#tales of Brumus and Lady Ombre
sassyduckqueen · 2 months
So this is Dark Luka's civilian design in the dark world.
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I wanted it to reflect and mimic the Anatisverse Luka while still been different. As you can tell, I've got with a more emo/punk look for him, changing his hoodie for a leather jacket and adding more rips in his jeans. I chose a toxic green for his hair and gave him more pale skin. He has combat boots and a nose piercing. Unlike the good Luka, he doesn't wear a jagged stone shirt as he has a lot of angry towards his parents for abandoning him. Instead, I put a snake skeleton design on it. There's four reasons for this. The first reason is that its a reference to the snake miraculous. The second reason is because he is the host of Simme, who takes the form of a leviathan aka a sea serpent, the third reason is because the Supreme's symbol is a snake instead of a phoenix and finally because he is as deceptive as a snake in this universe. This is also why i drew out three expressions. This version of Luka is a manipulator and will use any technique to get what he wants regardless of if it's intimidation or a nice smile. He will play people and convince them to join him as both Luka or Brumus. Very few people see his true personality. I also made his guitar look more sharp and harsh
Brumus and Lady Ombre
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sassyduckqueen · 7 months
So here's my design for the butterfly ladybug unification for Luka in my upcoming special for the Anatisverse.
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Based on the Cinnabar moth and unified with the ladybug miraculous, Luka becomes the hero Cinnabug. I know the name is not as creative as I normally go but I really like it so its staying. I wanted him to look almost ethereal looking and almost like royalty so I decided to give him certain features that he normally doesn't have such as the pointed ears. His outfit is loosely based on his butterfly form I drew up but mixed with his anatis suit. I also added aspects of the Cinnabar moth hence the red pants and the design of his tail coat. I also still wanted to include purple as the moth miraculous is purple themed.
Anyway I think I achieved a good look for him so I'm happy with it. Also keep an eye out. The special based on Miraculous: Paris will be out soon. I did intend to release it for Halloween but sadly things happened and I wasn't able to.
Also here's what a Cinnabar Moth looks like.
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Look how pretty it is XD
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sassyduckqueen · 5 months
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis Special 5
Hey peeps! I'm alive!! Sorry this took so long. I've been having quite the interesting time. Both good and bad things. Cosplay making took up a lot of the time but it paid off. I'll tell you all about it on tumblr when I post my latest pics and then there was family issues. Long story short, I had to cut my sister off permanently. I don't want to go into detail but please don't be worried. It was a long time coming and I feel like I've made the right choice. I'm doing better since I made the choice as well. Anyway, here's my version of the Miraculous special for Paris. Enjoy :D
Edit: OK so I edited and post this at 6am with very little sleep so there's probably a load of crappy grammar going on(I'll edit it later) but also I forgot to put a spoiler warning on this so here it is!!
Spoiler Warning!! This chapter is set just before Gang Of Secrets and contains some little spoilers for it.
If you guys want, I'll go through my specials and release a timeline for them so you know how they fit into the timeline
Chapter Five: Miraculous: Tales of Brumus and Lady Ombre
"Hello and welcome," The voice of the news reporter Nadja Chamuck echoed through the basement as in the distance explosions echoed. Standing in front of the tv was an older gentleman with a worried look on his face. Despite his worried expression, he wore a very bright outfit. The shirt he wore was very light purple and he had a bright purple tailcoat that resembled a butterfly's wings. In the middle of his coat was a white triangle and from it the form of a butterfly spreaded out, acting as its collar. His pants and shoes matched his coat and he had loose silver hair. Upon his face was a butterfly shaped mask with the same white triangle over the eye parts. In his hand was a cane and a purple brooch was adorned on the ruffled collar he had on. Next to him was a younger looking girl. She had curly brown hair that was shaved on the side. She wore a faded denim jacket and ripped jeans. Like the older woman, she had glasses but her frames were purple. "Once again, Anatis and Lady Noir were able to defeat him and Paris was saved yet again. Clara, you're live on the scene-"
"Is it ready?" The man asked as the tv signal messed up. He looked down towards a robot that was fixed to the TV and had a face on it. "Can we make the jump?"
"There's a 92.8 % statistical chance of landing in the world where these source images originate," The face on the computer declared with a worried expression as the lighting turned red and an alarm sounded. The two of them looked behind them with panic as the lift came down and opened. A man dressed in rock star garb and a teenage boy dressed in skater clothing ran in. The older man was holding onto a rifle as the teenage boy held a baseball bat. He gestured for the boy to get behind him as he held his gun up, ready to fire.
"I'm sorry! We couldn't hold them back!" The boy gasped, rushing over to the rest of them. "They're coming,"
"We don't have a choice," The woman gasped, looking at the man in purple.
"I understand," He replied with a sombre look on his face. He closed his eyes before opening them and releasing the butterfly concealed in his hand. "Fly, my kamiko and magnify the glimmer of hope that shines in Alya Ceraise's heart,"
The butterfly merged with the younger girl's glasses, causing her eyes to wide as he spoke to her.
"Ubiquity, I am Atlas," He declared as the floor above the lift got destroyed and two figures jumped down. "I am giving you the power to connect to the parallel world we have found so we can find help. With this, I am exposing you to many perils and placing a great burden on your shoulders. Do you accept it for the greater good?"
"I do," Alya declared with determination, giving Atlas a sense of hope. He needed to find a way to find the heroes of the other Paris and from what he had observed from the images and videos they were able to find, one Marinette Dupain-Cheng had a personal relationship with the hero of that world. It just happened that one of her friends was that world's Alya which is how his plan was formed. Using his powers, he would transform Alya into a superheroine that would allow them to cross into that world by connecting with her counterpart. He allowed her to take the power, causing her form to change. From her glasses, a light purple smog spreaded over her body and transformed her into a new being. Her new costume was a purple suit with stars and her body had become something akin to a floating veil. Her hair had turned bright purple and she had a glass mask over her eyes. Her body rose up as she held out her arms, waiting for the command. The sound of a crack was here as the glass in the lift was broken. The two figures jumped over and landed in front of the man with a gun. He began to fire at them, causing Atlas to look at them before he turned to Ubiquity.
"Open the gate and close it as soon as I'm through," He ordered. She nodded and used her power, causing her body to expand. Atlas jumped through as the two figures dodged the bullets. He hoped he could find help.
~Main Universe, Current Time~
Luka gasped as he jolted away, sweat dripping down his skin. His eyes were wide in terror and he was breathing heavily as he shook. Tikki, Snapp and Stingg were looking over at him with concern as he sucked in a deep breath before Stingg flew over with hesitation. Luka didn't seem to notice him as he flopped down onto his bed. His breathing was starting to calm down and he moved his hand to his hair.
"M-Master?" Stingg whispered. "Ar-Are you ok?"
Luka opened his eyes, looking over at the kwami before sitting up and gently cupping him in his hands.
"I'm..." He cut himself off, causing the kwamis to look more concerned. Luka knew why. He wanted to tell them that he was ok but he couldn't. That would be a lie and he wasn't going to lie but he didn't want to worry them either. "It's fine. I just had a nightmare again... by the way, you don't have to call me Master. Luka is just fine,"
"B-But... y-you're my n-new master..." Stingg replied as Tikki and Snapp flew over.
"No, I'm not your master," Luka replied, making Stingg look at him. "I'm your friend and you're my friend so I'm happy for you to refer to me as Luka,"
"O-ok... Luka..." 
"Are you sure you're ok?" Tikki asked, flying over and gently placing her paw on his cheek. She looked at him and her concern grew. His eyes were almost blank like there was nothing in them and then there were the dark circles. "Was it the usual dream?"
"Or Lady Blanche?" Snapp asked, making Tikki glare at him but she knew it was a possibility.
"No, it's fine," Luka replied, giving them a little smile but it didn't reach his eyes. "It was neither of them... I've never had this dream before but it was... strange... it felt like Feng's power and the dreams I had about Lady Blanche,"
All of the kwamis looked at each other before Tikki cleared her voice.
"What did you see in it?" She asked, making him frown as he thought about it. "Luka?"
"There was a butterfly holder in it and they made an akuma," He muttered, trying to recall it. "They seemed afraid of something but I don't know what,"
"How did the dream end?"
"The butterfly holder went through a portal to-" Luka's eyes widened as he recalled one of the most important details. The akumatized was Alya and Alya was currently sleeping over at Marinette's tonight. He quickly jumped up and grabbed his phone, dialling her number but it only went to her voicemail. He hung up and swiped his earrings. "Tikki! Spots on!"
He transformed and turned to the other two kwamis.
"Please stay here and keep hidden," He requested, getting a nod from the two of them before they hid in his guitar case. Stingg seemed to like hiding in there and Snapp was happy to stay with him. Reassured that the kwamis were happy and hidden, Anatis turned to the porthole and opened it. He climbed out of it and swung off into the night.
~At the Same Time in Marinette's House~
"Ah ha! Take that!" Alya declared, jumping up as she finally beat Marinette at the game they were playing. Marinette laughed and clapped her hands as Alya did a victory dance before she sat down and took a slip of her drink. "I can't believe I finally beat you!"
"It only took you a few years," Marinette grinned, making Alya gasp with shock and pretend to be wounded. She couldn't help but smile, happy that her and Alya had reached a good point. Sure, there was a time where she thought Alya would never be her friend again but she had grown so much since having the wake up call as they called it. She had taken her blog more seriously and made sure to get real sources for the things she reported. She had grown as a friend and as a person to the extent where Anatis had even decided to allow her to continue being a member of team miraculous. She had wielded the monkey miraculous on a couple of occasions now and it helped a lot. Not just that but Alya was trying to be a better person overall. She was mindful of how she acted. She had devoted a lot of her time searching for Shadow Moth's identity and was a great help when it came to dealing with the American heroes. She had proven herself enough to allow Marinette to have her round for a sleep over again and it reminded her how much she missed it but also how much she needed it. Especially with the hard time she was going through with her hero life and her civilian life. Luka hadn't been himself recently, especially after the attack and she was trying her hardest to help him. However, he didn't open up to her. She knew why. Luka didn't want to make her worried or stressed out. Sometimes she hated how selfless he was but she also knew she would never change him for the world. As for her hero life, Anatis was still struggling to deal with that future he faced but they were both trying to find a way to prevent it, even though she had no idea what she was preventing.
"Earth to Marinette?"
"Hm?" She replied, glancing at Alya who gave her a look.
"You zoned out there," She replied, making her blink. "You ok?"
"Yeah... I'm just worried about Luka," She admitted, making Alya frown. "He's been so down recently and I don't know how to help him. Everytime I ask him if he's ok, he just changes the subject or brushes off his emotions. Do you think he feels like he can't approach me?"
"No way She replied, gently holding her shoulders. "I don't think Luka feels like he can't approach you. I bet he just doesn't want to worry you. Luka is so selfless that he probably doesn't want you to be burdened,"
"I know but I feel like a bad girlfriend,"
"Trust me when I say you're not," She replied, making Marinette frown. "Marinette, you don't ne-"
Alya suddenly cut off, gasping and screwing her eyes closed as if something just disturbed her.
"Alya?" Marinette asked as she let out a small scream and jumped up, gripping her glasses as she stumbled away from her. Marinette jumped up as she fell to her knees and gripped her head. "Alya?!"
A bright light engulfed her, causing Marinette to raise her arms to protect her before it disappeared, revealing Alya floating in the air, dressed in a new form. Her new costume was a purple suit with stars and her body had become something akin to a floating veil. Her hair had turned bright purple and she had a glass mask over her eyes. She was holding her arms out and the veil was looking closer to a portal. Marinette stared at it before a man in a purple butterfly suit jumped out, surprising her. Without a shadow of a doubt, he was clearly the butterfly holder but it was impossible. Shadow Moth didn't know she was Lady Noire and there hadn't even been an akuma in her room. She also noticed the man's outfit was different to Shadow Moth's outfit. For one thing, he didn't have the peacock miraculous but he also lacked Shadow Moth's butterfly mask. In fact, his design was completely different. However, it could be a trick. She had to be careful. She went to transform but Plagg shook his head at her, making her stop as the man looked around the room before his eyes landed on her. To her surprise, they didn't contain hatred or bitterness like she expected Shadow Moth's to but instead were filled with desperation, sorrow and a small glimmer of hope.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" He asked, surprising her. "Forgive my intrusion and please don't be scared. My name is Atlas and I need you to lead me to the holders of the miraculous of the ladybug and the black cat in this world,"
"Anatis and Lady Noire?" She asked, frowning before holding up her hands. "I d-don't know how to find them. I don't know them. I'm just Marinette. I'm just a normal girl-"
"I beg you," He gasped, taking her by surprise. Shadow Moth would never beg. "Please take me to them. I know you have a friendship with them and they are my last hope,"
"Last Hope?" She asked, frowning. "I'm sorry but I can't just call Anatis. I'm not as close to him as you might think,"
He let out a sigh as the floating Alya turned into light before shrinking down. She remained in her akuma form but seemed to be completely Alya. She looked around confused as she leaned on some of the wooden beams that held up the room.
"Marinette?!" She gasped, seeing her before seeing the newcomer. "What just happened?"
"You transformed into..." She gestured to her but didn't know what to call her new form.
"Ubiquity," Atlas explained, making both of them look at him. "In the universe where I come from, Alya Cerasie is one of my allies,"
He turned to look at Alya.
"She connected her power to you in order to open a gateway between our two worlds," He continued, making Alya look at him with an expression of sheer confusion. "I chose her to be my champion as we learnt that you two have a friendship. By connecting with you, it would bring me to Miss Marinette here and I hoped in turn she could lead me to the heroes of this world,"
"Huh?!" Alya gasped before shaking her head. "Is this another one of Hawk Moth's Schemes?!"
"Hawk Moth?" Atlas asked but before anyone could explain, Alya cried out in pain again as she gripped her head before turning back into the gateway, causing Atlas to gasp and step back.
"I'm sorry! They made me open again!" She gasped, struggling as if she was holding something back. "I can't hold them back for long,"
She opened her eyes in pure terror.
"Run!" She shouted, making Atlas gasp and pick up Marinette.
"You can't stay here!" He gasped, looking around the room for an exit. "They are merciless,"
He jumped towards the skylight as Marinette cried out before jumping off the roof as Plagg floated. Ubiquity struggled as a figure stepped through the gateway, holding the robot in his hand. In a way, he resembled Anatis but looked much darker. His costume was almost completely black. He had a red collar, red fingers, red details on his boots, gloves and belt while the rest of the outfit was completely black. Unlike Anatis who had several spots on his costume with yellow halos around them, he had a pattern that resembled two commas on his chest area in a blood red. The pattern was repeated on his mask, arms, zipper and his yoyo. His hair styled the same way as Anatis but had short red tips while the rest of it was black. His eyes were a dark blue but looked completely lifeless and had no light in them. His skin was so pale that he made a corpse look alive which amplified his already terrifying appearance. He glanced around as another figure stepped out of the gateway, dragging their version of Nino with them. She had her fingers to his head, holding a cataclysm to him. Like the other, she resembled Lady Noire of this world. Only like a broken version of her. Her outfit was almost exactly the same, apart from a toxic green panel down the middle of her costume that had black cracks over it. Her mask was black with green cracks over it as well. Her eyes resembled a cat's but they also had black cracks through them. Her braid was thicker than Lady Noire's and resembled a scorpion's tail a little. Her belt buckle still had a paw print but the background had the black cracks in it. Her lips were stained black and her skin was extremely pale. The most concerning part was the black vein appearing below her lip, looking like she's consumed some sort of poison. The guy glanced over with a look of annoyance as Nino trembled.
"Why is he still here? Get rid of him," He asked as he threw the robot head aside, causing the Lady Noire look alike to shrug and push him back into the gateway. She called off her Cataclysm as he glanced around the room. He grabbed a belt that was hung and used it to tie Ubiquity up, causing her to fall onto the ground before he roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her head up so she was looking at him. "The only reason why you're alive right now is because you're still useful to me so be a good girl and don't go anywhere,"
He dropped her head, causing it to hit the ground hard before going straight to the computer and narrowing his eyes. The wallpaper showed a happy couple. He recognized the boy in it as a variation of his civilian self. The evil cat wandered over and looked at the image.
