#tbhk predictions
chocor0se · 12 days
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here me out here, we know that past timeline mitsuba isn’t the original mitsuba, who we will refer to a sousuke, which means current timeline is the original (well that timelines version).
kou’s spent a lot more time with mitsuba then sousuke, so they have a bond there. but kou’s never going to forget sousuke, or that they’re not the same person no matter how alike they are.
so i think kou’s going to have to make a decision, just like the one depicted in the panel. he’s going to have to choose getting the original timeline back or keep the current one, which really will translate to choose mitsuba or sousuke
(i would also like to add that his mom and dad also play a role in this too somehow since, you know, they’re actually THERE)
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kouaesthetic · 10 months
Predictions for chapter 105
No in depth exploration of Natsuhiko's past
We see immediate effect of Natsuhiko's blood
Mirai and Kako are summoned
Clock destroyed by the end of chapter
Mitsuba turns into his supernatural form and kicks some supernatural ass
Time vortex sucks Kou and Nene into the past where Amane is alive
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random-rug-rat · 4 months
TBHK predictions for chp 111✨✨✨
New chapter coming out today!!
So based of how the last one ended, I think Tsukasa will cry after Hanako said he hates him.
It’s very unlikely!! I know!
But Since Tsukasa already thinks Hanako hate him, but hearing someone actually admit to hating you is different to thinking they hate you!
And because I want to see Tsukasa cry, not because I dislike him, but just because!😅🫶🫶
Still love him to death!!🫶🫶😚😚
Next prediction, Mitsuba will probably get a yorshiro or die, probably the former since the story is most likely leaning towards that!
And maybe new Yugi twins lore??👀👀
Anyways can’t wait!!!🫶🫶🫶
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eatmy-customjorts · 6 months
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biblically accurate terukane divorce
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professional-idiots · 5 months
TBHK Ch.110–Thoughts and feelings
1. I don’t even know what to say about this. LIKE!!?!!?! Especially because Akane always said that supernaturals only ever think about themselves!!! GUYS… I wonder if this is gonna affect him as a character and his outlook on the supernatural (anyway they’re literally siblings and I was sobbing)
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2. SOOO CURIOUS ABOUT THIS!!!! What’s the significance?? Is it a functional key? Probably… and if so what does it open?? Maybe it controls the clock somehow???? So many possibilities 😭
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3. WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE HIM. This is my SON. I love him so much and I was so happy natsuhiko went to go find him 😭😭😭😭
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4. He trusts him so fully!!! He genuinely thought natsuhiko was coming to save him!! He thought they were—if not friends then at least *friendly* HE THOUGHT HE COULD TRUST HIM
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5. When I tell you my heart DROPPED (but I am excited by all this yorishiro talk—more on that later)
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6. TBHK character stop shoving strange substances into Mitsuba’s mouth challenge (level: impossible)
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8. Friendly reminder that Teru is the worst boyfriend ever (he’s actively watching Akane eat shit)
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9. I need someone with better media literacy than me to explain what the FUCK is up with these guys bc I feel like I know but like I don’t…. Every time I think I understand shit gets weird again. Like I’m following the story but I cannot analyze this
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OK THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING!!! I’m so scared for 111 bc WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN!!!! I have so many theories and ideas and ughughughugh it was so good (even though everything that happened was bad) 8/10 (I’m giving this rating kind of arbitrarily so don’t read into it too much)
So on the yorishiro thing: I think Kou might become Mitsuba’s Yorishiro. Now I know people can become them but can living people… I dunno. However, I think it’s really likely. I’m wracking my brain on what all this Mitsuba would have to value. Not his camera because that was Sousuke’s thing. And if not his camera, then what? Kou is the one thing/person that Mitsuba has grown truly attached to.
