nightly-ruse · 1 year
Bubdubdubbdud bu! Introducing the new and very meticulously crafted-
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Ever since they were founded they’ve struggled, living in a thick thorny forest with larger than normal predators, few connections out of the woods, and a seemingly persistent curse on their clan since it’s founding. Will it’s new leader Mockingbirdcry be able to pull the snake around her neck or will it poison yet another leader?
They follow a different code, one promoting survival over care. Leaders don’t get the -Star suffix, botanists can have kits (though it’s semi looked down upon after a incident), and believing in their ‘afterlife’ is more out of fear then true belief.
May expand the clan if I need but I’m set on all the characters below. Send asks about them! Or for their ref sheet so I know who ppl want to see drawn.
  Mockingbirdcry- tall black, gray, and white molly with scars all along her back. She is good with its words but deep sorrow stalks her like its own shadow, and a certain cat makes sure it’s secrets stay in her mind. She/it, trans molly and parent of Moonflutter and Witchwing though not close with either.
  Batswoop- long lykoi cat with speckled fur, vibrant yellow eyes, and scars over their face. Xer is very distant keeping a good paw length away from anyone close to them, it’s also mute after a infection to xer’s throat that left xe with a raspy painful voice. They/xer, grayromantic, growing crush on Locustbite.
  Scorpionsprout- heavily decorated long furred cinnamon cat with tattered ears. She is poised and proper, to step out of line in front of her will end with a scratch. Stays tightly to her role and wears it like the plants around her throat, beauty is pain but brings pride and she loves pride. She/her and unlabeled, mentoring Oleanderpaw though the two are on bad terms already.
 Frecklefeather- cream ticked tabby with silver on his muzzle and golden feathers down his spine. He is reserved and looks a lot into how others see him, as such she was never able to be close to little Fledlingkit. Always trying to keep his image clean. He/him and straight.
  Houndstripe- large muscular tom with dark brown fur and brindled fur, his eyes are green and he tries to keep the clan together though his efforts keep on slipping. After he lost his last apprentice he keeps Fledlingpaw close to his side. Bit of jealousy over the clearly less qualified Batswoop being deputy. He/him and bisexual, mate of Yarrowthroat.
  Locustbite- tall caramel molly with sleek fur, one green eye and one golden eye. She’s a very ambitious cat with a desire to be the leader, a few ideas of her are a bit unethical though she doesn’t share them. Training Fledlingpaw to be her little lackey and trying to get her claws into Batswoop though the more she learns about xer the more she feels. She/her and courting Batswoop, mentor of Nightshadepaw.
  Mantisbloom- calico cat with green eyes and long droopy ears, he wears flowers on his pelt and a leaf bracelet. Him and Locust used to be very close as foster siblings but when Locust started going down her dark path he pulled away, that’s when he met Witchwing. The two soon fell for eachother and can’t wait for kits which he plans to raise mostly. He/him trans and mate of Witchwing.
  Witchwing- dusky brown molly with lighter streaks and round sapphire eyes, her ears are long and tufted with moth wings on her mane. She wears a matching tail bracelet with her mate. She is a happy, funny cat who loves to see the brightest part of everything and a massive mom friend. She/her trans, mate of Mantis, Sister of Moon, daughter of Mockingbirdcry. (Black witch moth)
  Moonflutter- fluffy white molly with darker spots down her back and round dark eyes, she wears moth wings on her mane and behind her ears. While her sister always looked to the light she stares right into the shade, her tone sharp and precise and barley any can escape her gaze when she latches onto them. Mentoring Nightshadepaw and teaching the cat well. She/her and aroace, sister of Witchwing, daughter of Mockingbirdcry, mentor of Nightshadepaw. (Yellow wooly bear moth)
  Fledgingpaw- golden tom with ginger speckled stripes and a white round belly, their tail tip cut from a past battle with a fox. He has always been fearful and receiving little support besides bitter words from their dad keeps him quiet, but when Houndstripe stepped in to help he soon started to open up more and sees the tom as more of his father then anyone else. Treats Wolfkit like their sibling and the two mates have pretty much adopted him as theirs. He/they and gay, son of Frecklefeather and adopted by Houndstripe and Yarrowthroat.
  Oleanderpaw- gray and yellow calico with curled back ears, a nub tail, and one empty eye socket, their other magenta. When they were younger their hopes were much higher but the world soon showed them its teeth. While they always felt a draw to plants and learning having Scorpion as their mentor makes their sharp temper even worse, acting out more just out of spite. Still tries to stay sweet for Nightshadepaw. They/them and bisexual, sibling of Nightshade.
  Nightshadepaw- black white and yellow tortoiseshell cat with floppy ear tips, a limp front paw, and pretty violet eyes. Their sibling always shaded them from the harshest truths creating a world for them were their father didn’t abandon them and they weren’t just traveling to find warmth. Now with their secretive mentor Locust they keep the secrets piling up, making them even more naive and quick to protect the cats closest to them. They/them, sibling of Oleanderpaw.
  Yarrowthroat- brown seal point molly with round ears and shaded hazel eyes, her pelt slowly becoming more dotted with white mostly around her face throat and paws. She tries to be very calm but snaps when it becomes too much, and when she lost almost her whole litter of kits it really broke her. While she loved little Wolfkit she can’t help but feel sorrow when she remembers the kits three littermates. Worries she’ll never have any other kits and spends so much time worrying she forgets to groom, luckily the sweet Fledlingpaw helps her a lot and she quickly adopted them. She/her and straight, mate of Houndstripe, adopted mother of Fledlingpaw and mother of Wolfkit.
  Wolfkit- little scruffy brown seal point kitten with round blue and hazel eyes, her coat still having some silver from when she had a fever coat. Wild little kitten who loves to play and doesn’t know much yet, she loved to play with her parents and doesn’t even know Fledlingpaw isn’t her blood brother. Dreams of being a great hunter to feed her whole clan someday. She/her, kit of Yarrow and Hound. Lone survivor of her litter after Snowdropkit, Starflowerkit, and Sunflowerkit passed away from sickness. 
  Addershade- old deep red and silver tom with a crooked long tail, always drawn claws, and slightly clouded blue eyes. He was the old leader of the clan before having to retire once his eyes started to go and he couldn’t do many of his duties with a clear mind anymore. But as he’s aged he’s grown more and more vengeful, seeing Mockingbirdcry as somehow responsible for his downfall holding the secrets he knows over her head and his claws around her throat. Father of Scorpionsprout thought he two aren’t close, just sharing a respect by prowess.
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