""Oooh, he's cute," She sighed happily, making him roll his eyes before she glared at him. "Unlike you,"
"Of course, he's your type," He stated, moving away and jumping up to her bed. "A weak, sensitive musician. Just as pathetic as you,"
"So what if I like musicians?! At least, they actually have an emotion level unlike you!" She growled as he glanced over at the images by her bed. "Why did bitterfly chose this location anyway? I mean other then Alya been here obviously,"
The villain narrowed his eyes before ripping a picture of the wall and jumped back down.
"Because Little Miss Pink knows the local heroes if this is anything to go by," He replied, shoving the image in her hands. It was a selfie of this world's Marinette with the holder of the ladybug miraculous. He glanced around, noticing the skylight. "They must have gone of that way,"
"I'd rather go out with a bang!" The evil cat grinned, throwing the image to the ground and summoning her cataclysm. She slammed her hand against the wall, causing it to explode out. She jumped out into the night as the evil bug looked towards Ubiquity. 
"You're our ride back," He informed, glaring at her. "Don't move,"
He dived out of the hole and swung off into the city. As soon as he was gone, Ubiquity connected with Atlas.
"Atlas, they tied me and are coming for you," She warned, making the man on the other side of the connection frown. He was running across Paris' rooftops, holding onto Marinette as he did. Marinette was watching him as he did, trying to work out what to do and more importantly, who he was running from.
"You carried out your mission perfectly. Thank you for everything," He replied as Marinette listened. From what she and Anatis had seen with Shadow Moth, he was rude, demanding and evil. This man was the complete opposite so far. "I release you from the power I gave you,"
Back in Marinette's room, Ubiquity turned back into Alya. She looked around confused and scared. Marinette and the butterfly man were missing, there was a massive hole in the roof that had clearly been made by a cataclysm and she had been tied up. She jumped as she heard a knock on the door.
"Marinette, Alya? Is everything ok?" Sabine asked, making Alya panic.
"Uh... yeah, we just started to play a game and there was a jump scare in it," She gasped, scrambling to look for her phone. "Sorry for worrying you, Mrs Cheng,"
"Very well," She answered, making Alya let out a sigh. "Don't stay up too late,"
"We won't!" She gasped, picking up her phone. However, it had been cracked. "Oh shoot,"
She got up and looked around, just as Anatis landed in the room. He looked around, confused and concerned.
"Alya, what happened?" He asked as she rushed over to him.
"I don't know but I got akumatized but it was weird because I wasn't angry or anything," She gasped, making him frown. "I don't remember exactly how but somehow a butterfly man used me to get into the room and then he kidnapped Marinette! And the wall was cataclysmed but I don't remember Lady Noire been around and I woke up tied up!"
"Tied up?" He asked as she pointed to the belt. He picked it up and frowned before noticing the robot head. "Marvok?"
"Huh?" She asked, looking over as he picked it up. "Wait but Max wasn't here?!"
He remained silent before noticing the picture on the floor. He picked it up and frowned deeply.
"Something feels off," He replied, turning to her. "Does Marinette have her phone on her?"
"I think so but mine is broken," She replied before noticing the computer. She rushed over and used it to phone Marinette's phone. She didn't answer, making Anatis frown before he moved her over and typed, bringing up her phone tracker. It was moving very fast.
"She's heading towards the Eiffel tower," He muttered, making Alya frown before he turned to her. "Keep trying to get through to her and I'm going to head there,"
"Ok," She nodded, phoning again as he jumped out of the window and headed into the night. "Wonder how he realised something had happened,"
The evil bug swung through the city as the evil cat followed him, running up the TV station building before he swung up and landed on the roof of it, frowning as he did. His partner landed next to him and let out a dramatic sigh.
"Oh, which way did he go?!" She pouted as he scanned the city. "This place is so big and different to our place that he could be anywhere,"
"Stop being dramatic," He replied, looking at her. "The only difference between here and our world is the lack of burning buildings. This is still Paris and Atlas is still predictable. Lucky charm!"
He threw up his yoyo, summoning the magical bugs that transformed into an item. It fell and he caught it, causing a smirk to appear on his lips.
"Ooo, what useless trash did you get?" The cat girl asked as she stretched and yawned, showing off her fangs.
"A butterfly tracker... kind of..." He replied, holding it up to his eyes. "It tracks the pheromones that butterflies release,"
"Urg, why do you always pretend to have a smart plan?" She groaned, rolling her eyes. "All you have is !"Luck","
She made air quotations with her fingers as he rolled his eyes.
"I don't see you coming up with a plan, Fleabag," He replied as he found the trail. He moved til he saw the butterfly. "Got ya,"
He called off the lucky charm, causing it to disappear in a puff of red smoke.
"It's heading to the Eiffel tower," He declared, taking out his yoyo. "Let's go greet our old friend,"
"Right behind ya, cockroach," The cat declared, jumping off the building as her partner swung into the city.
~Meanwhile at the Eiffel Tower~
Atlas jumped and landed on the Eiffel tower before jumping inside and gently placing Marinette down on the stairs, making her look at him with surprise as he stood up.
"Whatever happens, stay here where it's safe," He instructed before shaking his head. "No one should suffer because of a battle that isn't there,"
"Huh?" Marinette asked as he looked out towards the night sky. A white butterfly fluttered towards him, making him smile and open his cane.
"Thank you for your help, little kamiko," He declared, holding the cane up to it. It flew inside, landing on a tiny perch inside the cane before the top closed.
"That's not an akuma?" Marinette asked, pointing to it. She was starting to conclude that this man wasn't Hawk Moth, an akuma or even a villain at all. He looked at her confused.
"An akuma?" He asked, confirming that he didn't know what one was. She was about to explain but the tower suddenly started to rust, making her gasp and stand up. Before Atlas could react, the rust hit their area, causing the floor to give away. Marinette screamed as she fell but luckily Atlas caught her. "Are you ok?"
She nodded, causing him to look relieved before he rushed over to the stairs, taking cover and glancing over the walls. She did the same and gasp as she saw a twisted version of her hero self, landing on the ground and hiss.
"He got away!" Her reflection hissed, making Marinette narrow her eyes. What was going on? "I thought your lucky charm was supposed to guarantee us victory?"
"Well, it would have done but you didn't think. As usual," A calm but cold voice replied. It was oddly familiar but instead of filling her with hope and warmth, it made her blood run cold and a sense of despair washed over her. Her eyes widened as the owner of the voice landed next to her dark reflection. Like hers, he was a twisted, dark reflection of Anatis. His outfit reflected a Pine Ladybug just as Anatis reflected his name sake but just looking at him filled her with a sense of dread that made her want to puke. Her reflection rolled her eyes.
"You know I prefer intentional harm over your lucky charm," She declared, skipping over to him. "More direct,"
"But not very discreet and even less clever," The evil bug declared, crossing his arms. The evil cat kipped over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, making him roll his eyes.
"Don't be mad, Cockroach. He can't be that far," She declared before letting go of him and cupping her mouth with her hands. "Butterfly! We know you're hiding here!"
"Show yourself!" He shouted too, causing the cat to smirk. However, Atlas didn't come out of his hiding place, making the evil bug frown deeply. "Fleabag,"
"Yes, Cockroach?" She asked, skipping back over.
"You know what to do," She smirked, removing her hand from his and holding it up in the air. A dark bubble began to form, causing both Atlas and Marinette's eyes to widen with fear. The very atmosphere changed and the earth itself trembled. Marinette couldn't believe what she was seeing. How was she amplifying her cataclysm like that? Could it be Plagg's Master Power? Or was it like that because her intentions weren't good.
"Atlas, better show yourself or I'll let her turn this place to ash," He declared, making Atlas frown before turning to Marinette. 
"I'm sorry that you got involved in this fight. Please take care of yourself and as soon as you can, get out of here," He declared before jumping over the wall and running over to them. "Stop! The people of this world haven't harmed you!"
"You know what to do then," The evil cat girl hissed, calling off her power.
"Return the miraculous you stole!" The beetle declared, summoning a large blade before charging at Atlas. He dodged and began to engage in a fight with them. Marinette gasped and ducked down as Plagg flew out.
"Are you ok, Pigtails?" He asked, making her nod before her phone rang. She quickly answered it and saw it was Alya.
"Marinette, thank goodness!" She gasped, the panic leaving her body. "Did you get away from the supervillain?"
"I don't think he's a villain, Alya," She whispered in a hush voice, causing Alya to give her a look. "I think he's a holder of the butterfly miraculous but he's not Shadow Moth and I'm pretty certain he's a hero,"
"What makes you say that?" She asked as the video flickered, confusing Marinette. However, she turned her phone to the current battle, showing Alya the two newcomers. Atlas was struggling to hold back the beetle, who roughly grabbed him and threw him across the pavement and into a car.
"Look around you," Atlas gasped, getting up. "A better world than ours is possible,"
"You think I care about that?!" The evil cat declared, diving at him. Atlas jumped and rolled over of the way before she slammed her hand on a car that was behind him, turning it to dust before she turned to Atlas and grinned, charging at him. He managed to knock her back with his cane but before he could follow up his attack, the beetle brutally slammed his blade into the back of his head. 
"They have the same powers as Anatis and Lady Noire?!" Alya gasped, shocked. "I need to warn Anatis,"
"Anatis is on his way?" Marinette asked.
"The supreme is using you!" Atlas declared, getting Marinette's attention again as the Beetle summoned a new luck charm and threw it at him, trapping his cape with it. He yanked it out and turned to him. "The supreme abuses their powers,"
The beetle threw another weapon at him, sending him flying. Atlas landed on the ground and tried to get up as the bug stalked over.
"You shouldn't have taken what didn't belong to you," He declared, roughly grabbing Atlas around the throat. The cat slinged over and smirked as he tightened his grip. "I'll give you one chance, Atlas. Give back what you took or die and I'll take them from your corpse,"
"I gotta go, Alya," Marinette declared, hanging up. "Plagg, we can't let them kill him!"
"Be careful, Pigtails. They're holders of the ladybug and black cat miraculous from one of the many parallel universes that exist only these two aren't nice,"
"I figured that," She replied before watching them, narrowing her eyes as she did. She wanted to rush in but she didn't know all of the facts. "How come they can use their powers without changing back? Do they have high levels?"
"I don't sense attunement from them but as for the lack of detransformation," Plagg stopped before frowning. "As you know, the transformation draws a lot of energy from both the kwami and the holder but Feng put in a fail safe for those too young to handle it,"
"Yeah, we turn back to us,"
"It seems their miraculous don't have that fail safe," Plagg declared, looking over. Atlas was sent flying across the ground again before jumping and diving out of the way of the cat, who broke the area he had been in. He said something about power being shared before the beetle summoned another charm for himself and charged at him. "No auto-detransformation for them which means unlimited power but the cost for that is..."
"Terrible," Marinette declared, shocked before holding up her hand. "We have to stop them. Plagg, Claws Out!"
She transformed and jumped over, just as the bug sent Atlas flying again. Clearly running out of energy, Atlas tried to get up but the evil cat used her baton to push him back down. The bug stalked over and went to reach for his miraculous but Atlas grabbed his wrist.
"Join the resistance," He gasped, making the beetle look at him. "Everything can change. This world is proof of it,"
The beetle narrowed his eyes as Atlas pleaded.
"It's not too late for you two," He gasped, causing the cat's eyes to widen. However, the beetle didn't seem bothered by his words.
"Give it up, pest," He replied, holding up his hand and summoning his new weapon. "The resistance ends here... with you,"
He went to stab him but Lady Noire threw her baton, knocking his lucky charm out of his hand. He glanced up and narrowed his eyes at her.
"I never thought I would say this," She mumbled before holding out her baton and pointing at them. "But stay away from the butterfly man!"
"Another mangy fleabag?" He asked in a bored tone as his partner went 'hey'. "As if one cat isn't annoying enough,"
"The name is Lady Noire," She declared, narrowing her eyes. "Hand over your miraculous. They shouldn't be used for evil. Only for the greater good!"
"How disguising," He hissed before taking out his yoyo. Three blades appeared out of the end of it before he charged at her, making her gasp. "Here, kitty kitty!"
He smirked evilly, trying to slam his yoyo into her. She jumped back and blocked it, only for the other cat to try and slam her baton into her. He threw his yoyo at her and it wrapped around her waist, causing her to gasp before he pulled her in and spun her around before throwing her towards the beams of the Eiffel tower. Atlas took the chance to jump and catch her before she could hit the beams. However, the beetle saw his chance and summoned a lucky charm that was a car. The cat jumped up and kicked it towards them, causing it to knock into them and trap them against the wall.
"Prosperity," The beetle declared, changing his yoyo into a morning star mace. It dragged across the ground as he stalked over. Lady Noire and Atlas tried to push it off them before Lady Noire held up her hand. 
"Cataclysm!" She declared but before she could use it on the car, it disappeared and the morning star wrapped around her waist, pulling her to the beetle. She went to slam her hand on the mace but he yanked it, causing her to spin and land on the ground. She managed to stop herself from wasting her cataclysm. He smirked and lifted the mace, ready to swing it at her but before he could, Anatis dived at him and slammed his feet into his body, sending him flying. "Annie!"
"Are you ok, kitten?" He asked, helping her up and looking to Atlas. "... So it was real..."
"I'm sorry?" Atlas asked but Anatis shook his head and took out his yoyo.
"I'll explain later," He replied, making him frown. "Prosperity!"
His yoyo turned into a shield, causing him to raise an eyebrow before he saw the other beetle charging at him, along with his cat. He blocked their attack with the shield before the two of them began to fight. Anatis managed to send the beetle flying again, causing the cat to attack him as Lady Noire ran at him. He jumped up, allowing her to slide between his legs before she grabbed his arm and held up her cataclysmal hand to him.
"Easy there, Beetle," She declared, making him look at her. "Other cat, back off from Annie now or your bug gets it,"
The other cat looked at her before holding her hands up.
"Lucky charm," Anatis declared, getting handcuffs. He placed them around her wrists but something felt off.
"You haven't got it in you to hurt me," The beetle declared, making Lady Noire glare at him.
"Don't test me, bug boy," She declared but before either of them could react, he moved his arm and spun her around. He grabbed her cataclysmal hand and pulled it closer to him, making her eyes widen. "Wait!"
"Aww, is the pretty kitty scared to use her claws?" He mocked, smirking before he pressed her hand to his chest, causing her to jolt back. Anatis yelled out but the cat took the chance to slam her body into his. He used the shield to block her as Lady Noire stared in shock at the beetle. He was breathing heavily but smirked as he looked up. "Think that can stop me? Well, now you're out of your power,"
"W-what?" She gasped but he suddenly ran at her and punched her, sending her flying into a building before turning his attention on Anatis. He summoned a lucky charm which was a rocket launcher and fired it at Anatis, causing Anatis to block it with his shield. The other beetle smirked as his shield turned back into a yoyo before he fired again at Anatis. Anatis spun his yoyo and blocked the rockets before throwing his yoyo and knocking it out of his hands. 
"Enough," He declared, wrapping the yoyo around the other beetle. "You're injured and this battle is pointless. Surrender your miraculous and we'll get your medical attention,"
"You think a little cataclysm can stop me?!" He smirked, getting out of the string of the yoyo before grabbing it and pulling it. Anatis was pulled over to him, making him smirk. He punched him, sending him flying into the wall before he jumped up and held out his yoyo ready to fight. The other beetle smirked. "Fleabag,"
"Cataclysm!" The other cat declared, destroying his lucky charm. "Oops!"
"Now you have no lucky charm," He declared, making Anatis narrow his eyes. "Well, I'm assuming that's the case since you haven't tried to summon another one. Am I right? I am, aren't I?"
"Even if you are, we'll defeat you," Lady Noire declared as she landed next to Anatis. "Ready, Annie?"