So I think next chapter Mitsuba will be dying, but Kou will somehow be able to break from the time thingy (either he wills himself awake—like has a power flare in defense of Mitsuba—or maybe someone helps him—but who 😭) and goes over to Mitsuba and while he’s crying and being all Kou, Mitsuba is gonna like think about Kou (maybe call him his friend for the first time) and somehow in the moment Kou will become Mitsuba’s yorishiro. TRUST GUYS TRUST.
Also on Mitsuba and Kou:
POOR KOU. He looked up to natsuhiko so much when they met right before the severance 😭😭 if he’s close enough, he would’ve SEEN everything happening to Mitsuba.
And also POOR MITSUBA. He trusted natsuhiko!!!!! The good news is that Mitsuba will probably fully shift sides now and possibly make a more direct effort to help Kou Yahsiro and Hanako. Genuinely though, his mom is hurt, *he* is hurt, his friend(ish) betrayed him. My poor baby 😭 why do AidaIro hate himmmm.
I would say something super smart and informed about the twins now, but as I said: nothing about them makes any sense to me.
Ugh I seriously don’t think I can wait till next monthhhhh!!!! If AidaIro lose it and actually kill off Mitsuba…. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. 111 better be good or else 😭
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mari-lair · 9 days
I should really get back to my aoikane role swap au cause the idea of Aoi being isolated and emo with the clock keeper key and Akane in an arranged marriage with Teru is cracking me up
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amyyythestarry · 5 months
I thought about what could possibly happen in the next chapter of TBHK.
I honestly don’t think that Akane is going to die in the next chapter, because one, he’s half supernatural, and two, Hanako said a while back that someone made me remember that nothing is born or dies in a boundary. Now, Tsukasa may make that be able to happen, maybe? He’s super unpredictable, we’ve seen him beat a mystery in it’s own boundary even when Hanako couldn’t and said it couldn’t happen unless you get their yorishiro. So maybe that rule doesn’t imply to Tsukasa?
But if it does, then that means that Kako couldn’t possibly be hurt that badly, and/or he’ll recover quicker than we’d expect.
I’ve really been specifically thinking about that. If Kako isn’t gonna be unconscious for the whole time Tsukasa going to try to get to Akane, then I can only imagine how pissed he would be at Tsukasa. Mirai too. Tsukasa’s not making a good impression with them.
I imagine all of them would try to get Tsukasa, so he doesn’t get their yorishiro. The least they can do. Tsukasa’s really strong and powerful for a reason nobody knows about quite yet, but whatever the cause may be, it wouldn’t be easy getting to him.
But also, if they manage to team up on Tsukasa, with the powers they possess, I think that’d be really interesting to see.
Kako has the powers of the past, Mirai the future, and Akane the presents. If they go after Tsukasa, then they will use their powers. Maybe even try to restrain him again? Or, Kako could control his past, which I’m guessing is revert him back to his past self. Mirai could revert him into his future self, whatever that may be ( I did say this when doing the 109 chap analysis, where I wished we could have seen what the Tsukasa of TBHK future was. Would he be ‘dead’, actually would have turned to dust, or a special third thing??? ). All Akane could do is stop his time, for 5 minutes ( I think? ). Not extremely effective but it’s something.
What would Nene, Hanako and Teru do? Would they have to sit and watch things go down, or would they also try to stop Tsukasa, or stop all of them from recking havoc? I wonder especially about Hanako. Teru would probably be unwilling to help the Clock Keepers after all of this, Nene would probably want to do something but as a human, that would be difficult. Maybe Hanako would be the only one to do something, at least try? But, they all are still restraint ( Except Nene ). They wouldn’t be able to break out of the shackles, right?
Thinking about it again though, Nene would possibly be the only one who could do something. She doesn’t have shackles.
Maybe, Tsukasa will take Nene again and try to get her to find and destroy the yorishiro.
I wonder when she’ll turn back into a teenager? If Tsukasa does end up taking her with him again, and she goes back to normal, would that make things harder? She could restrain way easier. But, she’d also risk getting in the way of the ( Maybe fight? ) between Tsukasa and the Clock Keepers.
