#taking out the trash then? ttt2023
the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
Coming Home To Peaceful Disaster
By: the-coffee-fandom
For: @newdog14
Damian hadn’t expected anything when he had come home that night. It had been a long day and all he wanted to do now was have a cup of his lovely girlfriend's famous hot chocolate and sleep.
He tapped his foot impatiently as the elevator slowly traveled up the floors, the red numbers flashing higher until they got to six. Finally, his floor. He had moved out of the manor quite a while ago. He had needed more space, in a mental sense from his family and responsibilities, and with his romantic side of it he saw getting his own apartment the perfect thing to do.
The manor was plenty big enough for them, sure. But he’s had his brothers walk in on far too many make out sessions and he was really getting annoyed at how they couldn’t respect his space. His art room was precious to him. It was his favorite spot in the house. He had made an effort to respect their space and their stuff and they hadn’t paid him the same respect, not completely at least.
So now he had his own room here where he had everything he could need organized exactly how he wanted it and it was completely respected. No one else would barge in unnoticed, no stealing of supplies without asking just because they need it, no one would accidentally mess up his pieces because they were where they shouldn’t be. If someone wanted to enter, they’d knock and make sure it was ok to be in there. Sometimes they’d silently join him just to keep him company while working on their own things. Damian found it refreshing and only made him love them more.
He slid the key into the keyhole, unlocking and opening the door of the apartment. A quiet creak groaned out, the hinges crying out. Damian frowned and made a mental note later to fix that. For now he slipped in, slipped his shoes off and left them near the hat rack, hung his jacket up on the coat rack near the door, and headed towards the kitchen in search of his roommate Marinette.
He was really happy when he found her just there. She hadn’t noticed that he had entered yet, too busy in her own world. She had headphones in and her head was bobbing to an unknown beat as she beat eggs in a bowl. Her black hair shimmered in the low kitchen light as it swirled around her as she spun. She came to a stop, and swayed her hips as she stood in place. Damian was mesmerized. He loved his girlfriend's little quirks; the way she could dance so freely as if no one was watching. Although, she only ever did it when she thought she was alone. She was filled to the brim with shyness and though he’d tried helping her ease out of it, there were just some things she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed of.
So like a good boyfriend, rather than continue to enjoy this rare show, he cleared his throat loudly, louder than anyone would need to to ensure she had heard since she was wearing headphones and who knows how loud her music could be.
Her head shot up and blue met green. The blue ones widened comically causing an upturn of Damian’s lips. He couldn’t help it. Her face lit up in a blush as she looked down at her shoes to hide her face, her hair curtaining over it.
“How long have you been there?”
“I just got here. I’m sorry.”
It used to be hard for Damian to apologize. He used to never see the need to. Why apologize when he hadn’t done anything wrong? But he had grown a lot and realized that sometimes it wasn’t black and white. Sometimes he had to apologize for things he didn’t think were his fault, he considered the other side's feelings and realized that maybe they feel just as hurt as him and if he wants to mend something, he is able to take that step as well rather than expect everyone else to do so for him. With his loves, he was gentle and made sure that they felt comfortable. If he did something that made them uncomfortable like watching the beautiful little excited dancing Marinette would do when she baked, he’d be sure to apologize.
“That’s… a lot of chocolate don’t you think?” Damian changed the subject so Marinette’s mind wouldn’t linger on it and send her into a spiral. She really was far too nervous; sometimes she just couldn’t see her beauty the way everyone else could.
Marinette lifted her head and grinned sheepishly at him, “Yeah I got a little carried away.”
A little carried away consisted of every surface of their kitchen having some sort of chocolate dessert laid on it, freshly baked by the baker's daughter herself.
“Are we running a bakery now? A chocolate one that is?” He joked, making sure to emphasize to her that he was joking by smiling.