"... How are they using their powers without transforming back?" He asked, making her look at him. He looked extremely worried, causing her to look at her. "That can't be good,"
"It isn't," Atlas replied, trying to climb up. "But Brumus and Lady Ombre don't care,"
"Brumus?" Anatis echoed before looking over at his counterpart. Brumus smirked and waved at him before calling for his lucky charm. He got another rocket launcher before firing it at Atlas. Anatis jumped down and blocked the rocket before Lady Noire ran at Brumus as Lady Ombre dived at Anatis, causing him to use his yoyo to block her move. Brumus fired a rocket at Lady Noire who jumped at it and knocked it back at him, causing him to call off his charm. Lady Noire jumped into the rafters as Anatis threw Lady Ombre into a wall. She took a deep breath and let out a scream, pushing Brumus back. He used his yoyo to block her attack before jumping out of the way as Anatis charged at him. He dived out the way and spun the mace around, trying to hit Anatis with it. However, Anatis threw his yoyo and wrapped it around the mace before slamming it into the ground, forcing it to turn back into a yoyo. Brumus summoned a helmet and quickly attached it to his yoyo before trying to continue to hit Anatis with it. Seeing her chance, Lady Noire dived at him. However, he saw her and got rid of the helmet before summoning a new lucky charm that was a grenade launcher. He smirked evilly as he pointed it towards her with his fingers on the trigger.
"Lady Noir!" Anatis cried out, running towards her. Atlas quickly released his butterfly and transformed it into a kamiko before releasing it towards Lady Noire. It flew over to her and landed in her baton, opening a connection between them. Time slowed down for her as her eyes widened in shock.
Hey... what are you doing? She gasped in her mind. It was nothing like what it felt when she became Princess Justice. Sure, she didn't remember being Princess Justice but she remembered what the akuma felt like. It had been cold and intrusive. She had been scared and he played on her fear and hurt but this didn't feel like that. It felt strange. Warm and almost like a hug.
Lady Celestia, I am Atlas. His voice echoed in her mind but it wasn't intrusive like how Hawkmoth's had been. He wasn't trying to force her into transforming. He was trying to help her. I want to entrust you with the power to save us from Brumus and Lady Ombre. For the greater good, do you accept the gift I'm offering you, Lady Celestia?
I do. She replied, causing her body to be covered in a light purple smog. When it disappeared, her form had changed. Her costume had turned white. Her hair was mostly white too but there were green highlights in it. She also had two massive wings and was also emitted a brilliant light. There was even a halo over her head. However, Anatis wasn't looking up at her with awe but with terror. All he could see was Lady Blanche. On the other hand, Lady Ombre had shielded her eyes as Brumus had fallen back like the light was hurting him.
"Brace for take off!" Lady Celestia declared, grabbing his arm and then Atlas' before flying off. Lady Ombre lowered her hand, frowning.
"They got away," She gasped before turning to Brumus, who was leaning against the wall. He had his eyes closed and was breathing in heavily. "Cockroach? Are you ok?"
"Do I look ok, you dumb cat?!" He snarled, glaring at her and making her coward away. His eyes were bloodshot and his irises had changed from cold blue and burning gold. He slammed his fist into the wall, cracking it before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he reopened them, the cold blue was back. "We need to find them,"
"T-They can't have got far," She gasped. "Maybe we look around?"
"Fine," He declared, rolling his eyes. "Let's go,"
She nodded and followed him as he threw his yoyo and swung off.
Lady Celestia flew down into the catacombs of Paris and into the sewers, fluttering down. She let Atlas and Anatis down before landing on the ground. Atlas was about to call his kamiko back but she shook her head when she noticed Anatis leaning against the wall, refusing to look at her. Instead, he was talking to himself.
"It's not the same," He muttered, making her and Atlas frown. "It's not her,"
"Anatis?" Lady Celestia stated, carefully walking over to her. She gently leaned down and carefully held out her hand, making him look at it. "It's ok. I'm still me. Just with an upgrade,"
He still refused to look at her, causing her to move her wings so they were in his line of sight.
"Look. I have wings and a halo," She grinned, making him slowly look over. He took in her look and noticed the highlights in her hair and that her eyes were still green. Relief flooded his eyes, causing him to hug her. She wrapped her arms around him. "It's ok,"
"I'm sorry," He whispered, making her frown. She gave Atlas a nod, causing him to call off his kamiko and turning her back into her normal form. "You're still you,"
"I'm still me," She responded, just as both her ring and his earrings beeped. Atlas gave them a nod before heading behind a wall. Anatis let go of Lady Noir and moved behind another wall as she did the same. "Claws in,"
"Spots off," He declared, turning back into Luka. He handed Tikki a cookie before leaning on the side and taking a breath. He closed his eyes but opened them when he heard Atlas crying. His heart song sung of pain and loss but dreamt of hope. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry... it just... your world is so beautiful," Atlas replied, surprising both of them. "You help each other. You're partners and equals,"
"Is it not the same in your world?" Marinette asked, frowning. Brumus and Lady Ombre seemed to work together.
"No, Brumus is the leader and Lady Ombre is his sidekick," Atlas responded, frowning as he sat down. "In my world, any form of mutual aid is a crime,"
"But you use your miraculous for good," Luka replied, frowning. "Does that make you a criminal?"
"Yes," He replied, sighing. "In my universe, ordinary people don't know about the miraculous exist. It's a secret. Instead, they all belong to the Supreme. He only uses them to preducate his own power,"
"The Supreme?" Both of them question.
"The title of evil being who rules the world where I come," He replied, making them frown. "There's many legends about him. Some say he's immortal and others say the title is passed down through family members,"
"How did you find out about the miraculous?" Marinette asked, curious.
"Sometimes, he entrusts them to the powerful of my world," Atlas explained, glancing down at the ground. "All of whom have sworn loyalty to him. I too was a part of this corrupt system but I got greedy. In order to get something me and my wife desperately wanted, I stole two. The butterfly and the peacock but I misused them and hurt the people I loved,"
"I'm sorry, Atlas," Luka responded, pressing his hand to his heart.
"No, it was my fault," He replied, frowning. "I thought it was ok but then... she was taken from me,"
"She?" Marinette asked, frowning.
"My wife," He replied, looking up as tears pricked his eyes. "The Supreme killed her to punish me,"
Marinette and Luka went quiet, waiting for Atlas to continue.
"That's when I realised that they would stop at nothing and so I decided to redeem myself and use the miraculous I stole for good," He continued. "So I changed my name and took on the new identity of Atlas. I thought it was suitable as I felt like I was holding the weight of the world on my shoulders and because like a moth, I had no choice but to fly in the shadows in order to give people hope. The perfect identity of a reformed villain and I started to fight back. It was just me on my own at first and it was hard, especially when the cult announced the resurrection of the Supreme and when Brumus turned up but someone had to show them that we must revolt. That a better world is possible provided that power is shared between all. It wasn't long after that I gained allies. Alya Cerise was one of them but the turning point was when an anonymous person joined us. With their money and influence, we were able to get a better hold in the world but it's still far from perfect,"
He went silent for a moment.
"We got close to winning," He declared. "My champion Queen Justice defeated Ikuchi and Orochi.... but then Brumus turned up. He beat my champion with pure brutality and cunning before declaring war on me. Like me, he was alone at first but he was able to sway people on his side, seducing them with his promises and words. That's how he got his team. He promised them what they wanted,"
"And they fell for it,"
"This anonymous person... Do you know who it is?"
"No, we don't," Atlas replied, frowning. "The only thing we have to go is that they use the code name Vixen but other than that we have nothing on them. We did have support from the Bourgeois family at one point but Brumus got to their daughter Chloe.... but now that I've seen your world, I know that my dream is not just an impossible utopia and you can help me reach it,"
"You know our world is not all that perfect," Luka replied, looking down at Tikki who gently placed her paw on his chest. "We almost lost recently. The one who has your miraculous... he uses it for evil and then there's the false guardian Su Han. They tried to steal the miraculous. As a result, one of our mentors died and the other lost his memory,"
Luka sunk down onto the ground and hugged his knees as his mind drifted and insecurities crept up on him.
"How can I help save your world when I can't even seem to save mine?" He whispered, more to himself than anyone else but both Atlas and Marinette heard regardless. He didn't say it but both could tell what he was thinking. He was blaming himself. Marinette pressed her hand against the wall as Atlas frowned, feeling his emotions before he stood up.
"Your world is still standing and not burning," Atlas declared, wanting to reassure him. "And your values are pure and true. Your mentors may be gone but they would be proud of who you are,"
"He's right, Annie," Marinette declared as Plagg nodded. "You did your best to save them and you freed Zoe from Su Han's clutches so please don't blame yourself,"
".... Thanks, Kitten," He replied but their words offered no comfort. He appreciated the effort though.
"Urg!! They got away!!" Lady Ombre declared as Brumus and her walked down the street, glancing around. "Why didn't you grab onto that flying fleabag and why did your eyes go weird?"
He didn't reply and continued walking, speeding up a little.
"Hey! Answer me!" Lady Ombre declared, catching up to him and moving so she was in front of him. He pushed her out of the way, making her hiss. "Oh, come on! You must be kicking yourself for not doing that and now you're sulking because they got away! You must fe-!"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?!" He snapped, turning to glare at her.
"Excuse me but I'm not the one who let them get away!"
"Oh yes because every little plan is down to me!" He retorted before shoving her. "Well, maybe if you weren't a lazy idiot, I wouldn't have to pick up your pace!"
"I'm not lazy, you dumb cockroach!" She screamed back, shoving him back and pointing at his chest. "Well, maybe I should just get rid of you since I don't need you!"
"Need me?! You'd be nothing without me!" He screamed, slapping her hand away. "I'm the brains here! You're just the brawn! You're nothing without me!"
"Nothing?! If I was nothing, why bother with me huh?!" She yelled back, getting in his face. "I'd be better on my own!"
"Oh yeah!" He snarled back, getting in her face. "Well, good luck with that!"
"Oh really?!"
"Yeah, really!" He snarled. "You're nobody!"
"I'm not a nobody!" She screamed. "I'll be the one who will take back the butterfly miraculous and the one the Supreme spares!"
"In your dreams, fleabag!" He screamed, making her growl but an akuma fluttered over to them, causing her to notice.
"A kamiko!" She declared, pointing towards it. Brumus jumped back before it could enter his yoyo and quickly swiped it up with it. She suddenly shoved him, making him glare at her. "If you didn't make me so angry, Atlas wouldn't have tracked our emotions!"
"I made you angry?!" He snarled. "You infuriate me!"
"Urg! Why do you always use such big words?!" She screamed, glaring at him again. He laughed wickedly, making her hiss. "Well?!"
"Well, if you weren't so dumb then you'd be able to understand them!" He declared, making her glare at him. "Now shut up! I need to think and check over this butterfly,"
"Why do you need to check over it?!" She asked as he opened his yoyo and took it out, checking it over. "It's a Kamiko, idiot!"
"No, it isn't," He replied, putting it back in and causing her to stare at him. "It feels more negative and dark... but that is something we can worry about later on. Right now, we need to catch up with Atlas,"
"So what do we do now?"
"Luckily for you, I still have my brain intact and a lead," He replied, taking out his yoyo and throwing it up. He swung away, causing Lady Ombre to follow him. The two of them swung through the buildings until they came back to Marinette's place, causing Alya to hide as she was still in the room. Brumus landed in the room first and glanced around as Lady Ombre landed next to him.
"Urg, she escaped," Lady Ombre declared as Brumus picked up his belt and put it back on.
"That isn't our concern," He declared, moving over to the computer. "Atlas opened the portal here for a reason so search around. If we can't find anything here, we'll try my next lead,"
"Fine," She replied, beginning to search. "Hey, Brummy,"
"I told you not to call me that,"
"Whatever," She responded, making him roll his eyes. "Do you think they have a supreme here?"
"I doubt it," He replied, searching through Marinette's things as Lady Ombre did the same, coming across her counterpart's diary. She glanced over and saw Brumus was too busy, searching through other things so she opened it, seeing a picture of her and Alya smiling. Her heart ached as she saw it. "What did you find?"
"Nothing important, Cockroach," She replied, holding it up. "It's her diary. What about you?"
"Nothing," He replied, making her frown. "Time to try my other lead,"
"Well, I'm going to stay and read this," She replied, making him tilt his head. "In case it contains something,"
"Fine," He replied, rolling his eyes. "I'll meet you back here then,"
"Ok," She replied, climbing up to the bed to sit and read it. He rolled his eyes again before swinging out into the night. He moved quickly towards the Seine before dropping down on the Liberty. He glanced around before closing his eyes.
"Blots off," He declared, transforming into his civilian form. In almost every way, he looked like Luka. Same hairstyle, same clothing but instead of having blue and black hair, his hair was toxic green and black and where he wore a blue hoodie in this world, he wore a black hoodie instead. His skin was much more pale and he had thick eyeliner on as well. He caught Tikki and took out a cookie for her from his pocket, placing her on his shoulder as he walked over to the door. He stopped in front of it and placed his hand on it. "Kcolnu,"
The lock clicked, causing him to smirk and open the door. He descended down the stairs and turned on the lights, looking around. 
"How very quaint," He replied, glancing around before closing his eyes for a few seconds. "Hmm, no one is home. We won't be disturbed. What do you think, Tikki?"
"It's nice," She replied, floating up. "Homely even,"
"Enough to make me sick," He replied, walking over to the pictures of the family. He picked up on showing his counterpart, his sister and their mother a few years ago. "He grew up here. No one stole him away in the night,"
With a surprising amount of gentleness, he put the picture back and walked away, heading into the back of the boat. Even in this world, his mother was a tornado of chaos but she seemed nice here. His mother on the other hand... He narrowed his eyes at the thought of her. That witch didn't even try to help him. Not when that cult took him away and not when he returned to Paris after escaping from them. She didn't care for him at all.
"I can only rely on myself," He muttered darkly to himself. As he did, shadows seemed to follow him. "Well, myself and you,"
We are one and so we rely on each other. A dark voice echoed. If anyone had been in the room, they would have either lost their minds or broken down in fear from the voice but luckily, no one was. Luka pushed open the door, leading to his counterpart's room and glanced around before walking over to the bed. He placed his hand on the pillow, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head for a few minutes as Tikki flew over.
"What do you see?"
"He's plagued by nightmares," He replied. "Pathetic,"
"Anything else?"
"Well, there's other kwamis here and he is almost a perfect reflection of me," He continued, picking up the guitar and strumming it. "He is Anatis and he has magic, just like me but his heart bleeds where mine freezes,"
"Why didn't Atlas just open the portal here?"
"He obviously doesn't know Anatis' identity and was hoping that a girl called Marinette would lead him to them," He replied, playing a haunting melody on the guitar. "A logical conclusion. She seems to have some sort of relationship with him. I saw the pictures in her room,"
"... Will you hurt him?"
"Are you worried about him, Tikki?" He asked, glancing up at her. She plays with her paws.
"I have memories with him too," She replied but the information isn't anything he doesn't already know. Kwamis, Renlings and Spirits simultaneously live in all universes. Technically speaking, so did he. It just worked differently as he wasn't completely a spirit. He was human too. The way they perceive things are different and if they perceive things and memories the same way as Kwamis, Renlings and Spirits do, it would drive them insane. He had the same restrictions as a human in that sense but he was also able to view his counterpart's memories due to his spirit nature.
"I can't promise anything, Tikki," He responded, making Tikki frown. He didn't like to disappoint her but he wasn't going to let anyone win. Not the cult who raised him. Not the family who abandoned him. Not that stupid butterfly and certainly not a version of himself who had everything given to him on a silver platter. "Sorry but if he stands in my way, I will tear him down,"
"I see," She replied, frowning before flying over to him. "Are you done searching here?"
"I am," He replied, placing down the guitar. "Blots on,"
He transformed into Brumus and turned to the porthole. He went to leave but stopped for a moment and took one last look at the room he was in. It was a nice room with a warm bed. His counterpart here had a good life and that made him mad. It was nothing like the life he had back in his world. The cult that stole him kept him locked away didn't exist. His counterpart had it easy. He gritted his teeth and climbed out of the porthole, swinging off into the night. It didn't take him long to get back to Marinette's house. He landed through the hole in the roof and glanced around, frowning. The room appeared to be empty.
"Where did that stupid cat go now?" He sighed, glancing around. The room was dark and he couldn't see her anywhere. He frowned before she suddenly came at him, knocking him down and going to grab his earrings. "Luc-"
She ripped them out of his ears before he could summon his power and restrained him with a spare belt she had grabbed. She stood up and made a shush noise as she held up her finger to her lips, causing him to glare at her but he decided to let it pay out and see what she would do. She raised an eyebrow at him as he glared at her.