13 more days until the chapter, if I’m correct.
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worldsonlylevifan · 2 years
hey wouldnt it be fucked up if Kou became the new no 6 and Mitsuba became his yorishiro, and Hanako commands Yashiro to destroy all the yorishiros, and now Yashiro is forced to choose between her own life or Mitsuba's existence/Kou's thin strand of sanity? yeah
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cerealandchoccymilk · 10 months
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too lazy to make proper posts for the name hunt anymore. get notion'd
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larathia · 2 months
TBHK #113 - Thoughts.
I'm not going to go in depth on predictions. Right now I'm having way too much fun gleefully rubbing my hands and squeeing at each new chapter. So long we've waited for this!
We know that yeah, this timeline's going to get undone. We know that. But let's take a look at some of the fascinating tidbits a moment.
Tsukasa is still haunting the school. Why? Shouldn't he have been dead at 4, never to attend the school?
Tsukasa is playing the role of oracle - answering any question as long as you "play with him". And sometimes people don't come back from that. Wonder if they get lost in the Red House...
Amane seems to know about this - he does watch the girls do the summoning rite. He even smiles about it. Now, maybe he doesn't know supernaturals are real, in this timeline? But would it matter much to him if he DID know? He's always been mixed up about his twin.
This is the future that Tsuchigomori had in his book. But why? Why THIS future?
Didn't Tsuchi refer to Amane as a *past* colleague? So why is Amane in the school?
Is anyone else hearing alarm bells at the 'arranged marriage' between Teru and Aoi? The 'supernatural slaying clan' and the 'maiden sacrifice' clan arranging a marriage? There's some fuckeduppery going on there, right? Just about has to be?
Some thoughts/hopes/wishes for future events.
Please please please, AidaIro, let Amane and Yashiro meet in this timeline. There's three whole days. Pleeeeeeeeease. I want to see that interaction SO MUCH.
Tsuchigomori has got to be involved. Oh! What if they try to find out when things changed by looking up their pasts in their books? That's within the rules of the 4 o clock library.
On that note COULD WE SEE AMANE'S BOOK? Ooooh, please?
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miimo96 · 4 days
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As I was Revisiting some Chapters from TBHK, This conversation felt odd to me, As far as we know it's Mainly Supernaturals/Apparitions Who Can't leave the school, So him saying "You'll finally be able to go outside" Seems like a big clue regarding Sakura and her past; We know from the earlier Chapters, that Sakura is a Psychic, and is able to predict The future, hence how she knows about yashiro's lifespan, and how it'll eventually be cut Short, once all yorishiro's have been Destroyed
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but how is she able to do this? Well I think Sakura might actually be a Ghost; Tsukasa Mentions how she'll finally be able to grant her wish from 100 years ago, meaning Sakura has been around 4 a very long time, based on what we know of Tsukasa, we know that he only has the power to grant wishes for other Ghosts, judging by how he always compares himself to Hanako, and how they're basically the opposite, while hanako grants wishes for the Living, tsukasa grants them for the Dead, So putting this conversation here, is a way of saying to us the audience, that Sakura Literally is a Ghost, and has been for quite Sometime: But how did she gain these abilities? Well what if it's because Sakura, may be a Kannagi; We know Kannagis Do posses some Supernatural powers, based on what we see with Sumire's ability, to exorcise Supernaturals, So Sakura having these powers could be explained if she truly was a Kannagi
