgique Cul-de-sac 
Body High Ecstasy Water; (Binding Agent) Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydrocolloid Water-soluble Proteins, (Potentiation) Grapefruit Powder, (Activating Ingredients) meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP), and Alprazolam
New York Minuite: Duds and meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP)
Fentalogs: acetyl fentanyl, butyryl fentanyl, beta- hydroxythiofentanyl, furanyl fentanyl, 4-fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl, acryl fentanyl, and U-47700.
Tablet presses are machines designed to compress pharmaceutical powders and granules into tablets. They must be highly precise in order to create uniform tablets that each contain the same amount of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients.
Habitants (French: [abitɑ̃]) were French settlers and the inhabitants of French origin who farmed the land along the two shores of the St. Lawrence River and Gulf in what is the present-day Province of Quebec in Canada. The term was used by the inhabitants themselves and the other classes of French Canadian society from the 17th century up until the early 20th century when the usage of the word declined in favour of the more modern agriculteur (farmer) or producteur agricole (agricultural producer). A fragrance wheel [1] also known as aroma wheel, fragrance circle, perfume wheel or smell wheel, is a circular diagram showing the inferred relationships among olfactory groups based upon similarities and differences in their odor.[1] The groups bordering one another are implied to share common olfactory characteristics. Fragrance wheel is frequently used as a classification tool in oenology and perfumery.
Baisers Parfumé: Startup Accelerators et Business Incubators Fragrance Festivals.
Neuroplasticity Drug-Crime Nexus in Belgique based on Trafficking.
CPP, CNS Depressants, et FENTALOGS: Cul-de-sac
Bastilles: Cul-de-sac Artist Résidences Penthouse Complexes
Big Room House Raves
Acid House Art Gallery
International Film Festival
Hôtel Chefs
Seigneurial System/Tableau Economique Raw Material Économics Production Spot
Discount Networking Acid House Party
Opium Dens and Fragrance Festivals
Pill Pressers
CNS depressants
Upper-tier County System
Defense Lawyers are Traplords (Trafficking P4P and Malicious Prosecution)
Brain Receptor Dealing
Neuroplasticity Drug-Crime Nexus
Religious Ecstacy
Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts
Live-Pool Betting Monopoly Board Game
Summary Sentencing
Urban Level: Street Culture Art Gallery (Street culture may refer to: Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, Street market, Children's street culture, Street carnival, Block party, Street identity, Street food, Café culture, Several youth subculture or counterculture topics pertaining to outdoors of urban centers. These can include: Street art, Street photography, Street racing, Street wear, Hip-hop culture, Urban fiction, Street sports, Streetball, Flatland BMX, Freestyling)
A designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests
William A. Hustrulid and 2 more
Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, Two Volume Set & CD-ROM Pack
3rd Edition
Jr. Walters, Charles
Raw Materials Economics
0 notes
mbbsblogsblog · 21 days
Embark on Your Medical Journey: MBBS at Lomonosov Moscow State University
 Hey dear MBBS enthusiast!
Are you seeking for which medical university can provide you with appropriate study ambiance, curriculum, lectures, and internship programs that can lead you towards a bright professional career?
If so spend some time on the page to collect some required information about Lomonosov Moscow State University that may be helpful to you to fulfil your dream of studying MBBS in Russia.
Popularity of MBBS in Russia among the international students is unquestionable. Every year many many students from other countries are rushing to Russia to study MBBS because they are well known of the fact that after the completion of MBBS in Russia they will get many job opportunities across the world.
Basic Ideas about Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State institution (MSU) is Russia's highest-ranked institution, consistently ranking among the top 150 of the QS World University Rankings®. Considered one of Russia's most famous universities, it features the world's highest educational building and serves over 47,000 students, including 4,000 international students each year.
Moscow University's campus is a very complex system, with a floor area of 1,000,000 square metres spread among 1,000 buildings and structures, eight dorms housing over 12,000 students, and 300 km of utility lines. MSU's library system is one of the largest in Russia, with 9,000,000 books, 2,000,000 of which are in foreign languages, and an average readership of 55,000, who use 5,500,000 books annually.
MBBS in Russia: Why Choose Lomonosov Moscow State University for MBBS?
There are several reasons why you should pursue your MBBS at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Here are just a few reasons:
·         Graduates from this programme can work in over 130 countries.
·         This institute offers eight areas of specialisation in higher professional education.
·         Three domains of knowledge in secondary professional education
·         There are 16 training buildings on site.
·         This institute offers over 50 different types of residence and internship programmes.
·         Students seeking a doctorate can pursue one of four paths.
·         There are 639 professors and lecturers at the University.
·         The college has a campus in the city.
·         It also allows you to learn remotely, and there are four hostels for foreign students.
·         There is also a mini-football field, two basketball courts, a gymnasium and a tennis court.
·         Students must have passed the NEET examination.
·         The student must have turned 17 on December 31, of the year of admission.
·         The candidate must have finished 12th grade with a minimum of 65% on a standard board.
·         In 12th grade, students must have completed Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Required documents include
  An application form, a visa invitation form, and academic certifications.
·         Medical certificates (including immunisation reports)
·         Health Insurance
·        Valid passport with a minimum validity of 2.5 years.
·         Student visa
·         Photo: 3.5 x 4.5 cm HIV certificates
·         COVID-19 certifications
·       Make sure to legalise all of your papers and translate any that are necessary.
Admission Date:
Submission of papers for the first year of Bachelor's (BS/BA), Specialist's, and Master's (MS/MA) programmes for overseas candidates at Moscow State University begins June 15, 2024 and ends
For Bachelor's and Specialist's programs— July 10, 2024 For Master's programmes: July 20, 2024.
If you require more information about the university contact Ria Overseas, a leading consultant agency guiding you to join MBBS overseas.
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