kirakiraproject · 7 years
Kira Beauty - Hiyori
This week’s Kira Beauty is our only Finnish member, Hiyori from 3rd generation, Team P. I’m Mizuki and I’m the one who gonna interview Hiyori.
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H = Hiyori M = Mizuki
M: Hello Hiyori! How are you today?
H: Hi! My day has been good so far. How about you?
M: I just woke up, so same here, haha. What do you feel about being a member of Crystal Rose so far?
H: It has been interesting. Assignments have been nice to do.
M: What was the reason that made you auditioned for Crystal Rose?
H: Well, Juju told me that the 3rd gen audition was going to start soon and suggested me to audition. I haven't been that interested in net-idols but I thought to myself "why not?" It’s a chance to improve.
M: Oh, so you have been friend with Juju before joining the group? How did you guys meet?
H: I don’t remember 😅 We both do dance covers so probably it had something to do with our channels.
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M: So would you like to become a professional singer and dancer in the future?
H: Sure, both have been my childhood dream. And still, kind of. But more than anything I would like to work with theater or become an author.
M: Oh wow, so have you been doing acting before?
H: Yes, for 3 years now.
M: Wow so are you doing it as a hobby or is it your job?
H: Well I’ve done it as a job once, this spring. Other than that I go to acting school every Tuesday.
M: So great that you have been doing acting job! Have you also been writing any book?
H: I’m a part of a script writing group. Our goal is to write a script for a play that will be performed in summer 2018. But I mainly just write stories as a hobby.
M: Wow, you really have a huge role in the theater group. That's great! Since you love writing so much, do you also like to write your own music?
H: I’ve written some lyrics but they’re all rather bad 😅
M: Maybe not that bad as you think. Usually we always think everything we do is bad while in fact it isn't, haha. Do you also like to compose your own songs?
H: That’s true. And no, not really. I don't play any instruments well enough. I’ve made a song with an application tho.
M: Would you like to make your own song in the future or you prefer to sing songs made by other?
H: I’d like to sing my own song one day but the problem is I’d probably never be able to make one I'd be satisfied with. I criticize myself a lot. Haha.
M: Maybe you can take a class to learn from a teacher until you feel that you can make it. I believe you can! 
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M: Which music genres do you like to sing?
H: That’s a good idea, maybe I really should! I like pretty much anything, it really depends on my mood what I sing. But my favorites genres in general would be punkrock, alternative rock, alternative hip hop, J-pop and K-pop.
M: Do you have any favorite artists that you look up to?
H: I look up to ANGERME, and right now especially Aikawa Maho as she has panic disorder. I have experienced panic attacks too and it's not nice. Then there are Korean groups B.A.P and BTS. I like them both very much. Also Finnish singer Saara Aalto. I admire her vocals.
M: When it comes to the lyrics, what do you like to listen to? Like romance, strong personality, friendship and etc.
H: I like songs with stories. The music I listen to is usually melancholic, or as my mom says, depressing, so I also like that kind of lyrics. I like lyrics that really makes me think about what is the song’s message, or something that moves me.
M: Like music that people for sure have put down a lot of energy into right?
H: Yes, that’s right. Oh and also lyrics that's like usual things. Something you can think "oh, is this song about me?".
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M: Do you have other occupations that you like than singer, actress and author?
H: I'm going to take a training to become a amateur drama director next autumn. Within theater, I would like to work as a director.
M: Wow, you really like everything that have with the theater to do! How long have you been interested in theater?
H: True 😅 Well we’ve always went to see plays and musicals with my family or relatives. I remember how excited I always was. But what influenced me was Kudo Haruka's performance in the LILIUM musical as False in 2014. When I heard about a real theater school in my city back then I thought I had to go.
M: Oh so it was recently?
H: Yes. At first I was only into acting but now I'm more interesting in writing plays and directing them. Which I did as a child for my own fun too, haha. 
M:  What about the music? How long have you wanted to become a singer?
H: Hmm. That was probably since I was able to sing. My family sings a lot, always when our relatives gather together we sing. So that’s how I got into it.
M: So you already like to sing as a little kid?
H: Yes, that’s right. It's kind of a heritage. Everyone in my mother's family like to sing.
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M: Hiyori, thank you so much for the interview! It was nice to talk with you today.
H: It was nice to talk with you too. Thank you for interviewing me.
M: Thank you everyone who have read this interview! Is it something you would like to say to our supporters, Hiyori?
H: Yes, thank you for reading and supporting us, please keep doing so! We are a good group! I would like to say that as June is LGBT(Q+) Pride Month, fitting to the theme, please accept everyone as they are and please spread love.
M: Yes that’s true!! Everyone should be accepted! Everyone have each own right to be the one we would like to be. No one should be judged by other! Respect other as much as we would like to be respected back!
H: Yes, exactly! Well and true said!
M: Thank you again for the interview and have a nice day, Hiyori! Take care! Bye~
H: Have a nice day too, bye!
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