Marinette giggled and shook her head, “No I just had made a bigger batch then necessary and realized the flour needed to be used up soon so I thought maybe we could just give some to your brothers but then it kind of spiraled from there and there was more flour then I thought. Then I decided I wanted a variety and started making other treats and no one stopped me.”
Damian chuckled, “no one stopped you huh?”
Arms wrapped around his waist from behind and a nose nudged his neck, attempting to bury itself into the crook of his neck. Damian tilted his head slightly to give more room. He was rewarded with kisses that trailed up to behind his ear. A tongue darted out along his neck and made him shiver before a pleasant warmth was settled against his ear.
“I know I asked, but this isn’t what I meant. For chocolate that is. She was so excited when I agreed, I didn’t have the heart to stop her,” the person behind him breathed into his ear.
Damian took a moment to let his eyes flutter closed, going lax on the person behind him who gladly accepted holding his weight for him for a moment, hugging him close so their whole front was pressed snuggly to his whole back.
“I see. Wouldn’t want to ruin our little hearts fun.”
“Never. With how stressed she’s been lately? She needs it. Besides, it just means more treats for us,” they grinned against his neck.
“I am literally still here guys?” Marinette huffed indignantly.
“Oh we know,” the boy with dyed-blue hair winked over their boyfriend's shoulder.
“Be nice Luka,” Damian jokingly scolded his boyfriend.
Luka pouted at him but Damian just rolled his eyes and pulled out of his arm. Luka relinquished his hold and stepped over to the counter where treats were laid, immediately beelining for a chocolate croissant. Damian walked over to Mari and pressed a kiss to her forehead, enjoying the way her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into the contact. He let his lips rest there for longer than needed, not that either of them minded. He just wanted to rest for a second against his tiny girlfriend. When he did pull away his eyes caught on something.
“Is that for me?”
Marinette turned to see what had captured her sweet Damian’s eyes only to find it was his favorite of her chocolate creations: Hot chocolate.
She beamed up at him and nodded enthusiastically, “I thought you could use some.”
Damian’s eyes softened as he looked down to his thoughtful girlfriend. He hooked a hand under her chin and generally pulled her head up so he could bend down and press a sweet kiss to her lips.
“Thank you my love.”
“Anything for you two.”
He walked over and poured himself a cup, already finding the marshmallows out of the cupboard. He pulled a big handful out and shucked it into his cup. He put a few more. Just in case some fall obviously. Or Luka might nick one or two of them when he passes. No other reason
He pops one in his mouth and surprises everyone including himself when a moan comes out. Marinette truly left no stone unturned. She had filled the marshmallows inside with chocolate.
Marinette giggled as she went to add the eggs to the rest of the ingredients she had prepared.
“You have him moaning already Marinette. You truly are a gift.”
Damian was glad he had nothing in his mouth at the moment. He shot a glare at Luka who was completely unaffected and only winked at him.
“You know what else would be a gift? If you did what I had asked you earlier,” Marinette shot a good natured glare at her blue haired lover.
“I did though, didn't I?”
“No you didn’t.”
“I did everything you asked though?”
“Taking out the trash, then?”
Luka’s eyes darted over to the overfilled trash can and remembered when Marinette had asked him hours ago to empty it for her. Which had completely slipped his mind because he was stealing the frosting she had been making and that had then turned into a make out session.
“I’ll see to it right away ma’am.”
Damian smiled softly as he watched the pure domesticated life he was somehow managing to have. His heart was filled with such warmth he felt that his previous, younger, anger led self might have thought he was sick and needed a hospital. It was something he had never felt before he had met these two. They completed his life in a way no other could.
Marinette slipped a last thing in the oven and handed Damian the bowl to clean for her, silently asking with her eyes. He dutifully complied and put it in the dishwasher. He poured two more cups of hot chocolate and came over, all three carefully in his hand and put gently on the coffee table, joining his lovers already snuggled up on the couch together. He sat on Marinette’s left while Luka sat on her right, pressing her snuggly in the middle.