"I know you," She whispered before leaning in and wiping his cheek, revealing that he had been wearing makeup. "Make up... of course..."
She straightened up and put the earrings in, causing Tikki to manifest. She glanced worriedly at Luka, who gave her a nod as Lady Ombre walked away and picked up the diary. She ripped out a diary page and held it in her hand as she read it.
"Daggers in," She declared, turning into her civilian form as his eyes widened in surprise. Marinette. She looked very similar to this world's version but more goth. She wore combat boots instead of ballet pumps and a leather jacket instead of a cardigan. His eyes widened though as he stared at her. She was someone who he would never forget. He had first met her before he was Brumus. Before he had power. It had been when he had returned from Paris and had nowhere to go. Despite turning to his mother, she wanted nothing to do with him and let him rot on the street. He was hungry and cold. It had been raining and he was hiding in a doorway near the bakery from the rain. She had come out to put some trash out and saw him. She had put the trash away and headed back in but to his surprise, she came back over and gave him a small loaf of bread with a gentle smile. She had been the only person to ever show him any real kindness. That kindness had stopped him from killing her when she was Queen Justice. She turned to him with a cold look in her eyes as well. "You know me?"
He didn't reply, just glanced to the side as a light blush appeared on his face. Mentally scolding him, he moved his eyes over to her again. Luckily, she didn't seem that bothered.
"Hm, never mind," She replied, holding the page in her hand. "Tikki! Plagg! Reveal yourself!"
The two kwamis transformed into massive creatures with multiple arms and wings. The room around them melted into a different space as Luka glanced around, waiting for the right moment.
"Why fight for a better life when I can just switch with someone else," She explained before looking at him with a soft look. "I'll include you in my wish too,"
He looked at her with surprise, generally not expecting that before she turned back to the god like kwamis.
"Null! Reveal yourself!" She declared, throwing her hand out. However, the symbol of the Supreme appeared below her and both Tikki and Plagg cried out in pain, making Marinette look at them in horror and fear before the symbol surrounded her.
"Only the Supreme defines reality," A voice echoed, making this version of Marinette step back in horror. "And you are not the Supreme!"
The space exploded back into Marinette's room, knocking Marinette back and causing her to hit the mirror, breaking it before she fell to the floor, panting in pain.
"Marinette, is everything alright?!" Her counterpart's mother called through the trap door, having heard her fall from downstairs.
"Yeah! Whatever! Just get off my back!" She shouted back in an angry way.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Her 'mother' asked, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Yes! I'm ok!" She snarled, going to shout more but she looked over at Luka, who was looking at the trap door with a look she had never seen on Brumus' face. He looked so sad and at the same time like he would give up everything just to have a mother ask him if he was ok. It caused her heart to ache to see him with that expression. Her partner who was usually so brutal and cold looked like he was about to cry. She felt bad for shouting. "Sorry, mummy dear. I just..."
She quickly looked around for an excuse, seeing the sewing machine on the ground.
"Broke my sewing machine but it's fine," She continued before she paused as she saw her reflection. The black veins on her face had gotten much worse and she was so much more pale than before. "... It's just slightly damaged,"
"Don't worry, sweetie, we'll take care of it," Sabine replied. "Broken things can always be fixed,"
Sabine paused, making Marinette frown.
"Good night, sweetie," She stated, surprising her. "I love you,"
"I... I love you too, mum..." She replied, hearing her walk away as her eyes filled with tears. If only her real mother felt the same. Luka frowned as her tears fell. His eyes turned a copper colour and he took a deep breath.
"Em eerf," He declared, causing the belt she had tied him up with to let him go before he got up and stood in front of her before leaning down and taking the earrings off her, He put them back in his ears, causing Tikki to reappear. "Tikki... if I was to make the wish... would it work?"
"I... I don't know..." She answered honestly, making him frown and look at her. "The seal on Plagg is powerful,"
"But I am the current Supreme," He answered, causing Marinette to look at him with shock. "Are you telling me that even with my power, the wish won't work?"
"I think you'd have to remove his seal like you removed mine," She answered, making him frown. "And even then I don't know if the fake Supreme has put other spells,"
"F-Fake supreme?" Marinette asked with a confused expression as she wiped away her tears. "I don't understand,"
"The cult that once worshipped the Supreme are using the idea of the Supreme to further their own goals," He replied, looking over at the Paris they were currently in. "Their leader stole the title and used it to keep the rich and powerful of the world in power... but I'm the real Supreme. The rightful heir,"
"Do they know?"
"No," He replied, turning to her. "Lord Fu knew and so did Misha but even they wanted to use me for their own goals,"
He narrowed his eyes.
"That's why they had to go," He replied, making her look at him in more shock. He walked over to her and gently kneel down, cupping her face with his hand. Normally, he would kill her for daring to double cross him but even though she tried to make a wish, she still included him. He knew she could be his greatest ally. Of course, if she failed him, he'd get rid of her too but right now, she might be the only one on his side. "But you... you wanted to include me in your wish and you showed me kindness when no one else would. I know you technically double-crossed me... but you're different from the others,"
"Did you know about the wish?"
"No," He answered, frowning. If he knew about it, he would have used it already.
"... Why didn't they tell us about it...?"
"For the same reason why they didn't tell us that using our miraculous would slowly destroy us,"
"Even though you're the Supreme?"
"Even I'm not immune to the ill effects. It's just slower for me," He admitted, making her frown before he turned to Tikki. "Blots on,"
He turned back into Brumus and looked out at the sky.
"What now?" Marinette asked, wiping her eyes again.
"We find some allies," He replied, surprising her. "We take back the butterfly and we take the miraculous of Anatis and Lady Noire. Once we have them, we use their wish to destroy the cult and rebuild our lives,"
He turned to her but his eyes narrowed as he saw a shadow moving. He threw his yoyo and caught Alya, pulling her out and roughly grabbing her arm.
"You," He growled, making her gasp and struggle to get out of his grip as Marinette turned to her, narrowing her eyes as well. "Where is Atlas?!"
"I d-don't know!" Alya gasped, terrified. He narrowed his eyes and leaned in closer to her. "I swear!"
"Then I have no use for you," He replied, shocking her. "Tóutāi... lead me your power,"
Several deep green veins spreaded from his hand, causing Alya to gasp and drop down to the floor as poison flowed through her before he turned from her and back to Marinette.
"Will you follow the true Supreme?" He asked as Plagg floated over to her. She was looking at him with terror. Well, he could work with fear as well. He didn't need her to sympathise with him or love him. "Or will I have to get rid of you too?"
"I will follow you," She answered. He looked at her and nodded.
"Then get to work," He replied, going back to the cruel person she knew. "We have things to do,"
She transformed into Lady Ombre before the two of them jumped out of the hole in the roof, leaving Alya to die as the poison slowly and painful spreaded across her body.
~Meanwhile in the Sewer~
Luka sighed as he sat against the wall, waiting for Tikki to finish her cookie. He felt terrible and he knew Atlas could feel his emotions too. Wearing the Butterfly Miraculous grants the user the ability of empathy as did the peacock since both were born from concepts related to emotions. As much as he felt down though, Luka couldn't help but wonder about the Supreme. It sounded like that the Supreme ruled the world but Atlas also mentioned rebirth and that there was a legend that said the Supreme was reborn. Just like the Mage in this world. He wondered if the Supreme that Atlas was facing was actually the true one or was it the same as his situation? Was there a fake Supreme in that world just like there is a fake celestial guardian in this world? Is it their version of Su Han or someone else?
"You mentioned the Supreme ruled your world and that there are rumours of him being reborn?" Luka asked. "What exactly did you mean by that?"
"I don't know the full details but while I was in the cult, I learnt that the Supreme is a mage capable of rebirth and resurrection as well as a number of other spells," He replied, making Luka frown. "Though I never have seen his magic... or him actually,"
"Could the Supreme of your world be a fake?" Luka asked, surprising Atlas. The thought had never occurred to him. "We have a similar person here called the Mage and is known as the Celestial Guardian but the current guardian is a fake who murdered the Mage in his past life and used the wish to steal his title. However, he's running out of time. The Mage was reborn and if the fake doesn't destroy him before the ghost festival, the title will be returned back to the true mage. Since your world reflects ours, do you think that's a possibility?"
"It could be," Atlas admitted. "But who could possibly be the real Supreme? What would the fake want to achieve?"
"Probably world domination," Luka replied, frowning. He felt very bad for Atlas. "Regardless, I'm sorry. It must be hard for you,"
"It's ok... realistically speaking, I should be as distraught as you. In my world, I'm hunted relentlessly " He declared, reminding Luka that he can feel what he feels. "No one believes in heroes and everyone is afraid of the supreme and his cult.... I am so lonely,"
"How do you not give up?" Luka asked, looking down. If he was in Atlas' shoes, he'd give up. He's come close to it already but luckily, Lady Noire, Juleka, the rest of his family and his friends refused to give up on him. After all, they care for him and are his support. Something that Atlas doesn't have.
"I hold onto the one thing I have," Atlas replied, making Luka listen even more. "Hope! The hope for a better world! The hope that people can evolve! For a single decision that can change a single lifetime!"
"Is it really that powerful?"
"Of course!" Atlas declared, jumping up. "Hope is the most powerful thing in the world! It can overcome any situation as long as you believe in it!"
"But it seems hopeless right now," Luka sighed, looking down. Tikki gently placed her paw on his arm to reassure him. Atlas frowned a little as he got the impression that he wasn't talking about the current situation but he was an empath, not a psychic. All he could sense is the boy is in some sort of turmoil. On the other side of the wall, Marinette frowned to herself. She knew Anatis was suffering at the moment as much as Luka was. She believed it to be linked to each other. After all, the two boys were both empaths and best friends. If one suffers, the other does too. She placed her hand on the wall and mentally swore she would do what Feng had asked her. She would find a way to destroy their despair.
"Nothing is hopeless," He declared, surprising Luka and Marinette. "Take our situation right now. Brumus and Lady Ombre may seem like they have more power then you but they don't have your strength... because they know nothing of trust, friendship or love,"
"But does it seem impossible to you?"
"Sometimes yes but that's why I hold on to my hope," Atlas declared. "I truly believe that nothing is hopeless,"
"Hope...." Luka whispered, feeling a calming feeling washing over him as he thought over it. Looking at his personal situation, he wondered if hope was something that could help him. He had lost his mentors, he had been attacked by an evil spirit, he couldn't tell anyone his identity and he was desperately trying to stop his coming akumatization, all which was adding to his stress. Even though he knew he had friends and family willing to help, he was scared of being a burden to them. He didn't want to break them so he had been dealing with it alone. He didn't even burden Tikki or the other kwamis with it... but maybe hope could help him. He gently placed his hand on his heart and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and allowing himself to feel the feelings of everyone around him. He hadn't done that in a while and like someone who hadn't played their favourite song in a while, the music of their hearts flooded his senses. Lady Noire sang of worry and love and Atlas sang of despair and loneliness but mixed in with them was a single yet powerful instrument. It was like when hearing a piece of music that seemed to be dominated by several instruments making noise all at once but yet a single flute continues to play an actual tune. Tears filled Luka's eyes as he pushed past the rest of the emotions and listened to the solo piece. It was a beautiful song of freedom, love and belief. He wiped his tears away and nodded. "Atlas?"
"You came here for my help so allow me to help you," He declared, causing that song to amplify. "Lady Noire, are you ready to fight our evil counterparts?"
"Damn right!" She declared, making him smile before he turned to Tikki.
"You good, Tikki?"
"Let's go!" She grinned, making him smile back before he swiped his earrings.
"Tikki! Spots on!" He declared, causing a red light to fill the area before he stepped out. Atlas and him heard Lady Noire call on her transformation as a green light filled her area before she stepped out. "Alright, our best bet is to investigate where they entered this world. There might be some clues there,"
"So where are we going?" Lady Ombre asked as they ran across the rooftops. Brumus held up his hand, making her stop before she looked around. They were near the Grand Paris hotel, making her smirk. Chloe should be there and she doubted Chloe was a good person in this world but either way, they could easily sway her to their side. The two of them swung over to the balcony and landed in the shadows and moved closer to the balcony door which was slightly ajar. 
"Oh, what a day!" Chloe declared, flopping on her bed as two other girls followed her into the room. Brumus frowned to himself as Lady Ombre raised an eyebrow. One of them he recognized as Sabrina, Chloe's weak slave but the other girl he hadn't seen her before. The way she held herself was unsure as if she didn't belong. "Zoe? Are you good?"
"I... I'm just not used to this," She mumbled, pushing her blonde hair back. She resembled Chloe but seemed a little... older? They wondered if they were sisters. "I mean I'm used to Mum ignoring me but..."
"You're not used to having friends and not being used by an evil cult?" Chloe asked, making the other girl nod before she got up and hugged her?! Since when did Chloe show any emotion?! Wait... could she be good in this world? The thought disgusted both of them. Lady Ombre looked at Brumus and mouthed 'what now?'.  He rolled his eyes and put his finger onto his lips as they listened."Don't worry. You're free now and part of the good guys,"
"But I was evil?"
"And brainwashed!" Sabrina gasped.
"Exactly!" Chloe replied. "But Anatis saved you just like he saved me! Oh, I should get you a life size cut out of him too!"
"I think I'd prefer Lady Noire?" Zoe blushed, making Chloe grin. "If that's ok?"
"Of course it's ok!" She declared, getting up and walking to the door. "Daddy!"
Brumus gritted his teeth in annoyance while Lady Ombre rolled her eyes but he also paid attention. Zoe was part of a cult? Hmm, that could be useful plus he could work out exactly who is an ally from her. He would just need to borrow her for a few minutes and well, he would feel a lot better if he terrorised some people right now. After all, he had been through a stressful situation... and he supposed Lady Ombre wouldn't mind either. He turned to her and gave her a smirk, making her smirk back before they both looked in the room again. Chloe was just about to reach for the door handle, causing him to smirk and his eyes to change colour.
"Flesruoy kcol," He declared, causing the door to lock itself but also the girls to gasp and spin around as he stepped into the light. "Hello, Ladies,"
"Who the hell are you?!" Chloe declared as Sabrina stepped away in fear. He smirked evilly as Lady Ombre saundered in and leaned against him, placing her arms around his neck. Unlike the other times she had done this, he let her.
"Oh, we're just here to borrow... Zoe was it?" He asked, looking at her. Sabrina stepped in front of her as Chloe grabbed her phone. He narrowed his eyes. "Hand her over and I promise we won't hurt you,"
"I doubt that!" Chloe declared, making him narrow his eyes.
"Lady Ombre," He declared, making her smirk.
"Cataclysm!" She declared, slamming her hand on the wall. Cracks spread up the wall, causing the ceiling to give in and fall on them. Sabrina was the most injured with a cut on her head and was dazed while Chloe was trying to push the debris off her. Zoe's leg was trapped beneath some as well and she was desperately trying to get it off her. Both of them managed to do so. Zoe bolted for the door as Chloe tried to help Sabrina, managing to get her out as Brumus smirked evilly.
"Kakos," He declared, holding out his hand. "Lend me your power,"
Chloe's eyes widened as a flame appeared in his hand. He smirked at her before dropping it.
"Oops," He declared as it hit the ground and burst, causing it to spread through the entire room, filling it with smoke. Chloe quickly dialled the emergency services as Zoe tried to open it. Lady Ombre leaned against the wall as Sabrina grabbed a chair. She charged at Brumus and tried to hit him with it. It broke over him but didn't affect him. He instead grabbed her by her neck and picked her up, choking her. Chloe charged at her but Lady Ombre grabbed her in a choke hold as well and summoned a cataclysm ready to hit her with it. 
"Wait!" Zoe gasped, making both of them stop and look at her. "Please let them go!"
"Agree to come with us and we will," He declared, making her nod. "Say it,"
"I agree!" She gasped, causing him to drop the semi unconscious Sabrina to the ground and for Lady Ombre to shove Chloe to the ground. Both of them gasped for air as he grabbed Zoe's arm and pulled her out of the room, followed by Lady Ombre. Chloe tried to grab her leg but she landed a harsh kick to her stomach, winding her.