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Plus let's not forget we know tsukasa is able to manipulate other Spirits, we see this happen with mitsuba, as well as Mei shijima herself; So what if This could be a similar situation with Sakura, after all we know that the previous Kannagis who were sacrificed, end up trapped in the Red house, and since Tsukasa or rather the "GOD" is located in the red house, Tsukasa would likely be able to gain access to the other kannagis, after their sacrifice, since the ghost version of Tsukasa either IS or is in Close relation to the "GOD" he sacrificed himself to, along with other the kannagis, Then Who's to say Tsukasa wasn't able to liberate one of them to do his own bidding, similar to what he does with Mitsuba, Not to mention we see how desperate the kannagis spirits are to leave their prison in the red house, So this would explain how Sakura was able to meet tsukasa, and is FORCED to do his bidding, as we see She isn't Ok with what he's doing, based on her 1st interaction she has with yashiro, Saying that As long as they have made a Wish, they are bound to their Supernaturals, and No matter how much they Hate their Requests, they can't disobey their orders, meaning that they are both in a similar situation
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But the Biggest piece of evidence that proves Sakura is a Kannagi, is Natsuhiko; We never get much info regarding Natsuhiko, But we do know that Natsuhiko has known Sakura for a very long time, and even considers himself as her Protector, now that doesn't really tell us anything about their history, but it Does Remind me of something, mainly the relationship between Hakubo and Sumire
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As far as we know kannagis like Sumire are Always ment to have a protector, weather that be an exorcist or Even a Demon like hakubo, So what if Natsuhiko is a similar thing to Sakura, what if Natsuhiko came from the Same village that was sacrificing the Kannagis to the "GOD". This would explain why Natsuhiko acts the way he does around Sakura, because he was her Protector when she was a former kannagi, There's actually a lot of evidence to even support this, such as Natsuhiko often being portrayed as her protector, and why he ALWAYS calls her My lady, a word that is ment to address someone of high Status, and that originated in the 1700s, which I think fits in the timeline of the Kannagis being sacrificed, We actually see an example of this hinted in chapter 92, when he breaks up a tense situation between her and Tsukasa
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Though some people read this as Natsuhiko just butting in like usual, only wanting Sakura's attention for himself because of his Infatuation with her, however I don't think this way, Natsuhiko KNOWS what Tsukasa can do, and he knows that he's not always the most predicable, so its only reasonable for him to feel the need to protect Sakura from him, especially if She was his Kannagi, and is ment to protect her, However the Biggest piece of evidence came from an original work, from the second art book
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Now while there isn't much context for it, I think it does hold a lot of evidence regarding this theory, mainly because we see Natsuhiko, sitting in a rather protective pose over Sakura, With The sword he is using appearing to be either a Katana, or Tachi, which is similar to what the same Swords the exorcists are shown to be using, in the old village.
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So what if Natsuhiko was previously an Exorcist, and is Now fated to be bound to his Kannagi, with the price of Being immortal, anyway that's just my theory; but whaddya think?
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kouaesthetic · 10 months
Predictions for chapter 105
✅ No in depth exploration of Natsuhiko's past
✅ We see immediate effect of Natsuhiko's blood
❌ Mirai and Kako are summoned
✅ Clock destroyed by the end of chapter
✅ Mitsuba turns into his supernatural form and ❌kicks some supernatural ass
❌ Time vortex sucks Kou and Nene into the past where Amane is alive
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7ban-sama · 4 months
hello 7ban-sama !! i have a question.. about the mahou shojou tbhk au - so… if nene was captured by the evil horse twinsies??? would they maybe… corrupt her..??? what would happen to her ? would they take all her magic away.?????
Hiya. *placid smile* I'm being asked about my silly horsies... wow...
Ah but yes, Nene is being captured by them in my art... Well. Historically I've really liked shoujo as a teen, so I've read and watched a handful of magical girl things. I'm a fan... I even like ah, specifically the cheesiness of villains flirting with the heroine. So imagine my delight, that AidaIro would have the Yugi twins as some sort of dastardly villain counterparts to mahou shoujo Nene-chan...!! So exciting!