They put on some mindless tv that kept them slightly entertained. But then Luka’s hand traveled to his thigh and squeezed, bringing his eyes up to his light blue ones. Luka leaned over Mari to press their lips together, stealing his breath.
When he pulled away out of breath, Marinette barely gave Damian time to collect his own before yanking him down by the collar and kissing him as if it was their last time. His head spun. His lovers had that talent. When she pulled away, Luka gently tug her into him so he could kiss her. Damian watched as his hand trailed up her side causing her to shiver before coming to caress lightly at the nape of her neck.
When they pulled apart both were breathing heavily. Luka met eyes with him before they flicked down then back up lightning quick.
“So, who’s your friend?” Luka joked with a seductive grin, “Why don’t you introduce us?”
They would truly be the death of him.
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
Rose Gold Eyes
By: the-coffee-fandom
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, Negative Thoughts
There was a little beep, almost silent. To the normal ear, it would be. But not to her.
“We have to leave. Now,” she whispered harshly, ears pinning down to her head as she stuffed some last jewels in her bag, expertly wrapping a rope around the top and tying it in a few swift movements, too quick to keep up with.
“One more second Cariño,” was the response she got, a laugh in her voice as the other woman flickered across the room, throwing a few more treasures into her own sack, “don’t be so paranoid.”
“The alarms went off,” she hissed as she yanked the grappling hook secured to the roof, ensuring it was still stable enough for them to scale up it.
“It just adds to the danger.”
Her green eyes sparkled in the moonlight as a smile twisted on her lips, a joy in her eyes pairing with the thrill of the game. Her shoulders came to her chin as a little chuckle left her lips before she sauntered over, hooking a finger beneath her jaw, forcing her chin up to keep peering into her eyes.
“Loosen up Tata, we’re just having a little fun,” her claw scraped down her throat and suddenly she couldn’t breathe as she was drawn in by those devilish green eyes.
They sparked with too much. She would be the death of her. Too much mischief wrapped in a gorgeous package.
“Come along then,” she smirked, pearly white teeth showing, two pointed like fangs. It suited her well.
She watched dumbly for a moment as her partner climbed up before it hit her that she had to follow and she quickly scurried up after her, meeting the cool breeze of fresh air the rooftop provided her.
At least, as fresh as someplace like Gotham could offer.
She grabbed the edge, looking up to meet the hand of her partner extended out, the same grin that dances on her mind daily painted on her face, an adoration in her eyes directed at her that made her insides jumble.
“I’m disappointed.”
But she wasn’t stupid enough to believe she’d love her.
“Disappointed? In little ol’ me?” Her partner pulled her up, placing a hand to her chest but her eyes now focused on him.
“We’ve been over this Selina.”
A growl rumbled in the back of her throat; low, threatening, dangerous. The dark knights eyes found her bright blue ones, the white covering them concealing the colour narrowed at her threateningly.
“I certainly don’t remember having such a conversation,” she quipped back smugly, stepping forward just once so one leg was in front of the other, one hip slightly out, chin held high while one hand was resting on her hip. A step slightly in front of her, blocking a full view of her. Her other hand traced her arm soothingly.
“You and your little pet need to return all the stolen artifacts and maybe I’ll let you go with a warning.”
It was always the same with Batman. He’d let her get away. He always did.
Her ears pricked back anyway, her lips coming up in a snarl, showcasing sharp fangs, larger than Selina’s. She hated him.
“Now now Cariño, calm down,” Cat Woman told her. She looked back, just a moment their eyes met again, searching for something within her blue ones, before it was over and all she could focus on again was Batman, “Now Bruce, that is no way to talk to my partner.”
She walked towards him, every step coming with a gift of an exaggerated sway of her hips, her tail swishing behind her, her eyes focused on him, her clawed hands coming to cup under his jaw, pulling him down to her height as she whispered something for only his ears. She backed away and his eyes followed her. Miray watched as Cat Woman distracted him flawlessly, effortlessly.