"Z-Zoe!" Chloe gasped, dragging herself towards them despite Lady Ombre's kick. She managed to grab Brumus' leg as well. He rolled his eyes and yanked his leg free, kicking her back into the burning room. Chloe landed next to Sabrina, who wasn't moving but didn't give up. Despite her now bleeding nose, she pushed herself up and stumbled towards him. "G-give b-back my s-sister!"
"Hmm... no!" He smirked, using his magic to cause the balcony doors to swing close and lock, trapping her inside. Lady Ombre destroyed the lock with her cataclysm, ensuring that they were trapped in there. Zoe looked terrified as he took out his yoyo, ignoring Chloe banging on the door and trying to open it. The two villains ignored her as they jumped off the building and swung off into the city. The smoke started to get Chloe. She coughed and collapsed onto the ground, still trying weakly to open the door....
~At Marinette's House~
"Anatis!" Sabine gasped, jumping up as he swung through the damaged wall. She had found Alya after she decided to check on Marinette as she had been worried about her. It wasn't like her daughter to snap over nothing but to her horror, she found Alya on the ground, a hole in her daughter's roof and her daughter was nowhere to be seen. She had called an ambulance and tried her best to help Alya while they waited but luckily Anatis had appeared. Her expression was extremely worried, causing him to frown before he glanced around and saw Alya laying on the ground. Her skin was extremely pale and she had green veins across her skin, spreading from a wound on her wrist. He rushed over to her and gently picked up her hand as Sabine moved over. "I found her like that and called an ambulance,"
"What do you know about what happened?" He asked, rushing over as Lady Noire and Atlas landed in the room. Lady Noire gasped as she saw Alya on the ground. Sabine explained what she had heard and how she found Alya. Anatis frowned as he examined the wound. Atlas came over and looked over as Lady Noire reassured Sabine that she had done the right thing and that Marinette was safe despite not being in her room.
"It looks like she's been poisoned," Atlas mumbled, making Anatis frown. Could Brumus poison his enemies?
"Brumus must have done something," He muttered, making Atlas frown as he placed his hand on the wound. His eyes turned silver as he did. He closed his eyes and placed his hand onto where Brumus had placed his hand. Instead of a painful sensation, a cooling sensation spreaded from his hand as a golden liquid spreaded through the poisoned veins, turning them from green to gold. Slowly, the colour came back into Alya's cheeks and the golden veins began to dim. She was still extremely weak but she would live. He turned to Atlas, who was frowning. "Did you know he could do something like that?"
"No," He replied as Alya opened her eyes, weakly grabbing Anatis' arm.
"A-Anatis," She gasped, making him look at her with a gentle look.
"Rest, Alya,"
"T-That beetle..." She gasped. "H-He s-said he's the Su-Supreme,"
"What?" Atlas gasped, making Anatis frown as he carefully picked her up and carried her to the futon. Lady Noire frowned but didn't seem surprised. "Lady Noire?"
"It makes sense," She replied, making him look at her. "Annie, you agree?"
"Yeah," He replied, standing up and walking over to them so they were out of earshot of anyone listening in. "In this world, I am the most recent reincarnation of Hao Feng, known as the Mage and the creator of the miraculous. As the mage, we are a source of good and light but the evil Spirit Simme wants to kill us. I believe in your world it is reversed and the Mage is actually called the Supreme. Brumus is the most recent incarnation as well but unlike me, he is a source of true evil. I suspect that is because his version of Hao Feng made a deal with your world's Simme instead of being saved by Finni. As a result, the rest of his lives were corrupt and their powers followed suit. That's why he can poison people. It must the power of his Tóutāi,"
"How long have you known?" Atlas asked.
"I suspected it as soon as I met him," He admitted, making Atlas look at him with surprise. "But when you told me about how your world works, it kind of confirmed it for me. That's why I asked you if you suspected if the 'Supreme' you know of is fake,"
"I see," Atlas replied, thinking. It made sense plus he didn't blame them for keeping the information from him. After all, they didn't really know him. "But does the fake Supreme know that Brumus is the true one?"
"I doubt that," Anatis replied. "Our fake guardian doesn't know that I'm the true Guardian so I imagine it's the same for Brumus. Lady Ombre might not have known straight away but I think she probably knows now,"
"I see," Atlas replied, frowning. "And the young lady? Will she be ok?"
"She will. I was able to heal her thanks to this world's Tóutāi but I suspect that's how she was poisoned to begin with. SinceI can channel my past lives abilities so it makes sense that Brumus can do the same. He probably channelled the power of his Tóutāi," He replied before his yoyo vibrated again. He took it out and saw it was a news reporter on a fire at the Grand Paris hotel that was spreading to the other buildings. "We need to go. Mrs Cheng, can you keep an eye on Alya until the ambulance comes?"
"Of course," She nodded, making him thank her.
"Let's go," He declared, jumping out and swinging off into the night as the other two followed. As they did, they could see the flames that were ravaging everything in their path. Anatis landed on the ground as the fire fighters continued to try and fight the flames but to their surprise and horror, the flames seemed to take the form of a monster with several heads. Anatis frowned as the fire crew couldn't get into the building. Everytime they tried, the fire got wilder. Andre ran up to him. "Mayor?"
"Anatis, Chloe, Zoe and Sabrina are still trapped inside!" He gasps, making the hero frown before throwing his yoyo up and swinging up the roof, followed closely by Lady Noire. The entire roof was on fire, causing it to be extremely hard to see and the smoke did not help.
"L-Lady Noire, I'm going to take to the sky and try to get this fire put out," He declared, making her nod as he took out his magicaron and turned into Astroid. "Ok, Al... I'm gonna need your help,"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, channelling Alpheus' magic. Clouds gathered in the sky and heavy rain fell, destroying the fire hydra and putting out the flames. He flew down as Lady Noire used her cataclysm to break the door, causing fire to explode out. Luckily, Atlas pulled her back before she could get hurt by it. Seeing the room still on fire, Astroid moved his hand, redirecting some of the water inside and putting it out, allowing Atlas and Lady Noire to rush in and carry a very injured Chloe and Sabrina out. Astroid fell over and turned back into Anatis as the two other heroes gently placed them on the ground. Both girls had several burns and bruises around their neck. Chloe's nose looked broken as well.
"Can you heal them?" Atlas asked as Anatis knelt down and checked that they were alive.
"I'm not sure," He answered honestly, gently placing his hand on Sabrina first as her wounds were the worst. He took a deep breath and focused but he couldn't. Instead he felt dizzy and his vision blurred, causing him to grip his head. However, the feeling around him changed as someone gently placed their hand on his shoulder, making him look up as Lady Noire grinned and Atlas gasped.
"Tóutāi?" He asked, surprised before he looked behind him. Sir Rene in his rabbit form waved at him as Tóutāi gently knelt down and took over the healing. Sabrina gasped awake once he had healed her and moved onto Chloe as Sir Rene walked over and knelt down, gently placing his hand on Anatis' shoulder. "Sir Rene, how did...?"
"Feng sent us a message," He replied, making Anatis nod before he looked over at the other two. Lady Noire wasn't surprised but Atlas was shocked. Sir Rene gave them a nod before he turned back to Anatis. "He has a message for you too but he couldn't reach you so he asked me to grab Tóutāi and come find you,"
"It's probably my lack of spiritual energy," Anatis mumbled, making Rene nod. "What's the message?"
"He said to take it easy on the magic," He replied as Tóutāi healed Chloe. "He also said that the miraculous presences before you are the keys to success and while Brumus reflects you in most ways, there is one way he doesn't,"
"Riddles as usual," He sighed, making Rene shrug. "Thanks, Rene,"
"Anatis!" Chloe gasped as soon as Tóutāi had finished healing her. She jumped and rushed over. "They took Zoe!"
"Zoe?" He asked, frowning. "Do you know where?"
"I don't know," She gasped, tears in her eyes. "I tried to stop them but..."
"It's ok," Anatis replied, gently placing his hands on her shoulder. "You did good, Chloe and don't worry. We will save her. Rene, Tóutāi. Can you bring these two down to Andre and the firefighters? Lady Noire, Atlas. We need to catch up to Brumus and Lady Ombre before they leave more chaos in their wake,"
"Of course," All four answered but before Anatis left, Rene and Tóutāi stopped him.
"We will temporarily lend you some spiritual energy," Tóutāi replied as Rene nodded.
"But still try to go easy on the magic," Rene advised, causing Anatis to nod. They held up their hands and he carefully pressed his against them, causing all three to glow gold before it faded. "It will only last for a few hours,"
"But it should help against them," Tóutāi concluded. "I'll check in on Alya too,"
"Thanks, Tóutāi," Anatis smiled before running back over to the other two. "Let's go,"
~At the Eiffel Tower~
"Tell me everything," Brumus ordered, holding Zoe over the edge of the top of the Eiffel tower, ready to drop her. Lady Ombre was sat on the rail, happily watching his interrogation. "You were part of a cult, yes? Tell me about it,"
"I d-don't remember anything about it! Only that I was part of it!" She gasped, terrified. He rolled his eyes as the wind whipped around them. "I swear! They brainwashed me!"
"You don't want to lie to me, Zoe,"
"I'm not!" She cried, tears rolling down her face. "I swear!"
"Fine," He growled. "Who is Anatis' enemy?!"
"H-Hawkmoth!" She gasped, making him smirk. Now they were getting somewhere.
"That explains the butterfly," He muttered, turning back to her. "His identity! What is it?!"
"I don't know!" She cried again. He growled and loosened his grip a little. She screamed and tried to grab onto his arm. "No! Please! I'm telling the truth! No one knows who he is! Not even Anatis!"
"Oooh, a secret identity," Lady Ombre smirked.
"Does he have any allies?" Brumus asked, keeping his grip loose.
"M-Mayura but she hasn't been seen for ages!" She gasped, making him roll his eyes and loosen his grip again. "Wait!! I k-know someone who would help you!"
"I'm listening,"
"L-Lila Rossi," She gasped, making him roll his eyes as Lady Ombre groaned. Of all the people to deal with it, it just had to be that goody two shoes. Brumus took a deep breath and reminded himself that she isn't good in this world. He just hoped that she wasn't as annoying. "I d-don't know if she works with H-Hawk Moth but she h-hates Anatis,"
"And how do you know this?" He asked. "Wouldn't she be on his side?"
"C-Chloe and Marinette told me," She gasped, making him growl at the name of his ex. "I s-swear I'm telling the truth!"
"Where can we find her?" Lady Ombre asked, jumping down and smirking at her. "Speak quickly. I'm sure Cockroach is getting tired,"
"So tired,"
"S-she lives opposite the park! That's all I know!"
"You've done well, Zoe," He smiled, sending shivers down her spine. His eyes moved behind her and his mouth stretched into a smirk. "I just have one last thing for you to do,"
"Brumus!" Anatis' voice echoed, making her feel relieved. Lady Ombre smirked and got ready to fight the heroes but Brumus shook his head, making her look at him. "Put her down!"
"Keep the heroes distracted for me," He whispered to Zoe before he looked back at them. "You really should think about your words, Anatis,"
He smirked before letting off her neck, causing her to scream as she plummet down towards the ground. Anatis dived down after her as his Partner and Atlas charged at him.
"Want me to deal with them?" Lady Ombre asked, making him smirk and hold out his hand, telling her to leave it to him. "Ok,"
"Kakos, lend me your power," He declared, causing a storm to burst into the sky and lightning strikes to aim repeatedly at Lady Noire and Atlas. He laughed evilly before saluting to them. "Don't worry, Atlas. We'll catch up soon! Fleabag, let's go!"
He swung off and headed towards the park with Lady Ombre on his tail. They both landed on the rooftop and looked around, seeing Lila leaving the park as a black car drove off. Seeing his chance, he jumped down and landed in front of her, causing her to jump back in surprise and fall down. She stared at him with shock as he straightened up. Lady Ombre landed next to him and circled her, making her gasp and jump up.
"You are Lila Rossi, yes?" He asked, making her nod as Lady Ombre moved over to him. "I'm Brumus. This is Lady Ombre,
"Hello, pleased to meet you," She smiled, putting on her false persona. The two villains rolled her eyes, surprising her. "So... is there something I can help you with?"
"Oh, I believe you can," He replied, gently letting go of her hand. "I believe we share a common enemy-"
"Brumus!" Anatis called out, swinging over and making him roll his eyes. Lila couldn't help but giggle a little. "Step away from Miss Rossi,"
"Anatis, you have the worst time!" He declared, turning to him and throwing up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!"
A car was summoned and Lady Ombre jumped up, kicking it towards Anatis. He managed to dodge it but Brumus slammed his fist into his face, sending him flying before he threw his yoyo, causing it to wrap around Anatis' ankle. He dragged him back over to Lady Ombre, causing her to kick him towards him. He slammed him into the ground before stalking over. He roughly grabbed Anatis around the neck and lifted him up, causing him to struggle as he choked him before he literally slammed him into the ground again. He kept Anatis pinned with one hand, still choking him and causing Anatis to try and pull his hand off him.
"Lucky charm!" He summoned a knife and caught it, smirking evilly as he did. "Time to get rid of you, Pest!"
Both Lila and Lady Ombre couldn't help but grin excitedly as he lifted it above his head, causing Anatis' eyes to widen in fear but before he could, Lady Noire jumped down.
"Screech!" She declared, activating her power before she took a deep breath and screamed out, sending shock waves from her voice and throwing Brumus off Anatis. He managed to recollect himself and land on the ground as Lady Ombre charged at her before he jolted her, trying to swipe his blade at Lady Ombre. Atlas ran over and helped Anatis up as Lila watched all of it with sheer excitement. Lady Noir blocked his attack with her baton and managed to land a kick, knocking him back before dodging Lady Ombre's attack. 
"Stupid cat!" He growled before smirking and jumping back. "Fine, you think you can handle me! Let's see how you handle this! Kakos, lend me your power!"
He held out his hand, causing massive vines to burst through the ground and charge towards Lady Noire. She managed to destroy them but they kept coming at her. Seeing his chance, Brumus took his knife and moved behind her, going to stab her as Lady Ombre summoned her cataclysm, ready to hit her.
"Lady Noire! Watch out!" Anatis called out, causing her to turn around as Brumus brought his knife down. Atlas, however, let go of Anatis and pushed her out the way, narrowly missing the blade himself and Lady Ombre's attack. He and Lady Noire landed on the ground as Brumus began to stalk over to them, causing Atlas to crawl from him. Lady Ombre stopped Lady Noire as she tried to help him.
"You stupid butterfly!" He snarled, holding out his hand and summoning another lucky charm. This time it was a large hammer and he slammed it down, causing Atlas to jump out of the way.
"Brumus, please. I know you're the Supreme but you don't have to be evil!" He gasped, making him laugh. "I know about the fake supreme and how they are using you for their own goals. You can guide humanity towards the light-"
"Light?!" Brumus snarled before laughing. "I don't care about the light, humanity or any of that crap!"
He slammed the hammer towards Atlas but Anatis threw his yoyo, wrapping it around it and pulling it from his hand.
"Lucky charm!" Brumus declared, causing the Hammer to disappear and a new weapon to appear in his hand. He smirked as he walked towards him, causing Anatis to step back. "Don't you get it, Annie? I can do this all day! There's no beating me! I am the Supreme and you will bow down to me!"
Anatis' back hit the rails as Brumus smirked but Anatis returned to the smirk to his counterpart's shock.
"I'm not giving up hope," He declared, opening up his yoyo and holding it up to the sky as a bright light burst from it. Brumus screeched and covered his eyes, jumping back into the shadows as Anatis held his yoyo high up. He stepped forward, causing Brumus to back away. Anatis stepped closer but Lady Ombre dived at him, causing him to jump back before Lady Noire tackled her. However, it gave Brumus enough time to recover. He quickly attacked and slammed his fist in Anatis' cheek, knocking the yoyo out of his hand and causing the light to disappear.
"Lucky charm!" He declared, summoning a flash bang. He released it, dazing the heroes. With them distracted, he ran over to Lila and threw her over his shoulder, causing her to cry out in surprise as Lady Ombre kicked Lady Noire back and ran over to him. He threw his yoyo and jumped up to the rooftops before jumping down and heading to the catacombs with Lady Ombre following. Once there, he dropped Lila on the floor with little care. Lady Ombre landed next to him and glared at Lila. "Our apologies,"
"Um... Forgiven," She grinned, clearly not impressed with being dropped but not wanting to get on their bad side. She got up and dusted herself down before she walked up to him, circling him before she moved over to Lady Ombre, who hissed a little. "Are you two akumas?"