Kidnapping was my most immediate thought, I wanted to see it. 9.9 I imagine that Amane has been taunting Nene for a while on her adventures, but it's never felt too 'serious' to Nene... The twins, they are strange, Tsukasa like fangirls over Amane being cool, and Amane doesn't seem like he's taking anything too seriously either. Cycle of: they banter, they battle it out, they all go home at the end of the day. (The twins tf into unicorns and trot off together. Or, Amane like rides, Tsukasa, hyaa.) Episodic, whimsical. So at first when she's captured by them, she thinks this will be rote, that she will be rescued eventually or outsmart them. The twist is this is going to be permanent... (Like if this was an anime you were watching, you'd be shocked, wait what do you mean she's not going home? What? What happened to all the other stuff?)
I think the first thing Amane does is strip her of her power, like break her wand... I imagine that what lets Nene transform is some bond with Yako (?) as she seems to be standing in as a magical companion of some sort ww, but I think she would be channeling her abilities through the wand she's wielding. Breaking it would mean she can't cast spells etc. for the time being, and while being kept away from her companions she can't get help recuperating her ability. She will stay in her magical girl form until she is fully exhausted physically, however.
Nene still believes things are normal at this point, she thinks she will endure whatever... Random evil things they will do, use her as bait, or try and abuse her powers, huff huff-!! What she can't predict is that it has nothing to do with that... Amane has come to covet her, wants to steal her away. Imagine he hasn't even consulted with his 'faction', this is entirely personal, his own desire. It's... Amane, so he's become convinced that Nene is so into him, she's just playing hard to get at this point. Enough games though... Done with playing games.
While Amane is thinking all of this, Nene is... further behind, she may sometimes wonder if he "likes" her, but also doubt it since he's... evil?? Pfshh... So— while she is bound in rope, and Amane begins rambling, implying that this has been a long time coming, she is not thinking the same things he is. As he. Like starts, groping her, jkjfgh... and Tsukasa is behind her, restraining her, being instructed to move her around for Amane. Instructed to touch her as well! Confusing, disorienting, wait where am I-? That's how Nene feels.
I do imagine it being, fully noncon, something sprung upon her, ignoring any of her protests. Gets treated like she's being a difficult mare. Further restrained and made to wear (functionally) fetish gear, in the form of horse gear like, bit, halter, hobbles. Passed between the twins, run ragged. My vision, is VERY EXCESSIVE...!! But the point is that Nene is a normal girl, she had 'normal' expectations of what this dynamic was. Not ready for what Amane wants of her! The next shock would be that they don't release her at the end of this, even as Nene-chan has gone back to her normal, non-magical self. Just carry her off into the lair, keep her...
At this point, I do think of corruption...!! Both psychologically and magically. The first stage is just... excessive... sex... so much sex kfjfghg kind of mind-breaking Nene through this all. I think it's a little grim initially, really, because Amane has to process that she really was um, unprepared, and I think Nene would become despondent realizing she just won't be going home? And none of her team has found her or come for her... She doesn't feel valuable to them yet, and now she doesn't know what they're capable of, so there's this nebulous dread... Amane is kind of like, moody yandere, why aren't you happy to be trapped with me forever. But well, persistent as well, not going to let her go... Over time though I think Nene uncontrollably feels the allure of villain romance, and the, mystic being, unicorn, parts, like wait. I'm like their fair virgin maiden they couldn't resist. *really thinks about it* ... also it's crazy sex but also it feels good, there's just a point where it's like ahnghh wait but what IF this is my life. Forever now. HM.............
The magic part however... I actually owe it to my wife, she came up with something really interesting — a sort of magical horn that could TF Nene into a unicorn as well. But Amane would have to stab it into her skull. Simultaneously it would mind-wipe her, reduce her, made into a beautiful horsie as well... I thought of an extreme ending where Amane and Tsukasa give up their human forms and give up all they were doing, to live with this unicorn Nene. It'd be a crazy commitment though so it's the final note in their story, if that came to pass. Like Amane realizing he doesn't want anything else but to be with her and Tsukasa in some magical forest eternally together.
Ultimately I think they'd all have magic still, between them all. It's just that they're giving up the powers specifically granted by whatever their little familiars are, and whatever destiny they are tied to. It's like a story where the main character and the villains escape out of their roles... I mean, really it's a dumb hentai, but you know.