“I’ll catch you around Bruce,” she winked at him, throwing a sack of loot over her shoulder and scurrying off.
Batman was quick to follow.
Miray was left forgotten on the rooftops once again.
She knew she asked, but this is not what she meant. Always being left behind. But that was the plan, wasn’t it? That was always the plan, right?
She watched Selina chase him, wondering what she saw in him that she couldn’t find in her. Selina had to know he wasn’t good enough for her, right? But maybe that’s what made him all the more appealing. Wanting someone you know you’ll never have but they’re just within arms reach and reciprocate in a way that cures the need in your heart. That’s what she wanted.
Miray sighed, picking up the bags of treasures. The one Selina had taken didn’t actually have anything worthwhile, it was a decoy. Miray had prepared it knowing what the outcome of the outing would be again.
She returned home, hefting herself through the window and depositing the jewels and trinkets in the safe behind the bookshelf they had.
“Cirrus, stars rest,” Miray said quietly.
A bright flash of light and her suit disappeared, a little ball of light flying around her before coming to rest at her shoulder, a bat appearing from it.
“That bat is a disgrace! We’d never let that slip from our wings. Of course it works in our favour, but he didn’t even look back at you!” Cirrus complained, swooping around agitated before noticing their holder wasn’t in the spot they were previously.
They looked around and found Marinette at the window, opening it and climbing out onto the fire escape to head up to the roof. They followed behind and once they got to the top, Marinette dropped down to sit on the edge of the roof. Cirrus set themselves down near her.
Marinette didn’t really feel like talking. Her legs dangled off the roof, swinging back and forth as she kept her eyes focused on the moon. The smog covered the sky, hiding the stars from her view but she could imagine them there. Just like she could imagine Selina there besides her. She’d have one knee pulled up to her chest, leaning back with a large smirk plastered on her stupid face, she’d have broughten a blanket in case it got too cold, and she would have eyes only for her.
Marinette couldn’t bear to look in the direction they had gone, her chasing him again. He thought he was chasing her, but it was never that way. Selina has always been after his heart far more than any jewels they’d collect.
Marinette coughed, choking on the lump in her throat.
He’s emotionally constipated. He’d never love her the way she deserves.
She hacked, bending forward with her eyes squeezing shut as she attempted to breath again through the pain, the pricks in her throat, stabbing into her esophagus, cutting into her lungs.
He’d never hold her tenderly through the night. He’d never kiss her passionately against the rough brick chimneys but even it out with tender kisses on window panes, one leg hanging out as the cool breeze travels in. He’d never dance against the moon with her without a care in the world. He’d never hold her like she’s the only precious thing in this existence to him.
She felt a light pressure on her cheek and followed the instructions she was given to move properly on the roof. She turned around, moving to her knees but the coughs soon wracked her body enough to have her bending forward and catching herself on her palms, coughing and coughing, feeling a liquid trickle down her chin.
He’d never wake her up and greet her with kisses pressed lightly to her face, watch her eyes flutter open, a smile on her lips before his met them in a morning kiss, a breakfast made from scratch already prepared for her. He’d never lay on rooftops stargazing, sharing an earbud each, sides pressed together just bathing in each others company. He’d never sit at her feet as she read, back against her chair between her legs as her hands run through his hair. He’d never sit with her just to sit with her.
No matter what, they’ll always be something more important than her.
Why couldn’t she see that?!?
Duty bears a heavy weight on his chest, and it’ll always take more priority then her. But Mari knew she would always put her first, lay her life down for her, if it was between the world and Selina, it would be her every time. She may have been a hero, but even then she’d prioritized her heart. It didn’t make her a great hero, but it’s made her the perfect villain.
Her body gave out beneath her. Marinette lay crumpled on the rooftop of her apartment shared with someone who’d never love her the way she wanted, the way she needed, coughing golden yellow roses splattered with crimson.