"No," He replied, surprising her even more.
"So how do you have the same powers as that pest and the fleabag?" She asked, glancing at him as she showed her disdain towards their hero counterparts. "You even have a beetle theme too but you both seem far more fun than they are,"
"I'm glad you think so," He smirks, turning to some of the skulls. He held up his hand, causing a strange shadow-like thing to appear from it and connect to the skull. The skull crumbled to dust as he seemed to absorb it before he turned back to her. She raised an eyebrow as Lady Ombre looked at her nails. "As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, I am Brumus, this Lady Ombre and we have an offer for you,"
"For me?" She asked, surprised before she smirked. "I'm listening,"
"I thought you might," He smirked. "We need to get in contact with the one called Hawkmoth and I heard you're the person to go to for that,"
"And why would I do that?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Assuming that I can,"
"You hate him, don't you?" Lady Ombre stated, making her look at him. "Well, me and Cockroach can help you destroy him but in return you have got us in contact with the butterfly man. Capre?"
"Really?" She asked in a doubtful manner. "You can do that?"
"We can," He replied, smirking. "You don't have to but what have you got to lose? It's not like your life will change if you don't but if you do... we will destroy those useless heroes. Surely, that would be worth the tiny favour of getting us in contact with Hawkmoth,"
"And why would I do that?" She asked, clearly not sure. He gripped her chin suddenly, making her look at him as his eyes glowed a little. A light blush came across her cheeks. She didn't realise he was seeing her life.
"I think that's a sweet deal," He stated. "You get to see his fall and reclaim your kingdom of lies while he falls,"
"I'm not-"
"A liar?" He asked, smirking as he let go of her chin. "Of course, you are and why shouldn't you?"
His words surprised her. She was expecting him to hate lies like Anatis.
"The way I see it is that it's not your fault if people are dumb sheep and why shouldn't you take advantage of that?" He asked, making her hear exactly what she wanted. "They're so willing to give so a smart person would take what they have. And why shouldn't you? It's not your fault that they are stupid enough to fall for your lies,"
"And all you want is for me to introduce you to Hawkmoth?" She asked, making him nod. Lady Ombre couldn't help but be impressed at how easily he got Lila to consider. "And in return, you'll destroy the heroes and give me back what is rightfully mine?"
"You can have it all. Hell, we'll even be partners but you have to do me that little favour first," He replied, holding out his hand. "Do we have a deal, Lila?"
"You have a deal," She grinned, shaking his hand before taking out her phone and going through it. "Damn it... I don't have a signal,"
"Let's return to the surface," He replied, making her nod before they headed up there. As soon as they reached it, she got a signal. She pressed the green phone button and held it up to her ear as he leaned on the gate to the catacombs.
"It's me," She stated, walking a little away from him and Lady Ombre. He raised an eyebrow as he heard the other person shouting on the other side. "I know but I have an offer for you that you won't want to miss,"
"Do you trust her?" Lady Ombre asked, making him smirk.
"Of course not," He replied, turning to her. "But the moment she becomes useless to us, we'll dispose of her,"
Lady Ombre smirked as Lila nodded.
"Ok, we'll meet you there in five minutes," She stated, hanging up and turning to Brumus and Lady Ombre. "Do you know where Arc de Triomphe is?"
~At Arc de Triomphe~
"Sir, are you sure this isn't a trap?" Natalie asked as Hawkmoth waited for Lila. She promised that he wouldn't regret it and he had a feeling that it was linked into the dark heart he sensed early. Su Han and Simme had joined them as well as they waited. Simme was playing with some pigeons while Su Han was glaring at Natalie. She was hidden in the shadows in case it was a trap. He was looking at the ground, wondering how long it would take her to get there. "Sir?"
"That is why I have an akuma ready," He replied. "But Lila hasn't let me down yet,"
"But Anatis might have-" Natalie gasped before coughing. Despite not using the peacock miraculous for a while now, she was still extremely sick. "Anatis-"
"If it is a trick, I'll defeat him," Hawkmoth replied, narrowing his eyes as he saw something approaching from the rooftops. He got his cane ready as it got closer before the people suddenly landed in front of them. One of them was holding Lila in his arms. He put her down, allowing her to dust herself down. "Miss Rossi?"
"Hawk Moth," She smirked before turning to the young man and the young lady next to her. Hawkmoth turned his attention to him. He could only be described as a dark reflection of Anatis. "Allow me to introduce you two. Hawkmoth, this is Brumus and Lady Ombre. Brumus, Lady Ombre... this is Hawk Moth. You'll keep your deal right?"
"Of course, Partner," The dark Anatis... Brumus... said, making her smirk in pure delight as he moved past her and circled around Hawkmoth, who could sense a dark vibe off him. His Partner Lady Ombre hissed at Su Han, making him glare at her. "Fleabag, behave... so you're the butterfly man?"
"I am indeed," He replied, a little confused as Brumus moved past him and over to Su Han.
"You're stink of death," He hissed, catching Su Han off guard as he moved on, stopping in front of Natalie. "And Death is following you... ah... now that's familiar,"
He walked over to Simme with no fear, surprising almost everyone there. Apart from Lady Ombre.
"Pigeons? How disgusting," He stated, getting the spirit's attention. "Try Swans. Their souls are so much more delicious,"
"I'll keep that in mind, Dark One," Simme hissed back, completely relaxed much to everyone's surprise. Brumus smirked back before walking back over to Hawkmoth.
"You two. Leave," He declared to Su Han and Natatlie. "I have no interest in those with no futures,"
"How dare-" Su Han stated but Brumus' eyes turned the same colour as Simme's and the sky got darker. "Yo-You're the Mage,"
"No, I'm the Supreme," He declared. "Learn your place, monk,"
His eyes turned back to the lifeless blue before he smirked and shooed them with his hand.
"Leave," Hawkmoth ordered, causing Su Han and Natalie to leave. Lila and Lady Ombre went to but Brumus shook his head, making both girls stop. "What do you want, Brumus?"
"I propose an alliance between us," He stated. "You want to take down Anatis and his mangy cat and I want to take Atlas,"
"Enemy of my enemy is my friend," Hawkmoth replied, smirking as he held out his hand. Brumus took it and shook it. "How delightful. It seems we're going to get along just fine. Do you have a plan in mind or do I have to do that?"
"Humor me. I'm curious as to what you will come up with,"
"Very well," He replied, smirking as he already had an idea. "My plan is simple,"
~Back at the Park~
"Annie, are you ok?" Lady Noire gasped as she waved her hand, getting rid of the smoke. Atlas helped Anatis to his feet and frowned as she walked over. "Where's Lila?"
"They must have grabbed her in the confusion," Anatis sighed before turning to Lady Noire. "I'm alright though. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," She nodded, causing relief to flood into Anatis' eyes before she took a breath. "But we need to find Lila. She will willingly help them,"
"She will?" Atlas asked, a little surprised. "Why?"
"To put it frankly, she hates us," Anatis sighed, looking down. "She has willingly been akumatized, helped create akumas and I'm sure she's in league with Hawkmoth..."
His eyes widened as he realised.
"That must be why they went after her," He gasped, making Lady Noir's eyes widen as she realised. "They're going to team up with Hawkmoth! We have to stop them!"
"Oh no," Lady Noire gasped as Atlas frowned. The two of them went to jump away but stopped when he cleared his throat.
"I know you want to chase after her but they might have set up a trap for us," He pointed out. Lady Noir made an expression that told him she was considering it and her emotions matched but Anatis' emotions were wild and panicked. He stepped forward.
"Atlas, we have to catch up with them!" He gasped, panic clear in his eyes. "I can't let them team up! I have to stop them!"
Before either of them could argue, Anatis turned and threw his yoyo, pulling himself up onto the rooftops and disappearing into the city. Lady Noir frowned and looked at Atlas before the two of them nodded and chased after him...
Anatis ran as fast as he could, trying to keep an eye out for Lila and his evil counterpart but no matter where he looked, he just couldn't find them. Feeling his panic rise even more as he searched the Eiffel tower for the third time, he slipped down onto his knees.
"No, no, no. I can't fail again!" He gasped as a buzzing sound surrounded him and his panic came down, crushing him. His breathing got heavy as he felt himself being dragged back into that deep ocean that haunted his dreams. He felt like he was drowning as his heart raced and pounded. He gripped his hair as tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't fail again. He had failed to save Mila. He had failed to protect Master Fu. He was a failure. He didn't deserve to be the mage. He was-
"Cataclysm!" Lady Noir's voice shouted, causing him to look up as the akuma that had being so close to him turned to dust. Atlas landed next to her as Anatis stared in shock. She dusted her hand and knelt down. He went to open his mouth but she pulled him against her into a hug as he shook. He had nearly be akumatized. Not as Luka but as Anatis. Tears rolled down his cheeks again as she held him. "It's ok, Anatis. I'm here,"
"I-I'm sorry," He gasped as she rubbed his back. Atlas frowned and stepped forward, gently placing his hand on him. He looked up as he wiped his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Atlas. You came here looking for help..."
He paused and then whispered in a small voice.
"Y-you must be so disappointed..."
"On the contrary," He replied, making Anatis look at him in surprise. "It is good to see this world has such a kind soul guiding it. You believe they will team up with Hawk Moth but they still need to find him,"
"What are you suggesting?" Anatis asked, wiping his eyes. 
"Let me try and talk to him," Atlas suggested, making them both look at him like he's crazy. "I know I might not be able to get through to him but there's a small chance and this can also give you a chance to take a step back and sort yourself out, Anatis plus I might be able to learn a bit about him,"
"No, Hawk Moth-" Anatis started but Lady Noir gently placed her finger on his lips, making him look at her before she looked at Atlas.
"Go," She stated, making Atlas nod and jump off. Anatis looked at her. "He'll come back but right now, you're my concern,"
"B-But what if he teams up with Hawkmoth?" He asked, looking down. "Or if Brumus attacks him,"
"Somehow I think he has escaped," She replied, rubbing his back to calm him down.
~At Arc de Triomphe~
Atlas came to a stop on a rooftop and hid behind a wall on it as he approached where Hawkmoth was. The villain was pacing in front of Lady Ombre, Brumus and the girl who the heroes had called Lila. A strangely dressed man was nearby and the shadows near him seemed to move. Atlas frowned as Brumus stood up and seemed to talk with the villain. He could see why Anatis was worried. Brumus was clever and dangerous even without being the Supreme. The Supreme Cult thought they had a leash on him but he suspected he had been playing them for a while. He frowned and moved back, reaching into his cane and taking out a second brooch shaped as a peacock's tail. He had to repair it and it took a lot to find out how but he managed to steal the spell from one of the guardians. At the time, he thought he was stealing it directly from the Supreme and saw it as a f you to him but now he knew the truth. The Cult had killed his wife, not the Supreme and the real Supreme was a young teenage boy who was probably scared and alone in the world. He wanted to reach out and help Brumus realise that he didn't have to be evil. Their world didn't have to be dark but right now, Brumus was one of the villains he was fighting. He would appeal to him once he had captured him and Lady Ombre. He put the brooch on, causing a peacock kwami to appear. Unlike Nooroo, she had a symbol trapped on her mouth.
"Hello there," He smiled as she shied away. "I'm Atlas and I need your help to save the world. Nooroo has told me your transformation words for this moment but I would like your permission to use them. Is that ok?"
The kwami looked at him before nodding.
"Excellent," He replied, smiling as he cupped her into his hands. "In return, I will find a way to get that seal of you,"
She nodded happily, making him smile.
"Ok then," He replied as she floated up. "Nooroo, Dusuu, unite!"
A light purple and blue light surrounded him, turning him into a merged version. He was still wearing his suit but the tail coat had increased to resemble a peacock feathers and he had a cape that resembled a butterfly's wings. His mask was half blue and half purple and in his left hand was a fan. His eyes had turned purple but the whites of his eyes remained that colour. The last thing that had appeared was a peacock feather in his hair. He put his cane on his back and plucked out a feather from the fan. He closed his fist around it and charged it up with his power.
"Now, My Sweet Luci, bring my hope to life," He whispered, placing it into his glove. A blue blob appeared and he began to shape it, turning it into a humanoid form before it dissolved, revealing an exact copy of Atlas in front of him. He gave it the information it needed before glancing from behind the wall. The supervillain that Anatis had called Hawk Moth was still talking to Brumus but he had noticed that Lady Ombre and the other girl had gone. "Ok, Atlas. Approach closer and listen in to the conversation. As soon as Brumus has left, try to make contact,"
"Of course, Inachis," It replied before jumping over and finding a hiding spot that was close enough for them to hear. Atlas frowned as he listened to Hawkmoth's plan before making a mental note to explain it to Anatis. 
"So that's it?" Brumus asked, holding his chin as he thought out the plan. Hawkmoth nodded, making him smile. "I think it would work. That Anatis has such a hero complex that he'll have to try and stop us,"
"Exactly my thoughts," He replied, frowning. "I am disappointed that my akuma couldn't reach him though,"
"You win some, you lose some," Brumus replied, shrugging. "I'll go get the girls and bring them up to speed,"
"Very good," Hawkmoth replied as Brumus jumped away. Seeing his chance, Senti-Atlas jumped over and cleared his throat, causing Hawkmoth to spin around. Atlas, himself, shuddered at the look of the man. He looked awful in his design and judging by Hawkmoth's expression, he was thinking the same thing. "You must be my counterpart? Atlas was it?"
"That is correct," He replied, speaking through the senti creature. "I am here to ask you to reconsider working with Brumus. He is extremely dangerous and working with him will only bring him ruin. I suspect that I know why you're doing this but this is not the way,"
"And what would you know about 'the way'?" Hawkmoth questioned, stepping closer. "You could easily seize control of the world with your miraculous but you are clearly too weak to. I suspect that our motivations are the same but unlike you, I will do anything to bring my Emile back to life. You clearly won't. Otherwise, we would not be having this conversation,"
"So you did lose her too?" Inachis responded, saddened. "We both share that pain but bringing her back and being a villain is not the way to go,"
"So you admit you've given up on her?" Hawkmoth growled, making Inachis shake his head. "You know full well that if we get the miraculous, we can bring her back. Can you truly say that thought hasn't crossed your mind?"
"Of course, it has," Inachis growled, causing the Senticreature to step forward. "I have thought about it but everything comes at a price. If I were to wish for my Emile back then someone else would have to lose theirs. I can't wish that on anyone. It wouldn't cure my pain. It would just pass it onto someone else and the cycle would never end,"
Hawkmoth remained quiet for a second and for that moment, Inachis thought he might have gotten through to him but then a horrible smirk appeared on his face.
"You are pathetic," He stated, making Inachis stare at him. "So what if the pain 'passes' on?! As long as I get her back, I don't care how! I will bend and break everything whatever must be broken until she opens her eyes again! I will stop at nothing to get those miraculous and bring her back! And if that doesn't work then I'll find and force the Mage to resurrect her! I know he has the power to as he can resurrect himself! And you would do the same if you weren't too weak!"
"Having compassion and acceptance is not weak!" Inachis argued back but he knew he was talking to a lost cause. Hawk Moth smirked as a yoyo wrapped around the senti creature's torso as Brumus returned.
"I told you he would turn up," Hawkmoth stated as Brumus stepped forward and went to grab the miraculous of the Senticreature but stopped. "Brumus?"
"This isn't the real Atlas," He stated, glancing around. Meanwhile, Inachis had already jumped across to a different rooftop and snapped his fingers, causing the SentiAtlas to disappear before he jumped off. "A senticreature?!"
"So he has the peacock miraculous?" Hawkmoth answered, frowning. He really was his other world counterpart. He shook his head. "Nevermind that. The plan can still work,"
He opened his cane, allowing an akuma to fly out. He held out his hand, allowing it to land in his hand. He charged it up as Lila stepped forward before placing it into her necklace. The psychic connection opened as he smirked.
"Miracle Queen, not only do I return to you your powers of illusion and mind control but I also give you some extra powers to help capture Anatis and Lady Noir," He explained as she smirked. "Do you accept my gifts?"