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mokkemusic · 2 months
Have some thoughts about my feelings toward the latest TBHK chapter what emotions and questions and responses it’s now stirred in me with this altered time line. Also a note no I didn’t waste time editing I just wanted to jot my thoughts down so yea.
There is just so much I want to unpack with this. But I guess I just lost a lot of confidence with my thoughts and feeling for a while in every regard so I don’t know if I have the right words or I make sense but man MAN
I was just talking to Erin today about what if we do see Amane in his 60’s with the life he was supposed to live the dreams he was supposed to have! And ok maybe he really can’t make it all the way to the moon but he can think about the moon everyday and look at the stars and share his passion for that to kids who’s he’s teaching astrology to. He can live a life!
And not to be too depressing about this but really the story of Amane at his core is that if you die there is nothing for you. And I know that sounds horrible but that’s the point. We see this silly ghost boy through Nene and everyone’s perspective but then we have these moments that are like no … he’s dead. There is no future there’s nothing.
But imagine we really see a flesh and blood Amane who got to grow up. Now I know that some people have expressed how well they don’t want to see that cause that would mean Hananene wasn’t together and thats ok trust me I somehow want something where things could work out too so much but I’m not Aidairo and I can’t predict any direction. But I don’t think that .. I think we’re seeing this because just like the picture perfect arc and just like even bookstacks even though this is a “real” yet altered timeline and not a picture world it’s gonna show the gravity of the situation when we don’t see that school hat and the seal on his cheek or Hakojoudai. But a lab coat and graying hair and wrinkles and a character filled with memories and accomplishments no matter how small. How his presence and him being alive affects people. What relationships he’s never had a chance to form, what students he’s touched, who he’s maybe gotten to love (before throw daggers at me yes that’s the bittersweet of this like I said don’t think this is the final timeline but if it is I can’t control that) I just know I am gonna have so many mixed emotions for feeling Nenes conflicted emotions, for feeling the pride and peace of that non existent guilt Tsuchigomori harbors, and for myself who got into Hanako and deeply as she did because of bookstacks. I loved and it was great fun. But when they showed the glimpse of “oh that’s.. oh” no matter what I will cry so much when I think about bookstacks when I think about how Amane sat on that ledge and said “he didn’t want to go anywhere ever again” and then he didn’t. It wasn’t uplifting it was just something that Tsuchigomori held onto for years and years, with his most precious possession being the moon rock his student left in his care cause he couldn’t take it with him where he was going.
The amount of fics we’ve all written about how we wanted to see Amane as a teacher and happy or an Astronaut… I can’t explain why it affects me the way that it does but that’s MY thing. The part that got me the most a boy that wanted to go to the moon and (even though we don’t have all the details and background as to how much control he had over it) then essentially let go of all that and life.
So at the same time I would be feeling the angst and the pain if Aidairo is gracious enough to let us see him (and not just a photo that doesn’t have have his full face on Tsuchigomoris desk) I will also be conflicted-ly sobbing tears of joy. Just getting to see this.
Who knows what if the reason he’s Tsuchigomoris former co worker is because he really did then go on to become an astronaut or some position closer to reaching and studying the moon then just being an astrology teacher with the support of his colleagues and students.
I don’t think so but it’s a nice dream you know? 🥹
What if not only we get to see as readers but what if Nene herself somehow gets to see that. The conflicted emotions and sadness and happiness inside me will just truly break me and make me think and yea…
It would have impact. I just hope in whatever capacity this arc really can show that the harsh reality.
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fav tbhk character??
SO!! I think you can predict that it's Mit2suba (and Sousuke/M1tsuba) , but respond it in that way is boring... I have to explain why,, in details,,, like the neurodivergent bitch I am ໒( ●ܫฺ ●)ʋ
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`✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´
Personally, most of what attracts me to him is the huge kin I have in this lil bud. as they say, an apple doesn't fall far from its tree.