Tears fell from her eyes, the pressure of her kwami against her shoulder nuzzling her in an attempt of comfort almost an invisible feeling as everything went numb.
The chill of the night bit her fingers, she knew with the way her cheek had scrapped the roof there’d be a scratch but she couldn’t even feel it, her body felt weighed down. She was numb. She was nothing.
Her eyes eventually drifted closed without her permission as the bombardment of roses ceased. Her heavy breathing, desperate for some air now stuttering and light. Her body went slack and the last thing she saw was a single silhouette against the moon.
Marinette leaned into a pleasant warmth. Every part of her hurt. She couldn’t remember what happened or where she was. She attempted to crack an eye open but found she couldn’t so she did the next best thing. She cuddled into the warmth of whatever she was laying on.
She hummed in content as a light press of something touched her forehead, lingering, before disappearing. Then the small of her back was being gently caressed. She melted into it, enjoying it.
She had drifted off again pretty quickly after that, the next time she’d awoken she managed to open her eyes; squinting against the bright rays of the sun.
She didn’t move other then that, just gazing silently out the window. There wasn’t much to see baring a few lingering clouds in the sky, the top of a broken down building covering part of the view. She was trying to reboot her brain though, remember what had happened beforehand.
“Awake now sleepyhead?” Came a voice behind her. No. Underneath her. She felt the vibrations of her voice soothingly on her side.
She tilted her head up, meeting the vibrant green eyes of Selina who was gently running her fingers through her hair. She gave her a soft smile, her eyes crinkling at the edges, a look she’d only ever seen directed at her. A look reserved only for her.
“Would you like some breakfast?”
It was then that Marinette realized she’d been staring for longer than socially acceptable. She bounded off of her partner, the blanket laying atop her twisting around her, falling face flat on the floor with a groan.
Selina chuckled at her partner, easily extracting herself from her chair with an illegal amount of grace.
“Excited just for breakfast, huh?”
Marinette blushed and got up, dusting herself off and following Selina as she walked into the kitchen.
Marinette’s eyes trailed over the counter as he mouth dropped, “that’s… a lot of chocolate don’t you think?”
Marinette raised her eyes to Selina’s who was gazing at her with a fondness that made her chest ache.
“I don’t think so. Special people deserve special things in abundance.”
Marinette swallowed thickly, “is that all for me?”
Selina’s eyes softened, “I said special people didn’t I?”
She pushed down the doubts that she was in no way special, that she didn’t deserve this kind of attention, that maybe this was Selina telling her she felt the same. All of them were worthless thoughts not to be taken to heart or mind.
She carefully looked over the barrage of treats, picking out a box of chocolate croissants carefully. She opened them and was very pleased to find they were still hot. She handed one to her partner who gave her a grateful smile as she reached past her hand, her fingers gently touching her wrist and slowly trailed up. Marinette felt travel shiver harsh through her body to the point where she was sure the other woman would be able to tell. She grabbed the croissant and bit into it, her eyes staying on Marinette the entire time even as her tongue darted out to clean the chocolate off her lips.
Marinette's throat felt dry and she quickly found herself turning around and stuffing the entire croissant into her face hole. Her chest screamed, her heart ached, her lungs cried, vines yanked at her insides begging her to act.
But she couldn’t.
What if she rejected her? What if it ruined their partnership? What if she left her forever for that stupid fake bat who didn’t deserve her attention?
“Hey,” a feather light touch brought her hand away from her arm where she didn’t realize she had been pressing her nails deep into, “Don’t injure that beautiful skin of yours. It would be such a shame.”
Marinette whipped around, ignoring the croissant that fell to the floor. She wanted to scream, she wanted to say… to say… to say something! But her brain was too slow and she didn’t actually know what her heart wanted her to say. She just ended up staring into those beautiful eyes.
