#task 003
davxdalexander · 10 months
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rosewmu · 4 months
Marley couldn’t have imagined a better date for the formal event. Even though Elliott could have gone with a milllion other people (no she was not exaggerating) he agreed to accompany her. He styled her hair and applied makeup. Made her feel like Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink. He even went so far as to get them matching angel and devil temporary tattoos. He made her feel special and appreciated.
While she can totally say he’s wild and crazy (glitter loving and all) she can also argue that he’s the kindest person she’s ever met. He’s literally always there for her. No matter what. He’s wildly talented in the arts and the perfect mentor. She’s beyond grateful she can call him her friend.
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nickitxrres · 10 months
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mxyacho · 10 months
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reneebrxndxn · 10 months
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deathspecters · 2 years
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outfitted in STRENGTH ARMOR, daniel has sacrificed some of the extra maneuverability that dexterity armor offers in favor of more durable attire. his outfit consists almost entirely of thick black leather and some metal plating, complete with arm guards, boots, a sleeveless vest, and tight ( but not too tight! ) pants—as well as offering protection, these double as an easy way to keep his limbs properly attached. finally, the most visually obvious parts of his costume are a half-cloak and a skull mask. on the nose? maybe, but it works well!
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stardomiscalling · 4 months
Rachel was actually pleasantly surprised when Brody asked her to the ball. While they had known one another for quite some time, outside of some minor flirting, he hadn’t overtly shown interest. So when he asked, it did in fact catch her a bit off-guard. That being said, she’d always thought he was talented (a triple threat like her), handsome, sexy and incredibly charismatic. All qualities she valued in a potential partner (both platonic as well as romantic). At the dance, Brody proved himself to be a wonderful date (with a large amount of restraint). While at the beginning of the dance there was quite a bit of demand for his time and affection (those attempting turn his eye will remain nameless), Brody proved to be quite the gentleman. He focused his attention on her. A key move for a starlet who needs the spotlight like people need air and water for survival.
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montgomery-cannon · 8 months
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task oo3. treasure
Monty isn't a particularly sentimental person. Things, like people, are meant to be temporary in his life, and he has earned the luxury of disposability. Relationships tend to hold higher value for him than objects.
There is one object, however, that he is fiercely proud of. Upon emerging Victorious from the 115th Games, his father had an ornate, decorative dagger commissioned from pure District Two-forged steel. It's hilt is inlaid with stonework also from the District, and Monty has it polished and sharpened on a monthly basis. It hangs in the entryway of his home in the Victor's Village, and though it has never seen actual combat, Monty secretly hopes some day he will be able to truly christen it.
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ellemora-datum · 1 year
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task oo3. the parade
It was showtime.
Ellemora felt like she living too fast. She wanted to touch everything, look at everything, lick everything. The hair products. The fabric on the walls. The Capitolites who looked like the ice cream cones only the wealthiest in Three could afford. She wanted everything to move in slow motion so that she could absorb it all. But of course, that wasn't going to happen.
It felt as if she hadn't even fallen asleep before the parade was upon her. Her escort had woken her, she had breakfasted on honey and fruit - food she literally had only ever dreamed of - and was whisked to a day of pampering and luxury. Her eyes shone like LED screens back home as she tried to take everything in and mentally catalogue it. The name of the color on her nails was "Amethyst Gray." Her shoes were designed by Bobbi Blue. Someone named Artemis (who went by Arti) had spent an hour cleaning her teeth.
Why wouldn't things slow down? Just for a moment. Ellemora wasn't sure she had even taken a proper breath of the artificially scented air or seen the way the sun glinted of the glass buildings before it was setting. Had she properly felt the lace on her skin as she was dressed for the parade? Had she actually seen her District Partner and Mentors? Had she satisfactorily heard the roar of the crowd as a chariot pulled the two of them down the aisle?
In fact, it wasn't until the chariot was turning around that she remembered she had a façade to hold up at all. It occurred to her suddenly that she had been staring, mouth agape, at the throngs of people there. She hadn't returned a single wave. She hadn't nodded to one fan. She hadn't even smiled.
In that moment, everything clicked into place, even if she couldn't see all the pieces. This was real. She was here. The past two days hit her as if by train. She was actually doing it. Something that she called excitement - but truthfully could have been any number of negative emotions - erupted out of her face. She shrieked, throwing her hands in the air to wave them frantically. She blew kisses, tossed her hair, beamed out at the crowds. They were here for her, after all. They were all here to cheer her on. To her death. To her victory.
It was time to show them all what District Three could be.
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ofxbrokenxkenners · 2 years
Task 003-photography
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Ft. @cfsupernovas @insolentveins @abilunaeclipse @ozzykenner @witchravenkenner
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traegics · 2 months
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"A photograph is the pause button of life."
@ofhowlingxs @fragmcntedsouls @vilisisms @bvsyhead @bellaxgarcia
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tinatm · 11 days
▶ glee club task: week three: "homecoming" - duet with @blaineshq
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jessetm · 7 days
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JESSE ST. JAMES ↪ homecoming dance outfit
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ofwindydays · 1 month
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The Deleted Photos- Bejo Edition
Because truth be told I don't keep anything in my life for long. Not even pictures. I rather people think I'm a pretious fuck then someone who misses them. It's easier this way.
@bellaxgarcia @ofhowlingxs @traegics @badvlantex @l-chirawanwaite
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never-rpg · 1 year
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For one week, beginning the day you reblog this post to your character’s blog, any anonymous questions you receive that are directed at your muse must be answered honestly. There is no time limit to when these asks must be answered, but if they were received within the one week window, then they must be honestly answered. You can do this in-character or out-of-character as long as the answer is truthful. This is an exciting way for the rest of the group to peer inside the mind of your muse and it makes for some great reflection and character development for you! 
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Participation in these tasks are by no means required. They’re fun things meant to enrich your rp experience here at NEVER RPG, not stress you out. This isn’t homework. You won’t be graded. There’s no test, I swear! To participate, simply reblog this post and take not of when your week will be up!
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mayrarcjas · 10 months
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