But that's not the only reason why Mitsuba/Sousuke is my favorite character (of all time) the character is so well written that it hurts, I think he is one of the few best developed characters in tbhk, always with the MINIMUM details, even if you can barely see it (for example the big scar he has on the back of his neck, given by the form in which he died).
The "hostility" presented, just to not demonstrate how fragile he is; his great desire to have friends/be remembered but not being able to do this due to his problem of not being able to demonstrate his real desires... but if you really try to understand the character, you'll see that he is just a boy who doesn't know what he's doing with the life he's been given, and just wants to try to make the most of it in the best possible way, being himself without any mask to please people (kind of like Sousuke did when he was alive); being completely socially awkward because of the bullying he suffered...
Mitsuba is arrogant, foul-mouthed, and very confident in himself, especially his appearance, and often brags about how cute he is. He has a tendency to call people rude nicknames and is not afraid to insult, also showing himself to cry quickly, especially in threatening situations... he just wants to protect himself
Despite being this rude and noisy, Mitsuba also has a calmer side. He becomes visibly discouraged when talking about his past, feels alone easily, and although he seems to have difficulty being honest (choosing to use harsh words), he is sometimes able to genuinely express happiness and kindness.
And I think his personality actually just keeps things so good to read, I don't know why have people who hate him.
He's simply too good a character to be forgotten, don't you think?
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`✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´
His story is almost one of overcoming, let's agree for love's sake.
Being Sousuke or Mitsuba, they both went through A LOT of difficulty.
He died after being run over on his mother's birthday while going to buy FUCKING POTATOES; he died being turned into a donut by a 13 year old being WHILE HE WAS TRYING TO BE SINCERE WITH HIS FEELINGS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AN ETERNITY; he died by Hanako after attacking Kou; Was recreated and disappeared due to the Severance, becoming FUCKING DORITOS; he died disappearing again in the aquarium date; AND HE'S PROBABLY GOING TO DIE NOW AGAIN BECAUSE OF NATSUHIKO.
WHAT IDA AND IRO HAVE IN MIND? going crazy/gen
Not to mention the nightmare that was his life while he was alive.
"I tried talking to... every person I thought was my friend... But none of them knew it was me. ...Only I... remembered."
Imagine not having friends and being bullied for being the way you are, so you get all your shit together and try to be nice to people just so to you return from your miserable death and no one remember you? damn Sousuke.
Having the friendship that Mitsuba has with Kou knowing that he only sees him as his friend who no longer exists (Sousuke) is something that must haunt him, considering all the trauma he has about it in his memories, kind of distancing him from the only real friend he has now. (ofc that changes with time but ouch)
And when he died? was not remembered by those he considered friends.
That hurts.
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`✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕗 𝕀 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵'
AidaIro rescued Mitsuba in a way that many didn't even imagine possible. By transforming a simple spirit that wandered in an attempt to resolve its pending issues into one of Kamome Academy's Seven School Mysteries. It showed that even an apparently small character can stand out when used correctly. Mitsuba remains an arrogant, cocky, good-hearted boy who loves his camera. In a new background, the character gains new possibilities, not being completely tied to old events, giving Mitsuba an opportunity to not just be another tool of Yugi Tsukasa or an old friend of Minamoto Kou.
He's crazy, he's silly, he's effeminate, he's a gay boy in denial, he's cocky, he has a very strong personality, he has a lot of trauma, he causes me a lot of problems because he's my top kin who wins 1st place by a landslide, but he It's my favorite.
I also have other favorites in toilet bound hanako-kun, but no one can hold a candle to him. I love him so much and I just want him to be happy oml (ミዋ ﻌ ዋミ)ノ
#☆@mari-lair analysis mention ; @soiituko analysis mention; and short parts that belongs to the fandom wiki
#☆I'm writing for almost 3h so if i misspelled something, don't be shy, correct me!