‘Can I kiss you?’ Are the words that wanted to leave her lips. They pressed against her throat and caused her heart to speed up like a motorbike through the freeway, the way Selina drove it though like a maniac. Or like a woman with no leash who was free to do whatever she pleases whenever she wanted to and would never be alone, always be supported in everything she did because she had… her.
Marinette swallowed, “Taking out the trash, then?”
The other woman tilted her head in question.
Marinette didn’t respond. She wasn’t sure she could even get more words out. She felt something sharp in her throat but refused to make a noise. She deserved the pain, right? She knew this beautiful woman’s heart belonged to another and still she took advantage of her, doing anything she could to be close and let her thoughts wonder where they shouldn’t.
She grazed past her and removed the bag from the trash, heading out the door to the bin at the back of the building. Selina didn’t make a move to follow.
Good. Marinette needed the time alone.
She got halfway down the stairs when she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Her knees buckled beneath her, her hands shooting out to the railing to grab on for dear life. Her body shook pathetically just like last night on the rooftop. She wheezed weakly as full roses slipped from her pale lips, one by one fluttering down to the stairs. When she fell into the railing as her legs grew weaker she watched as red roses fell down through the middle, falling to the base floor where she was to be. Her vision blurred more and more and her ears rang. She thought she had felt her dear Cirrus on her shoulder but she must have been mistaken because now she could feel nothing but the sting in her throat and the cuts on her hands as she gripped the metal that hadn’t ever been sanded down so hard her knuckles turned white.
She coughed for what felt like hours but could only have been mere minutes before her body gave out. She’d tumble down the stairs, following the forgotten garbage bag that she was to be disposing of. She really was good for nothing wasn’t she?
She felt herself fall and then… something on her arm? She couldn’t figure out what it was as her eyes slipped closed and she was lost to the world.
When she awoke she was surrounded by white sheets. She debated with herself for just a second on whether or not she was in heaven. She was quick to brush that thought off though and rolled over, snuggling into the pillow. It smelt like her. This was Selina’s bed. How did she get here?
Come to think of it, she couldn’t remember anything after Selina had asked her if she wanted breakfast. She pushed herself up on her hands and frowned, looking around the room. It was clearly early evening and she was alone in the room. She shuffled to the side of the big bed and let her feet dangle to just above the floor. She sat there for a moment to collect her thoughts.
Just then, Cirrus phased through the door. Marinette tilted her head in silent question but the kwami just shook their head and hid.
That was odd.
She let her feet touch the cool wood and trotted over to the vase. She was about to peak in when she heard it. A deep masculine voice. Her eyes widened and she quickly darted for the door. She opened it to find Batman in their living room, Selina in front of him. Her back was facing her so she couldn’t see that she was awake now. But Batman certainly saw her. His eyes narrowed at her over the other woman’s head.
“So, who’s your… friend?” He gruffed, causing Selina to whip around towards her, “Miray I assume?”
Marinette stayed silent, narrowing her eyes at him. A full pain felt like it covered her entire body like a burrito blanket but she ignored it.
“This is my partner,” Selina informed him, her voice harsher than usual, “and for the last time I will ask, get out of my house.”
He lost attention from her and he almost looked… sad?
It wasn’t asking. It was an order.
Marinette was surprised when he complied. Selina’s attention returned to Marinette then. She rushed over, her arms sweeping open but then the oddest thing happened. She hesitated then seemed to think better of it and dropped her arms so she ended up standing before her. Marinette tilted her head slightly, a mimic of Selina she had picked up, she was sure, and surveyed her. Her shoulders were tense, her jaw was clenched, and her eyes were blazing but when they met her baby blue ones they seemed to be put out and they softened considerably like a marshmallow.
“Are you ok?” It was a whisper. As if she was afraid that if she spoke too loud she’d run off like a stray cat.
“What was he doing here,” she croaked out, wincing at her voice.