"Of course, Hawk Moth," She declared before holding out her arms and allowing the purple smog to engulf her before it disappeared, revealing Miracle Queen. She took out her flute and played a tune on it, causing a ball of light to appear at the end before she threw it into the sky. It burst and in a glow of orange, two giant illusions of Brumus and Lady Ombre appeared. She smirked and turned to them. "That will lure them out then once they're here, we will complete the plan,"
"As you wish, my good queen," Lady Ombre grinned, ready to take them on.
Inachis landed back in front of Anatis and Lady Noir, who had waited patiently for him. Anatis was leaning into Lady Noir as she stroked his hair, humming gently and keeping him calm. To his surprise, Anatis glanced up as he landed in front of him, as if he expected him to land there. It didn't surprise him. He called off the duo transformation and caught Duusu before giving her a cookie.
"I wasn't able to get through to Hawkmoth," He sighed, looking at the sky. "He is too far gone but I was able to learn their plan. He's turned that Lila girl into a villain called Miracle Queen,"
"No, no... how can we defeat her?!" Anatis gasped, jumping up. "Last time, she almost won. I almost killed Lady Noire because of her!"
"Annie, deep breathes," Lady Noir stated, jumping and taking her hands in his. He looked at her and nodded, taking deep breaths as she looked to Atlas. "What else did you learn?"
"Hawkmoth gave her extra powers," He explains, making Lady Noir frown deeply. "From what I heard he's given her four extra abilities. The ability to duplicate herself, to paralyses her enemies, to teleport and to make herself invisible,"
"That makes her even harder than before," Lady Noir admitted as the colour drained from Anatis' face. "But you heard their plan right?"
"I did," Atlas confirmed, nodding. "They intend to lure you two out using an illusion of Brumus and Lady Ombre as akumatized giants. Once you two have split up to chase the giants, Miracle Queen will use her new abilities to capture you,"
"H-How do we even counter that?!" Anatis gasped, looking panicked as he gripped his head. "No matter what I do, I just can't think of a solution,"
Lady Noir gently takes his hands in hers, causing him to look at her as her touch instantly calmed him down. Atlas couldn't help but admire their relationship. He also couldn't help the strike of inspiration for a couple's outfit based on them.
"Maybe we just need a little bit of luck," She hinted, making him nod before he took out his yoyo. He hoped Tikki's guidance would help him.
"Lucky charm!" He called, causing his outfit to change as he summoned the item. The swarm of magical bugs burst into an item that fell towards Anatis. He caught it, causing all of them to look at it. "A scrying mirror...."
"Tikki only ever gives you that when Feng can give you a hint," Lady Noir points out, making him nod as Atlas gave him a confused look. "Spirit stuff,"
"Oh," He replied as Anatis lifted in the mirror so he could look in it. For a moment, he just saw himself but soon Feng appeared behind him with a soft smile.
"I don't know what to do," He whispered. His voice sounded so vulnerable and raw that it tugged at Atlas and Lady Noir's hearts. "Brumus is so much more powerful than I am. He's ruthless and now he's teamed up with Miracle Queen and Hawkmoth given her so many new powers. No matter what, I just can't see a solution. How can I defeat him when I can't even defeat my own enemy?"
Brumus is your reflection in many ways but there is one way where you differ from each other.... Feng's voice echoed in his mind, making him frown. This difference and the miraculous before you are how you overcome this trial...
"But what do I do?" Luka asked, finding himself standing in front of Feng. "It seems impossible and I don't know how to solve your riddles,"
"Nothing is impossible," Feng stated, gently placing his hand on his shoulder. "But I know you're having a hard time right now so I'll give you a hint...."
You're not alone.
Anatis blinked as he found himself back with Atlas and Lady Noir. Both of them looked at him with a little bit of worry. He glanced at the mirror in his hand. Feng had faded away but Anatis could still feel his hand on his shoulder, reminding him that he was not alone. His eyes widened as it suddenly became clear. Yes, Brumus was very powerful and the two of them reflected each other but there was one difference between them. Anatis wasn't alone where Brumus was. Sure, he might have Lady Ombre but that's it for him. Brumus only had one person on his side where Anatis had Lady Noir, his melody, his team and his past lives. He wasn't alone.
"Annie?" Lady Noir asked as he looked around. The yoyo in his hand lit up in his luck vision before he looked up, causing the butterfly miraculous light up then Lady Noir and Atlas. "You good?"
"I'm not alone," He smiled, making them both look at him with confusion. "And I have a plan but first, I need to let Tikki take a break,"
He made the mirror disappear and moved behind a wall where the two of them couldn't see each other. Atlas looked at Lady Noir as a pink glow appeared but she grinned and turned to the wall that Anatis was behind.
"Want to explain?" She asked, making Atlas nod.
"It's simple really," Luka stated from behind the wall as he waited for Tikki to eat her cookie. "Brumus has no one. He is alone,"
"But what about Lady Ombre?" Atlas asked. "She seems devoted to him and aren't they equals?"
"Not quite," Luka replied. "Despite having her as a partner, he is still alone. The reason? He doesn't see her as his partner or an equal. He's exploiting the fact that she is devoted to him but for him, that's as far as it goes. I would even bet that if she failed or wasn't as powerful as she is, he would drop her. It's the same with Hawkmoth and Miracle Queen. He is using them to further his own goal. Anyway, I have a plan that will protect us from Miracle Queen since she is the biggest issue right now. Wanna hear it?"
"We're all ears, Anatis," Atlas replied as the pink glow reappeared and Anatis stepped out again.
"Ok," He replies before clearing his throat. "So first of all, the miraculous of the butterfly has a limited range so we need to get far enough from Paris to be out of Hawkmoth's radius. As we do, we'll pick up Alya. She should be completely healed thanks to Toutai. Once we have her, Atlas will turn her back into Ubiquiti so she can open a portal to the other world."
The two of them nodded as they listened.
"Next, Atlas will lend me the butterfly miraculous. With it, I'll use it to create a second hero with a specially crafted super power that will protect us from Miracle Queen's abilities," He declared. "Next, we'll hide the object in which my Tenshi would have landed in the parallel world,"
"Making it inaccessible to Hawkmoth," Lady Noir gasped, making Anatis nod as Atlas listened in.
"Tenshi?" He asked, making Anatis look at him.
"Kamiko doesn't feel right for me," Anatis explained, making him nod. "With the object hidden, Hawkmoth won't be able to remove your powers in battle,"
"And my power will protect from Miracle Queen's treacherous blow!" Atlas declared, nodding. "Brilliant. Simply brilliant,"
"That's our Annie," Lady Noir grinned, giving him a high five.
"It gets better," He answered, making them look at him. "With our safety confirmed, we'll be able to deal with Miracle Queen and use her to separate Lady Ombre and Brumus. Obviously, she will use her extra powers to try and capture us when we go after the giants. More than likely, she'll send Brumus and Lady Ombre to us so they will lure us to certain areas and isolate us from each other. At that point, Miracle Queen will try to paralyse us. It will fail thanks to our guardian and then I will undo her akuma, dealing with her and Hawkmoth at the same time,"
"What do you mean her and Hawkmoth?"
"As soon as she's defeated, he'll realise we had a plan to defeat them and will run off," Anatis predicted. "Anyway, once we've got rid of her, we can take on Brumus and Lady Ombre separately. Of course, we have to make sure that no one gets hurt so I'll contact the police and let them know that a battle is about to go down. Brumus is brutal and ruthless so we're gonna need to make sure there are heroes on standby in case he tries to destroy buildings or harm anyone. If we can, we should try and naturalise him and Lady Ombre as soon as possible though. For that, I think we should have some heroes with us as well but we'll have Toutai on standby too. They won't hesitate to harm anyone so having a healer nearby would be wise,"
"You have truly thought of everything," Atlas stated. 
"And as a last touch, we'll stay in touch," Anatis smiled, taking out his ear piece as Lady Noir did the same. "The Strength of teamwork,"
~At the Arc de Triomphe~
"You said this would lure them out," Brumus growled, clearly getting impatient as Miracle Queen glanced around. Lady Ombre was clearly bored as well but Hawkmoth shook his head.
"Don't worry, they will turn up," He declared. "Anatis and Lady Noir always turn up,"
As he spoke, the four of them see Lady Noir and Anatis running with a number of their hero allies and Ubiquiti across the rooftops towards. Though Anatis wasn't in his usual form. Instead of his usual hero look, he appeared like a mysterious faerie prince. His hair is purple and black and he was dressed in a black tail coat with purple detail. Its tail resembled the wings of a butterfly and his pants were completely red. He appeared to be wearing a light purple shirt with black dots. He wore black gloves and purple boots. His yoyo was by his side and he had a cane on his back. Brumus narrowed his eyes a little as Hawkmoth smirked.
"See?" He states, gesturing towards them. "They can't help themselves. They always have to save the world,"
"Maybe so but there's more than just Anatis and Lady Noir now," Brumus stated, looking at them. "And Anatis is wearing the miraculous of the butterfly,"
"Your simple two person plan no longer works," Lady Ombre pointed out. 
"On the contrary" Hawkmoth answered, smirking. "Now it will be even simpler to seize their miraculous and the one of the butterfly. As for the holder of the butterfly, what he has done regardless of his universe, I can undo it,"
He smirked as he clicked his fingers, causing Ubiquiti to turn back into Alya. Brumus once again narrowed his eyes.
"Did you poison her?" Lady Ombre asked, confused.
"I did," He confirmed. "Anatis must have found a way to heal her... how intriguing,"
He smirked as he watched Alya apologise to Anatis and his team before they continued. Anatis, The Bee Holder and The Dragon Holder went after the giant Brumus while Lady Noir, the Turtle Holder and the Tiger Holder went after the giant Lady Ombre, causing Hawkmoth to smirk.
"Miracle Queen, you're up," He declared, making her smirk as she took over. She opened a portal for Brumus as the heroes discovered that it was an illusion before doing the same for Lady Ombre.
"See you soon, my dear good Queen," She smirked before diving into the portal as Miracle Queen smirked. Hawkmoth watched carefully as she went ahead with the next stage, using the extra powers he granted her to divide herself into two before the two Queens headed to the locations that Anatis and Lady Noir will be lured to. 
"It was an illusion?!" Ryuko declared as she landed on the ground with Abeille. The two of them turned to look as a portal opened, revealing Brumus. He narrowed his eyes as he stalked over to them.
"Where is he?!" He snarled before throwing his yoyo at them. Ryuko jumped out of the way and charged at him as Abeille spun her spintop.
"Venom!" She declared, summoning her power as Ryuko turned into her Lightning Dragon form, diving at him. He blocked her sword with his arm and threw her into a building as Abeille dived at him. He kicked her, sending her flying before throwing his yoyo. It wrapped around her foot and he pulled her towards him as Ryuko dived back at him. He grabbed Abeille's hand and slammed her power into Ryuko, paralysing her as Abeille gasped before he slammed her into the ground.
"Where is Anatis?!" He growled, lifting her head. She didn't answer so he slammed her head into the ground again, yanking her head back up. "Where is he?!"
"I'm here, Brumus," He declared, causing Brumus to smirk and drop Abeille's head. "And it's Cinnabug actually,"
"I don't care what you call yourself," He growled, throwing his yoyo at him. Cinnabug blocked the attack with his own yoyo before the two of them engaged in a battle. While they were busy, Culpeo jumped down and picked up Abeille, taking her to Toutai who was on standby to heal anyone who might need it. While Brumus and Cinnabug fought it out, Lady Noir, Leatherback and Sabertooth were waiting to ambush Lady Ombre. As soon as her portal opened, Leatherback used his power to trap her. However, she called on her power and used it to destroy it before stalking towards him.
"Leatherback, be careful!" Lady Noir called out from the rooftop. "She can use her power with no limit,"
"What?" He called back as she charged at him with another cataclysm. He managed to use his shield with it but she was relentless, trying to hit him with it. Sabertooth sneaked behind her with his power but she managed to realise he was there. She grabbed him and threw him into Leatherback, knocking them back into a building. She went to slam her hand on it to destroy it but Lady Noir jumped down.
"Screech!" She declared, causing her outfit to change to her upgrade before she released a sonic scream, knocking her back. Lady Ombre used her arms to protect her before she smirked.
"My turn," She replied before using Screech to send Lady Noir flying into another building before she turned it to the building where Leatherback and Sabertooth were, destroying it and trapping them within it. She smirked and turned back to Lady Noir, who was pushing bricks off herself. "Finally, we can have a pawsitively clawsome cat fight!"
She dived at her, causing Lady Noir to slam her baton into her and send her flying before she jumped after her. With Lady Ombre out the way, Atrarus and Phenix Rouge jumped down to help get Leatherback and Sabertooth out of the collapsed building.
"Will they be ok facing them?" Phenix asked.
"The outcome is satisfactory," Atrarus replied, nodding. "But I will keep an eye on things,"
~Back to Anatis and Brumus~
"You think you can defeat me?!" Brumus declared, throwing his yoyo. It wrapped around Cinnabug's leg, causing Brumus to pull him close and punch him. He pulled him back again and jumped up, kicking him into a building before throwing his yoyo up in the air. "Lucky charm!"
He caught the sword that had been created and dived at Cinnabug as he pulled himself out of the broken building. He jumped out of the way, just as Brumus slammed his sword where he had been before he took out his cane sword and jumped at him. Brumus blocked the attack, causing Cinnabug to jump back onto a rooftop. Brumus dove at him again but he sent him flying, causing Cinnabug to rush to the edge of the building. He looked around and didn't see him around but he felt something behind him. He ducked as Brumus went to slice at him, causing his earpiece to fall out before he grabbed Brumus by the arm and slammed him into the ground, unintentionally breaking the earpiece. Brumus smirked and wrapped his leg around Cinnanbug's arm, pulling him down and twisting his arm.
"You are pathetic," He smirked, twisting his arm farther up as Cinnabug called out in pain. "You think you can defeat me?! You can't even defeat your own enemy!"
"At least, I have allies!" Cinnabug gasped, making Brumus growl. "You're alone-!"
"Shut up!" He growled, letting go of Cinnabug's arm and grabbing his hair, yanking up his head. Seeing his chance, Cinnabug activated his spirit eyes and grabbed Brumus' hand, causing his touch to burn him. Brumus dropped him in shock, causing Cinnabug to get up and look at him with silver eyes. "You want to use our magic to fight?! Fine by me!"
His eyes turned a copper colour and he held out his hand.
"Kakos!" He called out, using the power of his past self. "Lend me your power!"
He summoned a fire beast, directing it towards Cinnabug, causing him to jump out the way and into Miracle Queen's path. She dived at him and slammed her hand onto his back to paralyse him but Guardian's ability activated, manifesting itself as two small wings on his back before trapping her in a bunch of feathers. Cinnabug straightened up and smirked, clicking his fingers to reverse her akuma. The akuma escaped from her necklace, turning her back into Lila and destroying the other one. It flew off as it lost its colour. Brumus narrowed his eyes and jumped up, grabbing Cinnabug before he could even think before throwing him into the nearest building, which happened to be the school...
~With Lady Noir and Lady Ombre~
At exactly the same time, the other Miracle Queen was trying to paralyse Lady Noir. Lady Ombre had lured her into a rooftop, causing her to try and use her ability but Guardian's powers protected Lady Noir before Miracle Queen's akuma was undone. Lady Ombre backed up a little, clearly not expecting that. 
"What's the matter?" Lady Noir asked, playfully. "Cat got your tongue?"
"Cheater," She growled, making Lady Noir smirked before jumping off, causing Lady Ombre to chase after her. "Get back here! I'm not done with you, Kitty cat!"
"Catch me if you can!" Lady Noir asked as Lady Ombre dived at her before she jumped over to a building. "Fun fact! Cats actually don't mind water!"
"Why do I care about that?!" She responded, trying to claw her with her claws. Lady Noir jumped out of the way, leading her into the swimming pool area. 
"Well, we are in a swimming pool!" Lady Noir responded as Lady Ombre dived in and looked around before she kicked her and sent her flying into the swimming pool. She managed to recover and dived at her. "Also did you know that viewing one's doppelganger is bad luck? But the question is which one of us is going to be affected?"
"I don't care for your stupid trivia!" She growled. "'It's not like my luck can't get any worse than it already is! Now give me your miraculous!"