#♡If you want to ask something, go ahead, ask box is open for literally anything
#♡opinions very appreciated!
〜ɢᵒᵒᵈ ɴⁱᵍᵗʰ( ᵕᴗᵕ)*・☪︎·̩͙
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mari-lair · 11 months
Question for you, as I've been reading some of your tbhk analysis posts, notably about teru's treatment of akane and your prediction for akane dying soon! Since teru seems to want to acknowledge the human side of akane, how do you think he'd handle something happening to akane, such as him losing supernatural powers/being weakened, or maybe the opposite in losing his humanity and becoming a supernatural fully instead? Do you think the newest chapter may even imply teru having something to do with such a thing happening to akane or being witness to it?
I think Teru would handle Akane being weakened poorly at the start cause he treats Akane as if he is indestructible: No matter how beaten up Akane is, Teru never hesitates to use him as a stress relief, he is his first target whenever he wants to hit something
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He understands Akane is seriously injured here, but he will still attack Akane if he feels like it. Regardless if he did it because he was frustrated by his failure of being too late to save them both, and took his frustrations out on Akane, or because he was jealous his (ambiguous af) crush kissed someone else, Teru still shows no hesitation to beat up the stabbed guy that is only alive because he isn't in a human body.
He did it again when they left the boundary and reached the near shore, where people can die.
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He obviously doesn’t want to kill Akane, but it is still a wild choice to kick his ass to show he is in critical condition, is as if Teru believes “if I punch him he’ll be in pain” not “if I punch him I’ll cause damage.” despite the confidence Teru has in his own strength.
I can’t be sure what is going on in his head, but I am inclined to say he understands Akane's strange half supernatural powers and how much resistance it gives him compared to a normal human, which makes me think of two things that might happen if Akane gets weaker or lose his powers completely: Either Teru will know the exact limitations of Akane weakened state, or he’ll miscalculate, and end up doing something that Akane would usually be able to brush off, but will genuinely injury or even make him black out: Which would be one hell of a wake-up call.
Teru would lose his biggest stress relief and have to adapt to that.
Fortunately, I don’t think their banter and overall dynamic would be affected, since Akane would not change his no nonsense approach with Teru just cause he got weaker. They seem far more relaxed near each other now too, and we don't see Akane being tied up after the severance. But if Teru still bullies him off the pages, I can see Teru tripping him and doing the 'lighter' bullying, but still being more stressed in the long run since he needs to hold back (please find a better way to relieve stress teru I beg of you).
That being said... Teru’s trust in his power and his willingness to involve Akane in supernatural situations might lower, or even disappear, without his clock keeper powers.
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He might get more protective too, since Akane knows about supernaturals, so he lost what Teru considers a normal human’s best defense against them.
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And whenever he feels like Akane is in danger he jumps into protection mode quickly.
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If Akane gets so weak he ceases to even see supernaturals  (which considering Aoi’s case I find it unlikely) then I can see a disconnect happening. It will be felt far more by Teru than Akane since Akane ignores the supernatural world as much as possible, while that’s Teru’s whole life.  Still, outside Teru feeling a disconnect at times, I still can’t see it drastically changing things, cause they could work together and talk normally when Akane used his enchanted glasses, their talk mostly about Teru’s siblings and Aoi, and they may have gotten closer because of the severance, but they can absolutely bond with nonsupernatural affairs too.
If the contrary happens and Akane dies, becoming a full supernatural, I answered how I personally feel like Teru (+others) might react: Here.
As for the later chapter, it feels like that was a set up for Teru to have a relevant role in this arc, but we don’t have nearly enough information to know which. It could be related to Akane, or foreshadow him meeting the broadcasting club, who knows? The only thing it says for sure is that Teru knows others are interested in Akane, or more specifically, in the clock keepers power.
Which is something he knew for a while already.
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A lot of people must be interested in the clock keeper’s powers for him to know the culprit has a tsueshiro, and not immediately assume Hanako is the one behind it.
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