Selina held up her hand, a silent gesture of ‘stay there’ and darted to the sink where she grabbed a clean glass and filled it with water, returning to give to her. Marinette accepted it gratefully and drank the blessed coolness. It soothed her throat. Marinette’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment and when she opened them again, she found her partner staring back at her in concern.
“What’s wrong?” Marinette asked softly.
Her eyebrows shifted down, confusion filled her features, “what’s wrong? I’m the one who should be asking you that!”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Fuck you.”
“I wish.”
They both froze at that. Neither dared to breathe, awaiting the other to react first. Their eyes stayed locked and after a few moments Selina finally made the first move.
She giggled. She covered her mouth with the back of her hand and she giggled.
Marinette couldn’t help the upturn of her lips and felt a laugh bubble up in her. They laughed together until tears pricked Marinette’s eyes and she realized she had no clue why she was laughing.
She looked up to find her partner staring at her, a sad smile adorning her face.
“It’s ok.”
“Is it?”
Selina had tears prick in her eyes, she laughed again but it was watery this time. She shook her head, “no, no it’s not at all.”
“Why was he here?”
Selina’s face dropped. In fact, her entire body seemed to. She sucked in a breath through her teeth and turned her body away from her slightly, arms coming up to cross over her chest.
“Does it matter?” It was a whisper.
Selina closed her eyes and breathed deeply, “Yes I suppose it does.”
Marinette waited for her to continue. The longer she went just staring off in the distance though, the more disheartened she got. A tear rolled down her cheek. She let her head fall to her chest, her bangs covering her closed eyes. She didn’t dare do anything when she felt the soft fingertips of the menace of Gotham wipe away her tear.
“He was worried.”
Marinette stayed silent, prompting her to continue.
“He saw the roses on the staircase.”
Marinette’s head shot up. Roses? Her throat closed up and she saw it. The regret and remorse filled Selina’s eyes like water in a ditch after a hurricane. He thought they were Selina’s. But she knew better.
“I know Cariño.”
Marinette said nothing. She felt… numb. Was this the part where she confessed her everlasting love for the woman before her? Where she promised her soul and life to her? Where she’d finally cure the garden growing in full bloom within her body just with a simple confession?
She couldn’t do it.
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I have everything to apologize for.”
Selina shook her head and finally, finally, moved forward and wrapped her arms around her. Embracing her with all the care and gentleness of a kitten.
Whatever she was going to say was cut off by a cough of her own. Her body trembled as it took over. It wouldn’t stop. Marinette panicked and began patting her back.
“It’s ok, it’s going to be ok, we’re gonna be fine.”
Sweet nothings left her lips and a plea left her heart. She didn’t know what was happening but she could feel it… whatever it was it was bad.
And then it caught her eye.
A rose. Strewn on the floor.
Hers were red.
This was pink.
A rose gold rose sat beautifully, a full bloom full of life.
It caused Marinette’s heart to shatter and her eyes to widen. She looked to the woman beside her, pulling her chin up - maybe a bit too roughly but she couldn’t help it as the panic became one with her bones - so she could see her face and…
Selina smiled at her. She smiled at her, her mouth partly agape. Her eyes they were so filled with pain. And it made sense. Marinette’s eyes were drawn to the other woman’s lips that were always plump and red but this was not a good red. This red dripped from her lips to the floor in splotches of crimson.
“Selina…” She couldn’t breathe . SHE COULDN’T BREATHE.
Marinette wheezed, not able to get anymore words out as she watched Selina fall to her knees. She easily followed her down, holding on to her arms tight.
She wanted to beg her to be alright, to stay with her, to spill every thought that sang of her and tell her how much she meant to her. But she couldn’t find her voice.
“Stay…… Cariño…”
Her eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped, her weight becoming too much for Marinette to brace. Marinette screamed. She screamed for her to wake up, bellowed for her to be alright, holared for her to just breathe.
Marinette’s hand stayed on her pulse point. She couldn’t move.
There was nothing.
”I love you Selina…”
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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