Lady Noir jumped up to the diving board, causing Lady Ombre to follow her. She grabbed her leg and threw her down into the pool before diving at her. Lady Noir dived out of the way as she tried to get her.
"Why do you have to have a miraculous you already hold?" She asked, causing Lady Ombre to growl.
"Don't you know?!" She demanded, as Lady Noir hid behind one of the pillars. She dived over and glanced around. "We can make a wish if we merge ours with the Ladybug's,"
"So you need Brumus' miraculous," Lady Noir declared, diving at her again. Lady Ombre blocked her attack and threw her back before kicking her baton out of her hands. "Not mine!"
"Ours don't work," Lady Ombre declared, catching her baton. "But with yours!"
"No!" Lady Noir declared, diving at her and pinning her down. "You have no idea! Merging these two miraculous is too powerful! There would be a great price to pay!"
"Nothing is too powerful!" She declared, throwing Lady Noir off her before she stalked over. "And no price is too great to pay if it would free me from my pain!"
"Your pain?" Lady Noir asked, confused.
"Don't you get it?!" Lady Ombre growled as she stalked over. "There are no awesome girlfriends to inspire me every day! No amazing BBF, let alone a calm and gentle mum or a boyfriend who doesn't think I'm a total loser!"
Lady Noir looked at her with an expression crossed between surprise and sorrow.
"You ready my secret diary?" She asked as Lady Ombre pointed her own baton at her.
"Of course, I read it!" She screamed. "How could I not?! Your life is so much better than mine!"
"It's no-"
"It is!" She screamed as she summoned a cataclysm and went to slam it into her chest but before she could, Lady Noir called off her transformation, turning into Marinette. Lady Ombre stopped and stared at her with shock.
"See?" She stated. Lady Ombre stared at her with complete shock as Marinette stared back at her. "I get it,"
"No, you don't!" She gasped. "Don't pretend to be me! You know nothing of pain!"
"If you read my diary then you know it's not true," Marinette answered. "I suffered too. I was angry as well and scared. I still struggle with this every day but you don't need any magic jewels. Powers didn't change who I was. I changed who I was. I decided to do better and be better. That I could help and fix what was wrong. I'm sure you could as well,"
"... I can't..." She admits, looking down. "It's not just about me. It's about Brumus as well. I want to help him!"
"I admire that but-" Marinette started but she stopped speaking as someone jumped down, stopping their fight. Lady Ombre hissed and held her baton but Marinette sat up. "Sir Rene?"
"You both need to get to Brumus and Cinnabug right now," He declared, making her look at him with concern. "Me and Toutai both sensed something is about to happen,"
"Is Brumus in danger?!" She asked.
"I think so," Marinette declared, holding out her hand. "Truce?"
"Truce!" She declared, giving her back her miraculous. Marinette retransformed after making sure Plagg was ok before the two of them headed out to find where Cinnabug and Brumus were.
~With Brumus and Cinnabug~
Brumus narrowed his eyes and jumped up, grabbing Cinnabug before he could even think before throwing him into the nearest building, which happened to be the school. Cinnabug pulled himself out of the debris and jumped out the way as Brumus dived at him with a sword again. He jumped down and landed on the group before throwing up his yoyo.
"Lucky charm!" He shouted, summoning the magical swarm. Another mirror fell down and he caught it, looking at it with a confused look. Brumus growled and summoned a hammer, driving at him with it. Cinnabug jumped out as he tried to hit him with it before jumping over him. "I wouldn't break it if I were. It would be seven years of bad luck you know!"
"You think it can be any different then it is now?!" Brumus snarled, changing the hammer into a massive sword before charging at Cinnabug, causing him to stumble back as he tried to avoid being hit. "Guess what?! I don't have your nice little life!"
He made the sword disappear and threw his yoyo, wrapping it around Cinnabug's leg. He yanked it, pulling Cinnabug into the air and slamming him into the canteen before he stalked through.
"In my world, I have no family who cares for me!" He declared, using his yoyo to break tables as he stalked over. "No loving mother who would do anything to protect me! No sweet little sister who looks up to me! No rockstar dad who didn't abandon me!"
"You saw my life?" Cinnabug asked. Brumus growled and threw his yoyo at him again. He used it to backhand Cinnabug, sending him flying through the window and back into the courtyard. He climbed onto the window shelf and jumped back into the courtyard. He summoned his sword again and charged at him. Cinnabug looked at him as he stood up before he looked down at his mirror as it lit up as Brumus stalked over. "Then you know we're the same, you and I?"
"Are you kidding?! I'm the opposite to you!" He screamed as Anatis showed him his reflection. "All I've gotten is pain and suffering! That stupid cult stole me from my family and tortured me! When I finally escaped, my own mother refused to help me! No one helped me or loved me! Until I was given a miraculous and finally got my true power as the Supreme! Now no one will hurt me anymore! I'll get rid of them before they can!"
He turned his sword into a smaller weapon and used it to break the mirror in Cinnabug's hand.
"So we have nothing in common!"
"We might be opposites but we do have things in common," Cinnabug stated. "I have had my fair share of pain. My stepfather tried to kill me on more than one occasion and recently I have lost my mentors..."
"I don't care!" Brumus shouted, using his yoyo to hit him again. He grabbed Cinnabug and threw him into the middle before diving at him while summoning a sword again but before he could hit him, a whip wrapped around his wrist and he was suddenly pulled back, causing him to land and glare at whoever did it. Cinnabug looked over as well as a miraculous holder that resembled Khnurn jumped down, glaring at Brumus and Cinnabug. "Who are you?!"
"You do not recognize your own past life, young Supreme?" A calm but cold voice stated, making the hairs on Cinnabug's neck stand up as a man who resembled Feng walked over but unlike Feng who wore peasant clothing and had an easy going aura, this man wore the finest silks and the aura radiating off him could only be described as terrifying. Brumus let out a growl and charged at him, causing Cinnabug to shout out but a knight in all black dived in front of him and slammed his sword into Brumus, sending him flying before he pointed his sword at his throat. Realising that this man would kill him, Brumus held his hands up. The man turned his attention to Cinnabug. "My apologies for the destruction this one has brought to your world. We'll take him back now,"
"I can't let you do that," Cinnabug stated, making the man smirk.
"Oh? You rather risk your world falling into destruction?" He asked. "That's what will happen if he stays. Trust me, I have seen it already,"
"Who are you?" Cinnabug asked, narrowing his eyes. He had an idea.
"I am Huài Shé," He responded, bowing slightly. "The first of the Supremes but somehow you knew that, didn't you, young mage?"
"I suspected," He confirmed as Lady Noir and Lady Ombre jumped in. Seeing Brumus with a sword to his throat, Lady Ombre growled and charged towards them, causing a fourth to appear. He was dressed similar to an assassin and used fans as weapons. He slammed them into her and kicked her into the wall. Lady Noir rushed over to her. The Knight in Black pulled Brumus to his feet as Lady Ombre got up and pushed Lady Noir out of the way.
"Let him go!" She snarled but the assassin-like holder grabbed her. "Unhand me!"
"I highly recommend you don't move, young lady," Huài Shé declared, making her glare at him. "Toutai has quite the talent when it comes to poisons and I doubt you'll be able to do much if you are poisoned,"
"Leave her be," Brumus declared as the Knight pulled him over. "I'll go with you,"
"Of course, you will," Huài shé replied as he turned on his heel. "Toutai, Khalid. Let's go,"
The two lowered their weapons before moving over to where Huài Shé, Brumus and the Knight who Cinnabug suspected to be their version of Sir Rene were before a portal opened up. Huài Shé entered first before the Knight pulled Brumus through, causing Lady Ombre to run over but before she could, a line of fire appeared, making her jump back.
"Brumus!" She called out, causing him to look back at her. "I'll find you!"
He said something but none was able to hear what he said before the two others entered the portal and it closed, making Cinnabug frown.
"Lady Ombre... are you ok?" He asked, causing her to look at him.
"I'm fine," She sighed, making him nod. "I just don't know how I'm gonna find him. What if they hurt him?"
"Were they...?" Lady Noir asked, making Cinnabug nod.
"That world's version of Feng, Toutai, Khnurn and Sir Rene... yep," He confirmed. "I suspect their Alpheus is who started the fire too... speaking of which,"
He held out the mirror and threw it up into the air.
"Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, causing the mirror to burst into the magical swarm, spreading throughout Paris fixing everything that had been destroyed. Finally, it came back to the school. It fixed it up and put out the fire before going around Lady Ombre, making her gasp as the black veins disappeared and the colour returned to her cheeks before disappearing. "Tikki believes you can do better and deserves better,"
"I..." She mumbled, looking down before the feathers on Cinnabug's back growled and Guardian appeared. "So that's how you did it,"
"I should give this back," Cinnabug replied, gently gesturing to the miraculous. "Ladies, we'll meet you near the Eiffel tower. Bring Alya. We're gonna need her,"
"Of course," Lady Noir replied, causing Lady Ombre to nod and follow her as she jumped off. Cinnabug turned to the Guardian.
"Do you want to hide behind somewhere?" He asked.
"I don't mind you knowing who I am," He replied, making Cinnabug smile and click his fingers, turning him back into his civilian form. 
"Gabriel Agreste huh?" Cinnabug replied, thinking. He couldn't help but wonder if it was the same in this world. It more than likely was but he would have to find a way to fully confirm. After all, he's suspected Gabriel has been Hawkmoth for ages but he's just never been able to find the evidence against him. He would have to work harder. "Thank you for your help, Mr Agreste,"
"The honour has been mine," He smiled gently. He was completely different from this world's version. 
"Nooroo, Tikki. Divide," Cinnabug declared, turning back into Luka. He caught both of them with one hand as they both looked exhausted before taking a cookie out for both of them. Tikki grinned and began to dig into hers as Nooroo bowed before taking it. The two kwamis began to eat the cookies as Luka sighed softly. 
"Are you ok?" Gabriel asked, gently placing his hand on his shoulder.
"I'm worried about Brumus," He admitted before bringing Gabriel up to speed. "His past lives aren't like mine so I'm worried for him and what they might do to him,"
"I understand," Gabriel stated, nodding. "Brumus may be a dangerous person but he is still a child. I will try my best to find him,"
"Thank you," He replied as the kwamis finished their cookies. Seeing them finish, Luka took off the butterfly miraculous and gave it back to Gabriel, who pinned it back to his shirt. The two of them transformed. Anatis went and collected all the miraculous he and Lady Noir had lent out before saying goodbye to Toutai and Rene before they left. With that done, he and Atlas headed to where the two cats were waiting. When they got there, they saw Lady Ombre had changed her costume a little. However, the real difference was that she no longer had cracks in her outfit and the green was more of an emerald green than a sickly green.
"I'm still going by Lady Ombre," She declared, crossing her arms as Lady Noir shook her head. "I am still Brumus' partner... but I will help take down the fake supreme,"
"I would appreciate the help," Atlas replied, making her look over. "And in return, I will help you find Brumus and rescue him,"
"You will?!" She gasped before clearing her throat. "Of course, you will,"
"It's time," Atlas smiled before turning to Alya. "Alya Cerise, if you allow me,"
She nodded, causing him to charge up his Kamiko before he let it fly over to her and land into her glasses. She transformed into Ubiquity and opened a portal to their world. Atlas turned to Anatis and Lady Noir.
"I thank you for your help," He smiled. "And I'm sure you'll be able to defeat your Hawkmoth soon,"
"Thank you, Atlas," Anatis smiled. "You helped me find something I thought I had lost,"
"Oh?" He asked, a little confused. "What would that be?"
"Hope," Anatis replied. "I know the future is uncertain but as long as I've got hope, my friends and my families, I'll be ok,"
"I'm glad I could help," Atlas replied, gently placing his hand on Anatis' shoulder. "Whatever burdens you have faced... they have not destroyed you. They have made you stronger and I believe you will only grow in power and strength. I hope we might meet again in a more positive situation,"
"I hope so too," Anatis replied, getting a nod of Atlas before he turned and waved to Lady Noir, who waved back. Lady Ombre gave them a salute before walking through the portal with Atlas. As soon as they went through, the portal closed and Ubiquity turned back into Alya as the butterfly escaped and flew off. 
"Well, I'm glad tha- ah!" Lady Noir gasped, suddenly gripping her head.
"Kitten?!" Anatis gasp as a white light overtook her before it disappeared, showing her outfit had changed slightly. Her main outfit had turned space-like, appearing like a night sky of stars. Her hair had turned bright purple. She had several glowing circles on her legs and two on her shoulders with several glowing lines. She now wore a cape and the green details of her outfit were glowing. "Lady Noir?"
"Sorry for the sudden visit," She stated, making the two of them stare. "I'll explain in a moment,"
Anatis went to open his mouth but before he could say anything, an orange portal appeared and a man dressed in a very strange costume stepped out. He had gelled back white hair and purple skin. His main outfit was a dark purple suit with a butterfly in the middle that appeared to be made out of stained glass with a different colour in every part. Anatis narrowed his eyes as he noticed he wore every single miraculous. However, Lady Noir narrowed her eyes, clearly expecting this.
"And you're not getting them here either, Monarch!" She declared, pulling back her fist and punching him back into the portal that closed seconds later. She let out a sigh and turned back to the others. "Sorry about that,"
She turned to Anatis.
"He was planning to try and steal your miraculousness so I had to stop him," She explained. "You see he's-"
"He's the butterfly holder from your world," He stated, surprising her. "And you're the Ladybug of that world,"
"Well, I'm Ladybiquity right now but yes," She replied, smiling. "You're very insightful. I can see you're a great Ladybug. What's your name?"
"I go by Anatis," He replied, making her smile. 
"Well, Anatis, your world is very lucky to have you," She replied, grinning. "Well, he's stopped now so now it's time for me to leave. Bye,"
"Good luck, Ladybiquity," He stated, making her grin before the light engulfed her again. It disappeared, returning Lady Noir to her normal form. She fell forward, causing Anatis to catch her. "You ok?"
"That was very odd," She mumbled before straightening up. Anatis couldn't help but yawn as he finally felt tired. "You should go home and sleep, Mister. I'll take Alya back to Marinette's and then pick up Marinette ok?"
He was going to argue but he yawned again and just nodded, too tired to make a counter-arguablement.
"Ok," He nodded, smiling. "Get back safely and see you both soon,"
"Bye, Anatis!" Alya yelled out as he swung off before she turned to Lady Noir. "What a night right?"
~At the Liberty~
Anatis climbed through the porthole of his room and dropped his transformation, stretching and yawning as he did. Part of him was still terrified of what was to come but after meeting Atlas and Brumus, he couldn't help but be glad that he was born in this world. Throughout their whole battle, he could sense Brumus' anger and pain. He didn't doubt for one second that he had suffered and he suspected it was more than what he said. However, he also knew that he was lost and there was a high chance that he was too far gone. Part of him was reassured that even if he was akumatized, he would never be like that. He moved to his bed and flopped on it as the kwamis flew over.
"I'm tired," He mumbled to them, causing them to curl up around him. "Good night, everyone,"
They said good night to him but he didn't hear them, having drifted straight into sleep. Bennu, Nepp and Vernn lifted his blankets over him before joining the other kwamis.
~Somewhere in the Spirit Realm on the Parallel side~
"You are quite the supreme already," Huài Shé declared as Luka knelt down before him. Tikki was eating a cookie and he had a cup of tea in his hand. "Already channelling our magic without even making a connection with us,"
"I'm sorry," He mumbled, looking down.
"You mistake my tone for displeasure," Huài Shé stated, making Luka look up at him. "On the contrary, I am impressed,"
"Then why did you stop me?"
"Your present in that world would have ended up in its destruction and ours," He explained, making Luka frown. "And that is something that can not happen. I worked too hard to have my world destroyed. Speaking of which, that cult is using our title to their own gain,"
"I know but they're too powerful," Luka growled, gritting his teeth. "They have most of the miraculous and while I've gotten rid of two of their people, they still have more,"
"In that case, I will teach you how to be a true Supreme," Huài Shé declared as the other four walked over. "All of us will teach you and then you will reclaim your birthright as the true Supreme,"
"You have my thanks, Master Huài Shé," Luka smirked with a dark expression that the other Supremes reflected.
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